The Lobo Webseries premiered in July 2000 with 14 web cartoons made by Noodle Soup Productions for Warner Brothers Animation. It was made after an animated series and a video game based on Lobo were cancelled. Unlike other DCAU media, it's obviously for mature audiences. It used to be at, but the domain name has been taken down by Warner Brothers. All the webtoons are currently shown on YouTube. The webtoons also have interactive segments.
There's also a Recap/LoboWebseries recap page.
Tropes used in Lobo Webseries include:
- Alien Blood: Hilariously averted for all deaths. Everyone bleeds red.
- All Adult Animation Is South Park: This is the only successful web series to have an equivalent to South Park.
- Alternate Continuity: This obviously counts because the series wasn't even referenced in other DCAU content.
- Arc Villain: Sunny Jim serves as the main antagonist in the first five episodes, while the last four episodes have the gluttonous Snake as the main threat due to eating Lobo's current bounty Mudboy.
- Birthday Episode: The Bustin' Out Of Oblivion episodes has Slaz celebrating his cellmate and boyfriend Major Snake's birthday.
- BlackAndGreyMorality: While there are evil criminals around, Lobo loves to have sex, swear a lot and do violence.
- Black Comedy: Quite a lot of the violence is played for laughs.
- Book Ends: In the Bustin' Out of Oblivion webisodes, the first one starts at One Lung's bar and the fourth and final one ends at One Lung's Bar. Same for the When Pigs Fly webisodes.
- Continuity Porn: In the last four webisodes, aliens from the other webtoons appear frequently.
- CruelAndUnusualDeath: Most of the deaths in the web series are quite gory and graphic.
- CurseCutShort: Inverted to fit the funny but dark material.
- DarkerAndEdgier: The only DCAU-related media that has gratuitous profanity and violence.
- DenserAndWackier: Even though Lobo has tons of swearing and violence, it is the funniest of the DCAU-related media.
- ExplosiveCigar: Lobo puts this in Tubo's mouth and detonates it.
- EverythingsBetterWithPenguins: Hilariously lampshaded as Lobo's space penguins bite Lobo's balls.
- Jerkass:
- Lobo isn't any nicer than his usual depictions. In fact, it's quite common in this series for him to kill people just for pissing him off.
- Sunny Jim, the first villain faced in the series, isn't any better, as he made a bet with Lobo over which of them would date Darlene first and makes some rather sexist remarks towards Darlene.
- JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Lobo rescues people from different threats within the series.
- Mickey Mousing: During certain gory scenes, rock motifs are heard.
- MythologyGag: Sunny Jim's face was seen in a store in the DC film Film/SuicideSquad.
- Template:NSFW: Lobo has plenty of adult jokes, profanity and violence.
- Pig Man: Mudboy the Porkan looks like a pig.
- Prison Episode: The Bustin' Out of Oblivion webisodes.
- RatedMforManly: It's all centered on the Main Man!
- Short Runner: The series ended after 14 episodes in 14 weeks.
- Tracking Device: Lobo uses this to find Mudboy the Porkan.
- VomitIndiscretionShot: Major Snake is shown vomiting up pills and other stuff in the "Bustin' Out of Oblivion" episodes.
- Vulgar Humor: Plenty of vulgar humor in the web series.
- YourHeadASplode: Lobo usually makes other aliens explode their heads by shooting their heads.