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Love Note is a Crossover between Ranma ½ and Death Note by Wade Tritschler aka Derekloffin.

Kasumi runs across a rather particular notebook.

Love Note provides examples of:[]

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Kodachi to Ukyo.
  • Accomplice by Inaction: Ranma is the type of person that would rather hurt himself than see someone else seriously hurt. Unfortunately that makes him a chronic enabler. The story shows this in his relationship with Ryoga which is very much All Take and No Give. While Ranma did give his word (even though he was talking to the wrong thing) and it is wrong to reveal a persons weakness Ryoga was quick to take advantage of Ranma’s honor. Yet instead of seeing that as making his vow null and void he tried to get around it using Loophole Abuse despite it causing him to be Made Out to Be a Jerkass.
Akane: How can a trait that seems so positive make you feel so betrayed?
  • Adaptation Deviation: Not liking Naomi’s portrayal in the originals series Derekloffin makes it so that events take place just shortly after Naomi joined the FBI.
  • Adaptational Dumbass: Trista dropping the Love Note wasn’t intentional.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Trista is far less malicious then her original counterpart.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Love Note takes place even before ’Another Note, The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases’ so Naomi is as yet not together with Raye or deeply familiar with L.
  • Adaptational Wimp: L hasn’t been trained in Capoeira.
  • Adapted Out: Raye Penber won’t be playing a role in the series.
  • Almighty Idiot: Downplayed Kasumi isn’t so much an idiot as ill informed but the outcome remains the same. Its dangerous writing someone's name in the Love Note, even if they're intended to be the object of the love. If the command works, all is fine, but if it doesn't, it defaults and turns into a royal mess.
  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: Love Tyrant or Renai Boukun is a manga also inspired by Death Note and also features what they dub the Kiss Note which has similar function to the Love Note of this story. Derekloffin wasn’t aware of this series until reviews pointed it out to him.
    • Zig-zagged according to Word of God the underwear vending machines were only heard about second hand so they aren’t sure if they are real or not.
  • Ambiguous Time Period: Ranma takes place in late 80s, early 90s. Death Note takes place in 2000+. This makes for some rather serious differences in technology availability. Derekloffin’s not committing to anything time wise just yet, but any which way he’s very likely to take liberties with the time line of one or both of the sources to mesh the two together.
  • An Aesop: Relationships are about give or take. Everyone has at least one person who will be sympathetic to there side of the story, family, friends, fellow rivals the fact Ranma doesn’t have this combined with his poor social skills makes it easy for others to make him The Scapegoat shoving all responsibility onto him while doing nothing to help him fix it or even make fixing it easier.
    • At the same time you have to be selfish sometimes to make a relationship work. As stated by Akane Mousse mostly thinks of himself and Shampoo, Ranma however thinks of everybody. This is best seen with Ryoga. Everyone was quick to claim they weren’t aware of his curse. This made ranma wiry of his reasoning causing him to not only downplay it, but not point out the numerous attempts he made to stop Ryoga. Seeing Ryoga’s depressed reaction to Akane finding out just like he did in middle school Ranma took it upon himself to help him even arguing upon his behalf. In the end Ranma ends up coming across as an enabler because outside of his usual snarking he refuses to call the others out for their selfish antics.
  • ...And That Would Be Wrong: According to Trista most humans who get their hands on a Love Note just start writing the names of every pretty girl, or handsome guy they know, and set them to love themselves. This was Kasumi’s response when she asked why she did do the same thing.
  • Anti-Magic: The Love Note only works on humans so those with animal curses can counteract its effects if they activate it in time. However once in love, whatever power would have been complete, meaning changes afterward would not break the effect.
  • Appearance Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Like all love goddess the Great Queen of Love is blessed with great beauty, but unlike the others, hers changes depending on the person looking at her as everyone described her quite differently.
  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: When Ranma opted to stay at Ucchan’s to watch over Ryoga, Kodachi stayed so that he wouldn’t take advantage of Ukyo. Ukyo responded that she wanted him to take advantage of her.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: In chapter 4, L is able to deduce several different things about Cupid from her activities. While he admits he’s just playing the odds and is ultimately wrong. The fact his analysis is so close given what little info he has shows just how good of a detective he is.
  • Bait and Switch: At first the Interlude looks like a Whole Episode Flashback adaptation of The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases only for it to be the introduction to Naomi.
  • Batman Gambit: It wouldn’t be a death note crossover if this trope wasn’t applied.
  • Beneath Suspicion: Kasumi has two big things going for her. First, she rarely attracts attention, and second she just exudes an aura of tranquility and innocence that makes anyone believe that any suspicions of her are merely the product of some out of control paranoia on their part.
    • Ranma noticed Nabiki acting odd but dismissed her being Cupid as the Love Dodecahedron she caused would be no benefit to her.
  • Berserk Button: As a Love Goddess Trista was very unhappy about Interpol’s decree that 'love' will no longer be accepted as an excuse for the disruptive behavior of those affected by cupid.
    • Mousse became this to Shampoo after she was released from the notes influence.
  • Bi the Way: Ukyo
  • Big "What?": Ukyo when the St. Bacchus's School for Girls rhythmic gymnastics team blamed her for them attacking her, and again when they told her that Kodachi had quit the team.
    • After Cologne revealed that she new Maho was working for L she told her to get back to work.
    • Delta when told that they might not survive.
  • Blatant Lies: Shampoo believing that Akane knew about Ryoga’s curse.
    • Mousse telling Akane he didn’t know that ryoga was p-chan.
      • The first thing Mousse did when Ryoga showed up was ensure him that he wasn’t encouraging Akane’s feeling so him saying he would have told her is very much this as well.
  • Bluff Worked Too Well: Naomi and L found the fact that Nabiki’s actions were that of someone clearly unconcerned about being watched suspicious
  • Bullying a Dragon: The St. Bacchus's School for Girls rhythmic gymnastics team attacked Ukyo blaming her for Kodachi quitting the team. It quickly became apparent that they were no match for her.
  • Brandishment Bluff: BB used a folded piece of paper to threaten Nabiki by making her think it was a knife.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Most of BB’s team’s parents were born in Japan while they were raised in the Us.
    • Beta was raised in Japan but moved to the US when she went to college.
  • Captain Oblivious: It took Trista five days to realize she had dropped the book
  • Captain Obvious Reveal: Readers were quick to figure out that the third cupid was Mariko Konjo.
  • Cassandra Truth: Mousse desperately tried to convince Shampoo that he didn’t put a love spell on her.
  • Character Name Alias: Naomi goes by the alias Maho Nakako so that cupid won’t learn her real name.
  • Closet Key: Ukyo to Kodachi thanks to the book.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Kodachi’s team learned from the best.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Kasumi wasn’t chosen to find the Love Note she just happened to be near where Trista dropped it.
    • A lot of things fell into Shampoo’s favor due to Cupid’s action causing Ukyo to suspect her.
    • L just happened to catch someone interviewing a furinkan student about what was happening with Ranma.
    • Nabiki touched the note while searching through Kasumi’s clothes for something to borrow.
    • L discovered the parking slip the director got while Nabiki was controlling him. he himself admitted that this was done by pure chance.
    • Kasumi accidentally gave the note to Nabiki right before L confronted her.
  • The Cracker: Beta
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Deconstructed Ranma is always looking for away to make everyone happy, but because of everyone’s inconsistent wants and needs that is impossible and all he’s really doing is prolonging everyone’s misery. Further more since he does it at the expense of his own emotional well being (not helped by his poor social skills) he’s left holding the bag with everyone blaming him for what happened.
  • Crossover: Played with the actual Death Note is not likely to be used in the main of this story (being that Death Note is rather serious), but if it is, Death Note would be in the 'future' even if a liberty or two is taken and make that later than was originally intended.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Due to the revelation about Ryoga still being fresh Ranma was rather squeamish about his reasoning for not telling Akane. So when he talked to Cologne she knew that if he had gone back to Akane with the silent vow excuse, or worse the 'I tried to clue you in' excuse, he would have been shredded. Cologne correctly identified his excuses and toar them away with ease as they were excuses and trying to get him to realize the true reason he did it which at that moment he didn't know.
  • Cupid's Arrow: Love Goddess’s use the Love Note to work their power.
  • Damned By Faint Praise: Ranma didn’t believe Shampoo was Cupid because if she had that power she would have just used it on him.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: A regular occurrence with Mariko due to Extreme Libido.
  • Decomposite Character: Kasumi and Nabiki for Light Yagami. Nabiki shares more of his manipulative aspects then Kasumi.
  • Deconstructed Trope: Of Loophole Abuse. Rule are there for a reason so if someone is able to find away around them without actually breaking any known rule in the process it could lead to devastating consequences.
  • Demolitions Expert: Delta.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: One of the St. Bacchus's School for Girls rhythmic gymnastics team admitted that with Kodachi gone they would no longer be at the top and thus have trouble getting dates.
  • Didn't Think This Through: After the mess she made with everyones relationship Kasumi decided to only use the names of people she saw on tv.
  • Dirty Coward: Akane shows herself to be this at least emotionally. Her go to when talking to Ranma is to immediately jump to the worse possible conclusion to what he says. It’s telling that when she reigned in her anger long enough to allow him to explain his fear that him being a Clueless Chick Magnet was the result of Cupid; her reaction was to run away.
  • Distinction Without a Difference: When Kasumi tried to assure Ranma that his and Akane’s new feelings wouldn’t last forever, Trista chimed in that it would only last a couple of decades.
  • Dominatrix: A rumor of Ukyo being this started do to her getting Kodachi to quit her gymnastic team.
  • Double Standard: Akane treats Ranma very differently then she treats other people. For example she doesn’t show the same Clingy Jealous Girl mentality and Hair-Trigger Temper with Mousse that she does with Ranma.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: Kasumi taking Akane and Ranma talking as a sign that they had made up.
  • Driven to Suicide: Delta was once apart of a bank robbery that went sound and ended with 4 dead including an off duty cop. Knowing that Cop Killers don’t fair well the boss who set up the heist drove off a cliff.
    • Ryoga attempted to jump off a roof after Akane found out.
  • Elephant in the Living Room: Nabiki had to pretend she didn’t see the Love Goddess following Kasumi around.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Alpha is introduced openly reading a hentai manga.
  • Everybody Knew Already: As Cologne put it there is only two reasons someone like Maho would continue to work for her. They are incredibly desperate, or they are compelled to. Since Maho didn’t seem very desperate, L must be a demanding employer.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: BB didn’t understand why L didn’t have Naomi’s house fully bugged.
  • Evil Is Petty: The sheriff who tried to get Naomi fired for turning down fighting him off. *Evil Laugh: Beta after hacking into L’s system, weirding her team out
  • Exact Words: The Love Note can make you fall in love, it however doesn't say you'll stay in love. That depends on compatibility.
  • Explain, Explain, Oh Crap: When Akane left his office Tofu realize she was vague about who Ranma fell in love with. His friendly demeanor slowly became more stern as he contemplated who it could be.
  • Expy: Various characters from the original series such as L’s decoy, tv show host, ect are replaced with these.
    • First cupid Kasumi, second cupid Nabiki and third cupid Mariko are supposed to represent their original counterparts all three can be considered both aDecomposite Character and Composite Character. Nabiki has more in common with Light, Kasumi represents Misa more and Mariko shares Tera’s Knight Templar like tendencies. However she’s also the one who becomes the Messianic Archetype which Nabiki doesn’t want.
  • Expy Coexistence: It’s hinted that Shinigami exist.
    • BB’s introduction makes it official.
  • Extreme Libido: Mariko gained this after getting a Love Goddess Eye.
  • False Rape Accusation: Shampoo accused Mousse of putting a spell on her after coming to her senses
  • Fate Worse than Death: As Gamma warned Beta, while your time of death can’t be changed things short of death can still happen to you so you are not invulnerable by knowing it.
  • Five-Bad Band: Gamma, Alpha, Beta, Epsilon, Delta
  • Forbidden Love: L used this to bait Kasumi.
  • Forgetful Jones: Trista which is why she wrote down instructions on how to use the love note.
  • Gallows Humor: Epsilon and Delta were rather nonchalant about the possibility of their death.
  • The Gambling Addict: Epsilon
  • Gold Digger: What do you think Nabiki’s first thought was upon getting pages of the Love Note
  • Gone Horribly Right: The test to find L’s successor proved to be so mentally and physically draining that the 1st candidate was Driven to Suicide while the second was BB
  • Goth: Maho gives off this esthetic due to her penchant for black clothing.
  • Greek Letter Ranks: BB’s team used these as their aliases.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Ranma when Akane went on a date with Mousse.
  • Groin Attack: Once Shampoo was released from the effects of the Love Note she tried to cut his dick off thinking he put a spell on her.
  • Hanlon's Razor: In Universe Kasumi’s actions have become a public nuisance on a global scale. However there is no maliciousness in her actions just her not thinking things through.
    • It’s quickly shown that L v Light is very different from L v Kasumi
  • Heel Realization: After calming down Shampoo realized the hypocrisy of being angry at Mousse for supposedly doing something that she does all the time to Ranma. Being on the receiving end of such a thing had served well to make her reevaluate her actions. She had always viewed such things as fair game, and perfectly harmless. Now her opinion had taken a sharp turn, and that had lead to a disturbing thought.
    • It felt wrong to Ranma to ask Shampoo to take Mousse back after she apologized to him.
      • He had another one when Kodachi gave him a "The Reason You Suck" Speech. While he didn’t agree that he was taking advantage of Ukyo. He did agree that he didn’t want a Childhood Friend Romance with her, just friendship. He even praised Shampoo for having the courage to do what she did.
  • Heroic BSOD: Ryoga after Akane found out about p-chan
  • Heroic Sacrifice: A comedic example once of L’s acquaintances managed to distract Happosai long enough for them to bug the dojo.
  • High-Class Call Girl: Epsilon was forced to become thins aster being unable to pay off her Loan Shark.
  • Hilarity Ensues: Kasumi finding Cupid's Arrow
  • Holier Than Thou: Everyone calling out Ranma for not telling Akane about Ryoga
  • Hollywood Hacking: Averted hacking takes time and people believing otherwise seems to be a Berserk Button for Beta.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Jin saw himself as this with Chika until Kasumi intervened.
  • Hypocrite: Cologne and Shampoo pretending not to know about Ryoga, Cologne even claiming that Shampoo thought Akane knew. They used this to claim What You Are in the Dark against Ranma. However while Ranma was honor bound not to tell Akane, unlike what Cologne claimed he did attempt to help her figure it out (he refers to Ryoga as p-chan, p-chan as Ryoga and even when so far as to sneak in her room to take ryoga out) while the bakusai tenketsu arc was them exploiting it
    • Akane is this due to the fact she ultimately became upset not because Ranma didn’t tell her, but the fact that he was also thinking about Ryoga’s feeling in his decision meant he chose him over her. Akane’s Double Standard is one of the biggest reason she wasn’t able to figure it out, and her conversation with Yuka and Sayuri shows she still hasn’t gotten rid of it
      • All in all The Reveal just gives her another excuse to believe the worst in Ranma and the best in Ryoga
  • Hypocritical Humor: Trista’s What the Hell, Hero? to Kasumi for leaving the book out in the open.
  • I Hate Past Me: Delta is not a fan of he reckless younger self.
  • I Warned You: Sira to Mariko when Nabiki found her
  • Internal Reveal: Kasumi finally learned about the real L in chapter 6
  • Irony: After falling in love with Ukyo Kodachi switched her Murder the Hypotenuse mentality to Ranma.
  • It Amused Me: Why Kodachi watched Cupid’s Arrow.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Tofu quickly showed how different he was from Mousse.
  • Jack of All Trades: Unlike her team Kodachi is a master of all martial arts rhythmic gymnastic weapons.
  • Jaded Professional: Because she only saw Mariko as a means to an end she paid little attention to what she was doing.
  • Jerk Justifications: In contrast to Ranma being an enabler the other characters use him as this.
  • Kissing Under the Influence: Kasumi used the book on Shampoo and Mousse it did not end well.
  • Kung Fu-Proof Mook: Alpha is skilled in ki poisoning.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: This will happen to Kasumi if she loses or gives up possession of the Love Note
  • Logical Weakness: You can’t use a drawing when trying to get a description of a target for the Love Note. A drawing involves an interpretation by an independent agent, no matter how accurate it will thus be contaminated and useless.
    • She accidentally gave the note to Nabiki when discussing the best place to hide it.
  • Love at First Sight: If the person to be the object of the subject's affection is not specified, the subject will simply fall in love with the first compatible person they encounter.
  • Love Dodecahedron: Kasumi attempted to fix this only to make things phenomenally worse.
    • Shan Pu - Msu Tsu (making Shampoo fall for Mousse briefly)
    • Kodachi Kuno (making her fall for the first compatible person, who happened to be Ukyo, much to the latter's regret)
    • Ranma Saotome - Akane Tendo (which failed because Ranma already is in love with Akane, so he ended up falling for Kasumi, and since Akane's name was also written and the original command failed, she fell for Mousse, both just by chance of who they were near at the time).
      • They are all still in love with Ranma.
      • Averted with Kodachi
    • Thanks to Kasumi using names from the television it became a worldwide conspiracy.
    • Nabiki eventually had Tofu fall in love with Shampoo, though Cologne was able to prevent Shampoo from being effected.
    • Mano thinks that Kasumi is starting to develop feeling for L
  • Love Epiphany: We how the Love Note affects the mind in real time courtesy of Dr. Tofu.
  • Love Goddess: Trista
  • Magical Eye: Love Goddesses can see peoples names and if they envision someone else they can see the Red String of Fate.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Nabiki doing everything she can to get the cops off of Kasumi’s back while making sure no one knows that she touched the Love Note.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Ranma started to question his Clueless Chick Magnet status wondering if it was the result of Cupid. While Kasumi wasn’t involved that doesn’t mean that an actual Love Goddess wasn’t and given Trista it would explain a lot.
  • Meaningless Villain Victory: While BB was able to discover the identity of Cupid before L he was hoping to prove his intellectual superiority, but he only found Nabiki because of the Shinigami Eyes he was born with.
    • Averted once he ralized Nabiki was the second Cupid meaning that the original was still out there.
  • Memory Gambit: Nabiki commanded herself to love someone (we'll never find out who as she chose them likely for incompatibility) and to act as if she had no involvement with the Love Note when she and the family moved in with L, with a few more details like looking at the monitors occasionally randomly, and if Trista ever told her to. Trista could bring her out of it by using the Wakey Wakey phrase.
  • Moral Myopia: Averting this is why Ranma is so forgiving. He tries not to dwell on the past. He has his own share of misdeeds to answer for, and really he does want to get into back and forth with anyone over who is more in the wrong. However Forgiven, but Not Forgotten is still in play.
    • This seems to be the underlining cause of the series’ Love Dodecahedron with the characters ready to call someone else out on something that they are just as guilty of. Chapter 19 Akane called Mousse out for his Dogged Nice Guy relationship with Shampoo causing him to call her out for the fact that she is still with Ranma. Before that Shampoo admitted to Tofu that the reason she doesn’t like Akane is her abusive Tsundere antics against Ranma.
    • While the story is rather vague about when it is set Anna’s introduction means that it is relatively late in the series. Even if it is only using anime canon which eliminates some of the more egregious examples like the Fishing Pole of Love Arc where Akane displayed Double Standard Rape (Male on Male) she still repeatedly displays a high level of Double Standard between Ranma and Ryoga. While she has every right to be upset with Ranma for not telling her the fact she’s so focused on him putting Ryoga’s needs above hers makes it hard to take her anger seriously.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: L provoking the third Cupid gave BB’s team the perfect opportunity to storm his building.
    • Ranma saw Cologne’s Cruel to Be Kind approach to his reasoning for not telling Akane about Ryoga for what it was even thanking her in the end. Unfortunately instead of trying to be more coherent his time dealing with Ryoga’s reaction to Akane found out when he ultimately tells Akane he focuses more on Ryoga’s feeling then his and Akane’s. While true still wasn’t his ultimate concern when he made the initial vow. In the end it doesn’t calm Akane, she knows it is the truth and begrudgingly accepts it even if she doesn't grasp it in that moment.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Kasumi only wanted to help.
  • No Sympathy: Outside of her friends and family people don’t really sympathize with what Akane is going through. Shampoo views her as a fool for not seeing the obvious, while Anna doesn’t view what Ryoga did as that bad both do to her infatuation with him and seeing much worse.
    • Sira had no sympathy for Mariko after she was discovered by Nabiki.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Maho believed that any of the others would find what Cologne puts her through hard.
  • Not Me This Time: A stray signal from one of L’s cameras in the girls locker room was picked up by Principle Kuno’s, resulting in the discovery of his surveillance network at the school. Knowing he has his own surveillance system when it was discovered everyone assumed it was him.
  • Not So Above It All: Tofu quickly gave up on the diplomatic approached and joined everyone else in the blame everything on Ranma mentality.
  • Not So Dire: Trista attempted to warn Kasumi of the dangers of using the Love Note only to admit that it was this after realizing she already had.
  • Not-So-Imaginary Friend: Only Kasumi can see and hear Trista.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Shampoo’s apology wasn’t elaborated on due to the author trying to keep the story low key.
  • Oh Crap: Kasumi upon hearing what Cupid did to the police.
    • Cologne upon realizing that Tofu had fallen in love with Shampoo
    • Principle Kuno remembering that Hinako was there when he discovered the camera in the girls locker room.
      • Nabiki upon realizing that the Principle wasn’t a pervert so there was no reason to put a camera in the changing room. That and the fact that he suddenly had so many cameras.
  • Once More, with Clarity!: Chapter 6 showed the conversation between Kasumi and Nabiki from Nabiki’s point of view.
  • One True Love: Trista has to stay on earth until she helps Kasumi find this.
    • Since this is rare if she never finds one then whoever next picks up the note, or the person after that, and so on and so on, until one true love pairing is found, or the note is destroyed.
  • Operation: Jealousy: Akane and Mousse decided to openly start dating hoping that a jealous Ranma would try and put a stop to it.
    • L planned on using this to confirm his suspicions of weather or not Ranma or Nabiki were Cupid.
  • Original Character: Alpha, Beta, Delta and Epsilon are all new characters. There is some basis for them in various other movies and shows but these are only loose inspirations.
  • Pair the Spares: The basis of the story.
    • Deconstructed, people who have no compatibility with each other just can’t be randomly paired off. This is especially true when magic is involved. The Love Note works similarly to the Love Pearl in this instance Shampoo suddenly became infatuated with Mousse, but the moment she came to her senses and realized what she did her first thought was that he’d tried to rape her.
    • Love Note doesn't care about monogamy either so this doesn’t really fix the Love Dodecahedron
    • The Love Note does this automatically if the original command doesn’t pane out. For example due to a Relationship Reset Button Akane fell in love with Mousse and Ranma with Kasumi.
    • Many national leaders, and political figures have been affected. It's thrown the governments of more than one nation into no small amount of disarray. And then there has been the economic uncertainty
  • Poisonous Person: Alpha though he poisons a person’s ki not their body.
  • Politically Correct Villain: Kodachi’s old team mate don’t care that she is gay they just want her back.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Despite knowing Ranma’s poor social skills, instead of just letting try to make his point Akane just jumps to conclusion and lets the whole thing devolve into an argument when an annoyed Ranma tells her off. It reach the point where they just ignored the Elephant in the Living Room until Akane was able to reign in her anger enough.
  • Power at a Price: A Love Goddesses eye can be granted to a human at the cost of half of their self control, or taken another way, doubling their sex drive.
    • To poison ki, one must sacrifice their own use of such as well.
  • The Power of Love: For every moment that a person stays in love under a Love Goddesses influence, they get that same moment more youth. So, if a person stays in love for a year, the goddess would get an extra year of youth.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: An Amazon, being taken advantage of by a male is utterly unforgivable. The only reason Mousse is alive is because Kasumi’s manipulation only resulted in a kiss, but the result is still nonetheless devastating.
  • Reality Ensues: When told about Akane and Ranma’s Love Dodecahedron Trista’s response was that no matter how popular the two were, that couldn’t account for the number of names written in the book. Kasumi revealed that she tested it using names from television.
    • When national leaders, and political figures start randomly falling in love people are going to notice.
      • Kasumi’s actions has thrown the governments of more than one nation into no small amount of disarray. And then there has been the economic uncertainty-
    • By itself, an actors supposed love interest changing wouldn’t attract much interest other than from the tabloids. But there was for one a huge surge in these, and very sudden (as chapter 3 showed happens when the power activates), and also as mentioned political figures and others were also affected. Even all that has the police dubious on the issue, but it's enough of a nuisance that they want it stopped.
    • The director’s computer was monitored.
    • Shampoo just can’t remain in her cursed form.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Kodachi gave one to Ranma while thinking Ranma-chan was his sister. She correctly pointed out that he had no romantic feeling for Ukyo so it was wrong to string her along.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: The police director quickly accepted that he needed to be investigated once it was revealed that he was the one who erased the investigation info. As well as the fact that L could no longer work with them.
  • Red String of Fate: Red is the color of true love. The closer to red the line is, the stronger the compatibility. The further away, the worse the compatibility. Cyan is basically as bad as it gets. Blue and green are sorta in the middle, and we already talked about red. Black and white are special reserved colors. White is for someone who is already in love with the person you're envisioning. Black is unknown, but it is assumed that Dark Is Evil since Love Goddesses are supposed to avoid it.
    • Compatibility is not fixed. That is to say, it changes over time until the moment you fall in love. However, that time can also pass. It only becomes committed, if you will, when you fall in love. Up till then it is all just a matter of the variables.
  • Relationship Reset Button: Kasumi ended up doing this with Ranma and Akane. Ranma already loved Akane, so he can't fall in love with her as he already is. But, that doesn't stop the Love Note from working. It just returned to its default, fall for the first compatible person they encounter. However, since Kasumi also wrote Akane's name, since the command with Ranma failed, her name started a new command, making her also fall for someone under the default rule.
  • Renegade Splinter Faction: After BB’s attack opposing groups worshiping the first/second cupid and the third branched off from each other.
  • Retcon: Wade accidentally broke a rule so added a hidden rule to deal with it.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Instead of admitting he knew that Ryoga was p-chan and maybe cause Akane to lose feelings for him, Mousse used it as another opportunity to put in a jab at Ranma’s character.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: Wade squashed Kasumi/Tofu ship early on as a human any love Kasumi knew before using the Love Note is forever forbidden to her.
Kasumi: Forever forbidden
Trista: Yes. Oh, your feelings won't change at all, but let's just say fate is against you ever getting together. Try as hard as you might, you'll never be with any previous love. Even your Love Note can't change that, and trust me when I say this, don't try and force it. Bad things tend to happen when you do.
  • Sanity Has Advantages: After going to therapy and getting put on meds Kodachi finally noticed how much Ranma and Ranma-chan look alike.
  • The Scapegoat: Mousse believes what is happening is somehow Ranma’s fault.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: Unlike Kasumi Nabiki very much feels this
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them: Naomi was once sexually harassed by a local sheriff. The whole incident ended with her decking him as he had gotten entirely too close and personal for her liking while they were alone in his office discussing the case. He ended up telling her superior that she assaulted him and since they were alone it was her word a three week old rookie vs his a decorated twenty year veteran of the force.
    • A rule infraction is whatever Principal Kuno considers an infraction at that particular moment and thinks he can get away with.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When Kodachi revealed to Ranma that she was now in love with Ukyo and demanded that he renounce his engagement. He felt that Ranning away was the best option.
  • Seen It All: Other then the jusenkyo curse when gave him pause L wasn’t that surprised by what he saw in Nerima.
  • Serial Escalation: This is Beta’s back-story she was originally a Playful Hacker who became The Cracker upon telling her friends about her abilities. As more and more people coveted her skills she eventually attracted the attention of people who wouldn’t take no for an answer.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: The Queen of Love doesn’t feel the need to wear clothing.
  • Sherlock Homage: Maho initially pictured L as this before realizing how ridiculous it was.
  • Show Within a Show: Cupid’s Arrow started not long after the police incident. The host regularly interviews guests who claim to have brought together by Cupid, while also having singles on looking for help from Cupid. It has become particularly popular, especially when Cupid seemed to respond.
  • Shown Their Work: Death Note numbers tend to have significance, like the 40 seconds is 2/3 of a minute or .666 of a minute, Similarly with 6 minutes 40 seconds (again 6.66). The numbers in Love Note were specifically made different for this reason (42 seconds is .7 but it is actually just a close approximation and it is clearer with the longer 6 minutes 54 seconds which is 6.9).
    • Konatsu apparently got paid a mere 5 yen an hour by Ukyo, so assuming Mousse is similarly paid, if Mousse is getting anything even remotely close to reasonable pay at the Nekohanten, even at half it probably would be more than 10 times what Ukyo pays out.
  • Sinister Surveillance: Principle Kuno does this.
  • Slipping a Mickey: After seeing Ranma change from a he to a she and back again with just a little water Maho started to become suspicious that L was drugging her with hallucinogens.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: This is how Kasumi realized that Ranma had fallen in love with her, he’s not very good at expressing his feeling so the forced attempts at appearing uninterested were noticeable.
  • Spooky Photographs: Zig-Zagged Love goddesses appear on camera but holders of the love note are still the only ones who can see them.
  • Spotting the Thread: Sira stopped Mariko from using the note on Ranma when she spotted him entering the Cupid’s Arrow set. Since the only thing visible was his pigtail they would know that the third cupid knew him.
  • Naomi noticed Nabiki seemingly staring off into the distance when really she was looking at Trista.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Akane took Mousse to get an updated prescription for his glasses.
    • Nabiki was able to find Mariko by having Trista look at the cameras L set up and tell her if she saw another Love Goddess.
  • Stupid Evil: Many of BB’s team were of the young and reckless verity growing arrogant and careless until it was to late.
  • Suddenly Shouting: Trista to show no one but Kasumi could see or hear her.
  • Sufficiently Analyzed Magic: Nabiki does a lot of testing on the note.
    • This is why L not ruling out that Cupid is using magic averts Arbitrary Skepticism. Magic has rules, just like those things we call science. Central among those rules is the need for the user to have some connection with the victim. They could touch them, speak to them, have a lock of their hair… the options are quite diverse, but his test show that Cupid doesn’t need any such connection.
  • Sunk Cost Fallacy: Epsilon was a Card Sharp who borrowed money to get into a high stakes Illegal Gambling Den only to find out that she is a Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond.
  • Take That: Unlike certain other gods Love Goddesses don’t steal anything from the people they make fall in love.
  • Taking the Bullet: Cologne plans on doing this in case Ranma doesn’t marry Shampoo.
  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Shampoo was finally on the receiving end of love magic.
  • Techno Wizard: Belta
  • There Are No Therapists: Averted Ukyo made Kodachi go see a therapist.
  • Thrill Seeker: Delta is a self admitted adrenaline junkie whoturned criminal for the kicks. He even used Point Break as an example of what his life is like.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Trista loves cookies.
  • Tranquil Fury: Mariko when L called her out.
  • Transparent Closet: It was obvious to her teammates that Kodachi was gay.
  • Trapped in Villainy A lot of BB’s team’s past mistakes has caused them to become so deep in their path in life that there is no way out.
  • Trickster Mentor: Cologne uses working at the restaurant as a training opportunity.
  • Tsundere: Nabiki showed herself to be Akane’s sister when expressing her worry about the police finding out about Kasumi.
  • Unexpected Character: Beyond Birthday
  • Unknown Rival: Because she was getting tea for Soun and Genma Kasumi missed L calling her out.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: L is completely uninterested in the usual goings on of Nerima
  • Wham! Line: Gamma realizing Nabiki had no death line and thus must be Cupid.
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Trista warned that using the Love Note on people from tv is still very dangerous, only for Kasumi to brush her concerns off not seeing how it could attract that much attention. Cue across the globe Interpol trying to figure out what is going on.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Kodachi couldn’t understand why Ryoga became so suicidally depressed because of Akane
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Maho called L out for leading Kasumi on in an attempt to draw out Cupid.
  • What You Are in the Dark: By pretending that he didn’t know not to know about Ryoga’s curse Mousse most likely increases Akane’s feeling towards him since while Ranma didn’t tell because of Honor Before Reason he just didn’t care. All in all his first instinct is to just make Ranma The Scapegoat.
    • Not only did Ranma down play why he did what he did, he didn’t try to argue against cologne’s accusation that he averted Loophole Abuse. As lampshaded in universe Ranma’s first instinct is the well being of everyone else even if he has to sacrifice his own to do it.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer: Ranma is so used to being on the end of everybody’s accusations that he was ill prepared for Shampoo actually apologizing to him for her past behavior.
  • Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?: While Shampoo knew that Ryoga was using his curse to pretend to be Akane’s pet. The fact that it was so obvious combined with her dim opinion of Akane, she let herself believe that Akane knew too. As Cologne said, "In retrospect it was a poor conclusion, likely tainted by Shampoo's dislike of Ms. Tendo."
  • Why Didn't I Think of That?: Ranma when L pointed out there might be severe consequences for Shampoo if she didn’t marry him.
  • With Friends Like These...: When push comes to shove while the NWC have people amongst the group that they care about they aren’t friends. This is especially true for Ranma it’s repeatedly shown that underneath it all few really care about him. For example Tofu advised Shampoo to apologize to Ranma for her earlier behavior and while we the audience he did take it to heart because he didn’t react the way she and Tofu wanted, his thoughts instantly started turning to hate.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Kodachi’s team did this to Ukyo to get her to convince Kodachi to come back. First protesting that her restaurant was a Lethal Eatery then video taping her when she tried to force them to leave.
  • X Meets Y: The ridiculousness of Ranma mixed with the intellectual stuff from Death Note.