Märchen Awakens Romance, officially abbreviated as MÄR, is a shonen action manga/anime by Nobuyuki Anzai, the creator of Flame of Recca.
Poor Ginta just can't get a break. He's nearsighted, does poorly in school, isn't athletic, and to top it all off, is really short for his age. He has quite the imagination, however, having had the same dream of the fantastical world of Märhaven, where he's the hero that saves the day, a total of 102 times. This only makes him a bigger laughingstock at school, except for his childhood friend Koyuki who very much enjoys Ginta's imaginary adventures. Then one day, a mysterious portal appears in the middle of his class room and its guardian summons Ginta to the world beyond. With litte hesitation, Ginta steps through to find himself in the land of his dreams. Not only is Märhaven real, but Ginta is now strong and agile and best of all, no longer needs his glasses to see! Thus begins Ginta's adventures in Mär Heaven.
Early on in the plot, the action revolves around fighting monsters and bandits and introducing the other main characters. The plot then takes a darker turn when the Chess declare war on all of Märhaven which culminates in an epic tournament with the fate of Märhaven hanging in the balance.
The anime's North American release ran on Cartoon Network's Toonami (after a more consistent run on Toonami Jetstream), however schedule irregularities ensured its tenure was short lived. Due to that, the English dub was discontinued as well.
The manga also got a sequel called Mär Omega, which is neither written nor drawn by Anzai. It features a cast of entirely new characters apart from Babbo (with one or two original characters making cameo appearances). It also doesn't follow the same format as the first one. Your Mileage May Vary on how good it is.
- Accidental Pervert - Jack during his first match with Pano. He was entirely clueless to the Unfortunate Implications during his fight.
- Action Girl - Both Snow and Dorothy
- Adaptation Expansion: A HUGE example in the anime, especially near the end of the series.
- Affably Evil - Phantom and Rolan. At a first glance you wouldn't recognize that they're evil.
- Phantom is clearly evil, but he takes off his mask and no one knows it's him.
- A Glass of Chianti - Peta drinks Nanashi's blood from a fancy (yet creepy) wineglass during their battle. And yeah, it's just a glass, not an Ärm.
- Alternate Universe - Mär
- Exclusively Evil - The Chess
- Amnesiac Dissonance - Babbo was Phantom's Ärm in the first games.
- In the last volume, we learn that isn't strictly the case. Babbo's "evil" personality was actually the result of the evil from the Caldian Orb inhabiting him. It left after the first War Games, leaving Babbo with the personality of Caldia's Elder... And Ginta's father.
- Anime Theme Song: In the Japanese version. The English dub has a badass Instrumental Theme Tune instead.
- Anti-Villain ... Ash loves kids and only fights with the Chess to end war, thus protected the world's children. Holy shit, is he on the wrong side.
- Apologetic Attacker - Rolan
- Ascended Fanboy - Ginta gets to visit the fantasy land he dreamed so long for.
- Authority Equals Asskicking - The Chess are ranked via chess pieces. Pawns being mooks, followed by Rooks, Bishops, and Knights being the highest ranked fighters. There is only one King and Queen and they don't fight till the very end.
- Back from the Dead - Phantom is killed in the previous war games, but gets revived and leads the Chess in the next set of war games. Danna at the end of the series.
- Badass - Characters on both sides each exhibit moments of badassery, but Alan takes the cake, literally everything he says and does looks badass.
- Except against cats.
- Little Miss Badass - Loco though she is older than she appears and justified due to the effect of her Darkness Ärms that reverses the users age.
- Bait and Switch Lesbians - Despite being in love with Ginta, Dorothy has quite a few moments in the anime being inappropriately groped by other females.
- Poor Dorothy, despite being a canonically straight woman, that doesn't stop the animators for taken advantage of her in the name of Fanservice.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind - Though, as a twist, it's Ginta and the Caldian Orb inside Babbo's mind.
- Betty and Veronica - With Snow being the Betty and Dorothy being the Veronica.
- Big Screwed-Up Family - Dorothy is Diana's sister, who's Snow's stepmother and also the Queen of the Big Bad
- Bilingual Bonus - Märchen is German for "Fairy Tale"
- Koyuki is Japanese for 'little snow', her alternate within MAR is Snow
- Black Magician Girl - Dorothy
- Blade on a Stick - Nanashi's weapon of choice.
- Blessed with Suck / Cursed with Awesome - The Zombie Tattoo, depending on how you look at it. On the one hand, it grants immortality; even if you die, you simply Rise from Your Grave some time later. In addition to that, the tattoo is a gift and Märk of admiration from Phantom, something every Chess Piece would quite literally kill for. On the other hand, it grants immortality by making you into a living zombie; "never to die, and never to truly live again". Mär member Alviss views it as a curse, while Knight Rolan views it as a great blessing.
- Bling of War: Justified in that the flashy outfits with fancy rings, necklaces and accessories are what the characters use to attack. In short, their bling is war.
- Blood Knight - The basic Chess Piece philosophy, especially Phantom and Peta. They believe that a peaceful, pristine world like Mär Heaven is meaningless without conflict, war, and battle.
- Bloody Murder - Peta
- Body Horror - Pretty much what Chimera does to poor Gido.
- Broken Bird Chimera is also a great example of this, intentionally replacing her hands with creepy ghost Ärms.
- Hands? Her body was broken, but her limbs were still fully functional. Ghost Ärms consume the soul.
- Broken Bird Chimera is also a great example of this, intentionally replacing her hands with creepy ghost Ärms.
- Break the Cutie - Chimera. Though, to be fair, most of the Knights had lives this messed up.
- Butt Monkey - Jack. Lampshaded almost constantly. Especially in one episode of the anime where he is turned into an actual monkey by Loco and Babbo comments that it's not really any different from normal.
- The Chains of Commanding - Due to the rules of the tournament, if the captain is defeated, the entire team loses. Ginta as team captain, knows all to well what the price of failure means.
- Captain Ersatz - Some of the characters in the show are inspired by fairy tale characters.
- Catgirl - Chaton, the strongest Bishop. She ends up defeating Alan, who has a fear of cats. Also Merilo, a maid guardian.
- Bumoru is a counterpart to Merilo, though significantly less of a 'cat-girl' impression.
- Chess Motifs - The Chess, if you couldn't tell. Most obviously, their ranking system is organized by the strength of chess pieces, the order being Pawn, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Queen, and King.
- Clothing Damage - Happens a lot in the anime. Dorothy and Alviss are the main victims.
- Chaste Hero - While Snow and Jack comment on Alice's appearance, and Bappo is embarrassed to take that form, Ginta doesn't even seem to give her the time of day.
- He does notice that Snow is an attractive young girl when he carries her off the battlefield in the third round, and when Dorothy gives him a kiss for helping her at the story's start, he blushes and apologies to Koyuki, which he notably doesn't do when Snow Crash Into Hello with him, twice!
- Combat Sadomasochist - Candice. She outright says this to Jack when she fights him. Her Chimera guardian works by having her take pain in order to power it up, and then inflicts that "pain" on the foe by way of petrification.
- Conspicuous CG - The anime is very guilty of this, especially with its Guardian type Arms.
- Crap Saccharine World: It's a world of children's fairy tales... populated by Omnicidal Blood Knights who came very, very close to forcing the entire world's citizenry across the Despair Event Horizon six years ago, and some places have a very After the End feel to it..
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - Ginta, Jack, and Nanashi. All three display varying degrees of stupidity, yet when pushed hard enough show their badass sides.
- Nanashi definitely as well, seeing how he acts like and is in fact a skirt chaser all of the time. However the few matches that he loses are because he went easy on his opponents
- Curb Stomp Battle - Dorothy vs. Avrute.
- Arguably, all of the battles near the end of the manga, esp. v.s. the Knights, Queen and King. They, almost invariably, followed the formula, A uses X, hitting B once, then countered easily by B using Y, and then after several X,Y,Z... A summons a Guardian, which looks really badass, hitting B once, but it is always killed by B's Guardian, often in one shot. The end. Hell, none of the heroes even got a scratch after the last battle.
- Cute Ghost Girl - Alma
- Cute Witch - Dorothy
- Dark Action Girl - Kandis and Chimera would fit.
- Dating Catwoman - Jack and Pano.
- Deconstruction: Alviss- among the Fractured Fairy Tale characters, Alvis is by far the most disturbing. Peter Pan won't grow up not because he chose to stay eternally young, but because he's a zombie, and his mind and body are slowly being attacked by a curse mark.
- Defictionalization - ARMs were sold as jewelry in real life, although presumably sans magic powers.
- Deliberately Cute Child - Loco, also due to her Ärm's side effect makes her much older
- Demonic Possession - The Caldian Orb. Over the course of the series, it possesses Babbo (twice!) and Boss.
- Department of Redundancy Department - "Kung Fu Frog is a master of Kung Fu!"
- Died Happily Ever After: Chimera of all people, after seeing Ian and Gido reunited.
- Disappeared Dad - Ginta's father who turned out to be Boss of the Cross Guard.
- Specifically, he was killed in the first War Games. In the last volume, we learn that the Caldian Orb possessed his body, and that his soul was pushed into Babbo.
- Disproportionate Retribution: This was what lead to Chimera's Start of Darkness when her wedding was crashed and her groom killed all because he was a former (and by then reformed) Chess member. If that wasn't enough the mob that killed him turned their hatred on her, scarring her face horribly and even RAPED her. What the Hell, Townspeople?!!
- Damsel in Distress - Snow, although it only happens twice.
- Disc One Nuke - Babbo, and Ginta too, pretty much.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him - The death of all the main characters in the end of the anime. They get better, though.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady - Rolan.
- Elemental Ignorance - During the War Games Snow seems really intent on going into the worst possible places for her powers, and at the same time never seems to go to the ice field. And that's barely scratching the surface of some of the rather... unique choices they make.
- Elemental Powers
- An Ice Person - Snow (who also has Making a Splash powers with her strongest Ärm), Girom
- Blow You Away - Dorothy, Fûghi
- Dark Is Edgy - Alviss, Loco
- Dishing Out Dirt - Rolan
- Extra Ore Dinary - The majority of characters, as they tend to have at least one weapon Ärm.
- Green Thumb and Playing with Fire - Jack (Wizard, one of the Knights, as well, minus the fire). Alan and Halloween also use flame.
- Light'Em Up - Ginta, when using Alice.
- Shock and Awe - Nanashi
- Emotionless Girl - Subverted with Loco, as she is simply a stoic, 32-year-old woman in a little girl's body. Also, she shows genuine surprise (in one case, horror) at some of the crazy shit the good guys pull off.
- Empathic Weapon - Babbo, which is considered an impossible trait for an Ärm to have.
- Epic Flail - Babbo again, the weapon in question looks like a Kendama [dead link] (like paddle-ball, only with a hammer), Ginta uses him like a flail until Babbo gets upgraded later.
- Even the Guys Want Him - "Man, Alviss-dono is popular among both men and women!", as stated by Edward during episode 88's Mär Heaven Network.
- Evil Only Has to Win Once
- Expy - Nanashi is whole lot similar to Flame of Recca's Joker. Epileptic Tree says that Nanashi IS Joker who got thrown into the Mär universe after his final battle.
- Well, he does have the scent of an otherworlder, and first showed up in Märhaven with Joker's clothing and stomach wound. Make of that what you will.
- Well who else could Nanashi possibly be? He doesn't seem to originate from any of the Fractured Fairy Tale, unlike Snow White, Dorothy, Alviss, and Jack. I have no clue where Alan comes from, though.
- Nanashi is reminiscent of Robin Hood, stealing from others and giving to his guild. Alan is likely related to Beauty and the Beast.
- Eyepatch of Power - Both Nanashi and Galian wear their bandanas so that it looks like they're blindfolded (although close-ups reveal that one eye is exposed) and Candice wears an actual eye patch (with a flaming skull insignia no less) over her left eye, and they look pretty badass this way.
- Eyes Always Shut: Ian. He opens them slightly when being creepy.
- Fairy Tale Motifs: They're Everywhere, most notably Aqua's storyline has paralells to the Non-Disneyfied The Little Mermaid.
- Face Heel Turn - Danna, and in the anime, Alviss
- Famous Ancestor - Ginta's father Danna
- Foe Yay - Alviss spends so much time hating Phantom that during the anime-only ghost chess arc he accepts to live together with Phantom for eternity. To be fair, it was more or less mind control.
- Fun with Acronyms - The English title "MÄR" stands for "Märchen Awakens Romance", the "Märchen" standing for fairy tales.
- Fractured Fairy Tale - Boy howdy. Almost everyone is a reference to some fairy tale, even guys like Alviss. It'd be easier to list the people who aren't.
- Guardian Entity - Guardian ÄRMs can summon a Guardian to fight for their user but they are unable to move from the spot they summon the entity.
- Gecko Ending: An rather odd example in that the manga ended before the anime.
- Genre Blind - The Chess were fully capable of completely destroying Mär, and instead they decide to deliberately sit back and watch the good guys become stronger. What a bunch of idiots... Justified in that an easy victory goes against basic Chess philosophy.
- It's even worse for the Zonnen. In order to end the War Games, they intended to assassinate the main characters during the latter's Training from Hell. Instead of simply killing Alan and destroying the training gates he had activated, they GO INSIDE THE TRAINING GATES AND TORTURE THE PEOPLE INSIDE. Cue the KÄrmic Deaths.
- More of a case of Hoist by His Own Petard. They loved killing too much (to which even Phantom couldn't stand). So they fore went the usual easy method in favor of trying to appease their sick pleasure. Course they ended up underestimating the Mär crew and wound up face in the dirt.
- It's even worse for the Zonnen. In order to end the War Games, they intended to assassinate the main characters during the latter's Training from Hell. Instead of simply killing Alan and destroying the training gates he had activated, they GO INSIDE THE TRAINING GATES AND TORTURE THE PEOPLE INSIDE. Cue the KÄrmic Deaths.
- Gingerbread House - In one round of the War Games, Princess Snow fights against the Bishop Emokiss, an ugly little girl whose signature ÄRM is the Gingerbread House - a house of sweets. When she eats the House, she bulks up, growing fatter and larger and stronger with each bite.
- Gladiator Games - The War Games
- God Save Us From the Queen - The Chess base themselves in Lestava, with Diana ruling over both.
- Gondor Calls for Aid: Anime only, in typically the final battle.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars - Many of the protagonists have minor scars, while some of the Chess Pieces are more damaged and even deformed, especially Chimera.
- Gonk: Semi-deconstructed with Kouga, who is extremely sensitive about his ugliness, and hates pretty boys like Alviss.
- Grand Theft Me In the final battle Its revealed the Danna who Ginta faces actually being possessed by the true big bad, a evil orb.
- Green Lantern Ring - Babbo. When Ginta slots in a magic stone, he can give that "version" any ability he can think of. This ranges from a hammer/dagger Ärm, to such things as a jelly that defends against all attacks, an Ärm-wielding guardian, and finally a Reverse Gatekeeper Clown.
- Harmless Freezing - Snow uses an Ärm to trap herself in ice to prevent the attempted kidnapping by the Chess. Subverted because she's actually in mortal danger if she isn't defrosted in time.
- Heavy Voice - One character's signature ARM is the Gingerbread House - a house of sweets. Eating it makes her grow to sumo-like proportions, gaining superhuman strength and toughness in the process. As she grows bigger, her voice grows deeper and thicker.
- Heel Face Turn - Plenty of Chess pieces in the anime, Ash, Pano, Gido, Ian, Galian, Chaton, Loco, to name a few
- Heroes-R-Us - Cross Guard
- Heroic BSOD - Ginta, in the anime, after Snow's death
- Heroic Sacrifice - Danna dies in his fight against Phantom.
- Hidden Elf Village - Kaldea, from which all Ärm are produced.
- Highly-Visible Ninja - Kouga
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Phantom pretty much, he wanted to see how strong Ginta would become. And wasted a chance to kill him when he was still weak. He even admits it wasn't such a good idea in the final battle when Ginta starts to overcome him.
- Holding Back the Phlebotinum - Utterly averted. Most notably, the Training Gate is introduced early and used often; every character not participating in the current day's fights will be training inside, and everyone goes inside to train on the days off.
- In battle, the big weapons and guardians are used often, but saved for late in the battle, but this is Justified because it takes time to build up synchronization with one's Ärm. Using a big guardian too early will result in it being as hÄrmless as a soap bubble, as Alan is all too willing to explain to an unfortunate Rook.
- I Coulda Been a Contender - Gaira on the surface, has the makings of a Badass and was the number 3 player in the previous War Games gets eliminated in the preliminaries by Chimera.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty - There's an entire arc in the anime dedicated to Phantom kidnapping and keeping ALVISS at his side, under mind control-complete with Yaoi Fanservice! No, really.
- Immortality - Phantom and the zombie tattoo.
- Improbable Weapon User - Jack and his Battle Scoop! (yeah, you heard me right).
- It's more of a shovel/spade.
- Involuntary Shapeshifting - Alan and Ed occupy the same body, and switch places when one of them falls asleep.
- James Bondage - Alviss, in the anime.
- Jumped At the Call - Ginta heads through the portal to Mär with minimal regrets.
- Karmic Death: Rapunzel after taking it upon herself to kill her fellow teammates if they lost (or tied in poor Aqua's case). Say the least after she lost her battle to Dorthy, Phantom has her killed personally (in the manga, she decapitated, which was one of her favorite killing methods.
- Karma Houdini - Girom. Sweet blue monkey hell, GIROM. No matter how many atrocities he commits, the only punishment he ever gets is getting blasted into the sky and punched unconscious and losing his sister Rapunzel to Ian. He never learns his damn lesson.
- So he's a one man Team Rocket
- Kawaiiko - Aqua. Her cuteness will rot your teeth out.
- Kill It with Fire - How Jack wins his final battle.
- Kill the Cutie - Aqua, a Chess bishop, is killed by Girom after her draw against Nanashi, even though she SUCCEEDS in winning Rock-Paper-Scissors against Rapunzel. Ginta does NOT take it very well.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia - Both Nanashi and Babbo have had their memories wiped prior to Ginta's arrival.
- Loads and Loads of Characters - All the members of Chess are named, and there are a lot of members... A select few (mainly the knights) are given backstory and/or become recurring characters throughout the tournament.
- Loveable Rogue - Nanashi
- Love At First Punch - Jack and Pano.
- Love Bubbles - Quite usual in the anime
- Love Makes You Evil - Subverted: Phantom only got more bitter when Alma dumped him for being a villain.
- Luke, I Am Your Father - The King is Danna, Ginta's father
- Magical Land - Märhaven
- Magikarp Power - Jack's Battle Shovel is easily the most useless Ärm the group has, even worse than an unpowered Babbo. All it is is a shovel shaped chÄrm that morphs into... an ordinary shovel, not even meant for battle. However, during his first Trianing Gate session, Dorothy teaches him how to use Magic Stones with the shovel to give it better powers. Jack manages to turn the shovel into a highly powered Nature Ärm (renaming it the Earth Shovel) with the power to manipulate soil and rock, and to germinate and control all manner of highly magical plants. He then proceeds to win almost every one of his War Game fights with it.
- Magitek - The Ärm
- Man Behind the Man - The King
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy - Roland and Candice, mostly noticeable in the Ghost Chess arc, when they appear together often. Roland is mild mannered, delicate, gentle and looks like a girl. Candice is loudspoken, rude, loves to fight, has an immense ammount of bloodlust and even gropes females now and then.
- Mask Power - Every Chess Piece with a rank higher than Pawn has a unique mask. Pawns all have identical masks, to cement their place as Faceless Goons.
- Inverted in the Fourth Battle, where the only Chess Bishop wearing a mask was defeated instantly.
- Meaningful Name - Dorothy, being a Shout-Out to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, whose most powerful Ärm is a giantic dog named Toto, a giant robot, a crucified scarecrow, and a flying lion, as well as a psychotic quilted doll (books only); Snow, being a Shout-Out to "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs", whose Ärm are all ice based; Jack, being a Shout-Out to Jack and the Beanstalk whose Ärm are mostly based around plants and gardening. See a theme developing here?
- Also, Snow and Koyuki.
- Mighty Glacier - Possible deconstruction: Avrute, one of the Chess bishops in the forth battle of the war game, moves slowly and wields a huge claw that can slice through anything; he gets defeated instantly before he can even do anything.
- Mirror Match - Nature Ärm Shadowman creates a perfect copy of a person at their strongest. The heroes use it as a training partner inside the Training Gate.
- More Than Mind Control - Both Phantom and Diana were actually under the manipulation of king, but both where twisted to begin with.
- Morph Weapon - Babbo and Jack's battle scoop, and a few other Ärm, through the use of socketing magic stones and then thinking up of cool powers.
- Multiple Demographic Appeal - Despite the manga having blood and being geared towards a young teenage audience, the anime was made to be aired to kids... and surprisingly enough, fangirls
- Mushroom Samba - In the War Games, Jack gets a rematch with Pano. He seeds her with special mushrooms that give her hallucinations. They go like this: The volcanoes around the battlefield erupt, the mushrooms become caterpillars, the caterpillars become butterflies and the wasteland becomes a field of flowers, the butterflies become bats, vines wrap her up, and then Jack, much better looking than he really is, appears and offers to remove the mushrooms if she gives up, which she does immediately. In fact, he leaves one behind on purpose so she would still think he's handsome. He accidentally knocks it off when he goes to hug her, and the hallucinations wear off in the span of a few seconds.
- Nebulous Evil Organization - The Chess.
- Lampshaded by Loco, who fully recognizes just how evil the Chess Pieces are. Though, being a Chess Piece herself, she doesn't seem to care.
- Nerd Glasses - Ginta wears these at the beginning of the series. Discarding them right after arriving in Märhaven.
- Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Ginta has superstrength because of a gravity difference.
- Not a Game - Ginta gets a very harsh wake-up call as to the seriousness of the Chess Piece threat when Alan explains the War Games after showing Ginta the destruction the Chess have already caused.
- And reaffirmed again with Snow after she watches Dorothy utterly destroy one of the Chess Pieces, even when the poor guy tries to call uncle but Dorothy won't let him.
- Official Couple: Jack and Pano, Ian and Gido and Alan and Chaton.
- Omnicidal Maniac - The majority of the Chess Pieces, especially Phantom.
- Orgasmic Combat - Candice's sadomasochistic streak makes her enjoy her fights too much.
- Our Vegetarian Werewolves Are Different
- Perky Female Minion - Candices's (one sided) relationship with Phantom. Also Chaton and Aqua.
- Princesses Prefer Pink - Snow.
- Psycho Supporter - Peta, Rolan... hell, the entire Chess organization qualifies for this.
- Remember the New Guy? - Bell, Alviss' Fairy Companion, isn't active during the tournament, making very brief appearances in the interludes beteween rounds. The same happens to Ed, the dog. They both get more screen time in the anime though.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Dorothy and Diana.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something - Both Dorothy and Snow actually fight and kick ass.
- Screwed by the Network: Together with Prince of Tennis, MAR was aired out of order for several weeks, so that the audience had no idea what was going on. By the time they decided to start over and air the series properly, most of the fans had given up, and it was taken off the air a few months later. It survived for a time on the internet, but that, too, was soon abandoned. DVD's were likewise abandoned as Viz Media gave up on the series entirely. It seems the most we'll ever get from an official source is the 52 episodes currently on Hulu.
- Serial Killer - Girom kills without remorse, except for when he knows he cannot defeat his enemy, in which case he Ain't Too Proud to Beg for forgiveness.
- Shout-Out - in one episode of the anime Ginta is turned into a pink rabbit in what is probably a shout out to Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
- In the first episode, Ginta is playing a Video Game that closely resembles Final Fantasy VII
- Ironic considering Ginta looks very much like Cloud Strife.
- In the first episode, Ginta is playing a Video Game that closely resembles Final Fantasy VII
- Sissy Villain - Rolan again.
- Smoking Is Cool - Alan does it, and only looks more like a badass for it.
- Spike Spencer - Ginta in the dub (for once not playing the depressed Butt Monkey)
- Social Darwinist - Halloween. A few of the other Chess knights qualify, but he is the most evident of them. Phantom doesn't count since he's mind-controlled by the King.
- Sorting Algorithm of Evil - As the tournament progresses, the heroes face the higher ranks of the Chess.
- Soul Jar - Babbo. In fact, it's had as many as three souls inside at once.
- Stalker with a Crush - Chaton stalks Alan in the anime due to her crush. It's a pity he hates cats.
- Technically Dorothy this to Ginta.
- Phantom to Alviss. It creeps the other out.
- Storming the Castle - The final fights take place in Lestava castle.
- Summon Everyman Hero – Somewhat Invoked to bring Ginta due to it working before once with "Boss".
- Summon Magic - Guardian Ärm.
- Swiss Army Appendage - Phantom has his favorite Ärm grafted on to his arm.
- So he has an Ärm?
- Sympathetic Murderer - Chimera, Ash, Rolan, and some of the more minor Chess.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics - Pozun's wife and their female children have bows on their heads.
- The Baroness - Candice
- The Chosen One - Ginta
- The Dragon - Peta
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry - Subverted. Both Diana and Dorothy are beautiful, popular, and sMärt. Diana is evil, though, and that's what causes Dorothy to try and
- Well that and its the law of their floating continent. She has to do it.
- The High Queen - Diana
- Theme Naming - A great number of characters are named after and have attacks based on fairy tales.
- Dorothy's Ärm are almost all based on the Oz series.
- The Stoic - Alviss. Spoofed on a few occasions in a few gag strips found at the end of each manga volume.
- Title Drop: Of a sort. In the manga, the last chapter is the same as the anime, "Marchen Awakens Romance".
- Time to Unlock More True Potential - Gaira and Alan are usually responsible for those.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Dorothy and Snow.
- Wait, whose the Tomboy? And whose the Girly Girl? Because Dorothy and Snow were kinda a combination of both! I mean, sure Snow wasn't-mega tomboyish, and Dorothy wasn't mega-girly...but Dorothy also wasn't mega tomboyish, and Snow wasn't super girly. They both were feminine and girlish and both could fight.
- Together in Death: Chimera...or rather, Irene and Märco
- Tournament Arc - The War Games making up 2/3 of the series.
- Troubled but Cute - Alviss again.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Ginta and Dorothy. In the anime though, he resolves it with Dorothy by not choosing her.
- Was Once a Man - Chimera, actually a woman.
- Weaksauce Weakness - Alan's fear/allergy to cats.
- Wicked Stepmother - Diana to Snow
- Will They or Won't They?: Alan and Chaton's relationship seems to fall into this especially during the anime. They do at the end.
- Yandere - Candice, for Phantom.
- Year Inside, Hour Outside - Dimension Ärm Training Gate. Time passes sixty times as fast inside the gate. The heroes use the Ärm at just about every opportunity to train for enormous periods of time. Ginta's first training period saw him spend half a year inside the Gate, while only three days passed outside.
- You Have Failed Me... - In the fourth battle of the War Games, the Chess Knight Rapunzel kills those Chess members who lose their battles. Unfortunately, the last one killed was sickenly adorable, and her death drove Ginta COMPLETELY BERSERK.
- Ironically this happened to Rapunzel herself.
- Your Universe or Mine? - Life is though for Ginta.
- When You Snatch the Pebble - After Gaira's Training from Hell that he puts Ginta and Jack through, Alvis asks for a showing of their power now. He takes two stones and fires them towards the two from behind. Ginta, intelligently moves out of the way, impressing Alviss. Jack instead punches the stone, shattering it. He then is seen rolling on the ground because the stone injured his hand. Alvis notes the power increase, but notes that Jack is still an idiot, while Ginta merely freaks out at nearly being lobotomized.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? - Alan, the most Badass of anyone on Team Mär, has a crippling cat phobia. This turns out to be a problem when he has to fight a Catgirl.
- Word Salad Title