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Basic Trope: The supreme ruler of the universe is a young girl.

  • Straight: The creator of the world, Alice, is a 10-years old little girl to all mundane (and in some case, magical) scrutiny.
  • Exaggerated: The creator of all planes of existence in all timelines, Alice, is a 10-years old little girl to all mundane (and in some case, magical) scrutiny.
    • All the gods on the pantheon have the appareance 10 years old Girls... AT MOST.
  • Justified: God(dess) appears as a little girl so as not to frighten the people.
  • Inverted: The equivalent of Satan in the story is a little girl.
  • Subverted: Despite looking like a little girl, Alice doesn't behave like one...
    • Despite her reality warper powers, Alice is not considered a god, just a very powerful and young magician in a world where magic is common enough to be seen as normal
  • Double Subverted: ...except when she's presented with things little girls normally like, i.e. overly cute dresses.
    • Unitl they notice a birth mark that coincides with the one described on the prophecy that marks her as the reincarnation of one of their main goddessess
  • Parodied: God is not just a little girl, she's also a Tsundere lesbian and a J-pop idol. One of her live performance on the beach involved parting the waves.
  • Deconstructed: The world, which looks like a Sugar Bowl, is actually a Crap Saccharine World due to its creator thinks and acts like a little girl.
    • Alice does not just looks like she's ten years old, she also has the mental maturity and self-control of one, and her constant humor changes are way too dangerous, her followers are always in fear she could destroy the world on a whim or a tantrum, and since Alice always gets whatever she wants, she develops a rather egocentric and despotic view of the world as her playground.
  • Reconstructed: One day Alice stopped being a little girl, and the world became infinitely more horrifying. After some penitence on her creations' part (which includes sacrificing copious amount of cakes and sweets, which had become rare), she decided to back to being a little girl again, problem solved.
    • It was just a phase, and after some time, Alice grew up mentally, gained control over her powers and became a more benevolent deity... while still looking young and enjoying simple girlie things like sweets and dolls
  • Zig Zagged: One day Alice has what can only be described as the power of God, the other day she's just a perfectly normal little girl.
  • Averted: The universe doesn't have a supreme ruler, let alone one that is a little girl.
  • Enforced: The author is a Lolicon.
  • Lampshaded: "Shall we consecrate this theme park, making it your most hallowed ground?"

 Bob: Oh my God...

Alice: Just "Alice" will do, onii~chan!

  • Invoked: The faithful now praise God in terms that would please a selfish little girl, instead of a megalomaniacal old man.
  • Exploited: The Inquisition now wear pastel-toned uniform and are armed with Holy Hand Grenade that explode into deadly, flesh-ripping rainbow-colored blast upon detonation, so they may keep their political power. Talk about unexpected...
  • Defied: (After watching Alice smite some thugs with lightning bolt)

 Bob: Oh my God...

Alice: "God"? No, I'm not God. But I'm a close second.

  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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