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Astarotte "Lotte" Ygvar, first princess of the kingdom of Ygvar in the world of Alfheimr, has recently celebrated her 10th birthday. The 10th birthday is a very special one for girls like Astarotte, because Astarotte is a succubus — traditionally, succubi begin forming their harem when they reach 10 years old.

Succubi, it turns out, require a steady supply of Sauzfryma, which only healthy young men can provide, in order to remain beautiful and healthy, much like how Vampires require a steady supply of blood. Unfortunately, Astarotte absolutely despises men — so she makes a decree: Since her mother couldn't find a member of the lost "human" race for her own harem, she will only accept a human male for hers.


Enter Naoya Touhara, a 23-year-old unemployed young adult desperately searching for work. He happens upon a mysterious fortune teller (Judit, Astarotte's Grand Chamberlain in disguise) who offers him a job. He accepts without finding out any details, only to discover he's being asked become the first member of Astarotte's harem. He takes it without any hesitation, of course.

... Then he asks if he can bring his 10-year-old daughter Asuha with him.

Originally a manga by Haga Yui, it was adapted into an anime titled Astarotte no Omocha! by Studio Diomedea for the spring 2011 anime season.

Tropes used in Lotte no Omocha! include:
  • Audience-Alienating Premise: Having a 10-year-old succubus among other things.
  • After the End: The universe of Alfheimr takes place after Ragnarok. The world survived, but the World Tree was permanently damaged, sealing the various universes away from each other. It got better.
  • Amusement Park: Where Naoya took Lotte on a date, suggested by Judit. Asuha and Erika follow them along and spy on them, as well.
  • Art Shift: Frequently as a visual gag, as well as when Naoya tries to draw, or when Asuha is being particularly crafty.
  • Beach Episode
  • Bigger is Better in Bed: Naoya is the most hung member of the cast due to his implied incubus ancestry with Ursula, Melchelida's personal bodyguard and favorite lover, following close behind.
  • Bleached Underpants: Yui Haga is best known for her ero-ren'ai and visual novel character designs, of which she tends to focus on Shota/Lolita/Puni Plush characters, although she was also the artist for the light novel and manga version of Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu.
  • Brains and Bondage: Amusingly, Judit. She has a BDSM dungeon which she shows off to Lotte when the latter wishes to "discipline" Naoya, something she gets downright frighteningly enthused about. Amusingly, she had a giant squeaky toy hammer on the wall next to whips and crops — Guess which one Lotte picks? Becomes a minor Running Gag — Lotte is seen bapping Naoya a few times with it throughout the series.
  • Bodyguard Babes: Lotte hates men, so outside of the old man she grew up with, all her staff are women.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Naoya has a bonsai of Yggdrasil in his home, left there by Asuha's mother. This is mentioned as being fantastically important, and then promptly forgotten about. This foreshadows the identity of Asuha's mother, who turns out to be Mechelida, the succubus Queen. That's right, Lotte's mother.
  • Chick Magnet: Naoya is able to attract almost every named female {{spoiler|This is implied by the fact that Naoya is believed to either be or descended from, a member of the incubus race, which has long been thought extinct.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Naoya Tohara is voiced by Rina Sato.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: When one considers the controversial premise of the manga. It's not surprising that this trope is in play.
  • Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
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  • Fan Service: Cranked up in the anime.
  • Ferris Wheel Date Moment
  • Futanari: Melchelida's secretary and personal bodyguard is one, and well equipped to boot, due to it being a racial trait of the werehounds.
  • Harem Seeker: Succubi can breed with any sentient species but have a low chance of giving birth to another succubus, so they make a harem to increase the chances of giving birth. That, and they survive on Sauzfryma (as in "semen") to maintain their bodies, much like a Vampire needs blood.
    • Queen Melchelida has over 3000 men in her harem. From what we see of it, it comes across as more of a military force than anything else.
  • High-Pressure Emotion: Happens to Lotte after
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  • Horny Devils: Princess Lotte and her mother, Queen Melchelida, are Succubi.
    • It should be noted that Melchelida is even worse (better?) than a usual member of the species.
    • Also
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  • Hypocritical Humor: During Naoya and Lotte's date at the amusement park, Asuha and Elika are tailing them. When Lotte suffers a Potty Failure, Elika immediately takes off her panties to give to Lotte but Naoya gives her a spare pair he always carries around for Asuha. Hearing that Asuha often goes without underwear, Elika chides her about the indecency...all while she's still holding her panties in her hand.
    • Also her reaction to Naoya being Asuha's father.
  • Les Yay: A little.
  • Mage Tower: The Ivory Tower of the Great Sage Solveik.
  • Monster Mash
  • Nosebleed: Coo had one looking through Ini's books on what happens on coital services.
  • Overly Long Name: Not as extreme as some examples, but every character from the other world has a name that's at least 8 characters long, and a shortened version that's less than 5.
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  • Panty Shot: Frequent, except for Asuha, who tends to "forget" to wear them. Lotte has an excuse due to her tail, at the least.
  • Pointy Ears: Most of the characters except for the ones from Midgard (Earth) have them.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: While the first episode was heavily edited, seemingly for fanservice (leading to fears of Adaptation Decay), the second episode was much closer to the source material, and episodes since then have been fairly faithful. The major series-spanning edits include making Melchelida more sympathetic (toning her sexuality down, emphasizing her being severely overworked and her guilt about her parenting skills, etc), some characters were regulated to side characters (Coo is replaced with Effie in most scenes), and bumping Asuha's storyline from a secondary (but fairly important) B plot to a major plot point (moving up her addition to the main cast, moving up and expanding the school storyline, etc). At the same time, several things have been expanded, seemingly with the original author's input (Asuha's classmates, Melchelida's responsibilities as a leader,
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, etc).

  • Primal Scene: When she was five, Lotte witnessed her mother doing This and That with a member of her harem. Needless to say, she hated men ever since.
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He takes a third option upon learning from Olaf of her past.
  • Shotacon: Naoya was 12 when he fathered Asuha...
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  • Stripperiffic: The official uniform of most female personnel (rejected by the conservative-styled Zelda) — three styles, all extremely revealing (mostly thongs and tape). It appears to be a throwaway gag, until you see the occasional side character wearing them (for example, Corporal Nina Hildebrand, the royal dragon-rider).
  • Title Drop: Naoya's children's book that he made up for Lotte in chapter 2 specifically talked about the princess of the toy kingdom — Lotte then says that he can stay, as long as he remains her "toy" (Omocha).
  • Unusual Ears: besides the Pointy ones, some of Lotte and Asuha's classmates have animal ears.
  • Unwanted Harem: Lotte's attendants wish that she at least had one of these, but it's Naoya that has it. So far he's got Lotte, Melchelida, Ini and possibly even Asuha. Also Judit is shown to really like his girly reaction when she and her sister were taking the manor's residence measurements in an omake. And then there's Atori.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: At first glance, Lotte and Elika don't seem to get along, but Elika is always ready to offer Lotte a helping hand, whether it being an attempt to give the princess her own panties after Lotte's Potty Failure, or cheering the girl up after her hearing Naoya say he doesn't have a lover.
  • World Tree: Being vaguely related to norse mythos, there is a Yggdrasil in Alfheimr, as well as a small branch in Tokyo of all places.
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