2007 British comedy film starring comedic duo David Mitchell and Robert Webb of Peep Show and That Mitchell and Webb Look fame.
Harry and Karl used to be best friends and partners in a magic double act. Unfortunately, Harry caught Karl sleeping with his wife during the interval of one of their shows. Even more unfortunately, when the show resumed Harry decapitated his wife in a magic trick gone very badly wrong. Despite Harry's protestations of innocence and acquittal, the act fell apart and years later, the two remain bitter rivals down on their luck, Harry reduced to working in a hardware store and Karl trying to reinvent himself as a Derren Brown-style mentalist. But there's a magic competition with a £20,000 prize for the winner announced, prompting Harry and Karl to enter against each other...
- Casanova Wannabe: Tony White.
- Concert Climax
- Concert Kiss
- Cold Reading: During Karl's 'psychic' act, a plant is put in the audience to facilitate this... but it goes badly wrong.
- Death as Comedy
- Fatal Method Acting
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Where do we start... Harry and Karl's rival is Darryl The Racist, and his son is Raymond from Saxondale. Karl is interviewed for a television series produced by Glenn Cullen, and for the competition he recruits Julius Nicholson as a stooge. The competition is judged by Malcolm Tucker.
- Ho Yay: Karl and Otto. Rather one-sidedly.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Karl.
- Phony Psychic: Karl tries to become one of these, but is a little too decent to actually go through with it.
- Photo Montage: Featured in the opening credits.
- Stage Magician
- Transparent Closet: Otto
Otto: We've all taken a wrong turn and ended up somewhere weird... like a vagina. |
- Violent Glaswegian: Mike Francis
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Tony White's son, Dwight White.
- What Have We Ear?: Karl does this stylishly with his business card.