Known as Estpolis Denki: Yomigaeru Densetsu in Japan. Lufia the Legend Returns is the third installment of the JRPG Lufia series made for Game Boy Color system by Neverland. Published by Taito and Natsume in 2001.
The story's is a sequel to the first two games, after the previous two doom island wars. A traveling fortune teller, Seena, who's on a "great adventure" to uncover to forgotten legend of the doom island wars, wander into a town Patos and bump into an idiot swordsman named Wain. At the moment, the Sinistrals of Destruction, Gades, has awaken and then starts destroying a house in Patos. After the heroic deed of Wain running into a burning house to rescue a girl, Seena finds Wain a worthy fellow and asks him to come along her on an adventure, thus the beginning of the story.
While being less popular, Lufia the Legend Returns provides a unique battle and character's skill growth systems as well as Randomly Generated Levels for dungeons. The players is allowed to put nine characters all at once in a battlefield. It also has a good soundtrack, graphic, and storyline, which is filled with nostalgic elements from previous games, such as the dragon eggs, a linear final dungeon, and every Sinistrals bosses up to date.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Deckard's ship's front axe. It cleanly cuts through another ship.
- Badass Princess: Melphis. Dei notes he didn't expected a princess in captive to fight a huge monster on her own.
- The Battle Didn't Count: If you beat one of the Sinistrals during a fight you're expected to lose, you get a powerful item drop and then lose in a cutscene.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Wain and Seena
- Berserk Button: Don't call Wain stupid. It'll make him cry, which will make Seena very angry.
- Blind Idiot Translation: So many goofs, one wonders if they just shipped the game with the first draft of the English script without spellchecking it first.
- Boobs of Steel: Aima.
- Bullying a Dragon: Gades, of all person, is toyed around by Wain's stupidity. He's not pleased.
- Call to Adventure
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Usually since Seena and Wain will drag themselves into helping any possible people.
- Cool Old Guy: Aima's master and Randolph
- Disc One Nuke: Gades' Blade and Bracelet.
- It's also possible to get the game's Infinity+1 Sword fairly early on as a random drop from a normal enemy in one of the dungeons.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: Wain
- Fortune Teller: Seena, saying all things she predicts will become true, since she's Erim.
- Idiot Hero: Wain, so much.
- Item Farming: Hi Bombs are what you need to defeat Gades for Disc One Nuke equipments. To get them, you must wander around a random generated dungeon for hours.
- Kleptomaniac Hero: Up to Eleven. Not only you loot stuff from barrels, cabinets and drawers, but you also takes stuff from graves, dining tables, fireplaces, random candles, statues of Buddha, and you can outright grabs stuff in a shop and get away because they are simply hidden in the displaying armors.
- Lazy Backup: Your party's max number in a battle is 9, but only 3 from each row can attack, and if the frontline characters are knocked out, it's game over regardless the others still being up.
- Lost Forever: If you don't recruit Dragon Egg before Seena reveals herself to be Erim the Sinistral of Death, he will be gone forever.
- Nintendo Hard: Never mind your party's numbers, bosses still hit very hard and wipe you all out easily if you don't play well.
- Randomly Generated Levels
- Recurring Boss: Gades, 3 times.
- Reincarnation Romance: Wain and Seena, from Lufia/Iris and Hero/Maxim from the previous games.
- Super-Deformed: How characters look in the status screen.
- Sword of Plot Advancement: Dual Blade
- Where Are They Now? Epilogue