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The Beauforts[]

Joseph Luc "Joe" Beaufort[]

  • Disappeared Dad: His own father Henri was quick to bail out when he heard his (currently ex-) wife was pregnant with Joe.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: His high school "friends" gave him the nickname Lulu and he doesn't appear to be particularly proud of this.
  • Ironic Name: "Beaufort" means "beauty and strength", and he is one of the weakest boxers, and he's not exactly a looker.
  • Nervous Wreck: He has an anxiety disorder, and he can be especially nervous whenever Katrina's in danger.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: He gets so pissed off when Laura tries to capture Katrina that he stops speaking French and starts speaking English for once.
  • Papa Wolf: He's quite protective of Katrina and he erupted when Laura tried to kidnap her.

Katrina Melody Beaufort[]

  • Beware the Nice Ones: She's typically rather friendly, but she's not afraid to throw punches when she has to.
  • Character Tics: As a kid, at least, she had a tendency to curl her fingers when she was nervous. Her teacher was quick to catch on to this.
  • Cheerful Child: She was quite happy when she was a younger kid.
  • Daddy's Girl: She's always been close to Joe. She later becomes closer to her stepfather Von Kaiser.
  • Has Two Daddies: When Joe marries Von Kaiser, the latter becomes her stepfather.
  • Heroic Bastard: She's the result of a one-night stand between Joe and Heather and she's a well-meaning person (as well as a strong boxer).
  • Motor Mouth: Was said to be very talkative when she was younger.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Pink is her signature colour, since it combines her father's main colours of red and white.

Viktor Von Kaiser[]

WVBA Boxers[]

Aran Ryan[]

James "Narcis" Prince[]

Jerome "Doc" Louis[]

King Lulu of Hippo Island[]

Bradley "Brad" Cash/Super Macho Man[]

Barnaby "Barney" Forrester/Bear Hugger[]

  • Big Fun: He's rather jolly and chill.
  • Meaningful Name: His last name is Forrester and he's a lumberjack.
  • Straight Gay: He has a husband, but he has no stereotypical gay traits.

Riki Kobayashi/Piston Hondo[]

Thomas Miller/Disco Kid[]

Beth McCauldy/Flying Feather[]

Jennifer "Jenni" Stanford/Flameleader[]


Laura Sanders[]

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She acts like an affectionate aunt towards Katrina, but she really just wants to kidnap her and never allow her to contact Joe again.
  • Determinator: Nothing will stop her from trying to get Katrina back.
  • Entitled Bastard: She feels like she should be allowed to have Katrina even though she had never bothered trying to talk to her before they actually met.
  • Evil Uncle: Or an evil aunt. She tries to capture her niece Katrina and aims to get her to cut off all ties with Joe.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Well, she likes to consider herself the responsible one in contrast to Heather's fun-loving nature, but it's clear that she's really not any better.
  • I Have No Son: She has distanced herself from her older sister Heather due to thinking that she's too much of an immature party animal.
  • Mama Bear: Invoked. She lies that she's Katrina's mother who just wants to save her from her supposed kidnappers. It's all an act.
  • Persona Non Grata: After her disastrous attempt to capture Katrina, she was banned from entering the WVBA for life. Not that this stops her from going there to go after Katrina again.
  • The Unfettered: Not even being legally banned from the WVBA will stop her from trying to take Katrina for herself.

Claire Lenore Gwan[]

  • Asian Rudeness: She's Korean, and while she wasn't rude as a child, she ended up becoming a major bully in middle school.
  • Cheerful Child: She was quite happy and fun-loving as a young child. Sadly, by sixth grade, this changes.
  • Has Two Mommies: Viona and Cath.
  • Little Miss Snarker: She was very snarky at age eleven. This ends up being part of the reason that Katrina decides to end their relationship.
  • Took a Level In Jerkass: She becomes more of a smartass in middle school. It doesn't stop there, as she becomes an outright bully to Katrina, and she tries to accuse her of being racist to ruin her reputation.
  • We Used to Be Friends: She and Katrina were close friends in elementary school until she became more of a judgmental smart aleck. After that, Katrina decided to end their friendship. It only gets worse when Claire tries to make Katrina look bad by lying that she's racist.

Family Members[]

Connor Beaufort-Stevenson[]

Cy Camore[]

Natsumi Kobayashi[]

Lacey Prince[]

Henri Ricard[]

  • Disappeared Dad: He ditched his family shortly before Joe was born, when Gina was a baby.
  • Domestic Abuser: Implied; in "Daddy Dearest", he raises a hand to Amélie to shut her up.

Heather Miriam Sanders[]

Louise Sanders[]

  • I Have No Son: One of the very few sympathetic depictions of this in fiction. She disowns Laura as a daughter after the latter attempts to have her and Joe arrested for supposedly capturing Katrina.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: She is shown to deeply regret never having the chance to say she loved Heather before the latter passed away.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Her daughter Heather ended up dying of childbirth complications.

Holli and Staci Stanford[]

Adalaide Von Kaiser[]