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  • Narm:
    • Live tends toward Narm even at their best, but "The Dolphins Cry" takes the award. Aside from the title, the song features lines such as these:

 "We are lost till we are found

This phoenix rises up from the ground."

    • The video for "I Alone", which features the group dancing around and miming playing their instruments against weird backgrounds. It doesn't help that their drummer didn't even have an instrument to mime playing (Beavis and Butthead figured he must have forgotten to bring his drum set to the video shoot). Whatever effect they were going for, it comes across as goofy.
    • "Freaks" has the line "You know your sperm is weak", as well as that odd moment before the last chorus where Ed Kowalczyk starts growling "laborlaborlaborlaborla...".
    • "Her placenta falls to the floor"