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A Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha fanfic written by Kaijo, who set out to write an action/adventure Continuation off the end of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Season 3. The author apparently wanted to see the lives of the cast continue into a whole new adventure that ties together past and present elements while keeping the Original Flavor. And he succeeds, managing to fit nearly everyone into the entire 26 chapter story!

One year after the end of Striker S, an investigation by Fate and Teana uncovers a smuggling operation and Jail Scalietti's name comes up; this despite the fact that he's still in prison. At the same time, Yuuno is attacked by mysterious assailents at the site of his latest archeological exploration, and is knocked down into a darkened abyss. Also, Nanoha discovers Arisa and Suzuka have appeared on Mid-childa to train their magic; apparently hanging around Nanoha has finally triggered their linker cores.

While Fate and Teana investigate Jail and his new plan, Subaru and Arf search for Yuuno, and Arisa investigates her 'fangirlish' glee for mecha, Nanoha and the crew find themselves drawn into a plot with hidden layers that will push them all to their limits. From Fate's being forced to question her heritage, to Nanoha confronting her feelings; they and the rest of the cast deal with personal issues while facing the return of Jail and another old foe.

It's a story that, while having a few scattered humorous moments here and there, is primarily an action/adventure story with hidden plots in the style of season 3, but without all the filler training. Also includes a fair bit of romantic feelings. Somehow he manages to bring in each character, giving them all a chance to shine; and that's a rare accomplishment for a series that has so many. Can be found here.

There's a continuation in Red Jewel Diaries that works more like an OVA series, having a mix of different themes for each chapter, and focusing on a few different characters each chapter. Humor, detective drama, romance, action/adventure... all the good stuff from before, but more focused and improved. You can find it here. A seperate Lemon chapter where Nanoha, Fate, and Yunno consumate their relationship can be found here.

This fanfic provides examples of:

  • Arson, Murder, and Lifesaving: Hayate initially reprimands Arisa and Suzuka for taking the golem and entering combat, and silences their protests, but then congratulates them for their heroism.
  • Ascended Extra: Yuuno and Arf
  • An Axe to Grind: Jail, against all of magic and the society it powers.
  • Back From the Dead: Arf is brought back, although it is suggested that it may be a new version of her.
  • Batman Gambit: Precia gives data on the relic bombs to Jail, calculating that he'd eventually use them for his own ends and thus help free Al-Hazard from its dimensional prison.
  • Better to Die Than Be Killed Racquel poisons herself after meeting with Fate, before she can arrest her
  • Boxed Crook: The imprisoned Numbers in one of the Red Jewel Diaries (the rest are free at the start of the story).
  • Brainwashed: Fate.
  • Breather Episode: There is exposition and plot development between fights, but there is also a bit of a lull in the middle of the fic. Of course, that's when it all goes to hell.
  • Catgirl: Arisa remarks that Suzuka's barrier jacket makes her look like one (complete with a cat nose, ears and tail).
  • Clone Degeneration: The Kyouya and Miyuki clones have about a year to live, according to Shamal.
  • Combining Mecha: To make his drones more threatening, Jail has a bunch of them fuse into a pair of giants to attack Clanagan.
  • Convenient Terminal Illness: The clones of Miyuki and Kyouya, according to Shamal, have about a year to live. They make a Heroic Sacrifice toward the end of the fic.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: Hayate comes up with a plan to have a shuttle protected by Yuuno's barrier to ride the beam of an Einherjar cannon through Al-Hazard's shield. It works.
  • Deal with the Devil: Fate makes one with Jail.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The author's reason behind Quatro's Heel Face Turn, noting that she's the only person Nanoha defeated who didn't become friends with her.
  • Evil Plan: Jail just wants to take over the world(well, more than one) and eliminate magic; is that so bad?
  • Fan Girl: Arisa and mecha. And how!

  Arisa: Prepare the main gun! (squeals) I've always wanted to say that!

  • Face Heel Turn: Some of the good guys appear to do this. Fate turns out to be brainwashed, while the Numbers have been replicated as "Type 14s".
  • Heel Face Turn: Quattro.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Quite a few, including Lucino. Although she got better. Also, two of the old generals and The Kyoya and Miyuki clones.
  • I Have Your Wife: Jail manages to abduct Erio and Caro to use them as leverage against Fate.
  • Innocent Bystander: Only partially averted, as the citizens of Mid-Childa are evacuated to shelters; but that doesn't fully protect them as they are broken into during the attack and slowly kidnapped.
  • It Got Worse: A mysterious object approaches Mid-Childa, easily repels the TSAB fleet, then launches a large wave of nuclear missiles while magic is gone leaving the planet defenseless.
    • Nanoha seemingly defeats Precia... but has more and more take her place.

 Precia: "You here, Ms. Takamachi, until you die."

  • Living with the Villain: In "Red Jewel Diaries", Fate finds out that the person who knows the truth about her origins is an elderly fruit seller whose stall she frequents. Racquel admits that she moved to confirm Fate's identity and one day tell her the truth.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Jail to Fate. And boy does he pour it on thick!
  • The Maiden Name Debate: A particularly complicated one for Fate Testarossa-Harlaown, especially considering the nature of the union.

 Fate: "If I took both your names, would that make me Fate Testarossa Harlaown Scrya Takamachi? Or perhaps Fate Testarossa Harlaown Takamachi Scrya? Fate Scrya Takamachi? Fate Takamachi Scrya? Hmm, I need to think about this..."

  • Perfect Poison: Racquel's suicide method, which kills her before emergency services can arrive.
  • Right Hand Versus Left Hand: No one in the Bureau wants to tell Hayate who was behind the golem project, and an attempt is made to retrieve it by unknown forces when Jail attacks the city.
  • Shrug of God: Whether Arf came back from the dead or was created again with scattered memories.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Author seems to prefer "Raging Heart" over "Raising Heart", so it's more like "Spell my name without the S."
  • Squee: The return of Kaiser Vivio.
  • The Reveal: Nanoha discovers the mysterious masked man she's been fighting is her brother. Well, a clone of him, anyway.
    • Also, Precia detailing that the temporary loss of magic was part of her plan to free Al-Hazard. She was just manipulating Jail.
    • And then you find out it was all due to Precia's split personality.
  • Together Umbrella: Nanoha and Fate, in Chapter 16, in the wake of Arf sacrificing herself.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Arisa and Suzuka's magical powers come from being around Nanoha.
  • Wham! Line: Fate mentions Precia's split personality.
  • Why Am I Ticking?: Fate nearly becomes the victim of a living time bomb in the form of a cloned Alicia.
  • Xanatos Gambit: The heroes seemingly win, defeating Jail, but in doing so, he activates the relic bombs that wipe out magic from several different worlds, Mid-Childa included. Which was his goal all along, although it doesn't last.