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M. Night Shyamalan is trying to turn his life into a movie.[]

After Unbreakable, he began to go insane and have a blurred perception between reality and film. This explains why his parts in his movies gradually became bigger. After Signs, Shyamalan decided to turn his life into a movie about a director who is trying to reclaim his mojo. The good news is that The Last Airbender was the part of the movie where all hope seems lost, so he will make a good movie again. The bad news is that after M. Night Shyamalan makes a good movie, there will be a plot twist. For all we know, M. Night Shyamalan might reveal himself to be The Cthulhu.

M. Night Shyamalan will make a movie which contains no twist, and is very logical and straightforward.[]

Which in and of itself will be a twist, since everyone is expecting M. Night Shyamalan to make a twist at the end of the movie, the fact that he doesn't will in fact be a twist in and of itself. But it wasn't a twist... but it was... but it wasn't... but it was... a META-twist!

M. Night Shyamalan makes his movies suck on purpose.[]

He secretly suffers from such cripplingly low self-esteem that he makes awful movies for the express purpose of inviting people's hate because he feels that he doesn't deserve to be liked or admired.

  • M. Night Shyamalan and low self-esteem? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

M. Night has been cursed by Saraswati after Signs[]

Being Indian director, the art goddess once gift him with telent and brilliant idea. Thinking that he will eventually spread Hindu belief and expand their influence on this world. She tolerate him until Signs, not only he refuse to spread their message, but even turn out to be believer of YHVH. So not only she revoke the gft, but also curse him with twisted mind that can't produce good movie anymore. There is chance that his curse will be lift should his next film is going to prase glory of Hindu gods.

Reincarnate will be privately financed by Shyamalan.[]

Since the studio seems to have lost interest in The Night Chronicles, he's doing After Earth to earn the money to finance it.