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  • It may sound awkward when written, but this troper melted when she saw this scene from Da Capo of Love: Fujiko's Unlucky Days (The Columbus Files in the U.S.). Lupin tries to jog an amnesic Fujiko's memories by trying to jump her, but when he notices the sheer fright on Fujiko's face, he changes his mind and instead hands her his jacket to keep her comfortable.
    • The opening of the movie itself is one, as it shows despite all the tricks and backstabbing Lupin and Fujiko truly do love each other as much as people like them are capable.
  • The episode "Goemon's Close Call" from the second anime series, especially the end, where Lupin and Jigen manage to rescue Goemon from the hands of two assassins, who have spent the episode torturing him in an attempt to get him to tell them Lupin's weakness. Lupin cradling an injured Goemon with a look of absolute fury on his face in particular just shows how far along these two characters have come since the days they were sworn enemies.
    • The sweet thing is that this also happens in the manga chapter it's based on.
  • Part III Episode 1 begins with Lupin having a peaceful dream about surfing.
  • In Part 2 Episode 9, even though he was fooled into it, Lupin caring for who he thinks is a sick old man.
  • Any time Fujiko cares about Lupin. In Part 2 Episode 7, Fujiko worries about the cursed Lupin, and allows Jigen and Goemon to return the mask.
  • In Part 2 Episode 5, after Fujiko is sent crashing into the sea, Lupin waits for her for hours and even chokes up when he thinks she didn't make it.
  • Lupin and Jigen having a siesta in Part 1 Episode 3.
  • In Part 2 Episode 97, Zenigata incapacitates Lupin and his gang just so he can warn them about an assassin.
  • In Part 2 Episode 1, the first thing Lupin does when he sees Zenigata is hug him and plant kisses on him. The two came a long way from being sworn enemies in Part 1.
  • Lupin helping Zenigata get his job back in Part 3 Episode 2.
  • In Part 2 Episode 82, Zenigata is fooled into thinking Lupin was killed in a helicopter crash, not realizing Lupin, disguised as Napoleon the Eleventh, is standing right next to him. Zenigata admits aloud that he always liked Lupin. Lupin admits in thought that the feeling is mutual.
  • In Part 2 Episode 69, while Zenigata is carrying the body of Laura Jaws through a blustery field, Jigen pulls up in the Mercedes and offers his condolences. It's sweet because Jigen often has reservations about Zenigata, but sometimes does care about him.
  • In Part 1 Episode 21, Zenigata briefly reacts with dread after he thinks that who he thinks is Lupin has fallen out of a window. In fact, it was a dummy and the real Lupin wasn't even committing the robbery.
  • Fujiko dancing with Zenigata in Part 1 Episode 14, even if it's just to distract him.
  • In Part 2 Episode 113, Goemon is in tears during the play while Lupin is loudly munching on a biscuit. Jigen gets annoyed by Lupin's disrespectful attitude and gets him to leave the theater so Goemon can focus.
  • In Part 2 Episode 145, Jigen is horrified after Zenigata falls out of the Albatross airship along with Lonebach. Fortunately, they survive when one of them opens a parachute.
  • In Part 2 Episode 155, it's implied that Zenigata consented to Lupin disguising himself as him for once.
  • In Part 2 Episode 152, Zenigata has been tracking the gang, but after overhearing that Jigen has to face Minnesota Fats in a duel despite being vulnerable, Pops is moved to tears and wishes Jigen luck.
  • Lupin proves himself to be selfless to his friends when he lets Michael and Fujiko have the bed in Bye Bye Lady Liberty, while he spends the night on the floor.
  • Several in The Mystery of Mamo, but the biggest is when Jigen begs Lupin not to confront Mamo. After all they went through while on the run from Flinch, Jigen is scared for Lupin. If you listen closely, you can hear that Jigen is close to tears while shouting after his partner.