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  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The boy who made the story world based Howser off of his grandpa that had died the year before, saying that he became a knight in Heaven. D'awwwww...
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The final boss gets Night on Bald Mountain.
    • Also, King Jumbo Champloon's battle music is amazing.
  • Fridge Brilliance: The rats don't seem to have much reason to act evil. But, if you notice, those same rats have been mimicking the king as he progresses through the adventure, with the king rat being the leader. That means they've watched him conquer the world, and are now trying to take the kingdom from Corobo.
  • Fridge Horror: The Giga Carpenters are robots. You have to send people in to make Giga Carpenters. YOU JUST TURNED YOUR CITIZENS INTO ROBOT
  • Nightmare Fuel: When your king dies, people hold a funeral for him; the words "LIFE OVER" showing up at the top of the screen.
    • King Rat and Blue Rat can drag some of your men into the shadows where they inmediatly die regardless of life points.
  • That One Boss: There are eight bosses altogether, and since each one is an Unexpected Gameplay Change, one (or maybe more than one) of them are guaranteed to be this for you.
  • That One Sidequest: Gathering tunes for Princess Kokomo. You have to gather tunes by wandering around your sprawling kingdom and talking to random villagers with notes above their heads. Except villagers only give tunes between 10pm and midnight on the games clock (about a 10 minute window). Oh, and at no point does the game tell you any of this.
  • Weird Al Effect Younger players won't recognize the songs from classic Warner Bros. and MGM cartoons which are the origins of Classical music in comedy, which was to prove that Classical music can be used for anything.