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No eyes were found with the body...

MARIO, appropriately made by a man named M A R I O (yes with the spaces) is a Super Mario World hack detailing an unknown point in Mario's life. Some theorize it is Mario turning evil, while some think it is his suicide.

The hack's levels are strange and empty, and the message boxes weird and unsettling. The game progresses through weird levels until you defeat the boss, after which a gruesome description of "Victim #1" (Princess Peach?) is shown. A text file that comes with the game can be decoded to an image, turning into a very, VERY High Octane Nightmare Fuel type picture that fits the description of the victim.

Read about it and download it here... if you dare.

Edit: Apparently he made a sequel, and doesn't remember making the first. There you are, have fun.

Edit: He made a. um, music... morse code... thing. And it's right here.

One last edit: According to a comic he made, he's pretty much admitted they're just creepy stories the people on SMW Central are supposed to decode. He hasn't made anything in a while, though, but he's still active being a non-creepy-guy.

This monstrosity contains examples of...[]

  • Driven to Suicide: Some theorize that the game involves Mario killing someone and then committing suicide because he can't face what he's done.
  • The Most Dangerous Video Game: Supposedly the image can set itself as your desktop background.
    • While playing the game the person who wrote the story about it noticed his chatroom quiet up, only to bustle again when he was done playing.
    • Not to mention the blood dripping down one guy's hand after decoding the image.
  • Nightmare Face: The image, of course!

Victim #3, the victim was found slumped over his computer reading an article on TV Tropes about a creepy Mario rom hack...[]