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The Daily Show[]

Dancing With the Stars[]

  • J.R. Martinez's military tribute dance during Season 12. The most stunning moment in the show's history.

Dark Angel[]

  • Dark Angel: "X5-599. I've got a heart for you."
    • Almost the entirety of The Berrisford Agenda. Damn Jensen Ackles for being so flipping good at the angst.
    • And, on the subject of Jensen Ackles, the ending to "Pollo Loco", with its Of Mice And Men homage. "Tell me about the good place", he says. * sniffle*
    • The death of Diamond at the end of "Shorties in Love".

Dead Like Me[]

  • Dead Like Me was full of them.
    • Piper Laurie's portrayal of an Alzheimer's patient who didn't realize she was dead in "Forget-Me-Not".
    • Rube meeting with his daughter in "Always".
    • Mason taking the soul of a gay man and helping his partner deal with his grief in "The Bicycle Thief".
    • In the episode "Haunted" when George and Mason go to a house on Halloween to reap a soul (who's going to be killed by a serial killer)to find its a little boy who was too sick to go trick-or-treating and that his father was off getting him medicine. Heartbroken, they reap his soul and Mason starts piling his own trick-or-treat candy into the boy's arms.
    • A few episodes end with the slow, sad song "Que Sera, Sera". That song ended the first episode, where George has to reap a five year old girl on her way to see relatives. She asks the girl if she'd ever been to Disney, and she said she hadn't. When she had to go beyond, she went to an amusement park.
    • The scene in the church with Daisy and the MTF transsexual had me in tears and hugging my pillow.
    • Speaking of Daisy, the scene where they revealed her last thought - "Why did no one ever love me?" - always got to me. It really puts her boasting about all the celebrities she's slept with into a new perspective. Mason's reaction only sealed the deal.
  • The loss of JD. So soon after losing her sister Reggie loses her best friend.
  • Reaper Madness, when George's mom gave her those written notes for her teeth instead of cash. Disappointed by the lack of loot, young George tosses the note saying "You are loved" into the trash. Later, her mom finds the crumpled up note. She just falls apart. And so do I.
  • The loss of Betty and then this is said:

 George: Why do I keep losing all the things and people that I care about?

Rube: That's what life is, Peanut.


Deadliest Catch[]

  • One of the earliest was in the first season, with the sinking of the FV Big Valley. Feature vessel Maverick and Cornelia Marie (then not a feature vessel; it was partnered with Maverick and only had cameras as a backup) were part of the rescue effort. Of six on-board, only one was found alive, and only two of the dead were recovered.
  • Season five had a several of these, starting with the sinking of another boat. The episode is punctuated with home videos of the doomed crewmates, with one of them joking that "they oughta be on Deadliest Catch."
  • Later, upstart greenhorn Jake of the Northwestern (who was earlier burned in effigy on another boat for a prank he pulled - it was all in fun, they really just wanted to get rid of the effigy's Northwestern sweatshirt) got the devistating news that the youngest of his four older sisters had died after years of battling painful illnesses. Captain Sig and the cameraman decided not to film Jake getting the news but kept the audio, which is gut-wrenching. The episode ends at night, with Jake on an engineless boat crossing to another boat as the background music contains the lyrics "My sister and I..."
    • In a follow-up episode Jake talked about how close he was with his late sister, who he talked to her every day he was back home, and that he also considers his crewmates the big brothers he never had.
    • Likewise, the seemingly hard-hearted Captain Sig considers Jake to be the son he never had. Aww.
  • Word of Captain Phil's stroke making its way through the crab fleet, and the varied reactions of the other captains as the news makes it down the line. Captain Sig throws the radio handset, then throws away his cigarettes in anger while Captain Keith tearfully pleads to God, "Cut him some slack, Big Guy."
  • The montage at the end of the episode "Redemption Day", alternating between scenes of Josh Harris at the hospital after Captain Phil has a setback and the fleet working and plowing through rough seas with Johnny Cash's "Redemption Day" playing in the background. And at the very end is Josh Harris' phone call to his younger brother Jake to let him know that their father has passed away.
  • The last half of the episode Valhalla when the rest of the crabbing fleet learn of Phil's passing is heartbreaking in itself but watching each ship do a different method of tribute to him will leave you in tears.
    • Time Bandit sets off fireworks in Phil's honor.
    • When they leave harbor after learning of the passing the Northwestern makes a slow pass around the Cornelia Marie as they do one of crew salutes the ship, later Sig talks about the old fisherman's tale of how seagulls are fishermen passed on and how the seagull sitting on his bow at that moment just might be Phil. He also noted that, while Phil was in hospital (almost a month), the sea raged...and then after he died, it went dead calm.
    • On the Wizard Captain Keith rings the bell eight times as his crew throws back a full crab pot, with its shot and buoys (one of which has In Memory of Captain Phil Harris written on it) inside so it stays submerged as a memorial, so he'd "always have some crab to come back to."


  • Deadwood. "Advances, None Miraculous." If you don't know the series, trust me on this one; if you do, you're probably sobbing already.
    • The death of Reverend Smith.
    • Even though it was inevitable, the death of Wild Bill Hickok. Keith Carradine's performance of the character was so fantastic, sad, vulgar and yet noble that he hoped that he'd somehow not pull the Aces and Eights.
    • Al's Blowjob Monologue at the end of "Full Faith and Credit" takes me, in the course of five minutes, from laughing out loud ("Jesus Christ, you'll turn me inside out") to sobbing. And his speech to Doc at the end of "Unauthorized Cinnamon", with the swatches.
    • Every scene with Joanie in it, ever. Especially the one where she tells Alma what her father did to her, and the shot of her alone in the deserted parlor waiting for Mr. W. to come back and finish her off.
      • And the scene in the last episode where she makes her peace with Cy Tolliver, the Complete Monster's Complete Monster; telling him sincerely that she's grateful to him for keeping her alive and letting her leave him, because she's happy now and she hopes he can find a way to be as well, and then calmly walking away.
    • Al's quietly muttered remark that finishes off the series.

  Wants me to tell him something pretty.

    • The moment in Season 3 where Alma, back on the drugs, is awkwardly coming on to Ellsworth, who married her when she was carrying another man's child and has never dared to approach her sexually; he grabs her hand and kisses it with all the love in the world in his eyes, before realizing that she had to get stoned out of her mind before she could stand to try and consummate the marriage.

Degrassi The Next Generation[]

  • The ending of "Time Stands Still".
  • "Rock This Town". Especially because nobody saw it coming.
  • "Venus", when Manny tells Emma just how badly she screwed up. "I lost my family... My reputation... and my best friend."
  • "Shout."
  • Riley's confession to Peter at the end of "Bad Medicine"..."I never wanted to be like this..." Any young gay person- Especially a straight gay- will know EXACTLY what he's talking about. It doesn't help that he goes back into denial right after this.
    • "Beat It" Part One was just heart-wrenching.
    • "Why Can't This Be Love." "...Sav....are you breaking up with me?"
  • In "Degrassi Takes Manhattan" The scene where Declan kicks Fiona out.
  • "My Body is a Cage" Adam's scenes, especially the scene where Clare sees "Gracie" burning herself.
  • Liberty finally breaking down at JT's memorial service, proving that she's Not So Stoic.
  • Adam gets shot at prom in the shoulder.
  • Ghost in the Machine:

  Paige: The truth? Paige went upstairs that night. She never came back.



  • For a show where the main character is a Serial Killer and death is often treated flippantly and with very black humor, Dexter can be surprising in its ability to invoke tears. Here's a list.
    • Dexter's flashback to what happened to him as a child, when he is faced with a crime scene that triggers the repressed memory of seeing his mother murdered with a chainsaw in front of him when he was three, and being left in a shipping container with her body for days. The look on his face when he is overwhelmed by the full realization of what happened is heartbreaking. No wonder he's so messed up.
    • Dexter breaking down, sitting in the corner of the room, crying, after killing his biological brother, the Ice Truck Killer in the season one finale.
    • Deb's breakdown in the parking lot after Lundy is shot.
    • Dexter coming home in the season four finale to find his wife, Rita, dead in a bathtub full of her own blood, after she'd been murdered by the Trinity Killer, and his own infant son, Harrison, sitting in the blood crying, echoing Dexter's own childhood trauma.
    • The euthanasia scene in season 3.



  Baby: Are we gonna move?



  Howard Handupme: And taking a look at the long range forecast, continued snow, darkness, and extreme cold. This is Howard Handupme, goodnight. (Beat) Goodbye.

  • Earl's reaction to Robbie wanting to keep fighting in "Nuts to War Part II":

  Earl: You're not a soldier, you're a kid! You're gonna go to school. You're gonna take girlfriends to dances. You're gonna drive me crazy like you always have. Until it's time for you to grow up.



  • One section of the PBS documentary Carrier as the sailors stand on the deck while pulling into Pearl Harbor. The combination of Five For Fighting's "World" in the background and the sheer beauty of the execution of the scene sent her into a blubbering mess.
  • The documentary series "Secrets of the Dead" also had one incredibly tear-jerking episode. The scientists were trying to identify several anonymous corpses recovered in the aftermath of the Titanic disaster, nearly a century after they had been buried. When they exhumed the bodies however, they found to their horror that most of the graves had been filled with water and there was almost no DNA left they could use for identification. Only one grave wasn't flooded - the grave reserved at the top of the hill for the body of an unidentified baby boy. Incredibly, they found a tiny bone fragment that hadn't decomposed yet, and it contained just enough DNA so that they could finally identify the boy. The scientist who performed the identification was so moved that he seemed to be holding back tears, and could only say that "Someone wanted us to know who this child is."
    • There's more. IIRC the reason why the bone fragment had been preserved was because of a copper plaque reading "Our Babe" that had been bought for the no-expense-spared funeral arranged by the men who found the body. These were big, tough men who had done the dangerous work of laying telegraph cables in the Atlantic; and because they were so moved by their discovery of the Unknown Child, and honoured him with that plaque, it was finally possible ninety years later to find out his identity.
    • The episode ends with another incredibly tear-jerking scene. It was found that the boy had surviving relatives in Finland, they flew all the way to Halifax, Canada to visit his grave. They found that there were already flowers on his grave. It was then that they realized that ever since the baby died, the people of Halifax had been taking care of the boy as one of their own. It took nine decades and the love of countless strangers so that a baby boy could finally have a name.
      • Worse still, they spoke to a lady whose mother met the boy's mother, recalling seeing her panicking in the flooding stairwell, lamenting to God, 'Do they all have to die by water?!' Yes, it seems just months before, Our Babe's older sister had drowned in a pond.
  • One episode of Walking with Dinosaurs featured the last flight of a male Ornithocheirus (a massive flying reptile ) on his way to the mating grounds: it ends with the male dying alone on a deserted beach over the course of several agonizing hours. Everything about the scene, from the heartwrenching music to the sight of the creature trying desperately to rise one last time.
    • In the sequel series Walking With Beasts, when the young indricothere (a giant giraffe-like rhino) was violently abandoned by its own mother as she got a new baby. RL is such a Crapsack World...
      • What gets me every time isn't so much the Parental Abandonment itself; that was strongly foreshadowed earlier on in the episode. Instead, it's the scene where the young indricothere is injured while on his own, prompting him to return to his mother — except, now that she's suckling her new baby, she sees the previous one as nothing but a threat, and drives him away. It's worth noting that this practice occurs among modern-day rhinos as well.
  • The Alzheimer's Project - just reading an article about it was enough to induce tears.
  • China's Unnatural Disaster - The 2008 earthquake in China. All those children, almost all of them only children.... One mom: "I have no tears left" and later you see her neighbors berating her for protesting the Communist Party. They just want some answers, dammit!
  • CBS did a miniseries of the life of George Washington. At the end of the Revolution, just before Washington resigns his command of the Continental Army to go home, he has a meeting with all of his principal commanders and staff. After a short speech Washington asked that each one of them to come up so he can shake their hand before he leaves. These men had fought a war that lasted eight years, fought in tremendous battles and suffered great deprivation and as they passed Washington both he and them (and the viewers) were so overwhelmed with emotion that no one was capable of speech and wept unashamed as Washington embraced each one of them. This was also Truth in Television.
    • In the History Channel's The Revolution series, the show mentions that after the Revolutionary War, many of the American generals and officers were unhappy with Congress refusing to pay them, and began considering a military coup to seize power from Congress. Washington, horrified at the idea, confronts his officers. He gathers them all in the room and prepares to give a speech, but before doing so, puts on a pair of glasses. The officers are shocked, as they had never seen Washington wear glasses, and Washington explains that he had lost his vision over the course of the war. Realizing how much Washington had sacrificed to win the war, every single officer in the room breaks down in tears and the crisis is averted.
  • The World At War is full of heartbreaking stories from various eyewitness accounts, but the speech from a [1]Hungarian who'd survived a concentration camp - made even sadder by the speakers almost completely emotionless narrative.

 You could say today I'm 27 years old. I was reborn when I left the camp. The years before didn't matter.

  • The documentary Mayday! Bering Sea on the sinking of the Alaska Ranger, during Ed Cook talking about finding that his brother had died.
  • History Cold Case is a programme which goes back in time and analyses dead bodies, finding out their history. One episode involved a Victorian prostitute, originally thought to be in her late 20s, racked with non-congenital, tertiary syphilis and likely to be utterly destitute, living in one of the most deprived areas of the country. That depressing enough for you? Then its revealed that the girls is in her late teens. This means that she would have had to have got her syphilis as a child, possibly when she was six/seven.
  • One episode of Nova documented a six-year attempt to identify a World War II-era submarine that had been found off the coast of New Jersey. It was finally identified as U-869. The filmmakers found that one of the crewmembers' sisters had emigrated to the United States after the war and had settled in Maryland, a few hours from the New Jersey coast. She had been told that her brother's U-boat was presumed lost off Gibraltar. The filmmakers went to her home and filmed the moment that she was told that her brother was much closer than she had believed...

Due South[]

  • The "Victoria's Secret" arc in Due South. Especially at the end when Fraser chases the train to grab Victoria's hand and right when he reaches her gets accidentally shot by his best friend. Then, as he's lying on the platform bleeding, he recites the poem. Full scene here.
    • Oh, man. The scene that does it for me is Fraser in the confessional, as he calmly/numbly explains how he and Victoria fell in love. It's the precision, the details, the absolute devastating clarity of Fraser's description... * bawl*
  • Ray Kowalski's reaction when Vecchio turns up again and his devastating fear when he thinks he'll lose Fraser which leads him to ask Meg Thatcher of all people the following: "You ever feel like you don't know who you are? Like if you weren't around somebody or that somebody wasn't around you, that you wouldn't be you or at least not the "you" that you think you are? Do you ever feel like that?". Heartbreaking. And then there was Fraser's final epilogue.
  • The final scene from "Ladies Man" when Ray breaks down in his car and starts to cry and Fraser awkwardly tries to comfort him.


  • Eastenders has had its moments too. Zoe calling Kat 'Mum' for the first time when they said their goodbyes just before Zoe caught her train out of the series.
    • The recent storyline of Ronnie Mitchell finding out that Danielle was her daughter that she gave away. The climax of it was utterly tragic beyond belief
    • The episode where Ethel died, especially her final scenes with Dot... a heart-rending story fantastically and sensitively acted. Also Mark Fowler's departure.
    • The episode where Dot was by herself.
  • The Live Episode where Bradley Branning falls from the roof of the Queen Vic when the police are chasing him as he calls for Stacey to run. Stacey cries his name and then silence follows before Max is finally able to reach his son's side and find a small pool of blood coming from his head.

Eight Simple Rules[]

  • 8 Simple Rules after John Ritter died. Just... those episodes. It's even worse if you've lost a loved one in real life.

Einstein and Eddington[]

  • Einstein and Eddington, anyone? Eddington's best friend, William, is about to go off to fight in WWI and Eddington almost misses the train. Just when you think he's about to say goodbye to William, he's caught by a colleague seeing his son off and forced to make small talk. He cycles to the next station, but doesn't quite catch the train - he sees William on board, but William doesn't look out of the window. Later, inevitably, William dies at Ypres. Finally, Eddington breaks down and admits to his sister that he loved William, which is what he wanted to tell him at the station...and a few scenes later, to highlight the poignancy, the aforementioned colleague accuses Eddington of knowing nothing about grief.


  • Admit it, you cried when Mark Greene died on ER.
    • Yes. And when Lucy died, because even that bastard of a doctor Romano refused to give up on her when she was clearly beyond help.
    • Perhaps the worst of Mark Greene's death was Corday's reaction. No screaming or wailing - just quiet, wordless, complete devastation. Bravo, Alex Kingston... bravo.
    • The look on Carter's face after he finishes reading Mark's letter to the staff still gives me chills, as well as his near-breakdown as he reads Corday's
  • "Time of Death", with guest star Ray Liotta as a dying alcoholic ex-con. The whole episode is in real-time, and goes back and forth between his subconscious and scenes in the hospital. He ends up refusing surgery that might save his life, and Pratt (who never knew his father) takes his final request to get in touch with his estranged son.
  • The death of paramedic/firefighter Raul in season 2.
  • "Love's Labors Lost," Season 1. That is all.
  • Sandy's death in season 10 was played for mass quantities of Narm, but largely saved by Laura Innes' performance. Kerry's quiet desperation as she pleads with the surgical team to let her into the OR ("You have to let me see her... that's my wife in there") is devastating, especially for a character who's spent her career being as abrasive and unlikable as possible. Especially at the very end of the OR scene, where blood begins running up Sandy's endotracheal tube(that's it in a surgical situation), Kerry's face freezes in position and she quietly tells Corday and Anspaugh: "You can stop. She's gone."
  • I cried buckets during the episode when Dr. Pratt dies and also during the series finale.
  • The Season 6 arc involving Weaver's beloved mentor Dr. Lawrence, who's developed Alzheimer's - specifically, his discussion with Weaver during his final appearance:

 Lawrence: I saw a woman this morning - dementia. She had no idea where she was, who she was. In ten years that'll be me. diapers. Locked away in some home, nobody coming to see me.

Weaver: I'll come and see you.

Lawrence: But I won't know who you are.

  • The ending of "The Storm, Part 2"
  • Luckily, it's eclipsed by the happy tears when Carol and Doug reunited.


  • Nathan being erased from time at the end of "I Do Over".
  • The end of the episode "Right as Raynes." After Callister and Zoey skip town, and Callister is leaning against the bus. With tears all around, including Nathan, Callister asks if a machine can have a soul, just before he dies in his creator, and truly his father's, arms. Seeing Nathan, of all people, in tears, somehow makes it worse.
  • Kim 2.0 being melted in "Shower the People". Watching Henry keep himself from breaking down just makes it that much worse.


  • The first season finale of Everwood is heartbreaking enough, but then they have to play one of the most tearjerking songs ever during a montage.

Everybody Loves Raymond[]

  • "A loveless marriage!?!?" and the conversation that followed.
  • Ray finds a dog, puts up posters. Robert says they couldn't get a dog when they were little because of Ray's "allergies". Ray says he's clear of the allergies, and gives the dog to Robert. Then the dog's owner shows up. Ray offers to lie to the owner, but Robert decides to do the honorable thing and gives the dog back. Too bad he's already had it neutered. Too bad it's a stud dog. Too bad the owner wants two thousand dollars for it. Too bad Ray writes the check after about half a second of consideration-wait, that's not to bad at all!
  • That five minute interval in the final episode where everyone thinks Ray has died during surgery, especially Robert.

   "Listen to me! I am his brother, I can wake him up! Raymond! My brother's in there! RAYMOND!"



  • Ricky Gervais' heartrending speech in the final episode. Damn you Gervais! Damn you and your incredible talent!

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition[]

  • Some of the episodes of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition have Tear Jerker moments in them. The Wofford family, especially. If you don't tear up at least a little when the father starts whispering to the picture of his deceased wife, you have no soul.
    • Some of the episodes?! Try the whole frickin' series, period! They should've called this show "Tear Jerker: The Series!"
    • The worst is the episode about the Kadzis family. Absolute soul-wrenching sobs.

Family Ties[]

  • The one where Alex's friend Greg dies in a car accident. The two-parter focuses solely on Alex reflecting on his past to a psychiatrist while coping with Greg's death.


  • Farscape. That show punishes its viewers almost as much as its characters.
    • The Season 1 finale.

 John: I have a job to do, and I am unafraid.

    • Crichton seeing his child at the end of "Look at the Princess". I've always had mildly insane visions of Chricton somehow being alive or somesuch... * sniff*
    • Many, many scenes from "The Way We Weren't," especially the scene where Aeryn tearfully relives taking part in the execution of Moya's former pilot.
    • Stark's temporary death in "The Ugly Truth." Brought home by Zhaan crying over his discarded mask.
    • Crichton, suffering a Split Personality Takeover at the end of the "Liars Guns And Money" trilogy and begging D'Argo to kill him. Worse still, in the buildup to this moment, he's seen quietly singing "Daisy... daisy... give me your answer true..." as he tries in vain to shut out Scorpius' voice inside his head.
    • The Season 2 finale: Aeryn's funeral, including D'Argo giving her his Qualta blade and Rygel giving her his pendant.
    • The death of Zhaan in Season 3. The fact that even Aeryn starts crying and begging her not to sacrifice herself somehow makes it much more real.
    • "Different Destinations." Dear god, Set Right What Once Went Wrong has never been so cruelly subverted. Perhaps the worst part was where D'Argo finds the inscription left by the eight year-old novice he befriended, knowing that she was murdered hours after making it.
      • That or the preceding scene with Crichton and Aeryn. Not only do they know what happened to those poor people, but the planet's unique properties and viewing masks allow them or anyone else to see what happened. Without even wearing the mask, Crichton and Aeryn can still hear the nurses' screams as they're being killed.
    • The Season 3 episode where one of the Crichtons dies, particularly because Claudia Black doesn't cry prettily, making it seem far more real. It doesn't hurt that the dying Crichton was the one in a blissful relationship with Aeryn.
      • Every single second of "The Choice". Dear God, is Aeryn in pain.
        • The death of Xhalax, Aeryn's mother.
    • Crais being forced to deactivate Talyn to stop him from growing any more homicidal until corrective surgery can be performed. The scene itself- intercut with the sorrowful reactions of Moya and Pilot- concludes with Crais leaving the darkened command deck in complete silence- no music, and no sound except for his footsteps fading into the distance.
    • Crais and Talyn's self-sacrifices near the end of Season 3.

  Crais: "Talyn, Starburst."

    • Crichton's showdown with Scorpius during the destruction of the command carrier: Scorpius wearily admits that destroying Earth for revenge would be meaningless, because the revenge he really cared about is permanently out of reach; he and Crichton deactivate their I-Yensch bracelets, and finally:

 Crichton: If we're gonna get off this boat now would be a good time.

Scorpius: (softly) I may not be getting off this ship, John. (a pause) Goodbye, Crichton.

    • Dog With Two Bones. Specifically the vision of Crichton returning to Earth with all his friends and marrying Aeryn... only for a squad of Peacekeepers to show up and kill everyone, including Aeryn.
      • Talyn's funeral, where Chiana tries to give a eulogy, only to break down in floods of tears, leaving Rygel to give his own short but heartfelt eulogy for the dead Leviathan
    • Harvey's first death during Season 4. Made even more saddening because of Harvey's genuinely hurt expression as he tries in vain to argue for his continued existence.

 Harvey: How could I leave your mind? It's full of so many wonderous memories! Cool jazz piano, chocolate ice cream, women's perfume... Women! (A pause) How could you take that from me?

Crichton: (Coldly) You're not real.

Harvey: I'm real to you! I'm real to myself...

    • A lot of scenes in "Prayer," especially Aeryn's final breakdown under the influence of Truth Serum and violent beatings, because it's reduced her to the level of choking out her confession though a mouthful of her own saliva.
    • The Season 4 finale. Aeryn and Crichton embracing one last time and being blown apart, the ring in their remains, and D'Argo's animalistic howls of anguish.
    • Strangely enough, Scorpius killing Sikozu for betraying Crichton and the others in The Peacekeeper Wars proved quite sad. It's in that moment, despite being a Magnificent Bastard Chessmaster, he actually sounds regretful at murdering his lover when he says "You have ruined something... unique."
      • We're not quite sure she's dead.
    • And obviously D'Argo's Heroic Sacrifice in The Peacekeeper Wars.
  • Harvey's death in Peacekeeper wars, lying on the bed next to Crichton. In spite of all he had done, it was still a beautifully made scene. "Thank you... for your memories..."
  • In "Kansas", the crew travels back in time to 1986 and has to correct a sudden change. (Crichton's father, Jack, is assigned the doomed Challenger mission, and they have to ground him to preserve the timeline.) Though they succeed, Crichton (in an understandable moment of weakness) unsuccessfully tries to warn his mother of her future death. "MOM, LISTEN! When you first feel the pain... (she's already gone) don't wait."
    • In the same vein is "Won't Get Fooled Again." Very much off the wall humor and craziness... until Crichton is confronted with a recreation of his mother. Suddenly, the episode isn't so funny anymore, as Crichton is nearly broken by being reminded what happened to her.

The Fast Show[]

  • The Fast Show. The sketch where Rowley Birkin talks about the only woman he truly loved who he lost due to his drinking and only utters his catchphrase after an long agonising pause
    • And the slow zoom-out at the end instead of the usual jumpcut to the next sketch. Usually the catchphrase results in audience laughter - this one got a round of applause. And very well deserved it was too.

Fraggle Rock[]

  • On the episode 'Change of Address' when Gobo sang 'Petals of a Rose.'
  • "Marooned": It's episodes like this that make Media Watchdogs forbid children's shows from showing two main characters slowly suffocating to death in the dark, wondering what it will feel like to die...


  • "I'll miss the coffees."
    • "While it's tempting to play it safe, the more we're willing to risk, the more alive we are. In the end, what we regret most are the chances we never took." Damn you, damn you, damn you and your tear jerking abilities, Kelsey Grammer.
  • Daphne's breakdown while Niles is in surgery.
  • The home movies of Frasier and Niles' mother.
  • "Take it from someone who knows... you don't want to spend half your life thinking about a chance you didn't take."
  • At the end of the 2001-2002 season premier, these words appeared on the screen: "In loving memory of our friends Lynn and David Angell". The executive producer and his wife, killed aboard the first plane to hit the World Trade Center.
    • When Niles & Daphne named their baby David in the series finale.
  • In the 9th Season, when Martin calls Eddie over for a hug after realizing how old he's gotten, and that he won't be around forever.

Freaks and Geeks[]

  • Freaks and Geeks - Pick an episode. This was the most painful, aching example of growing up I've ever seen on television. "Carded and Discarded," "Kim Kelly Is My Friend," and "The Garage Door" are particularly painful examples. The bit when Neil told his mother that he didn't want to tell her what was bothering him because "he didn't want to ruin her life" was a real killer because it was so damn TRUE.
    • "Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers" has not one but two such plots. In the first, Bill (a character usually played for comic relief) has to come to terms with his mother's new sweetheart, who happens to be his gym teacher and a leading cause of his isolation. In the second, Millie (a character usually played for comic relief) breaks down after her beloved dog is run over (unbeknownst to her, by Kim and Lindsay — the latter being her best friend). Fortunately for viewers' souls, the second halves of both plots pay dividends of the hilarious and heartwarming varieties.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air[]

  • Occurred in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air after Will reluctantly admits that the drugs which put Carlton in hospital came from his locker. There's a moment of anger and disbelief before Will all but starts crying and Uncle Phil hugs him. I've never seen a Studio Audience so quiet in my life.
    • The Fresh Prince of Bel Air had a few Tear Jerkers that managed to be effective without being falling into the maligned Very Special Episode territory. The episode where Will reunites as an adult with his absentee father (played by Ben Vereen), only to have the latter abandon him again, gets me every time.
      • Oh God, the last scene, where excited Will realizes his dad ran out on him again and starts angrily saying he doesn't need him, he learned how to shave without him, to play basketball, etc., and he's crying by the end (Will Smith! Crying!), and finally he just breaks down and asks Uncle Phil why his dad doesn't want him, and Uncle Phil holds him, and THAT could be dealt with until the credits, where they show the present Will had bought for his father: a sculpture of a father holding his son. And it was all downhill from there.
        • Will's reaction is sad enough, but it's the look on Uncle Phil's face that gets to me the most--he's absolutely furious with Will's father, yet clearly on the verge of tears himself.
        • And re: Phil being Will's father in every real sense, he tells him as much in the last episode.
  • The final part of "Bullets over Bel Air" always got me. At the start of the episode, Will and Carlton are held up at gunpoint when they get some money for a camping trip they've got planned, and Will ends up diving in front of a bullet for Carlton. In the last act, Will, still in hospital and having barely escaped being paralyzed or killed, is confronted by a Carlton so shaken up by events and determined to prevent something like that happening again that he's bought a gun. Will's desperate attempt to keep it together while he orders Carlton to give him the gun, in exchange for having saved his life, is bad enough. But when he finally does and Carlton leaves, Will holds on just long enough to unload it before he finally breaks down, alone, terrified and injured in his hospital bed.
  • The episode where Will and Carlton are driving a Mercedes for a business partner of Uncle Phil's and are pulled over and arrested after driving slowly through a wealthy neighborhood. At the end, Will and Carlton have an argument about whether it was racial profiling or the police just doing their job. Will leaves and Carlton asks Uncle Phil about it and Uncle Phil expresses his anger over it. That's not the tear jerker, though - it's Carlton sitting alone in the living room and saying, "I'd have pulled us over" again and again, trying to make himself believe it and accept the injustice.
  • Trevor's death. At first Hilary just passes it off, but over time, she sees it as a real loss. Even when she tried to move on with another man, she still couldn't get over it since he died so suddenly, she never got to say goodbye. This leads to Will telling her it's never too late to say goodbye and he'll live on in her heart. This cheers her up and she is able to move on, but not before one final goodbye to her late lover.

 "Goodbye, Trevor."


Friday Night Lights[]

  • The Son. Matt Saracen's father has died by stepping on a mine, and Matt is distraught with grief while agonizing over having not had the time to confess to his father exactly what he thought of him and felt about him.

 Matt: I gotta get up there in front of everybody and say good stuff about this man. and all I really want to say is ‘Here lies Henry Saracen, his mother annoyed him, his wife couldn’t stand him and he didn’t want to be a dad so he took off to be in the army because that’s the only way he could come up with to get out of here and ditch all your responsibilities and no one could call you out on it and that worked out great so you just decided to enlist four more times and that ended up getting you killed and now here you are. And all you left behind is a mother with dementia, a divorced wife and a son that delivers pizza. Thank you for coming 100 people I do not know.’ You know what the worst part is even if I did get up and say all that I don’t even know if I’m saying it to him because I don’t know what’s in that damn box. It’s a closed casket might be someone else, someone funnier or a bunch of rocks.



  • Fridays is a Saturday Night Live Expy-cum-Dueling Show from the early 1980s that not that many people remember and hasn't been seen on television in a long time (it doesn't even have an official DVD release because Michael Richards signed a deal stating that he didn't want the show to be put out on home video — even though clips from Richards' days as a Fridays cast member can be found on Seinfeld's third season DVD set). Nonetheless, it still had its Tear Jerker moments:
    • Faced with the daunting task of doing a live comedy show the Friday after John Lennon's death and not making light of the tragedy, Fridays did itself proud. The show went on with no mention of Lennon until just after the "Friday Edition" news segment. Then the screen went blank and the words to "Imagine" scrolled across the screen. It said all that needed to be said.
    • Another episode had a dramatic sketch in which a punk rocker (Michael Richards) returns home to his elderly father, who keeps asking who he is and telling the man that he has no son. The son takes this as a sign that his father wants nothing to do with him because of the generation gap and the fact that the son had been away from home for so long. The son then gives an impassioned speech about loving and accepting him, despite the mistakes he made — until it's revealed that the man is right — the punk rocker really isn't his son.


  • Season 10 Finale. When Rachel stands in that doorway . And just for extras the episode where Chandler proposes alone,
    • Chandler at the end of TOW Heckles Dies: "Goodbye, Mr. Heckles. We'll try to keep it down." Anything when Matthew Perry uses his considerable acting chops to make us cry instead of make us laugh. Like when he tells Erica, the birth mom, that when his chance comes, he'll step up and be a good dad.

 Chandler: But my wife? She's already there. She's a mother without a child.

Considering the contextual information regarding the cast's notoriously close friendship and Courteney Cox's well reported battle to have a baby in real life, that line must have meant a lot to him.
  • The last episode, particularly the final moments of the show, when they are all in the apartment saying goodbye and leaving their keys on the side. Courtney Cox's exact line is 'This is harder than I thought it would be.' She didn't need to act very much to get the emotion there. Whatever your feelings towards Friends, for them it was still ten years of working together, and by all accounts being fantastic friends. All the emotion comes across in the final episode, and it breaks your heart.
  • That big fight Ross and Rachel had, while the rest of the friends were hidden in the bedroom.
  • Rachel waiting for Ross at the airport when he returns from China while Madonna's "Take a Bow" plays, after she finds out that Ross is in love with her.


  • In the season 3 finale, even knowing that it (probably) won't stick, Olivia's funeral and Peter breaking down in their kitchen is absolutely heartwrenching.