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Did you have to say Bollywood? I hate that term!"
Neena Walia

Success and failure are just choices you make."
Vikram Jaisingh

Highly meta film about the Mumbai film industry (don't call it Bollywood!) from the perspective of everyone from struggling newbie actors to famous producers. A commercial failure, but it's on its way to becoming a cult film favorite. Your Mileage May Vary on whether it's inspiring and thought provoking or rather pointless, but one thing is certain: this movie sure had a lot of cameos.

Contains the following tropes:[]


 I said 'why not?'"

  • Melodrama: The plot of Dil Ki Aag in general.
  • Meta Guy: Zaffar pointing out the flaws in Ranjit's script.
  • Minor Insult Meltdown: Vikram has one of these in the first half. Though his roommate was kind of being a Jerkass.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Anurag Kashyap (probably playing himself) trying to change the ending of Dil Ki Aag. In a movie full of memorable cameos, his still was one of the fan favorites.
  • Second Act Breakup: Literally, given the way most bollywood films are structured around an intermission.
  • Slave to PR: Pretty much all characters in this movie. Careers are made and destroyed based on publicity and connections.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: All over the damn place.
  • Subverted Trope: Many. Particularly in regard to what the audience expects from lead characters.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else: Vikram is hot, which is a slight aversion, but that's not the point because many people trying to break into Bollywood are attractive in this film. He's able to rather cruelly manipulate pretty much everyone he meets in order to score the lead role in what proves to be a successful film. And no one, except probably Neena, expects a thing!
  • Upperclass Twit: Nikki Walia. Though she did have plans to be a vet.