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Live logo 2943

Live is a Alternative Rock band from York, Pennsylvania. Originally formed as Public Affection, the group changed its name to Live after the release of one album. After the modest success of their first album as Live, the group skyrocketed to popularity in 1994 with Throwing Copper, on the strengths of the singles "Selling the Drama", "I Alone", "All Over You", and "Lightning Crashes". Their next two albums were well-received but not as successful, and with their subsequent albums, they slowly dwindled in popularity. Singer Ed Kowalczyk split from the group rather acrimoniously in 2009, and it reformed in late 2011 with new singer Chris Shinn, formerly from Unified Theory.


  • Chad Taylor - Lead guitar, backing vocals
  • Patrick Dahlheimer - Bass
  • Chad Gracey - Drums
  • Chris Shinn - Vocals

Former member(s)

  • Ed Kowalczyk - Vocals

Discography (to date)

  • The Death of a Dictionary (1989, as Public Affection)
  • Four Songs (EP) (1991)
  • Mental Jewelry (1991)
  • Throwing Copper (1994)
  • Secret Samadhi (1997)
  • The Distance to Here (1999)
  • V (2001)
  • Birds of Pray (2003)
  • Songs from Black Mountain (2006)
  • Radiant Sea: A Collection of Bootleg Rarities and Two New Songs (2007)
  • Live at the Paradiso – Amsterdam (2008)

This band provides examples of the following:[]


  And if the decibels of this disenchanting discourse / Continue to dampen the day


 Come on baby, leave some change behind

She was a bitch, but I don't care

She brought our food out on time

Wore a funky barette in her hair

  • Hidden Track:
    • "Horse" on Throwing Copper
    • An untitled track on V, which is essentially a remix of "Deep Enough"
  • Important Haircut: Kowalczyk shaving his head down to a single braid in between the videos for "Selling the Drama" and "I Alone". From then on, their videos started getting really trippy and artsy, at least through the songs from The Distance to Here.
  • Performance Video: All of their videos to one degree or another.
  • Precision F-Strike: "Stage", "Freaks", "Voodoo Lady", "People Like You"
  • Surreal Music Video: "I Alone", "Lakini's Juice"
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Kowalczyk was very fond of either wearing open shirts or no shirt at all.
  • Word Salad Lyrics: Several songs, especially on Secret Samadhi.