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This is what WB classes as "Anime".

Loonatics Unleashed (2005-2007) was a superhero cartoon based on the classic Looney Tunes gang set in a dark Cyberpunk universe.

In the year 2772, a meteor strikes the City Planet of Acmetropolis, causing all six future Loonatics (and a number of their future adversaries) to gain super powers. The Loonatics are gathered together by their mysterious benefactor, a woman named Zadavia who has powers of her own, to protect Acmetropolis from a variety of villains.

The first season of the show was initially a rather straightforward Monster of the Week show, if punctuated by the usual Looney Tunes slapstick, before it steadily got Darker and Edgier, culminating in a season finale that introduced a Myth Arc to the show.

Sadly though the initial reception to the show was, shall we say, polarizing. With executives at Warner Bros eager to cash in on the trends of animes, like Transformers Cybertron, and Animesque cartoons, like Ben 10, dominating Western cartoon blocks at the time, the initial marketing leaned too far into the Darker and Edgier aspects, failing to communicate that these characters were the descendants of the classic characters, rather than new designs. With both the Moral Guardians and those who refused to watch the show throwing up a tizzy, the show's second season was much Lighter and Softer, one that didn't appeal much to the viewers that WB was trying to net, ending the show on a Cliffhanger.

Compare Road Rovers and The Mighty Ducks, two earlier Animal Superhero shows with equally ridiculous premises.

Tropes used in Loonatics Unleashed include:
  • Action Girl: Lexi Bunny.
  • Air Vent Passageway: Zadavia stages an escape this way on Deuce's ship during "In Search of Tweetums, Part II".
  • Aloof Big Brother: Optimatus.
  • Amazon Brigade: The Apocazons.
  • Animal Superheroes: In this setting, the descendants of the characters all have super powers granted by a meteor.
  • Animesque: Or so Warner Bros. claimed. It really doesn't look anymore anime than the actual Looney Tunes themselves.
  • Asshole Victim: The Royal Tweetums. Much like ancestor Tweety in his very first 1940s incarnations, Tweetums is a self-centered Jerkass who runs around getting into danger, is very obnoxious, and causes all sorts of pain and suffering for his caretakers when he's not treating them like crap. When foe Sylth Vester comes along, his reasons for trying to take out the little bastard include having had his head shoved into a singularity. Sadly, the little bastard survives to appear in multiple episodes.
  • Badass Crew: The Loonatics, of course.
  • Big Eater: Slam Tasmanian.
  • Biological Mashup
  • Catch Phrase
    • Ace: "Let's jet!"
    • Duck: "I liked you better when you were [The other person's previous state of being]."
    • Zadavia: "Zadavia, Out."
      • The last one is frequently lampshaded.

  "Where does she go out to? Out to dinner?"


 Lexi: I'm picking up something...

Danger Duck: Perhaps a high-pitched dog whistle?
