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From the Magazine[]
- The parody of the 1966 Batman TV series is hilarious, featuring some of Mort Drucker's best work. One panel in particular shows the Dynamic Duo entering the commissioner's office through the window, Batman riding on the back of his sidekick, who has a perfectly deadpan expression, as if this happens all the time.
- From its parody of Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader and an Imperial Mook:
Mook: Our men are already working fourteen hours a day! |
- And from one of the Planet of the Apes sequels, when Ricardo Montalban's character is confronted by a policeman:
Cop: I'm positive I heard that ape speak! |
- 43-Man Squamish.
- After Superduperman reveals to Lois Pain that he is actually Clark Bent, she smacks him and walks away, admitting that she'll find Clark Bent creepy no matter what identity he assumes.
- Right before this confession, Superduperman vanquished Captain Marbles by tricking him into punching himself in the face, which somehow causes him to explode.
- The Love Story parody has several, especially when Jenny lies dying from "Old Movie Disease," which inexplicably turns her more beautiful by the second. In its final stages, it even straightens her teeth and bolsters her bust.
- Harry Plodder is a Hot-blooded Putz has this gem:
(Dumbledore and Harry are surrounded by the inferi) |
- Book! Movie! is a parody of the tendency movies have to sanitize the content of whatever books they happen to be adapting. The link doesn't show it, but the ending of this story has the main character of the Book! version getting hauled off to jail for murder in as much seriousness a MAD article can muster, while the Movie! version still has the main character go to jail for murder, but does so complete with a 50's style overly saccharine song and dance number. Not to mention that the Book! version of the characters are mostly ugly(with one of them being naked) while the film versions of course all look ridiculously attractive.
- 11 Ways Jeopardy! Contestants Can Really Piss Off Alex Trebek has the contestants plugging Lenscrafters during their interview time, giving episode titles from The Jerry Springer Show as questions, and bringing in a sock puppet to answer questions for them. #11 on the list? Singing along to the Final Jeopardy theme music.
Contestant: This is Final Je'par-dy, |
The Animated TV Show[]
- "You love the characters of Toy Story 3, but here are some rejected ones!"
- Grey's in Anime, especially when the patient starts hallucinating his operation as an anime mashup of Dragonball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sailor Moon, and a giant robot anime.
- Two from Cliffordfield:
- Kermit the Frog's video performance of Beyonce's Single Ladies for American Idol.
- Someone yelling, "Miley, Hannah Montana's dead!" when he sees her wig underneath a giant tennis ball.
- Also this jab at Sesame Street:
Elmo: (running and flailing) Aaaaaaahh! |
- WALL-E-nator designating the writers of MAD as "the biggest producers of gahbage."
- Yep, you got ninjas.
- Their Take That on Star Wars: The Clone Wars couldn't be farther from the truth.
- The entirety of Pokemon Park, complete with Ash as Jeff Goldblum.
- "Yeah, we got the balls! Stop laughing!"
- From "The Buzz Identity": Buzz speaking a mix of English and Spanish, with the subtitles trying to understand him.
- "Ah. Mucho poo-poo."
- "How did you know my name? Did you check my underwear?"
- Ken's nervous Aside Glance sells the joke.
- "I CAN has Spanish!"
- Winnie the Pooh mauling Bear Grylls on Mad vs Wild
- Optimus Prime using posters of Dwayne Johnson and Kesha to come up with another excuse to take advantage of Zack: to find "The Rock" of "No-Talent-Tron."
- The Reading Womb even works with twins!
- Miley Cyrus' introduction in "Yo Gagga Gagga!"
Her dad's a has-been! |
- The mere fact that Triple H was there is hilarious.
- The entirety of Pooh Grit.
- Rejected Transformers.
- The Airbender Technical Institute sketch.
"At the Airbender Technical Institute, I learned I have the power of earthbending! Now I'm an electrician for some reason!" |
- Ben 10 Franklin, particularly when Ben turns into Humungousaur and defeats the British before going over to England to smash Big Ben.
Big Ben, meet Bigger Ben! |
- The Man Who Forgot His Hand Was a Bomb. Now entering its fourth season!
- From "Avenger Time:"
- The Cosmic Cube transporting The Avengers into The Marvel Superheroes
Iron Man: Man, what was our budget back then, a dollar? |
- Captain America's conversation with The Watcher:
Captain America: What's going on? Who are you? |
- Katy Putty's "Flammable" music video, particularly the ending where, after setting fire to a clay man, a paper-stock (think South Park) cutout woman, and a Captain Ersatz Muppet, Katy Putty is carted off by a police officer as she sings about listening to the fire marshal.
- "Yu-Gi-Bear"!
- Pretty much the entirety of "Super 80's", particularly the burn against Lady Gaga being a Madonna clone (and Weird Al Yankovic being mistaken for Russell Brand), the joke about VH-1's love affair with pointless nostalgia shows like I Love The '80s, Seth Green's line "If I can't have the '80s, no one can!", everyone freaking out after the boy mentions that the 1980s introduced Urkel and Alf, and Steven Spielberg admitting that he brought the 1980s to Earth so he can keep his career alive.
- Denzel Washington manages to stop Thomas the Unstoppable Tank Engine mere seconds before he runs over Strawberry Shortcake's village. However, after hearing Strawberry Shortcake lives there, Denzel lets Thomas scoot a few more inches and destroy her town. The narrator closes the sketch by informing us that "nobody regretted any of their choices."
- "ThunderLolcats" is one nonstop tribute to the memes of the internet with some ThunderCats goodness mixed in.
- The fact that Will Friedle voices the Lion-O parody makes it much funnier.
- How about Troll-Ra, the Ever Trolling?
- "Thunder...Thunder...Thunder! Thundercats, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!"
- "Kung Fu Blander":
- The green pig's Screw This, I'm Outta Here line: "From now on, every moment is a gift!"
- The Goat Lady calling the pile of dead colorful animals, "something that Walt Disney threw up."
- Po pointing out how the Kung Fu Panda movies are getting worse.
- Po using Pepe Le Pew as a shield against an Angry Bird.
- For that matter, when (amongst other "every day" objects), he uses "some Pokemon", pulling out Zekrom and Reshiram (the mascots of Pokemon Black and White), to block the birds.
- The Take That against Mr. Popper's Penguins, with Jim Carrey crying over his career taking a downward spiral.
- From "Captain American't":
- Everyone gasping at the sight of pre-transformation Steve Rogers, until one of them reveals that it's actually Gollum. Then the real Steve Rogers comes in, and scares everyone just as strongly.
Steve: (hissing) My precious...(normal voice)...desires to join the Army! |
- Peggy calling Steve's USO Captain America costume the most ridiculous outfit she ever saw, only to find Lady Gaga as Captain America and Steve wearing a suit made of raw meat.
- Red Skull commenting on the fact Captain America and Bucky seem unimpressed at his owning a mask that looks like a real human face.
- The simple phrase used to remember the Periodic Table.
- "Wolves. We're still out there."
- Two and a Half Women: Starring Buffy Summers and Bella Swan.
- Some of the product ads, like the Wolver-Clean, Hulked on Phonics ("We take credit card"!), Sponge-Wow, and the Bieber Bowl.
- Poke-Harmony:
Hitmonchan: I always found myself dating losers. But Poke-Harmony set me up with a champ! A Machamp! |
- "Dol-Phineas and Ferb Tale", particularly when the duo give the dolphin telekinesis.
- "My Little War Horse":
- Fluttershy as a drill sergeant. That is all.
Fluttershy: (ahem) Attention ponies. |
- Pinkie Pie face-planting into the cake she baked, and finding the words "Yay friends!" have somehow been rearranged to spell "Go bronies!": "How is that even possible?"
- And the fact that Pinkie Pie is trying to solve her problems with cake. Not only is it funny, but also totally in-character for her.
- Also, the unicorns attacking. They managed to get Tara Strong to voice for their parody Twilight Sparkle!
- And the fact that Pinkie Pie is trying to solve her problems with cake. Not only is it funny, but also totally in-character for her.
- Albert following Pinkie Pie to France...by walking across the entire English channel. On the ocean floor. His response after emerging on the beach? "Okay, there was a little more ocean between England and France than I thought..."
- Pinkie Pie face-planting into the cake she baked, and finding the words "Yay friends!" have somehow been rearranged to spell "Go bronies!": "How is that even possible?"
- Dr. Doom on Victorious. The entire skit.
- The Green Care Bear especially at the end when Hal actully manages to make the cutsy creed sound badass.
- America's Next Top Video Game Model: If you didn't think some of the writers were gamers, this skit pretty much proves it.
- Real Veal: "Now just do what I do." (The cow bot nods and runs off, we cut to spinning newspapers of it being in movies and hosting the Tony Award before he comes back panting) I mean do what I do from this point on" (The cow bot gives him a look as if to say "Why Didnt You Say So?!")