Our objective is to give you, the man behind the curtain, the tools to pursue your objectives with myriads of different strategies and immerse you in a new reality. Your challenge is to take the best decisions and decades, if not centuries later, look back and be proud of the decisons that shaped your nation's destiny.
—Ubik, creator of Magna Mundi
Magna Mundi is a mod for Europa Universalis III. And in 2012 it will become a game of its own. It has been known to be a challenging mod, as it prevents easy expansion where it would not be historical.
It improved and expanded on EU 3, with more advanced religious conversions and religious minorities, a revamped naval system, internal factions, an in-depth Holy Roman Empire, Barbary Pirates, an advanced building system, a gorgeous new map, and much, much more.
The mod itself is no longer being produced after the newest Europa Univeralis III expansion, "Divine Wind", in favor of the commercial game.
This Game Mod (and future stand-alone game) provides examples of the following tropes:[]
- Ascended Fanfic: Well, Ascended Game Mod.
- Balkanize Me: The Holy Roman Empire and Japan. Also what can happen to France if the player really sets his mind to it.
- The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: Boy howdy.
- Easily-Conquered World - Subverted in a couple of ways:
- 1. Without an advanced government or administrative national ideas, your administrative efficiency will be to low to handle a large empire, and you will begin to suffer penalties.
- 2. Rapidly expanding your empire increases your reputation, and the more reputation you have the slower your war exhaustion lowers. If you cross a certain threshold (usually around 18-25), you will become hated throughout the world, and other countries will begin declaring war on you in a large pile up. Of course, even getting close to that threshold is dangerous, as the Framed! event can strike at any time, and will you will have a few choices to make, and if you are unlucky your reputation will increase by 10 points - usually enough to put you over the threshold.
- Not to mention that a bad reputation can indirectly cause your country to collapse outright, because reputation raises war exhaustion.
- Nintendo Hard - Even simply keeping the country together and not conquering anything is hard work.
- Succession Crisis: If your heir is not old enough you get a Regency Council. Also, your nobles may take offense to the new ruler, and you may suffer a noble opposition. Imagine yourself, if you want to, facing a two front war against the Holy Roman Emperor (Austria), and a large Russia. Your awesome 9-8-8 monarch dies and is replaced by a 3-3-3 regency council, with massive noble opposition. Then The Plague starts. Have fun surviving!
- The Plague: You better hope you get this event early in the game while your country is small, or never at all - Or else you will be suffering for years, if not decades!
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: Forced Religous Conversion, burning heretics, chopping off the heads off the nobles that oppose you...
- Of course, it is also turned back on you with the Framed! events, and sometimes it's YOU who are getting your head chopped off...
- We Have Reserves: The main strategy of any Russia or Chinese game.