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LOTW 8971

 "Es war einmal, südlich der Grasplantagen von Mittelerde..."

"Once upon a time, south of the weed plantations of Middle-earth..."


Everything is fine and peaceful in Middle-earth. Humans, elves, halflings, dwarves and orcs live in perfect harmony, for they share a common pleasure: Smoking weed. Only one day Sauron "the orc king" has a little bit too much of a good time — and the weed starts getting slim...

If you want to find out more: There are versions on YouTube with English subtitles starting here.


  • Answer Cut: Gandalf debates with himself what to do now that Bilbo has entrusted him with the One Ring: "I have two options: I could either consult the Book of Infinite Knowledge to protect the poor and the weak from evil, or..." Cut to Gandalf smoking weed.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: When Gandalf asks Bilbo for more drugs, we get the following list:

 Bilbo: What do you need? I can get you anything: Speed, weed, crack, heroin, LSD, ecstasy, peace, shit, cocaine, jelly babies...


 Frodo: Gandalf, I love you!

Gandalf: Hahaha ... poof.

  • The Stoner: All of the characters, to varying degrees.
  1. World's biggest Heavy Metal festival (supposedly), which takes place near the village Wacken in North Germany.