"Gather your psychotic masses and bring them to me, —"A Welcome Burden", Disturbed
Lunatic Inc. is an online Science Fiction/Fantasy RP that takes place in Scapia, a world previously much different from our own until it witnessed a surge in magical study and technological advancement. Now it is recovering from a war governed by greed and a lust for power, only to be united under a single organization capable of governing on a global scale (which is actually a bit small). As a result, a large number of Mercenary/Bounty Hunter corporations sprang into existence, to deal with the duties that your average adventurer or governed police force would deal with. However, some died out due to high wages and general abuse of their powers. Some couldn't take care of certain threats, and such jobs were taken to the High Council (who assigned their own groups to take care of the matter), or were taken up to the Central Government, easily creating a four power square with the Corporations, the nation of the Dark Empire, and the allied Wild Lands. Others developed their own specific niches such as finding criminals, researching magic, etc.
But there are whispers of one corporation, though exceedingly small.
This one corporation, made up of veterans and newcomers of near legendary strength and skill composed of specialists in their fields. One corporation, That was lead and founded by a man who had played one of the largest parts in bringing an end to the Endless War, and was rumored to posses power and skill enough to crush whole other corporations himself and leave nothing but ruin in his wake This leader, Head of a corporation whose members would make up less then half of the number of others that were considered small. Yet who struck fear into the hearts of other organizations consisting of hundreds, helped to set up the council itself, and amassed more titles then almost any Corp. Fighter in the world.
The corporation is known as Lunatic Inc.
And it looks like they're hiring...
This roleplay includes examples of the following tropes:[]
- Anyone Can Die
- Beam Spam - Mobsters use 'Photon Rifles' to take down Frank Vic and his superspeed abilities.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension}
- Charles and Romana. They constantly argue Like an Old Married Couple.
- Jake's relationship with Arca has switched to this after a small dose of UST.
- Bigger on the Inside
- The Headquaters of Lunatic Inc itself.
- Also, Romana’s pockets. In fact, anything belonging to Romana. Which kind of figures...
- Crapsack World - Scapia
- Crossover
- Dark and Troubled Past - F***ing everyone.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink
- Flat What - Kallis did this at the beginning of the RP. At another point so did Roy when someone got shot in the head, and was still alive
Kallis : "...WHAT?" |
- Gone Horribly Right So far two are like this
- Roy was made to be the perfect warlord, much like his brother and as such nearly conquered the world until he felt he had to take over the empire, which he accomplished in a very ruthless yet efficient manner.
- Arca
- Interspecies Romance
- Journey to the Center of the Mind - Happens frequently.
- Magic Versus Science}} - Enine's and Roy's debates.
- Magnificent Bastard/Smug Snake - Enine
- Meaningful Name
- The squad's given name: Kiddie Squad.
- The titles being held by members of Lunatic Inc.
- The King title
- Roy's Last fake name "Everydayman" expresses his desire to be an average joe, a regular every day man.
- Charles's last name Price, shows that he wants money and is cynical.
- Mind Screw
- Power Trio
- Roy, the commander of the squad is the Ego
- Charles, the captain of the squad is the Super Ego.
- Romana, she is the Id.
The entire squad refers this trio as the strategists as they usually gather around one another to plot. |
- Rant-Inducing Slight - Most notably Charles. In fact, he's the God of Ranting.
- Although Romana has an unexpected good bash at it too at one point, prompting a Get A Hold of Yourself slap from Charles. He clearly wanted this trope all to himself.
Charles: “Are you done? Because there's only one loud and angry, senile bastard, and that's me.” |
- Ridiculously Cute Critter - Benny II
- Benny II is quite possibly a Killer Rabbit
- Reed Richards Is Useless - The veterans of Lunatic Inc. do absolutely nothing to help the squad during their missions. For good reason.
- Running Gag
- Charles trying in vain to tell Romana his name. Amusingly, something always interrupted him before he could spit it out. In the end, Enine let it slip.
- Everyone forgets Kallis.
- Adrian's ears
A rare OOC post, Adrian: "I shall not rest until all women have sexual desire for my ears!!" |
- Shipping - Where to start...
Doctress Who : " Isarabi x Adrian. Ship ship ship!" |
- Shout-Out - There are many. (If anyone thinks of any more examples, add them)
- Roy first introduces himself to Romana as “the Master”.
- Several comments are made in the IC about Adrian’s ears, which started out as a joke in the OOC thead.
- As well as many Doctor Who related items, Romana pulls out 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy' whilst searching through her pockets.
- Charles gives Romana the alias “Astra” when trying to fool the mobsters at the spaceport.You’ll only get the irony of this if you’re familiar with the Tom Baker Era of Doctor Who.
- Roy's catchphrase or what's becoming his catchphrase lately, is much like a certain character from a certain Bizarre Adventure. And much like that guy, when Roy is annoyed by something he saids it too.
- Jake is based on a character named Fll FFL, who is from a story very much similar to Lunatic Inc.
- The way Charles uses his portals sometimes bear resemblance to the game-play mechanics of a certain PC game about cake.
- Undercover As Lovers - Charles and Romana masquerade as husband and wife at the space port. Hilarity Ensues.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension - Jake accidentally flirted with Arca before she suddenly decided to rampage through hallways and knock herself unconscious.
- What a Piece of Junk! - The Lander, and you do not want to question Marus' piloting skills.
Roy: "I still, don't get why, you guys called this ship a death trap." |
Character-specific Tropes:[]
Tropes to do with a specific character can be found here.
Adrian Myoto[]
- Improbable Weapon User - Real men carry swords bigger than themselves.
- Calling the Old Man Out
- Heroes Prefer Swords
Arca Cuilin[]
Charles Price[]
- Cluster F-Bomb - A majority of his rants.
- Cuteness Proximity - One word: Benny.
- Cynical Mentor - He is this to Roy.
- Dead Girlfriend - The very reason why he's such a Grumpy Bear.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Good with Numbers - Able to calculate the nearest coordinates in his head.
- Highly-Conspicuous Uniform - The suit Charles wears counts as this, especially when considering bright green is the uniformed color of teleporters (along with blue).
- It's a wonder how some of them even survived the Teleporter's Strike, let alone manage to evade the Order of Pyr.
- Hollywood Atheist
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Is secretly this, but won't admit to it.
- Romana and Roy seem to have caught on though.
- Jerkass Woobie - Everyone loves torturing Charles.
- Knight in Sour Armor - Used to be quite the idealist before destiny handed him his Jade-Colored Glasses.
- Never Live It Down - Certain people on his homeworld blame him for the eventual death of a certain girl, and will never turn down a chance to call him out on it. Although, technically, it wasn't his fault.
- Nice Hat
- Our Wormholes Are Different - Charles' form of teleportation uses portals, or teleportation devices created through concentrated amounts of energy through which you must use a certain magical circle. Without the magic circle, or channeling too much energy will result in having each and every one of your atoms be torn asunder individually. Too little energy and you will have yourself a portal that's only small enough for your hand to fit through. You must also know exactly where you are heading, other wise you'll be trapped in the exact opposite of where you're headed or worse. There is an entire school and business dedicated to the usage of portals (and study of teleportation in general) on Charles' homeworld. There is even an entire portal system that was built by Charles himself!
- As of recent events, Charles is set to teach this method to both Roy and Romana.
- Sour Supporter
- Straight Man
- Teleport Spam - His favorite method of battle.
- Tsundere
- Unwitting Pawn
- You Can't Fight Fate - No matter how hard Charles tries, he will never stop being the babysitter.
- Similarly everyone he cares for dies.
Frank Vic[]
Isarabi White[]
Jake Long[]
- Split Personality - Multiple split personalities, in fact. Romana has managed to make contact with three of them so far.
- Enemy Within - 'Vinsh', the other Jake who is in simple terms, a complete jerk with an obsession for snickering and hate for robots. Though, he's not the only problem...
- Gollum Made Me Do It - 'Vinsh', though only to a certain extent.
- Talking to Themself - 'Vinsh' was able to do this and caused Jake to knock himself out.
- Ancestral Weapon - His swords, two of them were presented to him upon maturity while the third was salvaged from the remains of his house.
- Headphones Equal Isolation
- Playing with Fire
- Kill It with Fire
- Fire-Breathing Weapon - His swords when combined with his Ember.
- Flash Step - With Ember, Jake is able to turn his swords into a rocket.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Break the Cutie
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Living Memory
Kallis Mystlaine[]
Demoted to Extra - Who?
Milan Howlite[]
- Allergic to Evil - Well, in this case, Anger and Hatred.
- No Social Skills - Nice kid, can be intelligent when he wants, has no idea how to even greet people.
- Brutal Honesty
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- The Empath
- Because You Were Nice to Me - He would follow Scael and Charles to the ends of the Universe if needed.
- Butt Monkey
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Fate Worse Than Death - In his early years.
Be warned now: Read Romana's spoilers at your own risk. Heads may explode, and I don't want to be left cleaning up the mess.)
- Alternate Universe
- Whilst keeping for the most part true to her canon counterpart (albeit with a slight variation in character), the Romana in the Lunatic Inc universe is from a sub-branch of the Doctor Who Universe.
- In other words, 'Lunatic' Romana is not beholden to the facts and rules of established canon. Since she has to play by the rules of the Lunatic Universe, some things have had to change
- Also, considering the very nature of Doctor Who canon concerning alternate realities, this actually works out better than it should.
- Awful Truth - Romana isn't who she thought she was. It turns out...well, just see the spoiler under 'Troubled past'.
- Not to mention, the awful fact that her whole life has been manipulated by someone else. More than one person, in fact.
- Bifauxnen - Sometimes. Some of her outfits are very masculine.
- Bigger Bad - Pandora.
- Brainwashed - A Time Lord called Braxiatel did this to Romana in her younger years.
- The Corrupter – Pandora.
- Cosmic Plaything - Romana seems to attract a lot of attention from the higher Powers That Be.
- Romana only left Gallifrey in the first place because a certain being known as ‘The White Guardian’ wanted her to help some silly rogue Time Lord complete a quest. She was given no choice on the matter – neither was the Time Lord she was forced to work with.
- The White Gaurdian’s brother, ‘The Black Gaurdian’, then decided to play a time travelling game of cat and mouse with her and her friend for several years, screwing around with them and causing them quite a bit of grief.
- And of course, there is also Pandora, who arguably ‘created’ Romana in the first place.
- Constantly Curious - Certainly in the Lunatic universe, she asks a lot of questions.
- Curiosity Is a Crapshoot
- Dark and Troubled Past/Future
- There is a terrible truth that Romana hides. During her days at the Time Lord Academy, Romana was contacted by the spirit of Pandora, the First female President and self-proclaimed 'Imperiatrix' of Gallifrey. The goddess-like entity told Romana that she had manipulated Romana's genetic make-up through the centuries, in order to create the perfect vessel for her to rule Gallifrey once again, and that it was Romana's destiny under Pandora's 'guidance', to become President of Gallifrey, and the new 'Imperiatrix'. Romana informed her tutor, a Time Lord by the name of Braxiatel, who upon fearing for Romana and Gallifrey's future, hypnotised the girl to forget not only Pandora, but also Braxiatel himself, in order to keep her safe from Pandora's control. As such, Romana is not aware of these events. They remain harmlessly at the back of her subconcious, protected with various mental blocks to stop her from remembering.
- Defrosting Ice Queen - She used to be a much colder, arrogant, haughty person in her younger years.
- The Determinator
- Distaff Counterpart - Riduclously long scarf, Robotic dog, Sonic device, Renegade Time Lord, Jelly Babies...have I seen this somewhere before?
- Evil Counterpart - The Imperiatrix/Pandora
- Forbidden Fruit - Romana can't help her curiousity...
- Pandora wasn't called 'Pandora' for nothing.
- Future Me Scares Me - The Imperiatrix. And how!
- Human Aliens - Romana looks human...she isn't.
- Hyperspace Mallet - Played with a Sci-fi twist: the sonic croquet mallet.
- Immortality Begins At Twenty - Romana is over 100 years old, yet she looks like she is still in her twenties.
- Jekyll and Hyde - Romana and The Imperiatrix.
- Lady of Adventure - Almost to a T.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia - Romana was forced to forget a good portion of her past. For her own good.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl - To Charles. Albeit a toned down variant. She’s patiently determined to ‘make Charles better’.
- Our Time Travel Is Different
- Overly Long Name - Romanadvoratrelundar. But you can call her Romana...or Fred
- Pink Is For Romana - She's first introduced to the team sporting her very Pink 'Tom Baker' outfit.
- The colour used for the text when she's speaking is pink too.
- (Head-exploding spoiler again) Reincarnation - Turns out, Romana is The Imperiatrix incarnate, the First Lady President of Gallifrey who was betrayed by her own people and executed. She has come back to reclaim her title as 'Imperiatrix' of Gallifrey through Romana...Not that Romana is aware of any of this.
- Robot Dog - K9
- The Runaway - Romana should have returned home after her initial quest was complete. She didn’t, self-exiling herself as a renegade, and eventually joining Lunatic Inc.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Swiss Army Weapon - Anyone for a game of sonic Croquet? The mallet even opens locks!
- Talking the Monster to Death - And everyone else, too.
- Techno Babble
- Unwitting Pawn - Practically to any chess master or plotter who sees the potential to manipulate her (which she hates).
- One of the greatest examples, is that Romana is Pandora’s pawn. According to Pandora, that is Romana’s true purpose.
- The Watson
- You Can't Fight Fate - Romana is destined to return home, and become President of Gallifrey in her future As Pandora foretold whether she likes it or not.
Roy Everydayman[]
- No Name Given - Roy Everydayman is not his real name, especially his last name as most would notice its obliviously fake. Roy is a nickname given him. His real name is Kilroy Alstroemeria, through he can be referred as a number either 884 or 0015.
- Big Bad Various, but really it is own brother, Edgar "Ed" Alstroemeria
- Dark and Troubled Past - Roy staged a coup, killed his own father with his own hands and became the next emperor. Afterwards, he committed genocide on his soldiers and people that were made just like himself and crashed his flying citadel into the mountains to simply kill his own brother. The reason, the goal of the Alstroemeria Empire was to make a perfect world, a utopia, however, to note, their method to achieve that ultimate goal was turning living beings into mindless living machines.
- Do-Anything Robot - Roy is practically able to do anything. His combat computer allows him to master skills make quicker than most people. He has used his own devices in alternate ways like his Digital Transfer Module (DTM) which stores weapons to disarm foes.
- Evil Counterpart Raider, the devil rider
- Humble Hero Despite how some of the other members think of Roy, he isn't full of himself. He is aware of how powerful is, but he knows he isn't invincible. Whenever he fails, he accepts his failure and simply moves on to the next scheme.
- Roy: “ I apologize, hopefully the next time, I can pull my weigh when we work together.”
- Hunter of His Own Kind- The reason, Roy joined Lunatic Inc. is to get stronger so he can hunt the rest of Liger Rosse's creations. This includes his own brother, Edgar "Ed" Alstroemeria, who with his crew have been active on the present Scapia for least three years, two years more than Roy.
- Roy: “ Because I didn't come here for the easy path. I need deadly challenges and dangerous situations, I need to grow stronger.”
- MacGuffin - Mu Galaxy, Not even, Roy knows what it does nor does the writer for that matter
- Necessarily Evil - Roy truly isn't evil or good for that matter. He's a regular guy with normal morals, however, if he has to do evil things to achieve good, he will with no hesitant.
- Roy: “ If I can't win by your way, then I'll find another way to achieve victory.”
- Roy “ And a win is a win even if its done by underhanded methods.”
- Only Sane Man Compared to everyone on the squad, Roy is considered the voice of reason. However, when Roy isn't the only sane man, that role goes to Charles and then to Romana or Romana to Charles, it depends on what is going on. Thus they have a Sanity Ball game amongst them.
- The GM of the game, once said it in a OOC post and instant messenger discussion with a role player.
- Pay Unto Evil - Roy is downright cruel to those who do evil deeds and often goes out of his way to make sure that they suffer a horrible fate.
- Serial Killer Killer By horrible fate, sometimes, he will kill them in a very sadistic matter.
- Roy: " See, when you get to strike two, not only, am I going to take two weapons of yours, but I'm also going to rip off one of your limbs."
- Roy: " I know, you think, I can't find you that easy, but I can and I will do horrible things to you and then I'm going to let Adrian do what he wants to you."
- The worst part is, he saying this to an ally. Of course said ally was going to kill the other members of his squad so Roy either was going to let him kill or take him down. He choose to take him in a very ruthless manner, which lucky never happen thanks a Deus Ex Machina.
- The Strategist - Roy has openly admitted to manipulating the others and makes schemes on the spot when in a crisis or just for fun.
- The Unfettered
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Scael Clawver[]