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  • Vita's first appearance. All the giant hammers that followed can't really compare to the sheer badassery of busting through Nanoha's shields, staff, AND armour, and then knocking her through a wall. Not to mention this is the first time we get to witness the Cartridge System at work.



P L E A S E .


Vita: You devil...
Nanoha: It's okay if I'm a devil... it just means I'll have to use my hellish tools to get you to listen!

  • Chrono finding out the whole Xanatos Gambit perpetrated by Admiral Graham, then curbstomping his two teacher of close combat and magical combat, Aria and Lotte. He does it, with Struggle Bind, a less-used spell that not only binds the target, but also dispels enchantments like transformation spells. "You're the one that told me to keep practicing", indeed.
  • The entire battle with the Book of Darkness, in particular:

Signum: We are the the guardian knights who gather before our mistress, she of the night sky.
Shamal: As long as our mistress exists, our souls will never extinguish.
Zafira: As long as we have life in our bodies, we will stand by each other.
Vita: We will always exist before our mistress, Queen of the Night Sky, Yagami Hayate.

    • "Reinforce, bestow upon me my staff and armor." The realization that after having resurrected four characters, Hayate the ill girl will actually fight alongside the heroes was awesome. Plus, the line itself is cool.
    • Followed by the just as cool line, “Light of the Night Sky, come to my hand! Blessed Wind, Reinforce, SET UP!”
    • The final battle against the corrupted defense program, in which each one of the heroes fires their most powerful attack (with the monstrosity barely having time to regenerate itself, let alone fight back, before being hit again). Culminating with:

Nanoha: Full power! Starlight ...
Fate: Lightning flash! Plasma Zanber ...
Hayate: Resound, horn of judgement! Ragnarok ...

    • Shamal locates the core and she, Yuuno and Arf transport it into outer space so the Arc-en-Ciel can be fired at it. Cue massive fireworks.
  • The A's manga has a game of dodgeball in one chapter with Nanoha and Fate playing against Alyssa and Suzuka. Nanoha actually sucks at sports, but with Fate around there should be no contest, right? When Nanoha gets hit she leaps about fifty feet into the air to catch the airborne dodgeball, stunning every Muggle in the immediate vicinity. While still in the air, she chucks the ball down with blinding speed at Suzuka... who catches it with one hand, chucks it back at Fate and hits her hard enough to knock her out of the sky and unconscious. With a dodgeball.
    • Well, you can't be friends with Nanoha without being tough, so this shouldn't really be surprising.
    • No, she doesn't get befriended by Nanoha that way. She's just that good.