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200full 1862

Animated Series about a luckless pirate and his anthropomorphic rat sidekick, Snuk. A wildly selfish jerk, Jack would probably be unsympathetic if not for the fact that he is absolutely the universe's Butt Monkey. Imagine Bruce Campbell playing Blackadder, but as a Saturday Morning Cartoon, and you'll have an idea of what it's like.

Tropes featured include:[]


 (fade to reality from hallucination; unconscious Jack puckers at Snuck; Snuck applies CPR)

(Jack grabs Snuck and kisses him deeply before realizing he's done so and doing the obligatory tongue wipe)

Snuck: *blushes, smitten* "Oooh, that's lovely, Cap'n. Tell me again about our love enduring."

Jack: *panics and looks about wildly* "Did anyone see that?!"

Snuck: *puts arm around Jack* "No, I don't think so. Uh, shall we wait until someone walks by?"

  • Lampshade Hanging: Everywhere
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: One episode features a well-suited man called "Mr. D'eath". Jack remarks that his name sounds French until seeing the man upon which he realises the man is, in fact, Death.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Snuk.
  • On One Condition: Mad Jack inherits a treasure from his Uncle Mortimer. However, the will stipulates that Uncle Mortimer's body and his dog must be taken to the Island of Hanna-Barbarian. The condition is fulfilled but, because Status Quo Is God, the treasure consists of a chest full of dog biscuits.
  • Shout-Out: There are many celebrity caricatures, a few cultural gags, and one island is even called the "Isle of Lucy".
  • Snowlems: The eponymous snow trolls in "The Alarming Snow Troll Encounter".
  • Sugar Bowl: In an episode, Mad Jack and Snuk go search for a treasure in The Island of Pink and Fuzzy: A place where almost everything is pink, trees are candy canes, and where flying talking pink poodles, strong peppermint smelling sprites, and horrible all-devouring teddy bears with knife sharp teeth live. Mad Jack isn't amused.
  • Talking Weapon: In one episode, Jack goes in search of a Singeing Sword. Turns out, it's actually a Singing Sword...
  • Unexplained Recovery: Hilariously Lampshaded:

 Mad Jack: Didn't you die a while back?

Angus Dagnabbit: Aye. I got better.

Mad Jack: You were DEAD! How do you get better from being DEAD, you Scottish twit?!?!

  • Unmoving Plaid: Stereotypically Scottish Angus Dagnabbit wears such a kilt.