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Lost in Oz was a 2002 One-Episode Wonder based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It was written by David Hayter (yes, that David Hayter). As only one episode was made, the pilot will be summarized rather than the overall plot.

The plot follows a modern-day 21-year-old girl named Alex Wilder, who is whisked into the Land of Oz by a tornado. There, she meets Caleb Jansen, a time-displaced fighter pilot from World War Two (call sign "Scarecrow"), and Selina, the Patchwork Girl, a Goth Warrior Poet radically different from her character from the Oz books. Alex learns that the Wicked Witch of the West has returned, bringing chaos to the land, and the three of them vow to stop her.

Bellaridere, the Good Witch of the South, tells them of Ozma, a girl trained to fight the Witch and restore peace. However, Ozma has been captured by the Witch, and the trio must work to save her. Bellaridere gives Alex a bottled tornado as an incentive, saying that once Ozma is freed, she can use it to take her home. However, 'Scarecrow' wants to use it for himself...

As they venture on their journey to the West, Selina eventually tells Alex that the Wicked Witch is the same one Dorothy defeated, now possessing Selina's best friend. When the Witch realized Dorothy could actually kill her, her soul possessed the girl and took the name Loriellidere.

They venture across Oz to rescue Ozma. However, when they confront the Witch, she reveals that Ozma has been enchanted to be a little girl forever, and they've failed her. Selina is subdued, but when Caleb pulls a gun on the Witch and explains how it can kill her, Alex starts to glow with energy. Alex learns that she is next in line to be the Wicked Witch's host; thus, they can't kill Loriellidere. Things are looking grim, until Alex opens the bottled tornado. Rather than using it to get home, she uses it to send the Wicked Witch far away.

The episode ends with Alex pondering the implications of being the next Witch, realizing the magic is part of her. Bellaridere explains that Ozma can't help them now, and asks Alex to lead them through the times ahead; Selina adds that no one but Dorothy ever posed a threat to the Witch before. Alex resolves to fight, and she and Caleb share a romantic moment.

And then the show was never picked up, so it never got beyond that one episode.

The pilot used to be available to watch on YouTube, but was taken down. Bootleg DVDs of it are around.

Not to be confused with the book trilogy of the same name, Lost in Oz.

This show contained examples of:[]


 Alex: I was told that if I freed that little girl I could go home. I don't have any part in this, I'm just stuck in the middle.

Witch: You poor girl...stuck in the middle... *brandishes knife* Allow me to illustrate what that phrase means to me.

  • MacGuffin: The bottled tornado.
  • Mobile Maze: Loriellidere's labyrinth is easy to get into, but when the heroes try to escape, the hallways shift and lead them straight back to the Witch.
  • Muggles Do It Better: Caleb pulls a gun on the Witch; while she claims it can't kill her, it apparently can, as Alex is chosen to be the next Witch. That can only happen if she's aware of impending death.
  • Mythology Gag: Alex finds the remains of Dorothy's house on the western border, and asks why. In the original Oz books, West and East were switched on the map.
  • Older Than They Look: Princess Ozma, by way of being enchanted into a young child.
  • One-Episode Wonder
  • Recycled in Space: Buffy the Vampire Oz!
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Selina does this sometimes.
  • The Reveal: Two of them. Ozma has been enchanted and can't fight. And Alex is next in line to be a Wicked Witch.
  • Scare Chord: When Selina's friend is possessed by the Witch.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Loriellidere and Bellaridere have hard-to-spell names.
  • The Stoic: Selina.
  • Taken for Granite: Caleb, after disobeying the statue guardian's orders.
  • The Three Trials: To open Horn's Gate, the heroes must answer three riddles. Selina answers the first two and Alex answers the third.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Hey Caleb, when a guardian statue tells you not to cross the line...don't cross the line!
    • When you remember his call sign and which character it refers to, it's Justified.
  • Uh-Oh Eyes: Loriellidere's eyes, when using magic, turn a pale grey. As do Alex's.
  • Underwater Base: Heroic version with Bellaridere's palace.
  • The Unseen: The Witch's flying monkeys are mentioned as having torn Selina apart, but they aren't seen.
  • Warrior Poet: Selina.
  • Xenafication: Ozma is a subversion, as by the time they rescue her she's lost all fighting capabilities.