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TVTropes 9606

 "There's more to life than the MachineCAST, and that's why you listen to it. Thank you very much for listening, and have a great weekend."


—Kit Harrison, as he ends every episode.

The MachineCAST (or 'CAST for short) is a weekly video gaming podcast by British writer Kit Harrison that goes out on Fridays. Content varies between rants in which Kit dissects a story from the week's gaming news and his opinions on a select few news articles or upcoming games.

It's hosted on YouTube, and is twinned with Musings of a British Gamer (MoaBG), Harrison's blog. Every December, Kit also hosts a six-part awards show called the MachineAWARDS, which bestows a variety of honours upon that year's games. 2009's Game of the Year was Modern Warfare 2, 2010's was Splinter Cell Conviction.

Tropes which the 'CAST provides an example of[]