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This is a recap page for the Lupin III anime series. TV series, feature films, TV films, and assorted other goodies are here. Each section is listed in chronological order.

As this series is a Long Runner, there's a lot to recap. Feel free to help yourself to an episode or two. Perhaps a TV movie, if that's more your taste. Lupin certainly would.

Lupin III ("Green Jacket") - 1971[]

The original series, known among fans as the Green Jacket series, was produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha. Voice actors for characters were Yasuo Yamada for Lupin, Kiyoshi Kobayashi for Jigen, Yukiko Nikaido for Fujiko, Chikao Ootsuka for Goemon, and Goro Naya for Inspector Zenigata. Discotek has recently licensed this series and plans to release it starting in Spring of 2012, according to their Facebook page.

  1. Is Lupin Burning... ?!
  2. The Man They Called A Magician
  3. Farewell My Beloved Witch
  4. One Chance to Breakout
  5. The Coming of Goemon the Thirteenth
  6. Rainy Afternoons are Bad
  7. A Wolf Calls a Wolf
  8. The All-Together Playing-Card Operation
  9. Killer Sings the Blues
  10. Hunt Down the Counterfeiter!
  11. When the Seventh Bridge Falls
  12. Who Had the Last Laugh?
  13. Beware the Time Machine?
  14. The Emerald's Secret
  15. Let's Catch Lupin and Go to Europe
  16. Operation Jewel Snatch
  17. Lupin Caught in a Trap
  18. Keep an Eye on the Beauty Contest
  19. Which of the Third Generation Will Win!
  20. Catch the Phony Lupin!
  21. Rescue the Tomeboy!
  22. The First Move Wins Computer Operation!
  23. The Great Gold Showdown!

Shin Lupin III ("Red Jacket") - 1977[]

Shin Lupin III (New Lupin III), often called the Red Jacket series, was produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha. Voice actors for characters were Yasuo Yamada for Lupin, Kiyoshi Kobyashi for Jigen, Eiko Masuyama for Fujiko, Makio Inoue for Goemon, and Goro Naya for Inspector Zenigata. The first 79 episodes were dubbed into English by the now-defunct Geneon Entertainment; the English titles for these episodes are included in parenthesis. In addition, the two episodes directed by Hayao Miyazaki (#145 and #155) were released earlier by Streamline as "Tales of the Wolf".

  1. The Dashing Entrance of Lupin III (Return of Lupin III)
  2. A Bouquet of Bills Blossom in Rio's Sunset (Guns, Buns, and Fun in the Sun)
  3. Hitler's Legacy (To Be or Nazi Be)
  4. I Can Hear Nessie's Song (50 Ways to Leave Your 50 Foot Lover)
  5. I'll Tell You How to Transport Gold Bullion (Gold Smuggling 101)
  6. Is The Leaning Tower of Pisa Standing? (Shaky Pisa)
  7. Tutankhamen's 3000-Year Curse (Cursed Case Scenario)
  8. The Venice Superexpress (Disorient Express)
  9. What Do You Think of Ukiyoe Blues? (Now Museum, Now You Don't)
  10. Steal File M123 (ZenigataCon)
  11. Wager on the Monaco GP (Who's Vroomin' Who?)
  12. A Present for the President (The Sleight Before Christmas)
  13. The Great San Francisco Chase (I Left My Mind in San Francisco)
  14. The Great Caribbean Adventure (Curse of the Jumbo Juju)
  15. The Great Detectives Take to the Sky (The Case of the Risible Dirigible)
  16. The Two Faces of Lupin (Crude Reproduction, Perfect Frame)
  17. Go for the Oildollar (Sheik-Down)
  18. Black Panther (My Birthday Pursuit)
  19. Can You Open the Ten-Year Vault? (A Safe Bet)
  20. Lupin Up Against The Wall (Hell Toupee)
  21. Goemon's Revenge (The Last Mastery)
  22. Search the House of Mystery Women (Lupin in Paradise)
  23. Witch of the Fourth-Dimension (Auntie Ballistic)
  24. The Great Thief Nezumi-Koozoo Makes His Appearance (Rats To You)
  25. The Coming of the Killer Iron Lizards (Lair of the Land-Shark)
  26. The Rose and the Pistol (Shot Through the Heart)
  27. Where is the Cinderella Stamp? (The Little Princess of Darkness)
  28. Lady Detective Melon (Revenge of Le Nerd)
  29. The Electroshock Pigeon Operation (Fry Me to the Moon)
  30. The Wind is Hot in Morocco (Morocco Horror Picture Show)
  31. Face the Midnight Sun and Fire! (Twins Pique)
  32. Lupin Dies Twice (Lupin the Interred)
  33. To Who Does Orion's Crown Belong? (A Rumble Royale)
  34. Lupin Becomes a Vampire (But Your Brother Was Such a Nice Guy)
  35. Chase the Gorilla Gang (Gorilla Tactics)
  36. Expose the Secret of Tsukikagejoo (The Secret of Tsukikage Castle)
  37. The Buried Treasure of Genghis Khan (Khan Job)
  38. The Sweet ICPO Trap (Happy Betrayals to You)
  39. A Diamond Disappeared in the Hong Kong Night Sky (Pretty Cluckin' Insane)
  40. Operation Misslejack (Payload)
  41. Find Princess Kaguya's Treasure (Heroes and Vixens)
  42. Lupin Becomes a Bride (Cruisin' in Drag)
  43. Where Are Peking Man's Bones? (Jumpin' the Bones)
  44. The Vanishing Special Armored Car (Lion, Cheatin', and Stealin')
  45. Killing is the Smell of Wine (Diamonds and Minx)
  46. Lupin Will Fetch a High Price (The Island of Dr. Derange)
  47. Her Majesty's Slipshod Inspectors (Crownin' Around)
  48. Lupin Laughs While the Alarm Bell Rings (Vault Assault)
  49. A Pretty Woman Has Venom (Snake Charmer)
  50. Lupin, Whom I Loved - Part I (The Second Time Around - Part One)
  51. Lupin, Whom I Loved - Part II (The Second Time Around - Part Two)
  52. Emmanuelle is an Angel's Whisper (Emmanuelle in Bangkok)
  53. The Mad Fantoma Mark III (I Melt With You)
  54. Detective Hanshichi's Ten-Year Promise (Mercy Mercy Me)
  55. Falling Cherry Blossoms - The Mysterious Gang of Five - Part I (Kooky Kabuki - Part One)
  56. Falling Cherry Blossoms - The Mysterious Gang of Five - Part II (Kooky Kabuki - Part Two)
  57. Will It Be the Computer or Lupin? (Alter-Ego Maniac)
  58. The Border is the Face of Farewell (Gettin' Jigen With It)
  59. The Mysterious World of Madame X (Madame Prefers Them Hand-Dipped)
  60. A Flower of Suicide Blooms in India (Holy Cow)
  61. The Flying Zantetsuken (The Yam is Mightier Than the Sword)
  62. The Sound of the Devil's Bells Calls Lupin (Church of the Poison Mind)
  63. A Trap For a Trap! (Charity Begins at Home)
  64. Christmas is in the Hands of the Goddess (Christmas at Tiffany's)
  65. Lupin's Enemy is Lupin (Return of the X Factor)
  66. Shooting Orders! (Beauty and the Deceased)
  67. Lupin's Big Sayuuki (Monkey King Business)
  68. Casino Island - Inversions and More Inversions (Games of Chance)
  69. The Woman the Old Man Fell in Love With (Zenigata Getcha into My Life)
  70. Classic Thieves and Mynah Birds (Can't Beat the Classics)
  71. Lupin Vs. the Shinsen Group (Dangerous Dreamers)
  72. The Skateboard Murder Mystery (You're Sapphired!)
  73. Flowers and Storms and a Thieves' Race (It's a Purloin-a-palooza!)
  74. The Terrifying Chameleon Man (For Larva or Money)
  75. Fujiko Doesn't Look Good in a Bridal Gown (The Bride Came D.O.A.)
  76. Do You Know Shakespeare? (Dark Charade)
  77. Arrest Lupin With Horoscopes (Lupin's Psychic Friend)
  78. Diamonds Gleam in a Robot's Eye (Ice, Robot)
  79. The Lupin Funeral March (Baton Death March)
  80. The Last Meal is Cup Ramen (Everybody Loves Ramen) (Dub not released, name comes from next episode segment on previous episode)
  81. Fujiko! Men Are Tough!
  82. The Old Man Rescue Hostage Operation
  83. Lupin's Big Western
  84. Leave Revenge to Lupin
  85. ICPO Secret Directive
  86. The Mysterious Nightlight Mask Appears
  87. When the Devil Beckons to Lupin
  88. Lupin's Big South Pole-North Pole Adventure
  89. Play the Thieves' Symphony
  90. Bad Guys Are Truly Big Villains
  91. The Girl Who Travels Through Time
  92. Madame and a Thieves' Quartet
  93. Operation Great Wall of China Invader
  94. Lupin Vs. Superman
  95. From the Ghost Ship with Love
  96. Lupin's Gourmet Heaven
  97. Find the Treasure of Lupin I
  98. The Day the Old Man Died
  99. The Combat Magnum Scattered in the Wasteland
  100. The Famous Painting Theft Ultra Operation
  101. Versailles Burned with Love
  102. Lupin is Fond of Chanel
  103. The Wolf Saw an Angel
  104. The Most Dangerous Golden Bed
  105. Horror - A Woman Disappeared on Devil's Head Island
  106. You're a Cat, I'm a Dried Tuna
  107. A Wedding Ring is an Accursed Trap
  108. Zantetsuken's Lament
  109. Lupin's Toughest Battle Ever
  110. Hot Shot: This is Fujiko
  111. Is the Invader Safe Open?
  112. Goemon's Close Call
  113. The Name of the Operation is Chuushingura
  114. The Secret of the Mystery Painting "The First Supper"
  115. Mona Lisa Smiles Twice
  116. Have the 108 Bells Rung?
  117. The Chewing Gum Disguise Operation
  118. The Southern Cross Looked Like Diamonds
  119. Lupin, Who Killed Lupin
  120. Frankenstein Attacks Lupin
  121. The Treasure My Grandfather Left Behind
  122. Rare Find: Napoleon's Fortune
  123. Paris is For Thieves
  124. 1999: A Popcorn Odyssey
  125. The Big Oildollar Plot
  126. Together With Lupin to Hell
  127. Direct Hit! Operation Dead Ball
  128. The Old Woman and Lupin Thievery Contest
  129. In Jigen, I Saw the Gentleness of a Man's Soul
  130. Lupin Vs. the Mystery Man With Two Faces
  131. Two Goemons - The Mystery of Zantetsuken
  132. The Himalayan Holy Mountain Thieves' Cult
  133. Keep Your Hands Off the Hot Treasure
  134. The Climactic Lupin Arrest Operation
  135. Poison and Magic and Lupin III
  136. Revenge of the Gold Butterfly
  137. The Magnificent Team-Play Operation
  138. The Treasure of Pompeii and Venomous Snakes
  139. Steal Everything of Lupin's
  140. Wolf, Run, Pig, Fall Down
  141. 1980 Moscow Revolution
  142. The Big Favorite Disappeared at the Grand Race
  143. The Miami Bank Raid Anniversary
  144. Fujiko's Close Call Rescue Operation
  145. Wings of Death - Albatross (Albatross: Wings of Death)
  146. Lupin's Splendid Failure
  147. The Mermaid That Disappeared in the Midnight Sun
  148. The Target is 555 Meters
  149. The Treasure of Mecca Wore a Veil
  150. Piano Symphony "Zoo"
  151. The Arrest Lupin Highway Operation
  152. Jigen and a Hat and a Pistol
  153. The Bills That Came From God
  154. The Hexagon's Great Legacy
  155. Farewell My Beloved Lupin (Aloha Lupin)

Lupin III Part III ("Pink Jacket") - 1984[]

Lupin III Part III, also called the Pink Jacket series, was produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha and was the most recent Lupin series to air for almost 25 years.

  1. The Gold is Beckoning Lupin
  2. Expose the Great Trap
  3. Good Afternoon, Hell's Angel
  4. Telepathy is Love's Signal
  5. Goemon Daydream
  6. Lupin Has Come With a Tank
  7. The Man is Called the Death Garb
  8. Virgin Mary's Getaway Strategy
  9. The Copy-Man Comes Expensive
  10. Lay a Plot With the Treasure
  11. The Ruby Sheds Bloody Tears
  12. The Prisoner of a Vatican Palace
  13. Play a Joke on the Variation
  14. Let's Play the Abduction
  15. The Killer Comes Along Quietly
  16. The Golden Apple Has Poison
  17. Are You Really Getting Married?
  18. Show Time is Death Feeling
  19. An Act of Betrayal
  20. Cross His Name Off the List
  21. Farewell, Golden Legend
  22. The Fire is Not Suitable For a Diamond
  23. The Strategy of Beirut Mobile Bank Robbery
  24. Pray For the Repose of Your Soul
  25. We Are Not Angels
  26. The Ghost of New York
  27. Code Name is Alaska Star
  28. The Alaska Star is a Ticket to Hell
  29. Let's Go to the Honey-Moon
  30. The Name of the Cocktail is Revenge
  31. Reversal, Reversal, and Again Reversal
  32. Ten Million Dollar Key
  33. A Boy Genius Plays a Dangerous Game
  34. Manhattan Crisis
  35. Target Was Gone Beyond the Snow Field
  36. The Eagle Alights on the Glory
  37. Pops Boils Over With Rage
  38. Letiethia Loved Me
  39. Give the Gold to the Rival
  40. In a Panic Over the Treasure
  41. A Night Under Martial Law
  42. Plunder the Pyramid of Insurance
  43. Farewell, Cinderella
  44. Our Papa is a Thief
  45. A Toast to the Con-Game
  46. Worn-Out Wings
  47. A Famous Picture
  48. Tears Stood in Hades' Eyes
  49. Pops Was Adopted Into the Family
  50. Kill the Atomic Submarine Ivanov

Lupin III: The Woman Named Fujiko Mine- 2012[]

A brand new, 13 episode series directed by Sayo Yamamoto. It's set in the early years of the franchise, and features Fujiko as the main character. Kanichi Kurita reprises his role of Lupin from the films and TV specials, while Miyuki Sawashiro, Koichi Yamadera, and Daisuke Namikawa return as Fujiko, Zenigata, and Goemon from the 2011 TV special, respectively.

  1. Great Thief vs Lady Phantom Thief
  2. .357 Magnum
  3. The Lady and the Samurai
  4. Living in Song, Living in Love
  5. Blood-Soaked Triangle
  6. Prison of Love
  7. Music and Revolution
  8. Dying Day
  9. Love Wreathed in Stream
  10. Ghost Town


Feature Films[]

TV Movies[]


  • Lupin III Secret Files - A collection featuring the original pilot for the Lupin anime, as well as the trailers for several of the feature films.
  • Strange Psychokinetic Strategy - The only live action Lupin film to date.