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Here are all the characters that make up Lonelygirl15 and its sequel, LG15: the resistance.
Bree Avery (lonelygirl15, Bronislava)[]
Bree is the main protagonist and title character of lonelygirl15. She is a cheerful, intelligent, homeschooled girl who belongs to an unusual religion. Upon turning 16, she started to undergo rigorous preparation for a mysterious Ceremony. Her best friend Daniel grew concerned and convinced her to go on the run. She subsequently became the core member of the Teen Angst Adventure Group, TAAG for short.
- Blessed with Suck: Trait-positive
- Catch Phrase: Proving Science Wrong!
- The Hero Dies
- Separated at Birth: Gina's twin sister
Daniel (Danielbeast)[]
Daniel is Bree's best friend and potential romantic interest. Just a normal Junior College student, Daniel grew concerned about Bree's preparations for the Ceremony and helped her run away from home.
- Abusive Parents: Of the neglectful type. Both are alcoholics.
- The Alcoholic: He struggles with alcoholism
- Back to School: Drops out of college in season one, returns in season two
- Despair Event Horizon: His last appearance in season one and first in season two clearly show he's reached it.
Jonas Wharton (jonastko)[]
Jonas is a rich orphan who sees Bree's Youtube videos and offers to help her out when finds herself in a tight spot. He subsequently becomes a potential romantic interest and rival to Daniel.
- Despair Event Horizon: "I'm Done".
- Drowning My Sorrows: In "Beer Bath". It isn't pretty.
- Parental Abandonment
Sarah Genatiempo (theskyisempty99)[]
Sarah is a spunky girl who confronts the heroes when they try to meet with her sister. At first a valuable member of TAAG, the poor girl gets stuck in the Heel Face Revolving Door and spun around in it until not even heavy retconning can give any semblance of consistency to her actions.
- Black Sheep
- Emo Teen: Initially identified as such, and reflected by her taste in music
- Heel Face Revolving Door: A tragic case
- More Than Mind Control: Except when it's not; subject to Retcon as she goes around the Heel Face Revolving Door
- Ms. Fanservice
- Not Brainwashed: Except when she is; subject to Retcon as she goes around the Heel Face Revolving Door
- Trademark Favorite Food: Donuts
Taylor Genatiempo (soccerstar)[]
Sarah's sister, a soccer player and skilled computer hacker.
- Playful Hacker
- Put on a Bus: Returned to high school after season one, appeared only rarely
Emma Wharton[]
Jonas's adoptive sister, who was placed in the custody of his brainwashed parents after her own parents died in a car crash. ...It's complicated.
- Blessed with Suck: Trait-positive
- Bloody Murder: Her blood is used to poison an Elder
- Took a Level In Badass in season 3
- Touch of Death: ...except not really
Jennie (JennieTheBear)[]
A doctor who unknowingly aids the Order in an unethical experiment before meeting and joining TAAG.
Gina Hart (Patient #11, Yevgeny)[]
- Blessed with Suck: Trait-positive
- Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book
- Separated at Birth: Bree's twin sister
- Taking the Bullet
Margaret Ann "Maggie" Schaeffer (Patient #12, hymmofnone99)[]
Reed Barnes (ReedABook)[]
Gemma (gemmers19)[]
An old friend of Bree's, now living in England, who gets back in touch with her.
The sinister head of the OpAPHID branch of the Order.
- Catch Phrase: "And as such, you shall face our wrath", "Oh dear"
- Fun with Acronyms: Acknowledge their Position and Help Initiate a Dialogue / Analyze Protect Hinder Infiltrate Destroy
- Stealth Hi Bye: In "Worth The Wait?"
- Woman in White
A member of a resistance group that opposes OpAPHID.
- Catch Phrase: "Tag, you're it"
- The Ghost
- Mistaken for Gay: In "How Could THIS Happen?"
- Theme Music Power-Up: "The Human Ransom"
Alexandra "Alex" Wharton[]
Jonas's aunt.
Carl Adams[]
Spencer Gilman (LAlabrat)[]
Mallory O'Neill[]
Dr. Calvin Hart[]
Lucy L.[]
A woman who is introduced in Season One as Bree's "helper". Bree is grateful to have a female friend, but Daniel is suspicious of her, and she eventually becomes a major antagonist.
- Faking the Dead: In "Handcuffed"
- The Other Darrin (Amanda Goodfried took over the role after Jessi Williams left for unknown reasons)
- Sinister Shades
- Sunglasses At Night
- The Voiceless: Until "Prom: It's To Die For - Part 4"
Nikki Bower (Nikki B)[]
A self-styled reporter who attempts to track TAAG while they're on the run. Her videos serve mostly as comic relief, and she only directly influences the plot on two occasions: when she identifies Jules as a potential Ceremony Girl, and when she clobbers a Watcher with a fire extinguisher in the season one finale.
One of the Watchers employed by the Order.
- Bald of Evil
- Heel Face Turn
- Killed Off for Real
- Meaningful Name
- Redemption Equals Death
- Sinister Shades
- The Watcher
Elizabeth Avery[]
Bree's mother, a high-ranking member of the Order.
- The Atoner
- Incurable Cough of Death: She has terminal cancer
- Redemption Equals Death
Bree's Watcher[]
Brother (10033, Sebastian, Aly's Brother)[]
A resistance fighter who works as Tachyon's partner.
- Faking the Dead: In the backstory, after being betrayed by Gemma and narrowly escaping an assassination attempt by Warpylol.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Claims not to be able to find "the any key" on the computer, but is a capable helicopter pilot
Julia "Jules" Anderson (Callmejules24)[]
A girl from Texas who TAAG suspect may be a Ceremony Girl.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Julia states in her first vlog that she likes to be called Jules. The title of her first vlog is "Call Me Jules". The name of her Youtube account is "Callmejules". And yet, Nikki B. is the only character who ever actually calls her Jules; the members of TAAG always refer to her as "Julie" or "Julia". Way to go, heroes.
Lord Michael Byron Carruthers[]
The head of the Order, an English gentleman who gives his each of his chosen girls a Creepy Doll as a gift before murdering them. A big admirerer Aleister Crowley. The closest thing the show has to a Big Bad.
The Whartons[]
Jonas's parents. They disappeared on a sailing trip when Jonas was thirteen. Presumed dead, they were actually only brainwashed by an evil cult. In their new identities, they adopted Emma.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Never Found the Body
- La Résistance: Before being brainwashed
The Rogue Elder's Shadow, she holds some moral reservations about his betrayal of the Order and kidnapping of Emma.
Rogue Elder (LaRezisto)[]
An Elder who can't wait for his turn to munch the phlebotinum to come around and decides to take matters into his own hands.