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Ala Alba[]

Meaning the White Wing, in the series' Surprisingly Good Latin. This school club is Negi's True Companions and Badass Crew, dedicated to finding his Disappeared Dad, having fun while doing so and training a lot. This page is dedicated to the combat members of Ala Alba and those who have joined the group in all but name. Better go and make yourself a sandwich or something, because this is gonna take a while.

Negi Springfield[]

Son Of The Hero, 3-A Homeroom Teacher, Staff Consultant for Ala Alba[]

S gold pactio card 5565

 Voiced by: Rina Satou (Japanese), Greg Ayres (English)


Negi is our ten year old protagonist, a precocious Welsh mage assigned as homeroom teacher of an all-female Japanese middle school class as his on-the-job magic training. Just in case your Willing Suspension of Disbelief isn't sobbing and cutting itself in a dark corner of your mind yet, he's also developed into a pretty Badass Shonen protagonist, as well as the object of several of his students' crushes.

Negi's principal goal is to find his father Nagi, a legendary mage and hero of a recent magical war, long presumed to be dead for a decade or so. With good reason, the boy thinks otherwise and devotes a lot of his energy, with the help of his friends, toward unveiling the secrets of his disappearance. Sadly, but predictably, the Ala Alba is often sidetracked by one or more of the Muggle students being endangered by the various hazards of the magic underworld.

As a fighter Negi specializes in basic magic, particularly wind, light and lightning spells. He also trains in martial arts under Ku Fei (one of his own students) and later Jack, an old ally of his father. Eventually he makes a deal with Evangeline to take the "path of darkness" and learn Magia Erebea, a Dangerous Forbidden Technique (which he ultimately masters such that it ceases to be life-threatening). He also temporarily makes a Pactio with Theodora and gains Mile Vincula, a passport holder-like book with which he can use his Ministras' artifacts.


 Setsuna: "I only have feelings for Konoka-ojousama!"

Negi: "Ah, so it's like that..."

Setsuna" "No, it's not like that!"

Negi: *Laughs* "So it was Konoe-san!"


Kagurazaka Asuna[]

Head of Ala Alba, Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofusia[]

S gold pactio card 485

 Voiced by: Akemi Kanda (Japanese) and Luci Christian (English)


The ordinary Tsundere roommate of Negi and Konoka. She's the first to discover his secret life as a mage, becomes his first Ministra Magi, and serves as his closest comrade-in-arms and surrogate older sister of sorts.

The end? Of course not. Asuna gets a pretty impressive Chekhov's Armoury (see below) and, later on, frequent dreams hints to her Mysterious Past. Turns out Asuna is neither fifteen nor ordinary, but the amnesiac container of the power that created Mundus Magicus who can be used to completely erase or rewrite it — something several villains already attempted to do during a magical World War. She was rescued from this bleak fate by Nagi, whom she accompanied until his apparently traumatic disappearance. She is also, apparently, a Long-Lost Relative of Negi himself.

As a fighter Asuna specializes in melee combat courtesy of Ensis Exorcizans ("Hama no Tsurugi" in Japanese), her artifact which can shift between a harisen and a greatsword with a natural magic-cancelling ability. While initially she can only summon one form of the artifact at a time, she later learns to Dual Wield both forms at once. She also knows Kanka, a powerful style which combines magic and ki to enhance her physical abilities.


 "Like I care!"


 "I am, after all, a genuine, legendary princess from a country of magic!"


 "I am after all a genuine Legendary Princess from Country of Magic!"

    • The Where Are They Now? Epilogue reveals that she already began work on bringing peace to both worlds, and has presumably resumed her rightful place as Queen of Ostia.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: At least a hundred and thirty years old, possibly older.
  • Sacred First Kiss: Initially reluctant to make a Pactio for this reason. Later she claims it doesn't count because it was a Pactio, not a real kiss. Judging by the way everyone else in the story views Pactios the only one she's fooling is herself.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Judging from the reactions of her classmates seeing her actually taking care of her appearance such as at the ball, she's a case of Generic Cuteness.
  • Ship Tease: Of course there's quite a bit, but notable because even when it's no longer Asuna, she's still getting ship tease because of Luna.
  • Shipper on Deck: Like Negi, she's a Konoka/Setsuna fangirl, as well as supportive of Negi/Nodoka.
    • As of Chapter 350, she's given up on her feelings for Takahata-sensei and tells him he should be with Shizuna-sensei. Of course, she's going to be gone for a hundred years...and outright tells him that he needs to marry and have kids so that when she returns in a hundred years, she can get with one of his descendants.
  • Shorttank
  • Stay in the Kitchen: Gender Flipped — she hates being told that, but has tried to force this on Negi several times.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Looks quite a bit like Negi's mother.
  • Superpower Lottery: Her Magic Cancel negates any magic/ki attacks, expands an energy sphere that only negates hostile magic, breaks seals and goes through any magic barriers like they weren't there (destroying them in the process). Ensis Exorcizans also has anti-magic capabilities and allows her to send back and/or destroy things/beings summoned by magic (not even on contact — waving it in its general direction will suffice). She's also a Kanka user which, besides of being literally "the ultimate art" of magic combat with a dozen enhancements, allows her to fight without draining Negi. Given that a Ministra is to serve as support, it's practically impossible to find someone better suited for the job. And that's without even mentioning her true power...
  • Super Senses
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Tomato in the Mirror
  • Tsundere: Type A, though not as exaggerated as Naru.
  • Unskilled but Strong: In sheer specs, she's both quite powerful and fast, but isn't a trained fighter like Kaede or Setsuna. Thus, by the early parts of the Magic World, she appears to be almost on par with Setsuna, supposedly the strongest of Negi's ministra and a skilled shinmeiryu swordsman, simply by virtue of sheer speed and power. By the end of the Magic World arc, she appears to be strong enough to actually work as Negi's partner while again showing no real sign of technique. Anti magic, of course, adds a great deal of utility to certain possible fights.
  • "V" Sign
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Ayaka, ever since they're children.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Kanka allows the user to combine magic and ki, which isn't normally possible.

Sakurazaki Setsuna[]

Shinmei-ryu Swordswoman[]

S gold pactio card 2897

 Voiced by: Yuu Kobayashi (Japanese), Dana Schultes (English, Mahou Sensei Negima!), and Cherami Leigh (English, Negima!?)


A excellent swordswoman and childhood friend of Konoka, she served as her bodyguard from the shadows until the events of the Kyoto Class Trip forced her to reveal herself to Negi and Asuna, and to get closer to Konoka.

Subsequent events revealed her to be a Half-Youkai of the Tengu Tribe, allowing her to grow wings at will, but this also gives her lots of misgivings about her bloodline, compounded by the fact that she was an outcast on account of her white wings (heavily implied to be a case of albinism based on Evangeline's statements that she uses hair dye and colored contacts) — which, according to Tengus, is a harbinger of misfortune — and was schooled in a fighting style designed for demon extermination.

As if that wasn't enough, she is really gay for her charge. This causes her considerable amounts of angst, as she's a traditionalist that considers a commoner such as herself unworthy to be friends with a blue-blood like Konoka. She's deeply closeted too.

Most of this angst has been resolved by now after Konoka told her that her wings are beautiful, except for her crush on Konoka, which seemed to forever devolve into a Running Gagone ultimately solved when they forge a Pactio.

Setsuna wields the Yuunagi, a nodachi (long sword) given by Eishun, as her primary weapon, and uses shikigami (paper dolls) to create doppelgangers. Her Pactio artifact with Negi is Sica Shishikushiro, a wakizashi (short sword) that can have up to 16 duplicates using her mental power, and with Konoka, Tsurugi no Kami: Takemikazuchi, a BFS that grows in size and strength as Konoka infuses her with power.


 Setsuna: "This is my true form. I'm a monster, just like them. Don't misunderstand, my desire to protect Oujo-sama is real! I've just kept this a secret... because I was afraid she would hate me in this ugly form..."

Asuna: "What are you talking about? I think they're cool!"

    • Later...

 Konoka: "Secchan... your back..."

Setsuna: "Ah! Th-these are-!"

Konoka: "Beautiful wings. Just like an angel."


  Setsuna: (while beating herself up for thinking that) This isn't a future!! This is just a delusion!! What's wrong with me!? This isn't right! I'm bad! I'm perverted!


Ayase Yue[]

Ariadne Battle Maiden Knight Squad Cadet[]

S gold pactio card 1503

 Voiced by: Natsuko Kuwatani (Japanese) and Brina Palencia (English)


Yue is an extremely intelligent girl with cynicism and extreme demotivation for school issues stemming from the death of her beloved grandfather. The discovery of magic and getting into a Love Triangle with her best friend and their kid teacher have finally given her something to occupy that enormous intellect.

Yue has since been rendered amnesiac while on a trip in the Mundus Magicus, gotten enrolled in a magical military academy, where she studied and trained for a month, and became a scarily competent mage, tactician and broom handler.

Her Pactio with Negi produced the Orbis Sensualium Pictus, comprised of a witch's cloak, hat and broom. Its main component, however, is a book which gives her complete information on anything related to magic, such as spells, items, beasts and even other artifacts.

  • A-Cup Angst: At times. And as of the Where Are They Now? Epilogue, her chest still hasn't grown an inch (unlike Nodoka).
  • Action Girl
  • Black Mage: Outfit and all.
  • Black Magician Girl
  • Badass
    • Badass Bookworm: Especially since she has taken up magic, but she was already Indiana Jones-in-training when she was introduced during the Library Island arc.
    • Little Miss Badass
    • Took a Level In Badass: Yue shows some of the most obvious growth of any character in the series short of Asuna and Negi.
      • She started as an underpowered Muggle with an unspecified amount of magical potential. When she got the Orbis Sensualium Pictus, it initially appeared to be a Useless Useful Spell, until she used it to break an illusion that pretty much had the whole group in its clutches (see Spotting the Thread). Later, she coordinates a handful of trainees and takes out an actual dragon, then uses the same Ariadne training to show she's an effective Magic Knight.
      • And as of the seven-year Time Skip, she has invented a completely safe, liquid-based Magia Erebea-like spell storage and release system. While she doesn't seem to get the physical benefits Negi does, Yue also doesn't seem to get any of the physical detriments. All she needs to do is take a swig of a potion, and she has a bunch of spells for instant cast whenever the hell she wants. Damn Yue.
        • Unfortunately, this has its own detriment...namely the detriment that is the natural outcome one imbibing a large quantity of liquid. Yue even states outright that she has a time limit before she has to go to the bathroom.
  • Baka Ranger: Baka Black. Also considered to be the "leader", likely because she's the smartest of the five.
  • Beam Spam: Has become quite adept with magical arrows after her latest power upgrade.
  • Book Dumb: For a Teen Genius, Yue is also extremely unmotivated.
  • Brilliant but Lazy
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Her feelings toward Negi. It's gotten to the point where her rivals in love want her to confess and are planning to help her out. Naturally she's against it.
  • Crazy Prepared: She predicted that Quintum would leave her paralyzed and cast a paralysis release spell in herself. Furthermore, she had sixteen predictions of how Quintum would take them down, and it's highly possible that she had prepared countermeasures for each outcome.
  • Cute Witch/Dark Magical Girl
  • Death of the Hypotenuse: She freaks out when she realizes that she's in a Love Triangle with Nodoka and Negi, and that these things do not usually end well. Although Nodoka did come up with an alternate solution to the problem.
  • Dull Surprise: In Negima!?, in one of the early omake segments with the Baka Rangers, while the Bakas make ready to fight their enemies, with Yue wanting to call their "giant robot", Makie is complaining that she never got to do her introduction properly. The Baka Rangers agree to let her go first (she had been last every time). She tries to do so, and the giant robot foot comes down on Makie, interrupting her.

Inugami Kotaro[]

Ku-on Shadow Master[]

00228867 2235

 Voiced by: Marina Inoue (Japanese)


Negi's best friend and rival ever since he got pummelled by him during the Kyoto Class Trip. In many ways, he's a textbook Shonen action protagonist, and often contrasted to Negi, to whom he often tries teaching how to act like a brash and overconfident hero rather than a meek and polite Badass Bookworm. It doesn't work very well.

As he's Half-Dog Demon, he can change shape. Usually, he looks human, except for his ears and tail, but can transform into a giant wolf-like dog or something in between. (In chapter 262 he made a pactio with Natsumi.)

Nagase Kaede[]

Kouga Chuunin (Koga Journeyman Ninja)[]

S gold pactio card 3639

 Voiced by: Ryoko Shiraishi (Japanese), and Clarine Harp (English)


A Ninja of considerable skill (reputedly a chuunin of the Koga Clan), Kaede acts as a wise mentor figure to the group when she's not serving as its muscle. She is portrayed as quite possibly more powerful than Negi himself in the early stages of the story (despite initially not knowing about magic at all), and is still a competent warrior and is shown to be on equal footing with gunslinger Mana. She has given Kotaro some training and joined up with the core of Ala Alba in Ostia. She eventually makes a Pactio with Negi, from whom she receives the Tengu no Kakuremino, a cloak which serves as the portal to another dimension.

Karakuri Chachamaru[]

The Lovestruck, Invincible Gun Platform[]

S gold pactio card 4046

 Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe (Japanese) and Caitlin Glass (English)


While technically a member of Ala Alba, Chachamaru is primarily Evangeline's servant, having been created by Hakase two years ago as a fully-functional, fully-emotional magic robot. While Evangeline has many "dolls", Chachamaru is the only one created jointly as a product of magic and technology, which goes a long way toward explaining her very much human traits. She has a substantial crush on Negi, and apparently also brews very good tea.

In combat Chachamaru relies both on her many weapons hidden within her body, as well as more overt ones (such as her fists and guns). Once she made a Pactio with Negi (in order to give her confidence regarding her humanity), she receives the Al-Iskandariya, a full armor set complete with cat-ear headgear and a cat-shaped handheld remote control for an orbital laser cannon array implied to have been created by Chao.


 Negi: "Please, put some clothes on!"

Chachamaru: "Why?"


 "The power of this weapon is so great that I was worried it would be difficult to find any practical use for it... but this opponent should make a perfect trial target. ...Captain! Please maintain a safe distance from the enemy."


Ku Fei[]

Bodyguard Who Seeks the Path[]

S gold pactio card 8721

 Voiced by: Hazuki Tanaka (Japanese, Mahou Sensei Negima! and Negima!?), Kana Asumi (Japanese, Mou Hitotsu no Sekai onwards) and Cynthia Cranz (English)


A Chinese martial artist of incredible skill who can fight demons, robots, and assorted monsters with little more than her fists. All while being a hyperactive academic underachiever. She taught Negi his martial arts style. She may be the least-seen of Ala Alba's frontliners, lacking Asuna and Setsuna's greater plot relevance and Kaede's various skills, but she's not to be underestimated. After Ala Alba got split up in Mundus Magicus, she is one of the last to be found, courtesy of Sayo demonstrating some of her own ridiculously powerful abilities. She is also one of the last Ala Alba fighters to make a Pactio with Negi — for reasons of her own — resulting in Shintetsu Jizaikon, a staff which can change size and length according to the user's will.


 Chisame: "She's just close enough to human that we can tell how ridiculously good she is."

  • Baka Ranger: Baka Yellow
  • Bare-Fisted Monk
  • Best Her to Bed Her: Played with. She made a rule for herself that she would only marry a man stronger than her; though she concedes to Negi's strength, his lack of age means she isn't (yet) attracted to him romantically. And when they made a Pactio, Chamo picked that exact moment to wonder why Chao looked so Chinese with a Welsh great-grandfather.
  • Bigger Stick: See Simple Staff below for how much bigger.
  • Book Dumb: By her own admission, Ku Fei is good at "everything but studying", to the point where, when it becomes a concern of the other girls that Negi might be developing a crush on her, they initially dismiss it because...

 "Ku Fei is an idiot, right?"

  • Brick Break
  • Cat Smile
  • Chinese Girl
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Every morning.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond: A bit ditzy, but not out-and-out crazy.
  • Flash Step: Against Mana, during the MahoraFest Tournament.
  • Heir to the Dojo: In Chapter 253, it is revealed that she is the successor to the Ku warrior clan. And as of the Where Are They Now? Epilogue, she has since set up a dojo to accommodate challengers and future followers alike.
  • Hulk Speak: In the official translations.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Weaponized cloth.
  • Ki Attacks: She exhibited damage enhancement early in the series, damaging a stone golem with a punch, used a Flash Step in her finishing strike against Mana in the MahoraFest Tournament, and can hit monsters, shadow minions and spider-tanks hard enough to toss them around. After summer training she's advanced to ranged attacks, not to mention being able to shatter a cliff.
  • Kung Fu Kid
  • Never Bring a Knife to A Fist Fight: The only fistfighter among the girls of the group, and faces off against enemies with weapons many times.
  • Odango
  • Shut UP, Hannibal: Played for Laughs, when she made Dynamis shut up with a poke from her staff.
  • Simple Staff: The Shintetsu Jizaikon. Like the Monkey King's staff, it can grow and shrink at will. Her first use of it is as artillery)
  • Supernatural Martial Arts
  • Training From Hell: Subverted — she tries to train Negi like this, and fails miserably because she took all the training techniques from movies and manga. When she starts teaching him normally, he picks it up quickly.
  • Verbal Tic: "Aru" ("To be" as in "to be located") instead of the copula "da", to show her imperfect grasp of Japanese. This usually gets left in in fan-translations, but in the official ones it comes across as Hulk Speak.
    • Actually, "-aru" is code for "I am an anime character with a chinese accent".
  • Waif Fu: Though averted when her physique is given more detail, such as in arm wrestling.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Starting in Chapter 55, when she is first seen in a non-school outfit. The formal qipao she wore when she got her Pactio also counts, even though it is quite long, but the cut is also quite high so it shows off her legs and socks nicely.

Akashi Yuna[]

Akashi Yuna[]

Cheery Waitress of the Oasis[]

S gold pactio card 9191

 Voiced by: Madoka Kimura (Japanese) and Amber Cotton (English)


Of the entire class, Yuna is probably most qualified for the title of "Genki Girl" — mischievous and enthusiastic, her charisma translates into her constant role as ringleader of the class's hijinks. Her first notable action was during the School Festival, when she led an army of schoolmates against Chao's robots, proving herself quite adept with magical weapons and eventually placing fourth in a contest of 2500 participants. She also has a very close relationship with her father, himself a teacher in Mahora (who turns out to be a magic teacher — a fact she seems completely unaware of). Unsurprisingly, she seems to have been the one who convinced the others to sneak out and follow Negi to Mundus Magicus. After being separated from the rest, she met up with Makie and they found work as barmaids, eventually saving up enough money to meet up with Negi at the Ostia Tournament.

Throughout her stay in Mundus Magicus, the truth about her parents is revealed to her. She takes it rather well, since she already had suspicions beforehand. She even performs a simple magic spell she recalled from childhood. Shortly afterward, she forms a Pactio with Negi, though more for the powers she'd gain than romantic feelings. With a new artifact — Iris Tulmentum — suited for her affinity with guns and a showdown looming with the organization that may have been involved with her mother Yuuko's death, the future certainly looks interesting for Yuna.

Anna "Anya" Yurievna Cocolova[]

Negi’s Childhood Friend, Анна "Аня" Юрьевна Коколова[]


 Voiced by: Ryou Hirohashi (Japanese, Mahou Sensei Negima!), Chiwa Saitou (Japanese, Negima?! onwards), Kate Bristol (English, Mahou Sensei Negima!) and Brittney Karbowski (English, Negima!? onwards)


Negi's childhood friend and fellow graduate from Merdiana Magic Academy. Since she's known Negi longer than any of his students, he doesn't use Keigo when speaking to her. She, Negi and Nekane are the only survivors from the destruction of their hometown. Anya's mom wasn't so lucky — she was among those petrified.

Anya made her first major appearance attempting to take Negi back with her to Wales. She was heavily distraught by his company of girls, specifically those with large breasts. It Got Worse when she discovers that he'd formed Pactios with several of them — a fact purposefully hidden from her by the girls in prediction of her likely frenzied reaction. She failed in her attempt to take Negi back, ultimately joining Ala Alba once she came to accept his many Pactios. After being scattered throughout the Mundus Magicus upon arrival, she was held captive by Fate's group, unknown to Ala Alba.

Specializing in fire magic, she's essentially trained in the same magical arts as Negi, but is heavily stricken with a case of "Can't Catch Up". Known for being quick to anger and a bit snarky, there's occasional hints at a deeper warmth in her personality. Likely has a crush on Negi, to obsessively protective levels.