Imagine a Product Placement film. As in, it's a film made up entirely of Product Placement.
Logorama is a short French film released in 2009. Running 17 minutes long, the film takes place in a world where corporate logos make up the scenery, and mascots are the citizens. It won the Oscar for Best Animated Short at the 82nd Academy Awards.
This short film displays examples of the following tropes:[]
- Bond Gun Barrel: When Ronald kills a Michelin cop.
- Camp Gay: Mr. Clean
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Ronald crashes into a Weight Watchers sign.
- Decoy Protagonist: The two Michelin Man cops appear to be being set up as the main characters, but Big Boy and Esso Girl have taken over by the end.
- Doing It for the Art: The filmmakers actually weren't paid to put any of the logos in the movie.
- Expy: Ronald McDonald acts as one for Heath Ledger's The Joker.
- Final Girl: Esso Girl.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: David Fincher voices the two Pringles mascots.
- Kill'Em All: The entire population of Logo Island are killed in an earthquake/flood at the very end except for Big Boy, Esso Girl and (thanks to The Stinger) Ronald.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: For advertising mascots.
- Monster Clown: Ronald McDonald
- Popularity By Proxy: The notability of this short film drastically increased when it won the Oscar.
- Product Placement: All over the place.
- Shout-Out: Slurm and the South Park sign.