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The Crew[]
Graham Stark[]
"You guys get out of working on this week's video, you take the operation name you get." |
Co-founder of Loading Ready Run, writer, actor, camera man, one of the other hosts of Unskippable, and an anchorman on ENN/Checkpoint as well as the host of the Phailhaüs/Feed Dump! He is most often portrayed as the leader of the gang.
Tropes associated with Graham:
- Awesome McCoolname: Lampshaded, Graham is very much aware that he shares a last name with Iron Man and The Lords of Winterfell.
- Nightmare Fuel: Graham is terrified by the Creepy Dolls. Sadly, they seem to be multiplying in number.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He really gets into his games, especially in Commodore Hustle.
- The Hero
- Occasionally borders on Anti-Hero in Commodore Hustle, due to his abusive nature toward Matt before the latter moved out.
- Nice Hat: Graham has often expressed a protective desire of the Loading Ready Run's sweet supply of hats.
- Straight Man
Paul Saunders[]
"Maybe you're right. And it would save me from disassembling my mail-sorting rake." |
Co-founder of Loading Ready Run, one of the hosts of Unskippable, a writer and actor within the crew. He is usually portrayed as an upgrade-obsessed man of science.
Tropes associated with Paul
- Badass Beard
- At least until the second Desert Bus for Hope.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Mathematician's Answer
- MacGyvering: The "NES Box", the unholy combining of the X Box and the NES
- Mr. Exposition
- The Professor
- Reality Warper: In Commodore Hustle, he has instant access to Hammerspace at all times and is capable of moving from one side of a room to the other, donning a lab coat in the process, via Offscreen Teleportation.
- The Smart Guy
Kathleen De Vere[]
"You film, I'll do the fun part. Here Khaavren! Here kitty kitty kitty!" |
A writer and actress within the team and an anchor on ENN/Checkpoint, Kathleen was a latecomer into the Loading Ready Run circle and thus has a slightly askew sense of humour compared to the rest of the group. She is generally no more sane than most of the cast, and has a massive obsession with cats in her Commodore Hustle incarnation.
Tropes Associated with Kathleen:
- Catgirl: Desert Bus 3.
- Crazy Cat Lady: "So instead of having children, I'm going to get more cats!"
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: In one of his Youtube Twitter responses, Old Spice Man answers the question of "Kathleen underscore L R R."
- Cuteness Proximity
- Token Girl: Was for at least a while in this role.
- Twenty Bear Asses: Kathleen always refers to RPG fetch quests by this trope name.
- Why Did It Have To Be Bears
James Turner[]
"You know what? If you want Yoda, get Yoda. If you want James, you take it and like it." |
Producer, Editor, and shipping guy, on screen, James is another voice of reason, usually, when Graham's eccentricities are in the way. His wiki page tells him he is a sensible guy. Also known as The Fixer. He's also always the policeman.
Tropes Associated with James:
- Badass Mustache: He doesn't have a real one, but he sometimes wears a fake one depending on his role in a video. As Graham puts it, he "rocks it".
- Gay Bravado: Seems to have picked this up after Morgan dropped it off.
- The Lancer
- Only Sane Man
- Straight Man
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2, this is the nature of 95% of James and Matt's interactions with each other to the point where James threatens to kill Matt for visiting his home and Matt haunting James's nightmares.
Matt Wiggins[]
"Well, as usual, it's all up to Matt." |
Actor and guy in charge of networking, Matt is usually portrayed as a self-centered and short-tempered nobody who always comes out on the bottom. Although that is his personality in the shows, he is popular among viewers because he is usually the person who takes the fall and enjoys doing so and tends to go an extra step whether in the sketch or earning money for Child Play during Desert Bus. He joined the crew in the later part of high school and melded in with the group, since then he has been a pivotal asset.
Tropes Associated with Matt:
- Butt Monkey
- Heel Face Turn: During Desert Bus, Matt gained villain status by refusing to goth it up, but earned a place as a hero by performing Gay Bar.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: He is also Ganondorf, endboss of Desert Bus 5.
- Jerkass: In Commodore HUSTLE only, though, not real life.
- Jerk With a Heart of at Least Bronze: Word of God states that CommodoreHustle Matt is actually a decent guy under the asshole exterior, but he rarely gets a chance to show this.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: While most of his characters are pretty horrible people (with the possible exception of Ryan Quickbender) Matt is the community manager and pretty decent guy on the forums.
- Periphery Demographic: In-universe;[1] he's a brony, which becomes a plot point in the Commodore HUSTLE episode "Pony Time".
- Playful Hacker: While not part of his Commodore HUSTLE variant, Matt's often the first choice to play a computer hacker, such as Crash Override.
- The Smart Guy: Was this in early episodes of Commodore HUSTLE, though only because he did extensive research and work on things...when there was a much shorter, easier solution that he ignored. This was dropped shortly.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Not always the protagonist, but gets the lead here and there in Commodore HUSTLE. Rarely shifts out of this mode.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2, this is the nature of 95% of James and Matt's interactions with each other to the point where James threatens to kill Matt for visiting his home and Matt haunting James's nightmares.
The Contributors[]
Alex Steacey[]
"Hey James, you wanna play Bros Twisting Bros?" |
Mostly working as an actor and editor, Alex lived in Toronto (rather than British Columbia with most of the crew) until recently and thus was not a large part of the show; but since has returned and increased his part enormously, thus elevating him into being a fully fledged cast member(source)... until he set off again in an effort to rebuild his solo efforts. In addition to his Commodore Hustle version as the genuine weirdo of the pack, he is also the key person behind the Crap Shots series of ultra-short films.
Tropes Associated with Alex:
- Cloudcuckoolander: Alex genuinely seems to operate on different rules of logic than the rest of the crew.
- Crazy Prepared: In cHustle, he has a surprising amount of things in his toolbelt. In Desert Bus, he had a surprising amount of useful things on hand at all times. Like Canadian Dry club soda.
- Chaotic Neutral
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Reality Warper: Does plenty of this in "It's Magic". Also does a bit of it in the beginning of "Secret Santa", though mainly as a Call Back.
- Trickster Archetype: If his magical ways in cHustle have indicated anything.
Tim Sevenhuysen[]
"I have created life! I must go." |
After bribing his way onto the set of Desert Bus for Hope with a chocolate cake, Tim became a part of the LRR family. Despite some similarities in appearance, he is not a hideous genetic creation created by combining Jer's and Matt's genetic traits. Sadly, recently left the crew to finish his masters, amongst other things. Godspeed, Tim. We all miss you.
Tropes Associated With Tim
- Ascended Fanboy: One visit to Desert Bus for Hope, then a few casual meetings, and he became a new crew member. Although it took a while for it to be "official". And by then he had to depart. Darn.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Tim loves to make puns.
Fan: What is your mad scientist character named? |
- Put on a Bus: He went to get married, explained away in commodoreHUSTLE as him realizing the crew were horrible people.
- The Bus Came Back: He still appears occasionally in videos, though not as often as he did before. In a nice Continuity Nod, however, in Commodore HUSTLE, he's only been willing to speak to Tally. Apparently, he still considers the Loading Ready Run crew to be horrible people.
- Stockholm Syndrome: In his Commodore HUSTLE variation, Tim developed Stockholm Syndrome after being tortured by Kathleen and Paul. Played for Laughs.
Morgan vanHumbeck[]
"Is my love worth nothing to you, Matt?" |
Surely the most manly member of the crew, Morgan is perhaps best known as the host of MAN COOKING, but also acts in a variety of parts. He often gets roles of sex-obsessed but slightly pathetic characters or a the victim of the skit's absurdity.
Tropes Associated with Morgan:
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: His appearances have decreased significantly as of late, to the point where he was even taken out of the Commodore HUSTLE credits. Unlike Tim, though, there has yet to be an explanation.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Sometimes, but less often of late.
- Casanova Wannabe
- Gay Bravado: Morgan has a propensity for "misplaced gaiety", mostly aimed at making the others uncomfortable.
- Handsome Lech
- Heavy Sleeper: The only way to wake him up is by uncapping a sharpie in his presence. Anything else, including blowing an airhorn in his ear, just won't do it.
- Large Ham: Morgan isn't exactly known for his subtlety. Many of his recurring characters and features (particularly, but not exclusively, "Space Jump" and "Man Cooking") are hams of the highest order.
- Memetic Mutation: Invoked, for the purposes of Commodore HUSTLE's "Viral" segment, like so. The Space Jump in question is an ability in Super Metroid allowing the player to effectively fly, and makes traversal of the levels much easier. In the fake viral, Morgan sits by while Matt steadfastly refuses to use Space Jump, and apparently gets so angry that the veins stand out in his neck.
I don't know if you noticed, but you've got fucking space jump! Just use the Space Jump! If you used Space Jump you would have beaten this site already. For the love of God, use Space Jump right now! Just use Space Jump! |
- Plucky Comic Relief
- The Slacker
- Testosterone Poisoning: MAN COOKING.
- Those Two Guys: With Bill in Commodore Hustle and in most normal sketches such as "Small Time".
Jeremy Petter[]
"You have been clubbed, sir." |
Writer and actor; often playing roles which portray him as an uber-geek (He's the most enthusiastic table-top role-player of the crew, although many others dabble), but also has a regular role as an investigative reporter for ENN/Checkpoint. Frequently is used as a TV show host, as well. Sadly, left the crew in 2011 to finish his university degree. He has not ruled out returning once he has it.
Has a thing for ducks.
Tropes Associated with Jer:
- Demoted to Extra: Of his own accord. And a promotion back to crew member is hoped for by the fans.
- He still appears frequently in Commodore HUSTLE, though likely only because those videos are much less frequent than their regular, weekly videos.
- Dungeon Master
- Killer Game Master
- Ninja: He was only one for like two videos but it becomes important when Bill returns as a ninja hunter.
- Proud to Be a Geek
Bill Watt[]
"Gay Chicken, is on!" |
Bill is not actually named Bill. A very tall man, Bill works with the crew mostly as an actor, and of late has been reducing his involvement. In his Commodore Hustle incarnation, he mostly appears in league with Morgan.
Tropes Associated with Bill:
- The Big Guy
- Demoted to Extra: After being a main crewmember for the first six years, he's only been in two videos since 2010, one of which was an uncredited cameo. He is however a staple of Desert Bus, as is his mother.
- Extreme Omnivore
- Heavy Sleeper: Nothing short of the presence of a ninja, or Morgan threatening his life, will wake him.
- Jerkass
- Those Two Guys: In an LRRcast it was said that Bill almost never appears in a video unless Morgan is there with rare exceptions, especially in commodoreHUSTLE.
- The Unfettered
Tally Heilke[]
"Wow. Glad they fixed the Grapple rules in Pathfinder. These 3.5 Grapple rules suck!" |
Most often an actor but sometimes a writer in the group, Tally is also a lead organiser on Desert Bus for Hope, to which she brings not only considered organisation but also her formidible crafting skills. When in sketches, she often plays the more innocent member of the cast. She's also one of the best singers in the group.
Tropes Associated with Tally:
- Catgirl: Desert Bus 3, with Kathleen.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Has begun to take on elements of this as of Santa Secrets and it's on full blown display in The Bee Team.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Her duet with Dale at the end of Desert Bus 4 was pretty amazing.
- Cuteness Proximity
- MacGyvering
- Naive Newcomer: Tally was "corrupted" into D&D by Jer, and can act in this role for that.
- What Does This Button Do?
- ↑ As in both Real Life and Commodore HUSTLE