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Ala Alba[]
Meaning the White Wing, in the series' Surprisingly Good Latin. This school club is Negi's True Companions and Badass Crew, dedicated to finding his Disappeared Dad, having fun while doing so and training a lot. This page is dedicated to the combat members of Ala Alba and those who have joined the group in all but name. Better go and make yourself a sandwich or something, because this is gonna take a while.
Negi Springfield[]
Son Of The Hero, 3-A Homeroom Teacher, Staff Consultant for Ala Alba[]
Voiced by: Rina Satou (Japanese), Greg Ayres (English) |
Negi is our ten year old protagonist, a precocious Welsh mage assigned as homeroom teacher of an all-female Japanese middle school class as his on-the-job magic training. Just in case your Willing Suspension of Disbelief isn't sobbing and cutting itself in a dark corner of your mind yet, he's also developed into a pretty Badass Shonen protagonist, as well as the object of several of his students' crushes.
Negi's principal goal is to find his father Nagi, a legendary mage and hero of a recent magical war, long presumed to be dead for a decade or so. With good reason, the boy thinks otherwise and devotes a lot of his energy, with the help of his friends, toward unveiling the secrets of his disappearance. Sadly, but predictably, the Ala Alba is often sidetracked by one or more of the Muggle students being endangered by the various hazards of the magic underworld.
As a fighter Negi specializes in basic magic, particularly wind, light and lightning spells. He also trains in martial arts under Ku Fei (one of his own students) and later Jack, an old ally of his father. Eventually he makes a deal with Evangeline to take the "path of darkness" and learn Magia Erebea, a Dangerous Forbidden Technique (which he ultimately masters such that it ceases to be life-threatening). He also temporarily makes a Pactio with Theodora and gains Mile Vincula, a passport holder-like book with which he can use his Ministras' artifacts.
- Abnormal Ammo: Magic rounds.
- Accidental Pervert: A lot. Doesn't help that a lot of the girls have crushes on him anyway.
- Adorably Precocious Child: Being such a textbook example of a female-oriented moe stock character probably does justify his position at the center of an Unwanted Harem.
- Adventure Rebuff: Usually targeted at his students as he's feeling responsible for their well-being. It never works.
- Aesop Amnesia
- All Your Powers Combined: Mile Vincula, his Pactio artifact from Theodora, is a notebook that lets him summon and use the artifacts of his Ministra Magi, such as Asuna's Ensis Exorcizans. The bigger his harem, the more powerful it becomes — so powerful he ultimately cancels his Pactio after his match with Rakan.
- Always Need What You Gave Up
- Ancestral Weapon: Negi's staff was left to him by his father. He started by using it a lot in combat as a focus for his spells, but nowadays it's mostly used for airborne transportation, and to look cool while inexplicably sticking to his back.
- Anime Accent Absence: With Gratuitous English no less. And he's an English teacher, even.
- Apologizes a Lot
- Arch Enemy: Fate Averruncus, who has ties to the demon that petrified Negi's hometown and to the town where Nagi disappeared. He also endangered several of Negi's students during the Kyoto trip and attacked his party, blew a hole through his chest, scattered his students across Mundus Magicus and framed him for a crime Fate himself committed. As for Fate, he wants Negi's skin because he's the only one to have punched him (twice) and now It's Personal.
- Eventually, Negi and Fate set aside their differences while Fate watched Negi save both the real and constructed denizens of Mundus Magicus.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: During his fight with Jack, even Evangeline is stunned by the fact that he had developed a way to absorb his enemy's power with Magia Erebea, succeeding in a few days in completing a spell she had worked on for centuries.
- Badass: He may not look like it, but he's gone so far as to take down Jack Rakan in a fistfight.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Kotaro at first, then in Chapter 294 with Setsuna.
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Bookworm: After his fight with Jack, both he and Evangeline observe that Negi's real strength isn't raw power, but his skill at developing new forms of magical theory and application. At one point, Jack states that his degree of genius is such that the magic he has developed at age ten (or eleven) is superior to that of those who've been studying the same thing for decades, even centuries.
- Badass Long Hair: When he activates his Permanent Lightning Form.
- Badass Long Robe: Sometimes combined with In the Hood.
- Badass Teacher
- Balloon Belly
- Bandage Brat
- Batman Gambit: Seems to exhibit this whenever he's at a disadvantage. Like the Mahora War and his fight against Rakan.
- Battle Aura
- Battle Couple: With Asuna.
- Beam Spam: How he uses his Sagitta Magica, which often act like a wave of missiles.
- He lets loose the ultimate spam in his final battle with Fate, letting loose a Sagitta Magica Series Lucis comprised of 1001 magical arrows. Fate comments that at this kind of level, this basic spell was no different from large-scale Great Magic.
- Berserk Button: Messing with his students lets him pull a rock spear out of his chest and try to beat someone to death with it. Later, Jack discovers that telling Negi that all his hard work and training is useless is a very poor choice of words (or very good, considering he was trying to get Negi to fight harder).
- And whatever you do, don't call Chachamaru a doll. Just don't.
- Beware the Nice Ones: If he gets angry — and the easiest trigger would be trying to hurt his students — run.
- Big Damn Kiss: His Pactio with Chachamaru involved a huge explosion, and possibly creation of a soul.
- Bishie Sparkle: Occasional Twinkle Smile.
- Bishonen: His teenage form, "Nagi".
- Black Mage: He started out this trope before moving to "Magic Fighter".
- Black Magic: Magia Erebea
- Achilles Heel: Under Magia Erebea, he becomes so similar to high-level demons he's just as vulnerable as them to Demon Slayer techniques... such as the Shinmeiryuu school's Zanmaken (and its Ni-no-Tachi variation), which even his Made of Air defense is completely negated by. That would be bad enough, but then Zanmaken Ni-no-Tachi has the trait of bypassing any obstacle on the way to its target, including Deflector Shields used by most, if not all, of the series' mages. And he has to face off against Kurt, who is became a Shinmeiryuu master by merely watching Eishun, himself a master... and he can spam Zanmaken Ni-no-Tachi like there's no tomorrow.
- Bad Powers, Good People: Negi is definitely a Nice Guy, but Magia Erebea isn't exactly powered by rainbows and sunshine.
- Bishonen Line: Upon using Magia Erebea he looked less and less human for many reasons, most notably its encroachment. Eventually he began mutating into a rampaging demon. However, while powerful, this form is not clever enough be able to match him as he is now after mastering Magia Erebea and becoming fundamentally nonhuman. So it is when he stops being human that he finally looks like one again.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: It initially doesn't seem to do anything, then it causes lots of pain, then magical poisoning due to dark magic overdose (compounded by Negi's rampage at the moment), and finally petrifies him for what should've been a metamorphosis into full integration with the spell, which he hurried up. End result: it's under control and he's stronger than ever even without Perpetual Lightning Form while remaining emotionally stable... but he's no longer human due to Magic Erebea fully merging with his body.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Played with — a basic principle of Magia Erebea is accepting oneself, including (or particularly) one's worst emotions. In Negi's case, his explicitly murderous thirst for revenge. While not necessarily "evil", it's still balancing precariously on the edge of the proverbial slope due to the effects it can have on one's psyche in the long term.
- Deadly Upgrade: In order to beat Fate — because done the natural way (the "path of light"), it'd be impossible — Negi chose the "path of darkness" — Magia Erebea — working well with his inherently loneliness. The "deadly" aspect comes in the form of a demonic Super-Powered Evil Side that takes over whenever his dark emotions get too strong. Many times it took over, and each time he came close to actually killing someone. Unless he manages to tame it, he'll apparently turn into such a being permanently. Ultimately subverted, now that Negi does tame it and became a human/demon hybrid akin to Evangeline.
- Elemental Shapeshifter: His Raiten Taisou Form, and the advanced Raiten Sousou. For this to activate, he has to absorb "Kilipl Astrape (Thousand Bolts)" (once for Raiten Taisou, twice for Raiten Sousou), giving him "Lightning Form" and "Permanent Lightning Form", respectively.
- Detachment Combat: As Tsukuyomi found out — the hard way — in Chapter 293 via a lightning-charged Rocket Punch. Negi has put a whole new meaning to "within my hands' reach"!
- Made Of Electricity: Physical attacks (as in not enhanced by Functional Magic or Ki Attacks) are almost ineffective against him in Lightning Form — even if they connect, the attacked body part reflexively transforms into electrical particles to avoid injury. Unless you're Jack Rakan. Of course, one can always make such a form of Nigh Invulnerability useless by launching an attack that, if dodged, will instead kill innocent people behind him. Dynamis is nobody's idiot.
- Energy Absorption
- Healing Factor: Magia Erebea starts granting him one the more he synchronizes with it. When he eventually combines with it entirely, he's capable of healing off disembowelment and holes being blown through his torso in mere seconds.
- Heroic RROD: It finally happened. After realizing he just stabbed Shiori, he goes wild then has to be restrained by Chisame and four other girls. Unfortunately, this doesn't bring him back and falls into a coma while Konoka tries to heal him to no avail even as he is turning into stone. Fortunately he comes back stronger than ever and now with control over Magia Erebea!
- Marked Change
- One-Winged Angel: The end result of a combination of out-of-control Magia Erebea and pure, unrestrained fury is this.
- Super Mode: Merely activating the basic "Form of Dark Night" gives him a 50% power boost. And he still has upgraded forms.
- Swiss Army Hero: He can go between a Mighty Glacier with Blackened Hellfire that drains mana to a Fragile Speedster with wind and lightning spells. Then there's his Lightning Bruiser Super-Powered Evil Side — which he seems to have gotten completely under control come Chapter 314, with spectacular results.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Magia Erebea is, quoth Evangeline, "the power to accept good and evil, strength and weakness, exactly as it is, and consume it all"; as described in supplemental materials, it relies upon a long stream of (cited and footnoted) psychobabble that essentially says that, unlike the diametrically opposed Yin-Yang power of Kanka, the darkness of Magia Erebea is all-encompassing, and even includes the powers of light (including some references to Erebos and Aether from Greek Mythology). By embracing this darkness, he can still control light, since they do not oppose, but the danger of the spell comes from the way he stretches his sense of self so thin he can lose control. And as of Chapter 314, Evangeline refers to Negi's way of doing things (not necessarily his magic) as the "gray path", subtly implied to be combining both the paths of "light" and "darkness".
- Blasting It Out of Their Hands
- Blow You Away and Shock and Awe: His primary elemental affinities.
- Boring Yet Practical: Before he gains Magia Erebea, Negi's magic style revolves primarily around Sagitta Magica — one of the most elementary offensive spells around. However, after months of experimenting and developing ways to use it, by the time of his final battle with Fate, Negi has built it up to the point where it's the equivalent of a full-scale war spell.
- Brought Down to Badass: After having his magic sealed temporarily by Yuuna in a class event based around the idea of getting Negi to make relationship progress, he is confessed to by Ku Fei who immediately declares a duel. With no chance to explain, he instead is forced to rely on sheer physical prowess and manages to throw her. While not enough to win the fight, nor is he strong enough while sealed to even have a chance of doing so, it is quite impressive considering her own talent and sheer speed advantage there.
- Casual Danger Dialogue: While Yue's new classmates identify Negi as a criminal and are trying to beat him up, he dodges all their attacks and tries to reason with them "Erm, please could you..." Then he tosses them effortlessly while making them land on their feet and tries again. "If you could all just calm down, there's something I'd like to discuss". Negotiations fail and he blows off everyone else's clothes.
- Chaste Hero: He is about ten years old after all. Not that that prevents him from being a damn good kisser, capable of causing both comas and explosions with sheer kissing power. Chisame fears the day he hits puberty, saying that he will make a lot of girls heartbroken. He manages to pull off keeping Negi as this in the end
- Cheerful Child: That's what he appears to be on first glance. Scratch the surface just a bit and...
- Chekhov's Gun: So far the nature of the ninth offensive spell Negi learned before coming to Japan has not yet been revealed. Supposedly, it's a spell to destroy high-level demons.
- Chick Magnet: Even the lesbians want him.
- Child Prodigy: Graduated from university-level education at age nine.
- Super Intelligence: Comes with the parcel of being a Shounen protagonist. Negi is a "normally" intelligent Child Prodigy who can imitate all superhuman (often mid-battle) feats of rapid analysis, improvisation and innovation. He can also learn and invents techniques — both magical and martial-arts — within mere days, whereas adults would need to take years.
- Clear My Name: A mostly forgotten plot point until Godel invited him to a meeting with this as bait.
- Close-Call Haircut: Followed by Hair Reboot.
- Clueless Chick Magnet: Poor ten-year old Negi is also a Chaste Hero. He's usually Not Distracted by the Sexy when he can be, but is otherwise oblivious.
- The Collector of the Strange
- Combination Attack: He does one with Asuna during Mundus Magicus arc finale. It's powerful enough to destroy the projection of Lifemaker in one hit.
- Contagious Powers: Not literally, but he tends to cause this either by inspiring others to become mages or via Pactio.
- Contemplate Our Navels
- Cooldown Hug: He receives one after he goes berserk on Godel, but it took slightly more to get him back to his senses.
- Corruption by a Minor
- Crazy Prepared: His preparation against Evangeline, the entire Battle of Mahora, fights against Rakan and Godel (utilizing knowledge from the future), and his plan to prevent the collapse of Mundus Magicus.
- Cross Dresser: Briefly became a Wholesome Crossdresser who some characters found oddly attractive.
- And it's not his first time; he wears the Mahora gym uniform during the dodgeball game very early in the series. Since Mahora is an all-girls school...
- Cute Wizard: Spear Counterpart.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Wow.
- Death Glare: He showed hints of this look even before learning under Evangeline, but after gaining Magia Erebea he started to get downright scary.
- Determinator
- Distressed Dude: In the arc where he was supposed to be punished for not keeping the Masquerade by becoming an ermine.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Negi's reaction when Rakan informs him that he can't possibly win despite all of the training and work he put in. Of course, this reaction is what Rakan wanted...
- The Door Slams You
- Doppleganger Attack: His strategy to beat Kurt involves swarming him with waves of lightning clones so the latter has no idea which to attack, relying on his reserves of magical energy to overwhelm Kurt. Thus, while they do have some ability to do damage, it mostly functions as a Doppleganger Spin.
- Drowning My Sorrows: The kid Can't Hold His Liquor; he accidentally takes one sip of sake and crashes. Then there's the fact that sake is high-proof.
- Gal, He's Like, In A Coma!
- Emergency Transformation: Done to himself, oddly enough.
- Evil Is Easy
- Exact Words
- Fake Brit: Greg Ayres actually pulls off a convincing English accent. Although Negi is supposedly Welsh.
- The Final Temptation: Is given this by the real Zazie when the fake Zazie puts him into a Lotus Eater Machine. Negi chooses reality pretty quickly, knowing that spending too much time in there will cloud his judgment.
- Finger-Poke of Doom: What he did to Sextum.
- Fire-Forged Friends: With Kotaro.
- First Kiss: With Asuna in Chapter 25.
- Flash Step
- "Friend or Idol?" Decision
- Fragile Speedster: "He Astrape Huper Ouranu Mega Dunamene" and the stronger "Tastrapa Huper Ouranu Mega Dunamena". Negi's latest powerup forms grant him the lightning-like speed, but don't really do much for his offense and defense. It turns him into a Lightning Bruiser, but he only uses it against similarly overpowered opponents.
- Generation Xerox: Zigzagged. Negi is reserved, intelligent, and studious — the complete opposite of his his father. But as the manga progresses his fighting style and relationships with his friends are becoming more and more like that between Nagi and his Ala Rubra.
- The Gift
- Give Him a Normal Life: He was sent to live with his paternal cousin Nekane because being being the son of the "Queen of Calamity" makes him the target of her political enemies. It did not work.
- Glass Cannon: Early in the series.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Negi values his minuscule pince-nez glasses as they are a present from Nekane, but they do not seem to serve any purpose regarding his eyesight or anything else beyond marking him as bookish. Or they're just reading glasses.
- Hand Behind Head/Shy Finger-Twiddling: Often seen doing one (or both) of these whenever he's nervous. Particularly when he has to say something he doesn't want to, like "confessing"...
- Harmful to Minors
- Healing Hands
- He Is All Grown Up: Even some of his students don't recognize him then, improbable as it sounds.
- Heroic BSOD: When Graf makes him flashback to the destruction of his hometown. A second occurs when he sees a replay of his hometown being petrified, and a third when realizing he has more haremettes than originally thought.
- Heroic Resolve: Sometimes to the point of absurdity.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation
- High-Pressure Blood: With Blood From the Mouth and outright tears from the beating.
- Homoerotic Subtext: With Fate via in universe Ho Yay. The girls (namely, Makie, Yue and Nodoka) even wonder whether they should treat him as a rival!
- Honor Before Reason: He really would win his battles a lot quicker if he didn't pull his punches against even the most black-hearted villains so much.
- Hot-Blooded: A mellower example. He's normally pretty calm, but when he gets more excited he definitely falls into this.
- Humanoid Abomination: After mastering Magia Erebea and defeating his demons, Negi is now back to his normal appearance, but he's now become like Evangeline. Magia Erebea is fused to his soul, leaving him an immortal child that may grow for a few more years, but after that will be stuck.
- How Much More Can He Take?
- I Am Your Opponent
- I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: In a literal sense, he did.
- Idiot Hair: Negi has one, but it's only when to comes to matters of the female heart and how to be a child. Otherwise he's a genius.
- Idiot Hero: Averted, he's intelligent and thoughtful. Aversion lampshaded, it becomes obvious that he thinks too much about things. Invoked, he tries to find out a way to act with more thoughtless confidence. Averted again. Which turns out to be a good thing: Idiot heroes have their strengths, but they can't think of a way to save the Magic World view magic/tech synthesis which includes the construction of a space elevator, terraforming Mars and an elaborate ritual to stabilize the Magic World using Asuna.
- If It's You It's Okay: A few of Negi's harem have Les Yay tendencies; but it's openly acknowledged by everyone that attraction to Negi is perfectly acceptable.
- If I Wanted You Dead...
- Ignored Enemy
- Implausible Deniability
- Improbable Age: He's ten years old and capable of fighting one of the most powerful warriors alive to a draw and developing spells that has his 700-year-old master amazed by how complex they are.
- In a Single Bound
- Inept Mage: Early on, before the series started taking a more serious turn.
- Innocent Cohabitation: With Asuna and Konoka.
- Innocent Innuendo
- Innocent Prodigy
- Instant Expert: Perhaps not instant per se, but possessing The Gift, Negi learns things like martial arts and magic techniques quite fast, something that's sometimes commented on. Sometimes has to leave in order to pull this off, re-appearing even stronger.
- It's All My Fault: Initially blames himself for the destruction of his hometown, because he tried to get himself in trouble believing Nagi would come to save him. When the demons did attack, he thinks it's his punishment, and it doesn't help that Nagi did come. Asuna tries to convince him it's not necessarily his fault. Then it is revealed that his very presence alone doomed his hometown.
- Keigo: Negi converses with this to mostly anyone he doesn't consider as really close friends or family. When this is pointed out, the girls with crushes on him become worried that there is an emotional wall between them and Negi.
- Somewhat justified — Nekane told him that Teacher-Student Romance is forbidden.
- Kid Hero
- Kirk Summation
- Kissing Under the Influence: Became an Implacable Man under this incident.
- Kung Fu Wizard/Kung Fu Kid: Started out as a Squishy Wizard, but chose to become a Magic Swordsman when the drawbacks of being easily dispatchable became evident. Despite what the name implies, he almost never fights with a sword, preferring quick, unarmed attacks instead. Tends towards Full-Contact Magic when casting.
- Also, he actually did learn a form of Kung-Fu from his student/"master" Ku Fei.
- Lightning Bruiser: Quite literally.
- Limited Wardrobe: Negi wears the same green suit for a great part of the story, but began changing clothes somewhat regularly after arriving in Mundus Magicus.
- Living with the Villain: He's had to fight at least three of his own students. Has occasionally gone Go-Karting with Bowser. And as of the current arc he has to live with Fate and show him how he will save both worlds in his own way.
- Lover Tug of War: Poor Negi.
- Love You and Everybody: Seen here. Akira gives him a Love Confession on behalf of Ako and Makie. The only thing he figures out on his own is that Ako still has a bit of a thing for "Nagi". Earlier, he says something to Asuna along these lines twice.
- Malfunction Malady
- Martyr Without a Cause: Occasionally self-deprecates as well.
- Mask Power: The little round glasses version.
- Meaningful Name: "Negi" means "spring onion" in Japanese, which is a reference to how the leek is the national symbol of Wales. Negi-Bozu is slang for newbie.
- Mega Manning: As seen in Chapter 241, Mile Vincula gives him the power to copy the artifact of anyone he has a Pactio with, and his arsenal would improve with each new Pactio. Admittedly it was so powerful Negi ultimately cancels his Pactio with Theodora (from which he gained said artifact) after his fight with Rakan.
- Mental World: A Battle in the Center of the Mind of the Your Mind Makes It Real type.
- Me's a Crowd
- The Messiah: Negi has to be the single sweetest, kindest and most forgiving Shonen Genre hero since Son Goku. Until someone threatens his students.
- Mighty Glacier: His Incendium Gehennae mode, as opposed to the Lightning Bruiser Jovis Tempestus Fulguriens.
- Minored in Asskicking: He is a lot stronger than he looks.
- Missing Mom: Negi's absent mother gets absolutely no mention until the explicit hint late in the manga (and later still, a confirmation) that his mother is/was Princess Arika Anarchia Entheophysia.
- Mundane Utility
- Muscles Are Meaningless: Played straight and averted; he is a ten-year-old boy who buffs himself with magic while tossing aside foes larger than himself, then there are big changes in his body after several months of training.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Lightning God.
- Naked First Impression
- Neck Lift: The only thing missing is a Neck Snap; even then it is nightmarish enough to even horrify Tsukuyomi.
- Never the Selves Shall Meet
- New Transfer Teacher
- Nice Guy
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Gives one to Quartum after he sees Chachamaru's body and then he cuts him in half. Negi's line implies that this isn't a lethal blow but... bets if he'll be seen again to confirm it?
- Nonchalant Dodge: First tournament fight in the Mundus Magicus arc. He and Kotaro dodge a really big attack combo... only to appear leaning on the big guy talking about how much that would have hurt.
- Normally I Would Be Dead Now: Rock spear to the chest. It would have been fatal were Konoka not around.
- Not Growing Up Sucks: The result of using Magia Erebea with the only bright side to the situation mentioned by Godel, who thinks about the advantages of being an immortal king.
- Not Right in the Bed
- Oblivious to Love: The only way he ever learns if a girl has feelings for him is if she straight-out tells him.
- One Dialogue, Two Conversations
- Opera Gloves
- Outdoor Bath Peeping
- Out-of-Clothes Experience: Negi gets to meet his One-Winged Angel form in person this way. He is guided by Evangeline's avatar, who is also naked. Not that she ever cares.
- Pajama-Clad Hero
- Pensieve Flashback
- Papa Wolf: Do not mess with his students. The best example is when Fate attacks the group at the gateport in the Magic World, impaling Negi in the chest with a stone spear. When he threatens the students, Negi pulls the spear out and sucker-punches Fate with it.
- Person of Mass Destruction: The Thousand Bolts is an anti-army spell.
- Post-Kiss Catatonia
- The Pornomancer: And a chaste one, at that.
- Power At a Price: By taking the "Path of Darkness" through Magia Erebea, Negi can never go back to tread the "Path of Light" ever again. He can however, go down the grey path, combing Light and Darkness.
- Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh
- The Power of Friendship
- Quintessential British Gentleman: Enjoys his Spot of Tea.
- Red Baron: Eva remarked that he is called 'Boy Genius Mage'.
- Redheaded Hero
- Rescue Romance: Several of the girls interested in him fell for Negi when he helps them out. In the very first case, he met Nodoka by catching her in midair when she fell off some stairs.
- Right Man in the Wrong Place
- Rivals Team Up: With Kotaro, against Graf.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Complete with a Super-Powered Evil Side.
- Rocket Punch: It's based on lightning magic.
- Rubber Face
- Running Gag: He Hates Baths, prompting Asuna to give him regular dunkings.
- Scars Are Forever: Subverted. After having a noticeable scar on his face for half of the story (by choice), it disappears after an Angst Coma causes his skin to be turned to stone and arguably shed.
- Serious Business: Tea, though to be fair he was already angry.
- Sexier Alter Ego: As "Nagi".
- Shipper on Deck: A Konoka/Setsuna fanboy.
Setsuna: "I only have feelings for Konoka-ojousama!" |
- Shirtless Scene
- The Short Guy with Glasses
- Shut UP, Hannibal
- Skilled but Naive
- Sky Surfing
- Slipknot Ponytail: Negi's ponytail has a habit of coming undone during significantly violent battles later in the story. Together with the removal of his glasses, this serves to give him a much rougher look.
- Sneeze of Doom: A Magic Misfire.
- So Last Season: 600 at his Mundus Magicus ID, over 2200 after acquiring Magia Erebea; as of the latest Tournament Arc's final, he tied with someone who placed himself at 12000, although granted, he admitted that he wasn't as powerful, so he absorbed his opponent's strength and hit him with it.
- Stepford Smiler: While he's a genuinely Nice Guy, it is revealed that his Roaring Rampage of Revenge wasn't something that come out of nowhere.
- Story-Breaker Power: There's a reason his Pactio with Theodora was canceled.
- Straight Man
- Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Survivor Guilt
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: "Nothing's wrong! No one confessed to me or anything!"
- Sweetheart Sipping
- Tell Me About My Father
- Telepathy
- Thanks for the Mammary
- The Call Knows Where You Live: His village is attacked because his mother's enemies found where he is and tried to kill him.
- The Glasses Come Off: Later on in the story, Negi's glasses break/were never on in the first place/simply vanish whenever he becomes particularly violent.
- Time to Unlock More True Potential
- Tranquil Fury: All of Chapter 315.
- Turn Out Like His Father: With the exception that the fact that his father is the epitome of the Idiot Hero, both of them seem to have almost the same approach with life. Yes, this includes hating baths. Negi always gets washed by Asuna, whereas Nagi gets washed by Arika, his future wife.
- Unstoppable Rage: First happens against Graf, though Kotaro manages to smack some sense into him. Later occurs multiple times starting during a fight with Godel. Magic Erebea appears to enhance emotions.
- Unwanted Harem: Does the collection of powerful girls crushing on him strike you with pity, envy, or fear for the day he hits puberty?
- What Could Have Been: Everyone was expecting that Hiroshi Kamiya was going to play as adult!Negi but unfortunately, when the 3rd OAD came out, his adult self is still voiced by Rina Sato.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Two sides are presented when it's revealed that at best he only has a few more years of aging before maturation ceases. Godel thinks Living Forever Is Awesome because one can't be killed and can become an eternal king. Since Negi obviously cares not one bit for that, the downsides of "having kids is going to be difficult, you'll never look any older, any future lovers are going to be inconvenienced and you'll outlive everyone" are emphasized. Though Negi's not the only one who won't grow old.
- Willfully Weak
- Wise Beyond His Years
- Warrior Prince/Wise Prince
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: To a father he has not even properly met. And no, the holographic recording at the tournament does not count.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: While at age ten he's a top-tier battle mage, going up against ridiculously strong fighters, and his real talent is said to be off the battlefield, in spell theory and languages, consider this:
- Fighting an evil vampire-mage with a robot bodyguard? Kiss Asuna.
- Fighting an army of demons? Kiss Setsuna.
- Beginning to petrify? Kiss Konoka.
- Fighting a computer-virus/database attack/online war from the future? Get kissed by Chisame.
- Allies scattered across the world? Kiss Asakura.
- Fighting the World's Strongest Man? Have Theodora kiss you.
- Chachamaru worries she may not have a soul? Kiss her.
- It doesn't work? Kiss her harder!
- Asuna may not be Asuna? Kiss Asuna again.
- Lacking firepower for the next battle, with low morale amongst the civilians, and the romantic tension isn't thickening fast enough on its own? Kiss Ako, Yuna and Makie.
- Your plan for saving the world is in need of funds and resources? Kiss Ayaka and Chizuru.
- Your being chased by the entire school? Kiss Akira.
- If you ever find yourself asking "What will Negi do now?", just consult this handy flowchart. And to conclude this lengthy tangent, it must be pointed out that overcoming every obstacle you face by taking the nearest girl and unleashing her powers constitutes Whoring on at least two levels.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: When using Raiten Taisou.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Forced to wear a miniskirt-style fox-girl kimono during the Mahora Festival. And again, due to Chamo's suggestion, wears a Sailor Fuku when asking for a favor from Ayaka. He looks like a younger Asuna in the latter.
- Would Hit a Girl: Despite being an "English gentleman", he doesn't hesitate to fight Takane. Asuna does not approve; Setsuna and Evangeline do.
- You Must Be Cold
- You Shall Not Pass: Stays behind to stop horde of demons from catching Ala Alba. He's not in any real danger though.
- Zettai Ryouiki: As seen here.
Kagurazaka Asuna[]
Head of Ala Alba, Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofusia[]
Voiced by: Akemi Kanda (Japanese) and Luci Christian (English) |
The ordinary Tsundere roommate of Negi and Konoka. She's the first to discover his secret life as a mage, becomes his first Ministra Magi, and serves as his closest comrade-in-arms and surrogate older sister of sorts.
The end? Of course not. Asuna gets a pretty impressive Chekhov's Armoury (see below) and, later on, frequent dreams hints to her Mysterious Past. Turns out Asuna is neither fifteen nor ordinary, but the amnesiac container of the power that created Mundus Magicus who can be used to completely erase or rewrite it — something several villains already attempted to do during a magical World War. She was rescued from this bleak fate by Nagi, whom she accompanied until his apparently traumatic disappearance. She is also, apparently, a Long-Lost Relative of Negi himself.
As a fighter Asuna specializes in melee combat courtesy of Ensis Exorcizans ("Hama no Tsurugi" in Japanese), her artifact which can shift between a harisen and a greatsword with a natural magic-cancelling ability. While initially she can only summon one form of the artifact at a time, she later learns to Dual Wield both forms at once. She also knows Kanka, a powerful style which combines magic and ki to enhance her physical abilities.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Magic
- Apocalypse Maiden
- Armor-Piercing Slap
- Badass
- Back-to-Back Badasses
- Badass in Distress: After meeting Fate's team, she gets surrounded and captured by one of Fate's partners, who assumes Asuna's form and joins the group pretending to be her. Asuna was held captive by Fate, with Fate successfully undoing her Laser-Guided Amnesia, to cause her to remember her past and go into a week-long Heroic BSOD.
- Badass Princess
- Took a Level In Badass: Picking up Kanka was a minor one. A slightly better example is her going to Mundus Magicus. Setsuna notes that her rate of progress after this is absolutely staggering and that she's nearly caught up to Setsuna, herself one of the best fighters in Mahora — Asuna in comparison was a mere schoolgirl a few months before.
- Baka Ranger: Baka Red, on account of being the lowest-scoring student in Negi's class.
- Bandage Babe: Her Pactio title translates to "Wounded Swordsman".
- Barrier Maiden: Chapter 343 reveals that she'll be sleeping for 100 years in the Gravekeeper's Palace, serving as the literal cornerstone for the plan to save the Magic World.
- Battle Couple: With Negi.
- Becoming the Mask: To Fate's surprise. Even after her memories are restored she's back to normal soon enough. While it did take a week, Fate didn't expect her to come out of it at all. Net change? From Emotionless Girl Extreme Doormat to Tsundere Cool Big Sis.
- Bedmate Reveal
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Both. Her personality is more suited to tsukkomis and her intellect is more suited to bokes.
- But Your Wings Are Beautiful: To Setsuna.
- Can't Stay Normal
- Chekhov's Armoury: Ever since Chapter 1, her athletic skill, sight and hearing are shown to be off the charts; she can punch through Evangeline's barrier and seal any demon with a whack of her sword; she also has no pubic hair (not that she's drawn differently from everyone else, but characters can tell the difference), as befits a possibly artificial Anti-Magic superweapon that took a few decades too many before hitting puberty. Her academic difficulties (stemming from memory troubles) and her close relationship with Takamichi, a famous mage, probably counts too. The astral sign of her pactio card is Mars.
- Combination Attack: She does one with Negi during Magic World arc final. It's powerful enough to destroy the projection of Lifemaker in one hit.
- Cool Big Sis: For Negi, or so she claims.
- Cry Cute: Many times, the first being after Negi nearly drowned in Chapter 61. A sadder one occurs near the end of Chapter 352, upon waking up 30 years too late, only to realize that Negi inexplicably died and that Ayaka lived to be 115 just to see her again, just before Eva and Chao reappear to bring her back to 130 years ago.
- Cute Little Fangs: Weirdly enough.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Defeat by Modesty: Subverted during the Aggressive Negotiations with Goedel.
- Dish Dash
- Dynamic Entry
- Emotionless Girl: As a kid — not so much later on.
- Epic Fail: Trying to light someone's cigarette and instead setting their beard on fire. And then putting it out with hot tea. Pro.
- Expressive Hair: In Negima!?.
- Expy: She's stated to embody the "protective" aspect of Naru's personality.
- Fan Nickname: "Bells", because of her trademark... bells.
- Fiery Redhead: Heroic type.
- First-Name Basis
- First Kiss: Her kiss with Negi in Chapter 25; she even complains that she was saving it for Takamichi.
- Flash Step
- Friendship Moment: After Asuna's early graduation and before the planned ritual that will put her to sleep for a century, she tells Ayaka that she was the best thing that ever happened to her.
- Full-Frontal Assault: After getting Clothing Damaged for the umpteenth time, she proves herself immune to Defeat by Modesty and presses the attack. The viewers get a Godiva sword tassel.
"Like I care!" |
- Gag Boobs: Aer aer amplificet mammas.
- Generic Cuteness: See She Cleans Up Nicely.
- Get A Hold Of Yourself Woman
- Give Her A Normal Life: What Ala Rubra tried to do for her. Unfortunately, Fate wouldn't let her otherwise.
- Godiva Hair
- Go-Go Enslavement: After being captured by Hermann and again after being captured by Fate.
- Goofy Print Underwear: A... bear?
- Hair Decorations: Averted and inverted — she wears those bells because they came from Takamichi, not because she thinks they make her look cuter. And on the rare occasions that she takes them off everyone notes that she looks better without them.
- Harmful to Minors
- Harmless Freezing
- Heavy Sleeper: Flanderized in Negima!?. Then the manga reveals that she slept for thirty more years to wake up to a world where the otherwise immortal Negi inexplicably died, only for Eva and Chao to return her to 130 years past, mere seconds after her departure. The Where Are They Now? Epilogue reveals that her extended sleep was partially caused by a war on Mars in the 22nd century, of which Mana was a participant.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Gets teased often about her relationship with Negi.
- Heroic BSOD: Chapter 284 showed the tail end of a week-long one. Fate didn't expect her to come out of it at all.
- Home Run Hitter
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Or a harisen.
- I Am What I Am: She certainly has no reason to be ashamed but it was causing her grief.
"I am, after all, a genuine, legendary princess from a country of magic!" |
- Identical Stranger: She looks very similar to Negi's cousin Nekane.
- Idiot Hair
- Idiot Hero: It's pointed out more than once that she far more closely resembles the trope than Negi himself. Kotaro even compares her to Nagi due to her idiocy and determination.
- I Got You Covered
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Succeeded... until Fate ruined things.
- In a Single Bound
- Instant Cosplay Surprise
- Instant Expert: Justified since she actually recalls things she already learned before.
- Kick Chick
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: There are some early hints at this. Later it was undone by Fate. She had a Heroic BSOD and Cosmo Entelechia reacquired her ability to cast Rewrite.
- Lethal Chef: Briefly, in the anime; looked like an Alien Lunch. Negima!? also gave us a glimpse of her cooking. She burned down the kitchen.
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: After the "Kissing Terminator" incident.
- Lightning Glare
- Lingerie Scene
- Long-Lost Relative: An extremely distant one of Negi's; specifically, they happen to be linked to the Lifemaker.
- Marilyn Maneuver
- Megaton Punch: Love Hina homage.
- Mismatched Eyes
- Modesty Shorts: After Going Commando in a skirt in Kyoto, this is a big issue for her.
- Mysterious Past: Especially when when she turns out to be far older than she looks.
- Mysterious Waif
- No Sell: Her Magic Cancel stops any magic.
- Not a Morning Person
- Odd Friendship/Schoolgirl Rival/Vitriolic Best Buds/With Friends Like These...: With Ayaka.
- Older Sidekick
- Older Than They Look: Really. The first (chronologically) time she and Takamichi are shown in the same area, and they look to be about the same age! Apparently, she's at least 130 years old.
- One Dialogue, Two Conversations
- One Head Taller
- Out with a Bang: PG version, after a World Tree-controlled Negi catches her in a deep kiss that ends after she's passed out from lack of oxygen.
- Overly Long Name
- Pensieve Flashback
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Plucky Girl
- Precocious Crush: To Takamichi. She's turned down for a surprising reason.
- Put on a Bus: Triple Subversion.
- Rapunzel Pigtails
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Fighting alongside Negi, trying to save the world and cutting God-like beings to ribbons probably qualify. In her own words...
"I am after all a genuine Legendary Princess from Country of Magic!" |
- The Where Are They Now? Epilogue reveals that she already began work on bringing peace to both worlds, and has presumably resumed her rightful place as Queen of Ostia.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: At least a hundred and thirty years old, possibly older.
- Sacred First Kiss: Initially reluctant to make a Pactio for this reason. Later she claims it doesn't count because it was a Pactio, not a real kiss. Judging by the way everyone else in the story views Pactios the only one she's fooling is herself.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Judging from the reactions of her classmates seeing her actually taking care of her appearance such as at the ball, she's a case of Generic Cuteness.
- Ship Tease: Of course there's quite a bit, but notable because even when it's no longer Asuna, she's still getting ship tease because of Luna.
- Shipper on Deck: Like Negi, she's a Konoka/Setsuna fangirl, as well as supportive of Negi/Nodoka.
- As of Chapter 350, she's given up on her feelings for Takahata-sensei and tells him he should be with Shizuna-sensei. Of course, she's going to be gone for a hundred years...and outright tells him that he needs to marry and have kids so that when she returns in a hundred years, she can get with one of his descendants.
- Shorttank
- Stay in the Kitchen: Gender Flipped — she hates being told that, but has tried to force this on Negi several times.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Looks quite a bit like Negi's mother.
- Superpower Lottery: Her Magic Cancel negates any magic/ki attacks, expands an energy sphere that only negates hostile magic, breaks seals and goes through any magic barriers like they weren't there (destroying them in the process). Ensis Exorcizans also has anti-magic capabilities and allows her to send back and/or destroy things/beings summoned by magic (not even on contact — waving it in its general direction will suffice). She's also a Kanka user which, besides of being literally "the ultimate art" of magic combat with a dozen enhancements, allows her to fight without draining Negi. Given that a Ministra is to serve as support, it's practically impossible to find someone better suited for the job. And that's without even mentioning her true power...
- Super Senses
- Super Speed
- Super Strength
- Tomato in the Mirror
- Tsundere: Type A, though not as exaggerated as Naru.
- Unskilled but Strong: In sheer specs, she's both quite powerful and fast, but isn't a trained fighter like Kaede or Setsuna. Thus, by the early parts of the Magic World, she appears to be almost on par with Setsuna, supposedly the strongest of Negi's ministra and a skilled shinmeiryu swordsman, simply by virtue of sheer speed and power. By the end of the Magic World arc, she appears to be strong enough to actually work as Negi's partner while again showing no real sign of technique. Anti magic, of course, adds a great deal of utility to certain possible fights.
- "V" Sign
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Ayaka, ever since they're children.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Kanka allows the user to combine magic and ki, which isn't normally possible.
Sakurazaki Setsuna[]
Shinmei-ryu Swordswoman[]
Voiced by: Yuu Kobayashi (Japanese), Dana Schultes (English, Mahou Sensei Negima!), and Cherami Leigh (English, Negima!?) |
A excellent swordswoman and childhood friend of Konoka, she served as her bodyguard from the shadows until the events of the Kyoto Class Trip forced her to reveal herself to Negi and Asuna, and to get closer to Konoka.
Subsequent events revealed her to be a Half-Youkai of the Tengu Tribe, allowing her to grow wings at will, but this also gives her lots of misgivings about her bloodline, compounded by the fact that she was an outcast on account of her white wings (heavily implied to be a case of albinism based on Evangeline's statements that she uses hair dye and colored contacts) — which, according to Tengus, is a harbinger of misfortune — and was schooled in a fighting style designed for demon extermination.
As if that wasn't enough, she is really gay for her charge. This causes her considerable amounts of angst, as she's a traditionalist that considers a commoner such as herself unworthy to be friends with a blue-blood like Konoka. She's deeply closeted too.
Most of this angst has been resolved by now after Konoka told her that her wings are beautiful, except for her crush on Konoka, which seemed to forever devolve into a Running Gag — one ultimately solved when they forge a Pactio.
Setsuna wields the Yuunagi, a nodachi (long sword) given by Eishun, as her primary weapon, and uses shikigami (paper dolls) to create doppelgangers. Her Pactio artifact with Negi is Sica Shishikushiro, a wakizashi (short sword) that can have up to 16 duplicates using her mental power, and with Konoka, Tsurugi no Kami: Takemikazuchi, a BFS that grows in size and strength as Konoka infuses her with power.
- Action Girl
- Action Girlfriend: To Konoka, no matter what she says.
- Achilles Heel
- Aesop Amnesia: To an infuriating degree.
- Almost Kiss: It was for a Pactio! Really!
- Badass
- Battle Butler
- Battle Couple: With Konoka, after she becomes a Magister Magi.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind
- Big Damn Kiss: Her Pactio with Konoka. According to Chamo they even broke the length record.
- BFS: Yuunagi is longer than she is tall, and Takemikazuchi, courtesy of Konoka, has the ability to absorb Konoka's magic to grow to enormous size and she wields it one-handed.
- Bifauxnen: She fooled everyone that didn't know her while in her male period clothes during her Not a Date with Konoka at the cinema town. Plus, they did make her look fetching.
- Bodyguard Crush: She is very devoted to Konoka in a in completely platonic and professional way.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: She plays the tsukkomi mostly; Her comments when she's in the background definitely count. To the surprise of her classmates, against Chao she even brings out the fan!
- But Your Wings Are Beautiful: Played straight as it gets.
- On one example, after revealing her wings for the first time.
Setsuna: "This is my true form. I'm a monster, just like them. Don't misunderstand, my desire to protect Oujo-sama is real! I've just kept this a secret... because I was afraid she would hate me in this ugly form..." |
- Later...
Konoka: "Secchan... your back..." |
- But Now I Must Go: Subverted. She decides to stay by Konoka's side.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Akamatsu kept her Out of Focus until the Kyoto arc; Negi once refered to her as one of the students he'd like to get to know better. Needless to say, she becomes one of Ala Alba's most trusted fighters.
- Cherry Blossom Girl: Along with the below mentioned attacks, she also fits the personality type well.
- Cherry Blossoms: Sakurazaki's attacks are sometime accompanied by cherry blossoms.
- The Comically Serious
- Cool Airship: The Where Are They Now? Epilogue reveals that she managed to save up for a high-speed space cruiser.
- Covert Pervert: While detailing Asuna's abilities on a diagram (featuring a naked Asuna), she mentions her Anti-Magic and her Super Speed... and then notes "Bust: Not bad", as well as a partially-blocked (by Setsuna's speech bubble) reference to Asuna's lack of hair anywhere aside from her scalp.
- According to the Lotus Eater Machine, her dream is Konoka making her breakfast... while wearing only an apron.
- In Chapter 341, Setsuna concludes that the best future for her is finally having sex with Konoka.
Setsuna: (while beating herself up for thinking that) This isn't a future!! This is just a delusion!! What's wrong with me!? This isn't right! I'm bad! I'm perverted! |
- Cursed with Awesome
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Date Peepers
- Defeated By Modesty
- Demon Slayer
- Diagonal Cut
- Dish Dash
- Dual-Wielding: She occasionally uses Yuunagi — a very long sword — in one hand and either its scabbard or Sica Shishikushiro (a short sword from her Pactio with Negi) on the other.
- And now she can (and did at least once) wield Yuunagi in one hand and Takemikazuchi in the other.
- Dye or Die
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- Evil Counterpart: Tsukuyomi, the bloodthirsty swordswoman for hire with a crush on her "Setsuna-sempai".
- Expy: Has shades of Matoko from Love Hina, even using the same sword style. However, this only really applies to her skills and appearance, as personalitywise they are completely different.
- Failure Knight: All Konoka wants is a friend...
- Fan Nickname: "Lieutenant", for essentially acting as Negi's lieutenant in combat situations.
- Fantastic Arousal: Her wings.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Her hair, shaped like a single wing, possibly alluding to her halfling heritage.
- Finishing Move: "Shinmeiryuu Kessen Ougi"
- Flash Step
- Freaky Is Cool
- "Friend or Idol?" Decision: Sword or Happiness?
- Full-Moon Silhouette
- Functional Magic: Her training includes Onmyodo.
- Groin Attack: Setsuna takes prisoners... poor Negi.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Hide Your Lesbians: The Where Are They Now epilogue states that both she and Konoka get married in 2017. And we see a picture of them both wearing wedding kimonos, and Setsuna is holding Konoka bridal-style. It's pretty clear what's happening, but it's still stately indirectly as opposed to other marriages.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Homosexual Reproduction: If Setsuna and Konoka do marry — Asuna sees in the future that they had two children who look like small copies of them.
- Heroic Albino: Implied.
- Hunter Of Her Own Kind: Setsuna's style of combat was developed specifically to battle demons.
- I Am What I Am
- I Got You Covered
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Shinmeiryuu-style.
- In a Single Bound
- Instant Cosplay Surprise
- If It's You It's Okay: Sort of. Admits to feeling some attraction towards teenaged Negi, but is quite clearly paired off with Konoka from the get-go.
- I Will Protect Her
- Lady of War: At her best.
- Kemonomimi
- Letting Her Hair Down
- Lingerie Scene
- Luminescent Blush: She's nearly as prone to this as Karin Maaka.
- Magic Knight
- Magic Pants
- Meido
- Mind Control Eyes
- Modesty Shorts
- Moe Couplet: With Konoka.
- Morph Weapon: Takemikazuchi can change both size and shape.
- Nerf Arm: She wields a broom during the Tournament Arc to get around a restriction on bladed weapons.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Lesbian Albino Samurai Angel. Half-demon, technically, but, eh, who cares?
- Not a Date: Poor, deluded Setsuna...
- Offhand Backhand: Cuts what could easily be described as a wrecking ball in half, saving Konoka and two children... and doesn't notice.
- Paper Talisman: Setsuna is known to use Ofuda, once used them protect the hotel from shikigami during the Kyoto arc.
- Perpetual Molt
- The Pioneer: According to the Where Are They Now? Epilogue, she became one of the most famous first-generation pilots of the space age.
- Playboy Bunny
- Razor Wind
- Relationship Upgrade: Became Konoka's Ministra Magi, a process which included the longest on-screen kiss in the series so far.
- Rescue Romance
- Sarashi
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: The subtext just kept getting more and more obvious, leading all the way to the Pactio with one of the longest kisses ever, then continues getting more blatant with Setsuna's Covert Pervert fantasy sequences. You're not fooling anyone there, Setsuna.
- School Uniforms Are the New Black
- Secret Test of Character: Poor, deluded Setsuna...
- Subverted during a tournament fight against Evangeline — the latter tries playing on her fears, duty and difficulty protecting Konoka. Setsuna figures out what she's doing and rejects her choices. Eva didn't see that one coming, and that doesn't occur to Setsuna, so she assumes it was this trope! Eva decides that's better than having flat out lost, though she probably could've won if she wasn't screwing around.
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Poor, deluded Setsuna...
- Shipper on Deck: Of Negi/Nodoka.
- Shower of Angst
- Single-Target Sexuality: Subverted. Considering her behavior, you would definitely expect her to have this for Konoka, but she has actually expressed some interest in Asuna from time to time.
- Skirt Over Slacks
- Slipknot Ponytail
- Something Else Also Rises
- Sugar and Ice Girl
- Super Senses
- Take a Third Option
- Taking the Bullet: For Konoka, of course.
- Thunder Shock: At one point.
- Too Slow
- Transparent Closet: Setsuna, you're not fooling anyone, least of all your "Ojousama".
- Tsurime Eyes
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Konoka. Ultimately solved thanks to the longest kiss in the series so far!
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: Admittedly with Tsukuyomi running around, this is very much justified.
- Waif Fu
- Winged Humanoid
- Wing Man: Appropriately enough; her Fan Nickname is "Lieutenant", befitting her typical role in combat situations.
- Wing Pull
- The Worf Barrage: Sica Shishikushiro has been used repeatedly, and almost never does anything useful. Possibly why Takemikazuchi is a different one — and does prove useful.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Chamo thought she looked like one at first.
Ayase Yue[]
Ariadne Battle Maiden Knight Squad Cadet[]
Voiced by: Natsuko Kuwatani (Japanese) and Brina Palencia (English) |
Yue is an extremely intelligent girl with cynicism and extreme demotivation for school issues stemming from the death of her beloved grandfather. The discovery of magic and getting into a Love Triangle with her best friend and their kid teacher have finally given her something to occupy that enormous intellect.
Yue has since been rendered amnesiac while on a trip in the Mundus Magicus, gotten enrolled in a magical military academy, where she studied and trained for a month, and became a scarily competent mage, tactician and broom handler.
Her Pactio with Negi produced the Orbis Sensualium Pictus, comprised of a witch's cloak, hat and broom. Its main component, however, is a book which gives her complete information on anything related to magic, such as spells, items, beasts and even other artifacts.
- A-Cup Angst: At times. And as of the Where Are They Now? Epilogue, her chest still hasn't grown an inch (unlike Nodoka).
- Action Girl
- Black Mage: Outfit and all.
- Black Magician Girl
- Badass
- Badass Bookworm: Especially since she has taken up magic, but she was already Indiana Jones-in-training when she was introduced during the Library Island arc.
- Little Miss Badass
- Took a Level In Badass: Yue shows some of the most obvious growth of any character in the series short of Asuna and Negi.
- She started as an underpowered Muggle with an unspecified amount of magical potential. When she got the Orbis Sensualium Pictus, it initially appeared to be a Useless Useful Spell, until she used it to break an illusion that pretty much had the whole group in its clutches (see Spotting the Thread). Later, she coordinates a handful of trainees and takes out an actual dragon, then uses the same Ariadne training to show she's an effective Magic Knight.
- And as of the seven-year Time Skip, she has invented a completely safe, liquid-based Magia Erebea-like spell storage and release system. While she doesn't seem to get the physical benefits Negi does, Yue also doesn't seem to get any of the physical detriments. All she needs to do is take a swig of a potion, and she has a bunch of spells for instant cast whenever the hell she wants. Damn Yue.
- Unfortunately, this has its own detriment...namely the detriment that is the natural outcome one imbibing a large quantity of liquid. Yue even states outright that she has a time limit before she has to go to the bathroom.
- Baka Ranger: Baka Black. Also considered to be the "leader", likely because she's the smartest of the five.
- Beam Spam: Has become quite adept with magical arrows after her latest power upgrade.
- Book Dumb: For a Teen Genius, Yue is also extremely unmotivated.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Cannot Spit It Out: Her feelings toward Negi. It's gotten to the point where her rivals in love want her to confess and are planning to help her out. Naturally she's against it.
- Crazy Prepared: She predicted that Quintum would leave her paralyzed and cast a paralysis release spell in herself. Furthermore, she had sixteen predictions of how Quintum would take them down, and it's highly possible that she had prepared countermeasures for each outcome.
- Cute Witch/Dark Magical Girl
- Death of the Hypotenuse: She freaks out when she realizes that she's in a Love Triangle with Nodoka and Negi, and that these things do not usually end well. Although Nodoka did come up with an alternate solution to the problem.
- Dull Surprise: In Negima!?, in one of the early omake segments with the Baka Rangers, while the Bakas make ready to fight their enemies, with Yue wanting to call their "giant robot", Makie is complaining that she never got to do her introduction properly. The Baka Rangers agree to let her go first (she had been last every time). She tries to do so, and the giant robot foot comes down on Makie, interrupting her.
Yue: Hey guys, the robot's here. |
- Dynamic Entry
- Emotionless Girl
- Easy Amnesia: Actually a subversion. Although the accident is a common cause for the trope, there was a memory-loss spell involved that actually did it.
- Expy: Very likely inspired by Patchouli Knowledge.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Lampshaded by Haruna of all people.
- Forehead of Doom: Since Her Brain Is Big.
- Genius Book Club
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To Negi.
- Great Big Book of Everything: Orbis Sensualium Pictus is a book containing all information on magic, including spells, items, beasts, and even artifacts. The fact that it's a magic artifact conveniently removes the Great Big part of trope, condensing it into a small book.
- High-Pressure Emotion: Twice in rapid succession, though one could say it's just one continuous moment. Doesn't mean it's not ridiculously cute and funny, especially given Collet and Emily's reactions.
- Homoerotic Subtext: With Emily Sevensheep. Volume 0 has a lot of fun with this one.
- I Am Your Opponent: During a dramatic pillow fight. And to a griffin dragon.
- Idiot Hair: It's actually a subversion. While Yue does have it, it reflects more on her grades than her actual level of intelligence. She's actually Brilliant but Lazy.
- Instant Armor: Learned to summon one after her Ariadne training.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Jumped At the Call: Once she got in on the Masquerade.
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Magic Knight
- Marilyn Maneuver: Once did it to herself by accident.
- Matchmaker Crush: Tries to help Nodoka win over Negi, but then there's the issue of her own growing feelings for him...
- Nerds Are Sexy
- New Transfer Student: Yue has gotten to play the part for a while in the Magic World.
- Panty Shot: Oh boy, the spin-off OVA threw a lot on her. Including at her Transformation Sequence. Or even dodging the attacks from Emily while they were dealing with the griffin that would not look out of place in Highschool of the Dead.
- The Philosopher: An unusual case as she's quite capable of emotion and is very down-to-earth. Her input is often appreciated too. And to wit, her grandfather is a "well-known philosopher" and her magical activation key is For Zo Cratica Socratica.
- Potty Emergency: Since she drinks juice so often. Specially hilarious in the Kyoto arc. Becomes a notable weak-point when consuming her large potion in 354.
- Purple Eyes: Curtains Match the Window.
- Putting on My Thinking Cap
- Read the Freaking Manual: Orbis Sensualium Pictus can look up the instruction manuals for other artifacts.
- Red Mage: She is able to cast healing spells as well.
- Robe and Wizard Hat: Often combined with Badass Long Robe after she Took a Level In Badass.
- She Is All Grown Up: Chapter 354 shows Yue grows up quite nicely.
- Shorter Means Smarter: The only ones shorter than she is are the Token Mini Moes, one of which is pretty damn smart himself.
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl
- The Snark Knight: Initially a textbook example, complete with frequent thoughts of being "Surrounded by Idiots". These wanes later on, as she became part of the main group and developed a crush on Negi, though she's still quick to dissociate herself from the group whenever the insanity becomes overwhelming. Due to her height, she often comes across as more of a Little Miss Snarker.
- Straight Man
- Sugar and Ice Girl
- Talking the Monster to Death
- Tenchi Solution: A joke was made halfway through the manga about Nodoka considering a three-way with Yue and Negi to be an ideal solution.
- Throw the Book At Them
- Trademark Favorite Drink: She's often shown with a juice of outlandish composition in hand. In fact, Chapter 354 shows that her enhancing spells come in the form of weird concoctions.
- Transformation Sequence: In her spin-off OVA — Fan Service cranked Up to Eleven!
- Verbal Tic: Overuses desu and speaks like an encyclopedia.
- Weak but Skilled: She doesn't have much in the way of raw power yet, but she's already an expert in magical theory despite the short time she's had to really learn about it. Taking down a griffin dragon with a ceremonial knife by exploiting tiny weak points? Yes, please.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Future Yue's potion power-up comes with one major weakness, namely that she only has so much time before all that liquid she drinks runs its course and leaves her with the natural consequences.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Inugami Kotaro[]
Ku-on Shadow Master[]
Voiced by: Marina Inoue (Japanese) |
Negi's best friend and rival ever since he got pummelled by him during the Kyoto Class Trip. In many ways, he's a textbook Shonen action protagonist, and often contrasted to Negi, to whom he often tries teaching how to act like a brash and overconfident hero rather than a meek and polite Badass Bookworm. It doesn't work very well.
As he's Half-Dog Demon, he can change shape. Usually, he looks human, except for his ears and tail, but can transform into a giant wolf-like dog or something in between. (In chapter 262 he made a pactio with Natsumi.)
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Animal Stereotypes: He styles himself as a lone wolf, but often lapses into doggishness and ends up being "domesticated" by Chizuru and Natsumi.
- Animorphism: Puppy when powers sealed, giant wolf when fully released.
- Attack Hello
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Negi.
- Battle Aura
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Natsumi.
- Relationship Upgrade/Happily Married: After many years of tension, they finally tie the knot in 2015.
- Big Badass Wolf
- Bishie Sparkle
- Bishonen: His teenage form, much like Negi.
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Break the Haughty
- Can't Catch Up: Chapters hinted at this increasingly during the Mundus Magicus arc, with him shocked that Negi has been planning on fighting Fate.
- Conservation of Ninjutsu
- Cutlass Between the Teeth
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dark Is Edgy: Becomes Dark Is Not Evil post-Heel Face Turn.
- Demoted to Extra: Didn't appear in the anime until the new OAD series.
- Doppelganger Spin
- Dynamic Entry
- Expy: Of Inuyasha. Word of God says so. Early character designs in Volume 5 also say that his "personality is a Fox boy ninja". How much of these got to the actual character is debatable.
- Fan Service: Possibly, as in chapters following the Mundus Magicus arc (and even several chapters during it) he spent a whole lot of time in his teenage form for apparently no reason at all.
- Fire-Forged Friends
- Dude, He's Like, In A Coma!
- "Get Out of Jail Free" Card: As an expression of gratitude for saving Negi and his students at the end of Volume 8, Kotaro is formally freed and is now free to hang around with Negi. It also helps that he has already performed a Heel Face Turn.
- Harbinger of Impending Doom
- Healing Factor: He explains it as an "ability of the Inugami clan". It's not Wolverine-class, but he's taken multiple swords to the chest and recovered.
- Heel Face Turn: He first appeared as one of Chigusa's lackeys.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: He has the sense to wear black, but that doesn't mean he isn't a Hot-Blooded melee fighter who likes to solve problems head-on with his fists. Averted after he learns Kaede's ninja-style shadow clone technique; that highly-visible ninja-in-training in front of you is almost certainly a fake.
- Hot-Blooded
- How Much More Can He Take?
- I Am Not Weasel
- Idiot Hero: A proud and acknowledged one. This makes him a foil to Yue, who loves to deconstruct Shonen tropes.
- Ignored Enemy
- I Got You Covered
- In a Single Bound
- Innocent Cohabitation: Lives with Chizuru, Natsumi and Ayaka mostly because at least Chizuru (and maybe even Natsumi) won't let him go.
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Kemonomimi
- The Lancer
- Lighthearted Rematch
- Like Brother and Sister
- Limited Wardrobe
- Magic Pants
- Me's a Crowd
- Meaningful Name: "Inugami" means "dog spirit".
- Monster Roommate: To Chizuru and Natsumi
- Never the Selves Shall Meet: He began fighting his past self.
- Nonchalant Dodge: First tournament fight in Mundus Magicus arc. He and Negi dodge a really big attack combo... only to appear leaning on the big guy talking about how much that would have hurt. He does it later on to one of Fate's Ministras when she tries to crush him to death... and it's only a clone.
- Not Quite Flight
- One-Winged Angel
- Only a Flesh Wound
- Sarcastic Devotee
- School Uniforms Are the New Black: Explicitly states that his school uniform is his battle garb
- Shout-Out: Akamatsu is apparently a fan of Inuyasha. Guess whom Kotaro's demon form resembles?
- Street Urchin: His backstory.
- Tastes Like Friendship
- Unusual Ears
- Walk On Water
- Walking the Earth: At least seven years after Class 3-A's graduation, he simply ran off for some "ninja training". Natsumi would follow suit, and after years of Belligerent Sexual Tension, they finally marry.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?/Is It Something You Eat?: Although judging by Chapter 262 he gotten over these... and apparently all thanks to Natsumi.
- The Worf Effect: Strongly implied against Fate in Chapter 303. It doesn't happen and actually shows quite a bit of Character Development on his part: the old Kotaro would have attacked and endangered the whole group.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: It's actually presented as a deeply stupid comportment, and several of the Action Girls (like Kaede and Asuna) have tried to literally beat it out of him.
- Worthy Opponent
Nagase Kaede[]
Kouga Chuunin (Koga Journeyman Ninja)[]
Voiced by: Ryoko Shiraishi (Japanese), and Clarine Harp (English) |
A Ninja of considerable skill (reputedly a chuunin of the Koga Clan), Kaede acts as a wise mentor figure to the group when she's not serving as its muscle. She is portrayed as quite possibly more powerful than Negi himself in the early stages of the story (despite initially not knowing about magic at all), and is still a competent warrior and is shown to be on equal footing with gunslinger Mana. She has given Kotaro some training and joined up with the core of Ala Alba in Ostia. She eventually makes a Pactio with Negi, from whom she receives the Tengu no Kakuremino, a cloak which serves as the portal to another dimension.
- Action Girl
- Antiquated Linguistics: In some translations.
- Arrow Catch
- Badass Cape: Her artifact, Tengu no Kakuremino.
- BFS: In this case, the "S" stands for Shuriken, and is nearly twice as big as she is (though Word of God says that she can split it into four, folded one on top of the other, and carried on her back). This is quite a feat, considering her size.
- Baka Ranger: Baka Blue
- Bigger on the Inside: Within her artifact.
- Book Dumb: She's actually bright, and a good strategist and planner to boot. She still manages to be one of the five worst students in the class. The most common explanation is that the Ninja training is probably interfering with her studies.
- Cat Smile
- Conservation of Ninjitsu: An odd case. While splitting into a few copies allows her to use them as fully-functional fighters, summoning too many causes them to be less useful, serving mainly as decoys.
- Cool Big Sis: To Negi and Kotaro. The charts say that her romantic feelings for them are low, but the sisterly/motherly ones are off the scale.
- Doppelganger Spin
- Eyes Always Shut: So far she has only been seen with both eyes open about a dozen times; each time signifies she means business.
- Finger-Poke of Doom
- Flash Step: Depending on whether one counts Negi's Raiten Taisou, either the best or second-best at them in all of Ala Alba. Notable variations include the ability to flash-step into thin air and an unique technique known as Shukuchi Mukyou ("Limitless Ground Contraction") capable of propelling her to distances of over eight football fields in 1-2 seconds. This works out to somewhere between Mach 1 and 2.
- Fuuma Shuriken
- Hammerspace: The very nature of Tengu no Kakuremino.
- Harem Nanny: In aspects.
- Heir to the Dojo: Though it's only mentioned in her character design notes.
- Heroic Sacrifice: After Quintum took back the Great Grandmaster Key from the group, Kaede enters a fight with him. But her actual plan was to distract Quintum and steal the Key back with a clone — but it was the clone that was doing the stealing, leaving the real Kaede behind to a complete No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Huge Schoolgirl: Standing high and mighty at 183cm. Perhaps it's all the ninja training.
- I Am Your Opponent: On behalf of herself and Setsuna in Chapter 280.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Sessha".
- Lady of War
- Me's a Crowd
- Mood Whiplash: A rare example of this trope applying to a character. Kaede had some pretty heated battles during the festival... and never once removed her Tanuki ears and tail.
- Mundane Utility: Using a body duplication technique to scavenge for food, fishing with kunai, etc.
- Ninja
- Nonchalant Dodge: Against Sanders for epic, and against the Narutakis for a laugh.
- Onee-Sama: In Negima?! Neo, once referred to as this by Anya. Kaede shyly replied that she felt uncomfortable being addressed with so respectful a title.
- Sarashi
- Schoolgirl Rival: Mana, ever since their stalemate during the Mahora War.
- Slipknot Ponytail
- Statuesque Stunner
- Supernatural Martial Arts
- Tsurime Eyes: 95% of the time, she's Eyes Always Shut, but when she does open them, they are this shape.
- Vapor Wear: Just look at that picture. She is very obviously not wearing underwear.
- Verbal Tic: Speaks like an ancient Samurai and thus overuses de gozaru (instead of da or desu), as well as using the archaic first-person pronoun sessha, both of which are humbling phrases.
- Walk On Water
- Walking the Earth: The Where Are They Now? Epilogue reveals that she has since become a wanderer helping her friends along the way when not training on Earth with Ku Fei.
- Why Did It Have To Be Frogs?
- Younger Than They Look: Played with when neither she nor Mana can get their student discount when trying to get into the movies. So she uses a ninja technique to make her look much younger, becoming Older Than They Look.
Karakuri Chachamaru[]
The Lovestruck, Invincible Gun Platform[]
Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe (Japanese) and Caitlin Glass (English) |
While technically a member of Ala Alba, Chachamaru is primarily Evangeline's servant, having been created by Hakase two years ago as a fully-functional, fully-emotional magic robot. While Evangeline has many "dolls", Chachamaru is the only one created jointly as a product of magic and technology, which goes a long way toward explaining her very much human traits. She has a substantial crush on Negi, and apparently also brews very good tea.
In combat Chachamaru relies both on her many weapons hidden within her body, as well as more overt ones (such as her fists and guns). Once she made a Pactio with Negi (in order to give her confidence regarding her humanity), she receives the Al-Iskandariya, a full armor set complete with cat-ear headgear and a cat-shaped handheld remote control for an orbital laser cannon array implied to have been created by Chao.
- Action Girl
- Animal Motifs: Cats. Just look at her Pactio card. Although, it's more of a theme than an indication of her personality. Al-Iskandariya is even equipped with a kitty-cat Kill Sat.
- Catgirl: When her Pactio card is engaged.
- Cute Kitten: When she is introduced by herself and as an enemy, she is shown feeding kittens.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover
- Arm Cannon: Part of her new Swiss Army Appendages from her Mid-Season Upgrade.
- Badass Adorable: This Robot Girl can make a Kill Sat look really cute.
- Badass Automaton
- Bad Liar: When her trolling antics are turned against her, she gets badly flustered and makes some incredibly transparent denials.
- Battle Butler
- Become A Real Girl: Chachamaru goes through this rather quickly, as she already has the emotions programmed in; she just doesn't know what they're called.
- Berserk Button: Trying to harm a weak/sick Negi while Chachamaru is around is a very bad idea.
- That scene is particularly notable because it is probably the only time Chachamaru has ever looked angry.
- Big Damn Kiss: Her pactio — an Up to Eleven upgrade from the usual pactio ceremonies.
- Blood From the Mouth: After a fashion, as seen here.
- BFG: During the Evangeline arc, and now she has a gigantic Arm Cannon. Though even that pales in comparison to her Kill Sat as part of the Al-Iskandariya.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Part of her new Swiss Army Appendages from her Mid-Season Upgrade.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Her Unusual Ears and the note below her name ("Call engineering in case of emergency") make her stand out on the class roster.
- Covert Pervert: She tried to defy this, but as of Chapter 337 Chachamaru has fallen into this trope pretty hard.
- Cry Cute: And it all began when Hakase went too far in investigating her emotions (particularly love), making her Rocket Punch her own creator out.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Date Peepers
- Defeat Means Friendship: After losing to Chisame; another variant comes into play with Negi, who she develops feelings for after he defeats Evangeline and rescues her from the river.
- Do Androids Dream?: Apparently they do if you kiss them hard enough.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Negi “winding her up”... and It’s not subtle either.
- The second time Negi is shown winding her takes the cake though. In the first panel the Wind Up Key and a portion of Chachamaru’s head are completely “whited out” in a similar fashion to some customary censoring of genitals/penetration in manga. Very clever Akamatsu, very clever indeed...
- This gag censoring happens again, this time when Chachamaru is winding herself up. She is using "magic in a can" to do it, with the can being what is "whited out", resulting in her appearing to be holding something rather... phallic.
- The second time Negi is shown winding her takes the cake though. In the first panel the Wind Up Key and a portion of Chachamaru’s head are completely “whited out” in a similar fashion to some customary censoring of genitals/penetration in manga. Very clever Akamatsu, very clever indeed...
- Eye Beams
- Fantastic Arousal: The key winding. And/or pure magical energy, especially Negi's.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: It's starting to seem like every appearance she gets is another fetish to add to the list. The latest would be her cat girl pactio. And now she's Negi's Sexy Secretary, complete with nice office attire and romance scene in her daydream.
- Friend to All Children
- Friend to All Living Things: Her cat scene.
- The Gadfly: Contrary to her normal behavior, after awhile it becomes clear that she's apparently quite fond of teasing Eva in a completely deadpan manner.
- Glass Cannon: Al-Iskandariya is quite possibly Ala Alba's most powerful weapon but it does nothing for her defenses. So with a full power blast, she not only knocked out Fate's shields, she knocked him out for a good ten minutes. In a single blow. And was immediately hit with a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from Quartum.
- Green Eyes
- Has Two Mommies: Well, she can be considered Hakase and Chao's daughter.
- Half the Woman She Used to Be: Got cut completely in half by Quartum.
- Hime Cut
- I Am Your Opponent
- The Immodest Orgasm: Or the robotic equivalent thereof.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Oh yeah:
Negi: "Please, put some clothes on!" |
- Kill Sat: Al-Iskandariya's principal weapon is this — and cat-shaped, at that.
- Lethal Joke Weapon: Al-Iskandariya
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Two Mad Scientists mothers? Check. Stunning beauty? Check. The only difference is that she was built and not given birth to.
- Magitek
- Meaningful Name: "Cha" is a common pronunciation of the Japanese character for "tea"; "karakuri" literally translates into "mechanism".
- Doubly so with her Pactio: her title, translating to "Dreaming Doll", alludes to her previous fears that her subjective existence as an individual is merely "a dream generated by [Hakase's] computers". Like that's gonna stop Negi from getting her a pactio...
- Mid-Season Upgrade
- Morality Pet: Evangeline's treatment of her is one of the many signs that she's not as evil as she says.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: The reason she was at odds with Negi from time to time, despite her personal wishes. Now that Negi is her Pactio Master, this is no longer a problem.
- My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That: Played with. She detects other girls' attraction to Negi... but is also attracted to him herself.
- Never the Selves Shall Meet
- Older Sidekick: Played with. She looks older, but she was only activated a couple of years ago, so she's technically the youngest of the cast. Not that it would matter if she were as old as she looks, because her mistress is Really Seven Hundred Years Old. Post Magic World arc, she also starts working as Negi's secretary, a relationship which resembles the one she has with Eva.
- Override Command
- Pet The Cat
- Pick Your Human Half
- Playboy Bunny: Not of the usual variety; she wore a stuffed bunny costume.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Thanks to Al-Iskandariya, which is powerful enough that it can One-Hit Kill something that took on one of those ancient guardian beasts, and killed it in a single blow due to its Reality Warper power. Her own quote sums it up quite well:
"The power of this weapon is so great that I was worried it would be difficult to find any practical use for it... but this opponent should make a perfect trial target. ...Captain! Please maintain a safe distance from the enemy." |
- Rapunzel Hair: Justified — her hair acts as heat dissipator; thus the longer her hair, the greater the exposed surface area and thus increased efficiency in heat dissipation.
- Ridiculously Human Robot: She wasn't supposed to be one, but she is. Hakase programmed her with rudimentary emotions and can mimic human activities she cannot perform otherwise (like drinking tea), but she was not supposed to develop subjectivity, which is the basis of the majority of her Character Development.
- She actually becomes more and more "human" as the series goes on — Eva even remarks at how much Chachamaru has "grown" at one point.
- Rescue Romance: Chachamaru started to have interest in Negi after he took the bullet from his own attack after he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her.
- Robosexual: Doesn't actually occur, but judging by the winding thing she's certainly capable of feeling that type of pleasure, and enjoys it quite a bit too, apparently. Hakase could also make Chachamaru "anatomically correct, if she wanted. However, Chachamaru has turned her down several times.
- Robotic Reveal: Played with — no one seems to care that she has rockets in her feet.
- Robot Girl
- Robot Maid
- Robot Names: To clarify the above, "Karakuri" means "mechanism".
- Rocket Punch: Usually played for laughs, such as this scene (which also doubles as her first Cry Cute moment) against Hakase for delving too deep into her feelings.
- Schematized Prop: Her character design page.
- Sexy Secretary: It looks like she's become this for Negi to help him handle the ridiculous workload of his plan to stabilize the magic world. She's suitable to work closely with Negi for what could be a lifelong job.
- Sliding Scale of Robot Intelligence: She is an “Average Joe Android” (of the Tin Man variety). She skirts the line with “Nobel-Bot” at times, but not enough to qualify.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Swiss Army Appendage: Her new body's arms can morph into assault rifles or swords — and morph back into arms.
- Symbolic Blood
- Tears From a Stone: It's actually lens-cleaning fluid.
- Tin Man: Chachamaru regards herself as one, few who know her agree.
- Tinman Typist
- Unusual Ears: Her ears are actually antennae. Chisame is frustrated that she's the only one who seems to notice this.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Played with. Even if (and probably because) she is just a robot, her bisection by Quartum is rather graphic by the series’ standards; what with her insides being seen clearly (she apparently has a spine) and all the Symbolic Blood spurting about. She could, and did get better, but still...
- She also had trouble with this on a more philosophical level until she got her Pactio.
- Wild Card: Because of the whole "My Master, Right or Wrong" thing. Were it her choice, she'd most likely place her loyalties to Negi. Now that Negi is her Pactio master, this may no longer be an issue.
- Wind Up Key
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Seeing as how she was created to be acquiescent, it is not surprising that she would have this sort of programming; she even fits many of the physical requirements as well. She's also part of the same tea ceremony club as Evangeline.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Younger Than They Look: The only character who is younger than Negi. Justified because she is a robot. During the ball, she also points out to an angsting Natsumi that she isn't the only one with issues and cites barely having any life experience due to her age.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Apparently a permanent fixture in her synthetic skin. With Fingerless Opera Gloves to match.
Ku Fei[]
Bodyguard Who Seeks the Path[]
Voiced by: Hazuki Tanaka (Japanese, Mahou Sensei Negima! and Negima!?), Kana Asumi (Japanese, Mou Hitotsu no Sekai onwards) and Cynthia Cranz (English) |
A Chinese martial artist of incredible skill who can fight demons, robots, and assorted monsters with little more than her fists. All while being a hyperactive academic underachiever. She taught Negi his martial arts style. She may be the least-seen of Ala Alba's frontliners, lacking Asuna and Setsuna's greater plot relevance and Kaede's various skills, but she's not to be underestimated. After Ala Alba got split up in Mundus Magicus, she is one of the last to be found, courtesy of Sayo demonstrating some of her own ridiculously powerful abilities. She is also one of the last Ala Alba fighters to make a Pactio with Negi — for reasons of her own — resulting in Shintetsu Jizaikon, a staff which can change size and length according to the user's will.
- Action Girl
- Asskicking Pose
- Badass Abnormal: In a world filled with mages, vampires, half-demons, ninjas, robots and other beings somewhat cognizant of magic, she has achieved exceptional strength in battle by training a lot in her chosen style. Once the difficulty spiked for her, she started using ki rather than pure martial arts as well as made a Pactio with Negi to have an upgrade and a rod.
- She's the closest thing to a Badass Normal as well.
Chisame: "She's just close enough to human that we can tell how ridiculously good she is." |
- Baka Ranger: Baka Yellow
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Best Her to Bed Her: Played with. She made a rule for herself that she would only marry a man stronger than her; though she concedes to Negi's strength, his lack of age means she isn't (yet) attracted to him romantically. And when they made a Pactio, Chamo picked that exact moment to wonder why Chao looked so Chinese with a Welsh great-grandfather.
- Bigger Stick: See Simple Staff below for how much bigger.
- Book Dumb: By her own admission, Ku Fei is good at "everything but studying", to the point where, when it becomes a concern of the other girls that Negi might be developing a crush on her, they initially dismiss it because...
"Ku Fei is an idiot, right?" |
- Brick Break
- Cat Smile
- Chinese Girl
- Curb Stomp Battle: Every morning.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: A bit ditzy, but not out-and-out crazy.
- Flash Step: Against Mana, during the MahoraFest Tournament.
- Heir to the Dojo: In Chapter 253, it is revealed that she is the successor to the Ku warrior clan. And as of the Where Are They Now? Epilogue, she has since set up a dojo to accommodate challengers and future followers alike.
- Hulk Speak: In the official translations.
- Improbable Weapon User: Weaponized cloth.
- Ki Attacks: She exhibited damage enhancement early in the series, damaging a stone golem with a punch, used a Flash Step in her finishing strike against Mana in the MahoraFest Tournament, and can hit monsters, shadow minions and spider-tanks hard enough to toss them around. After summer training she's advanced to ranged attacks, not to mention being able to shatter a cliff.
- Kung Fu Kid
- Never Bring a Knife to A Fist Fight: The only fistfighter among the girls of the group, and faces off against enemies with weapons many times.
- Odango
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Played for Laughs, when she made Dynamis shut up with a poke from her staff.
- Simple Staff: The Shintetsu Jizaikon. Like the Monkey King's staff, it can grow and shrink at will. Her first use of it is as artillery)
- Supernatural Martial Arts
- Training From Hell: Subverted — she tries to train Negi like this, and fails miserably because she took all the training techniques from movies and manga. When she starts teaching him normally, he picks it up quickly.
- Verbal Tic: "Aru" ("To be" as in "to be located") instead of the copula "da", to show her imperfect grasp of Japanese. This usually gets left in in fan-translations, but in the official ones it comes across as Hulk Speak.
- Actually, "-aru" is code for "I am an anime character with a chinese accent".
- Waif Fu: Though averted when her physique is given more detail, such as in arm wrestling.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Starting in Chapter 55, when she is first seen in a non-school outfit. The formal qipao she wore when she got her Pactio also counts, even though it is quite long, but the cut is also quite high so it shows off her legs and socks nicely.
Akashi Yuna[]
Akashi Yuna[]
Cheery Waitress of the Oasis[]
Voiced by: Madoka Kimura (Japanese) and Amber Cotton (English) |
Of the entire class, Yuna is probably most qualified for the title of "Genki Girl" — mischievous and enthusiastic, her charisma translates into her constant role as ringleader of the class's hijinks. Her first notable action was during the School Festival, when she led an army of schoolmates against Chao's robots, proving herself quite adept with magical weapons and eventually placing fourth in a contest of 2500 participants. She also has a very close relationship with her father, himself a teacher in Mahora (who turns out to be a magic teacher — a fact she seems completely unaware of). Unsurprisingly, she seems to have been the one who convinced the others to sneak out and follow Negi to Mundus Magicus. After being separated from the rest, she met up with Makie and they found work as barmaids, eventually saving up enough money to meet up with Negi at the Ostia Tournament.
Throughout her stay in Mundus Magicus, the truth about her parents is revealed to her. She takes it rather well, since she already had suspicions beforehand. She even performs a simple magic spell she recalled from childhood. Shortly afterward, she forms a Pactio with Negi, though more for the powers she'd gain than romantic feelings. With a new artifact — Iris Tulmentum — suited for her affinity with guns and a showdown looming with the organization that may have been involved with her mother Yuuko's death, the future certainly looks interesting for Yuna.
- Action Girl
- Ancestral Weapon: It's hinted that Iris Tulmentum could be her mother's.
- Badass Longcoat/Of Corsets Sexy/Zettai Ryouiki: In her Pactio card.
- Boisterous Bruiser: After getting her Pactio card, she's starting to become this.
- Clark Kenting: A failed attempt when she tried to trick Yue and Nodoka into giving up their badges.
- Daddy's Girl
- Electra Complex: Mostly Played for Laughs.
- Expy: It's (semi-)official — her Pactio card gives her a pair of handguns. She just doesn't have Yuna's clothes, though.
- Fan Service Pack: Also Played for Laughs; apparently a second puberty growth spurt hit rather suddenly, and very hard, shortly after she starts third-year.
- Genki Girl: Yuuko apparently encouraged this aspect of her personality.
- Guns Akimbo: Her name and twin guns might be a Shout-Out to Final Fantasy X 2
- Guns Are Worthless: Completely averted. She's a complete Muggle until you hand her a gun, at which point she becomes bizarrely competent.
- Gun Slinger
- Hot Dad: Admittedly, her Electra Complex might be somewhat justified.
- Hot Mom: Yuuko was also pleasing to the eyes. Especially with that Rapunzel Hair of hers.
- I Know Madden Kombat: Great basketball skills equals great dodgeball skills? Who knew?
- In-Series Nickname: "Yuna * Kid" or just "The Kid." Likely to come off a little more smoothly in Japanese.
- Letting Her Hair Down: In Chapter 174 just before and right after sleeping. It actually looks just as good on her let down as when she ties it up.
- Mother I Want To Marry My Father: You'd think she'd have grown out of this by now, and for a while it seemed that she had. Then Chapter 253 came along. It is possible, however, that Yuna is simply quite innocent about the, uh, "mechanics" of a romantic relationship.
- Missing Mom: Yuuko died when Yuna was just five old. According to Takane, she was born and raised in Mundus Magicus, and was a goverment agent sent to Megalomesembira on an operation related to the current crisis, which was where and how she died.
- Pursuing Parental Perils: The Where Are They Now? Epilogue reveals that she has since followed her late mother's profession as an agent of Megalomesembria.
- Stripperific: Her Pactio outfit. See her card up there? Even more so when the coat comes off.
- Surrogate Soliloquy: To the picture of her mother.
- Taking the Bullet: In Chapter 310, she takes a petrification dart for Makie, with predictable results. She gets better by Chapter 332.
- Tell Me About My Father: A variant. She never knew nor asked, but after being deeply involved in the magic business, Takane decides it's high time she learns the truth. Played straight later, when Yuna directly asks Takane if she knows about the exact circumstances behind Yuuko's death and Takane tells her that as well.
- The Coats Are Off: She started Chapter 304 with her Badass Longcoat on. Then Ako gave her that buttshot power boost. Note the absence of said longcoat when she gains Bullet Time as a result and shoots Koyomi in the face.
- Tomboy
- Young Gun: If the abilities she displayed during the Mahora War are developed, she could become quite The Gunslinger.
- With Iris Tulmentum, Yuna is very much one of these. During the assault on Fate's stronghold, Yuna took out a whole horde of demons with her guns. And her aim was boosted to insanely accurate levels thanks to Ako's artifact, able to shoot even the fast-moving Koyomi in her full beast form.
Anna "Anya" Yurievna Cocolova[]
Negi’s Childhood Friend, Анна "Аня" Юрьевна Коколова[]
Voiced by: Ryou Hirohashi (Japanese, Mahou Sensei Negima!), Chiwa Saitou (Japanese, Negima?! onwards), Kate Bristol (English, Mahou Sensei Negima!) and Brittney Karbowski (English, Negima!? onwards) |
Negi's childhood friend and fellow graduate from Merdiana Magic Academy. Since she's known Negi longer than any of his students, he doesn't use Keigo when speaking to her. She, Negi and Nekane are the only survivors from the destruction of their hometown. Anya's mom wasn't so lucky — she was among those petrified.
Anya made her first major appearance attempting to take Negi back with her to Wales. She was heavily distraught by his company of girls, specifically those with large breasts. It Got Worse when she discovers that he'd formed Pactios with several of them — a fact purposefully hidden from her by the girls in prediction of her likely frenzied reaction. She failed in her attempt to take Negi back, ultimately joining Ala Alba once she came to accept his many Pactios. After being scattered throughout the Mundus Magicus upon arrival, she was held captive by Fate's group, unknown to Ala Alba.
Specializing in fire magic, she's essentially trained in the same magical arts as Negi, but is heavily stricken with a case of "Can't Catch Up". Known for being quick to anger and a bit snarky, there's occasional hints at a deeper warmth in her personality. Likely has a crush on Negi, to obsessively protective levels.
- A-Cup Angst: Seems particularly obsessed with her breast size relative to the older girls of the Ala Alba. At one point she states outright "those with big breasts are my enemies, those with small breasts are my allies". No wonder she made quick friends with Yue and Nodoka.
- Age-Appropriate Angst
- Ascended Extra: Anya has a much bigger role in Negima!?, and an even bigger one in the Negima!? Neo manga partially based on the former, where she becomes the 32nd member of Class 3-A come Chapter 15, and is all set up to take ninja lessons from Kaede and actually become useful in combat. Akamatsu must've felt bad for her.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Can't Catch Up: She comes to find Negi, intending to show off her progress. Naturally, he's way ahead of her.
- Childhood Friend Romance
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Dynamic Entry: The first entry she made is via a diagonally angled fire kick from above (with bonus Panty Shot).
- Early-Bird Cameo: Despite only entering the story in Volume 20 of the manga, she has a speaking role in Chapter 1 and appears in flashbacks to Negi's childhood.
- Elemental Hair
- Fiery Redhead
- Fortune Teller: Her assignment in London as a final mage test, akin to Negi's assignment as a teacher in Japan.
- Girlish Pigtails
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: When Konoka asks how she feels about Negi.
- Magic Wand: She uses one of these as opposed to Negi's staff.
- Megaton Kick: Since Negi is a kid, he never got much of this — save for his magical aging around Asuna — but upon gaining a comrade his own age...
- Missing Mom: Mrs. Cocolova was turned to stone while Anya was away.
- Playing with Fire
- Plucky Girl
- Right Behind Me
- Robe and Wizard Hat
- She's All Grown Up: Mind you, we never see her as an adult, we just see a picture of her during the Time Skip.
- Shorttank
- Tsundere: If you thought Asuna was bad...
- Transliteration Trouble: Her surname. Until we got an official spelling, nobody knew how to spell it correctly.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade S, combined with a Meido outfit to complement her pigtails and attitude.