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Ala Alba[]
Meaning the White Wing, in the series' Surprisingly Good Latin, Negi's True Companions and Badass Crew, dedicated to finding his Disappeared Dad, having fun while doing so and training a whole lot. This page is dedicated to the support members of Ala Alba and those who have joined the group in all but name. If you finished the sandwich you made at the beginning of the last page, you'd better make another one, because we've still got a ways to go.
Konoe Konoka[]
Healing Princess, Medic Queen[]
Voiced by: Ai Nonaka (Japanese) and Monica Rial (English) |
Asuna's bubbly, energetic friend and roommate. She's the heir of a filthy rich (and historically-prominent) noble family, itself the offshoot of the Fujiwara clan (a real clan which once provided Imperial brides), and granddaughter of Mahora's Headmaster, Konoemon. Unknown to her, they are also a line of powerful magi, and she has the potential to match her ancestors: Her raw magical capacity surpasses that of Negi himself, though she isn't able to utilize it particularly well.
Of course, being gifted with so great a magical power attracted attention, and she was kidnapped during a Class Trip in Kyoto to serve as channel in the summoning of a Demon Lord. After her inevitable rescue, she discovered and embraced her magical heritage, got reacquainted with her childhood friend and covert bodyguard Setsuna, and became Negi's fourth Ministra Magi so she could use her dormant healing power to help with the post-battle mop-up in the form of Flabellum Euri, a pair of fans with which she can heal even the most fatal injuries so long as they were incurred within the last three minutes.
- Arranged Marriage: Her grandfather frequently tries to set her up with various (much older) suitors, but she blew them all off. He also expresses on three or four occasions the wish to see her hook up with Negi.
- Battle Couple: With Setsuna, after becoming a Magister Magi.
- Big Damn Kiss: Her Pactio with Setsuna.
- Bloody Huge Fancy Temple Complex/Palace
- Brick Joke: She once made a joke that she can't heal someone when their head gets splattered. A few chapters later, Ala Alba is falling from the sky.
- But Your Wings Are Beautiful: To Setsuna.
- Cool Big Sis: Towards Negi.
- Date Peepers
- Distressed Damsel: In the Kyoto arc, long before she awakened her powers; once she does awaken them (after said arc), she proves herself a useful ally who can also hold her own in combat situations.
- Eaten By a Snake: Sometimes.
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl
- Fortune Teller
- Freaky Is Cool
- Full-Moon Silhouette
- The Glomp
- Hadaka Apron
- Healing Hands
- Healing Shiv
- Hide Your Lesbians: Both her and Setsuna's Where Are They Now dialogue independently state that they get married in 2017. It does not technically state to whom....but we do see them with each other wearing marriage kimonos with Setsuna bridal carrying Konoka. It's clear what's being stated, although it's not as direct of the heterosexual marriages.
- Hime Cut
- Homosexual Reproduction: If Setsuna and Konoka do marry — Asuna sees in the future that they had two children who look like small copies of them.
- I Didn't Mean to Turn You On
- Intimate Healing: Flabellum Euri allows her to heal any injuries someone sustained in the last three minutes. While she works her magic, she disembodies, and her naked astral form hugs the patient in a decidedly languorous way.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Uchi", used by the girls of the Kansai area.
- Jumped At the Call: She was already interested in fortunetelling and the occult, so finding out she's an heiress to a family of powerful mages sat quite well with her.
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Losing Face
- Magic Dance
- Marilyn Maneuver
- The Medic: Her role in the team; she pushes the trope so far that she acts like a White Magician Girl and often appears in the standard red-rimmed white garb of the Japanese RPG white mage.
- Modest Royalty
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: On occasion.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Ojou: And yet, she still manages to be the least royal person living in her room.
- Parental Abandonment: Her mother is nowhere to be seen — despite being a powerful mage herself — and she's been sent to live in a dorm in another part of the country. Her Hot Dad is one of the few shown in the series, though, and as implied in the Myth Arc, was an old companion of Nagi.
- Princesses Prefer Pink
- Power Floats
- Repetitive Name: Konoka Konoe, granddaughter of Konoemon Konoe. Also alliterative.
- Rescue Romance
- Say It with Hearts
- Schoolgirl Lesbians
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Negi/Nodoka. Notable examples include cheering the news that Nodoka confessed and helping Negi dress for his date.
- Shoot the Medic First: Thank God for Setsuna, though.
- White Magician Girl
- Sweetheart Sipping: Mostly played with.
- Team Chef
- The Tease
- Took a Level In Badass: She becomes a formally recognized Magister Magi in the future and cures Negi's hometown of their petrification. Bow to the Medic Queen!
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter: At least according to Jack.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Setsuna. Eventually resolved offscreen in the last few chapters. Apparently
- White Magic
- Yamato Nadeshiko: She has the hair, build (though still a teenager), and domestic ability, as well as being The Medic, but her personality is more teasing (especially toward Setsuna) than is typical for the trope.
Hasegawa Chisame[]
Negi-sensei's Counsellor[]
Voiced by: Yumi Shimura (Japanese) and Caitlin Glass (English) |
The only character without a Weirdness Censor, Chisame was introduced as a strange girl with a double life — a grumpy loner at school, but also internet idol "Chiu" at home. Her initial function was to snark about the implausibility of the situations she finds herself roped in, and initially tries to deny or devise a logical explanation for the supernatural events she witness, until Chachamaru confirms that she is indeed a robot, that Negi is also a powerful mage, and that she stumbled upon a plot to reveal magic to the world. Horrified at the prospect of this abnormal world, she makes a Pactio with Negi and joins his group to help foil the plot, incidentally ensuring that her own life will never be normal again.
As a Ministra, her power naturally has to do with her computer smarts by way of Sceptrum Virtuale, a heart-topped wand with which she can enter the cyberspace world and likewise allow others to do so, as well as give tangible form to data. She also uses her powers to transform into different "Net Idol" costumes.
- Action Survivor
- Anger Born of Worry: Her reaction after Negi passed the Magic Erebea initiation training.
- Apathy Killed the Cat
- Armor-Piercing Slap
- Beautiful All Along: Though not without the help of Photoshock. Being an Expy of Naru certainly helps.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Often.
- Butt Monkey: Bad things just happen to her.
- Can't Stay Normal
- Cosplay Otaku Girl
- Cry Cute: After Jack dies.
- Deadpan Snarker: And Little Miss Snarker in Mundus Magicus, due to near-constant use of age pills.
- Defeat Means Friendship: She becomes inseparable from Chachamaru after their big hacking showdown at the climax of the Mahora Festival. Chisame technically won but it was too late to affect the final outcome, to her great frustration.
- Did You Just Bright Slap Cthulhu?: See Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!.
- The Drag Along
- Gal, He's Like, In A Coma!
- Dynamic Entry
- Expy: Of Naru Narusegawa — straight off another Akamatsu work — just like Asuna.
- Extreme Graphical Representation
- Fan Girl
- Generic Cuteness: She's supposed to have bad skin and pimples, but it doesn't show.
- Genre Savvy
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!:
- Stops Negi from killing Godel, which would have ruined any credibility he had left with the Senate.
- She does it again when Negi thought he stabbed Shiori, but this time he goes into a coma.
- Hacker Cave
- Harsh Word Impact
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: When asked about how she feels about Negi, even though she often gets jealous when seeing him with other girls.
- Hikikomori: Became one after graduating from university.
- Hollywood Hacking: Averted — however flashy Sceptrum Virtuale may be, Chisame never does something a real-life hacker wouldn't do. She still does type unreasonably quickly and on two keyboards at once, though.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: She was aggravated enough long before Negi showed up.
- Ironically she's pretty content with her life.
- Liz Lemon Job: Chisame's job is to Bright Slap Negi every time he does or considers doing something profoundly stupid. Asuna normally handles that (though to a lesser extent since she's also a front line fighter) but wasn't with Negi for almost the entire Mundus Magicus Arc.
- Magical Girl Warrior
- Magic Wand: Sceptrum Virtuale
- Meganekko
- Megaton Punch
- Meta Guy
- Mundane Utility
- Nerd Glasses
- No Sell: Immune to the Lotus Eater Machine because being right where she is complaining about the universe is exactly where she wants to be.
- Not So Harmless: Hacking into Al-Iskandaria jumps her straight into this.
- Odd Friendship: With Jack.
- Only Sane Man: Or so she wants to be. Negi seems to think so, considering he's more or less appointed her as his "voice of reason", at least until they rescue Asuna.
- Playboy Bunny
- Proud to Be a Geek
- Refusal of the Call
- Schematized Prop
- Scully Syndrome
- Shower of Awkward
- The Snark Knight: Extremely so when formally introduced. Her attitude gradually toned down quite a bit as she integrated into the central cast, but she still qualifies.
- Straight Man
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Acts as one for Asuna during the Mundus Magicus arc before Negi meets up with her again. After that she shifts roles slightly into more of an advisor rather than directly limiting his actions. Lampshaded by Jack.
- Technopath
- Tempting Fate: She shouldn't have joked about fighting someone in the middle of a conspiracy. Or about making a Pactio.
- The Glasses Come Off
- Tsundere: Described as a borderline case by Akamatsu, though she also skirts on Jerk with a Heart of Gold, considering she's abrasive all the time to everyone.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Sceptrum Virtuale gives her Super Hacking Powers, which is cool in theory, but it requires electronics to work, meaning her staff can and does run out of batteries while she's in Mundus Magicus, where electronics are rare.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power After the fight with Godel, she uses it to destroy his high-government-level illusions with minimal effort. If there are electronics around, it's extremely useful.
- Who Writes This Crap?: Gets upset when "Zazie" shows up out of nowhere and says one can't just throw events in like that suddenly no matter how suspicious she is.
- Yandere: Played for Laughs, but during her focus chapter post-Mundus Magicus she was talking about pulling an "If I Can't Have You" on Negi.
Chisame: "Oh yeah, you're gonna get stabbed and killed one day! No, I'm going to stab you and then I'll die too." |
Miyazaki Nodoka[]
Mind-Reader, Treasure Hunter[]
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (Japanese), Leah Clark (English, Mahou Sensei Negima! and Negima!?) |
A quiet girl in the Library Exploration Club, she is almost terminally shy before she meets Negi and becomes the first of many girls to develop a crush on him. During the Kyoto arc, she formed a Pactio with Negi (as winner of Asakura's "Claim Negi's Lips" game) and was subsequently inducted into the group. Her artifact, Diarium Ejus is a book with which she can read minds if she knows her target's name, which proved useful in outwitting Kotaro and Dynamis.
While on her own in Mundus Magicus, she escaped from a Collapsing Lair with her new treasure-hunting friends to gain two new artifacts: Comptina Daemonia, which reveals her target's name; and Auris Lectans, which allows her to hear what her books are saying without reading them. Combined, this allows her to covertly read the minds of anyone present. She's also quite good at piloting a flying manta ray.
- A-Cup Angst: At times. No longer the case by the end of the story.
- Accidental Kiss: Her pactio. Ignoring the bit where Yue clearly tripped her.
- Allergic to Love: Anime only.
- Apologises a Lot
- Badass Boast
Nodoka: "You made the mistake... of thinking of me as a mere powerless girl." |
- Beware the Nice Ones: She usually stands at the sidelines, or even completely in the back, so it's easy to forget that she's a mind reader who can even use her abilities in combat.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Thoroughly averted. Despite being a prime character type to fulfill this trope, Nodoka was the first girl in the class to confess her feelings to Negi all the way back in the Kyoto arc.
- Hell, they actually went on a date in one chapter.
- Covert Pervert: Despite her looks and usual personality, her subconscious tends to have the filthiest fantasies out of all the girls smitten with Negi, up to and including devising a kind of menage a trois as a solution to her Love Triangle with Yue; thanks to Diarium Ejus, she is aware of and mortified by her subconscious's rather direct approaches to such things. And so is everybody who was reading over her shoulder.
- Cute Bookworm
- Death of the Hypotenuse: She freaks out when she realizes that she's in a Love Triangle with Yue and Negi, and that these things do not usually end well. Although Nodoka did come up with an alternate solution to the problem.
- Designated Victim: She's the only one Fate's team wanted REALLY dead. Somewhat understandable, considering that her power makes her roughly as important as an intelligence officer, but her luck is really running out regarding this. Turns out that there's a very good reason they consider her so dangerous.
- Determinator
- Does Not Like Men: Early in the manga. Since she met Negi, she seems to have moved past this. The anime even gave her mild androphobia.
- Dynamic Entry
- Expy: Of Shinobu Maehara.
- False Start
- First Kiss: Variation. Although at that point Negi's already kissed several girls for the sake of forming Pactios, his kiss with Nodoka during the MahoraFest could be considered his first purely romantic kiss.
- Get A Hold Of Yourself Woman: To Yue, for freaking out about having a crush on Negi as well.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: When she activates Diarium Ejus to find out the names of her adversaries. Something awesome usually occurs immediately after.
- Heroic BSOD: After seeing Craig and Aisha get erased from existence in front of her. Almost a subversion as she recovers herself in a matter of minutes and dishes out her vengeance.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Not that good at receiving praise, even if it was well-earned.
- Hidden Eyes: She started with very long bangs obscuring her eyes, to highlight her terminal shyness. As her shyness subsided, she first became cyclopean then was drawn normally.
- Idiot Hair
- I Know Your True Name: She acquires an artifact designed for this purpose. It will tell the true name of any person so long as she asks them for it.
- In-Series Nickname: "Honya", Japanese for "Bookstore". The English translation at first jumped back and forth between "Librarian", "Bookshop", and variants thereof, before eventually settling on the literal translation, "Bookstore".
- Jumped At the Call: Her Pactio was accidental, but her very first thought after discovering Diarium Ejus and seeing Negi in trouble was to use it to help him. Also, after the gang got separated in the Mundus Magicus, instead of angsting about it like everyone else, she joined up with a band of adventurers and sought two magical items that could give her Diarium Ejus a massive powerup, knowing the time will come when Negi will finally need her help.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Hell yeah, ever since she traveled to Mundus Magicus.
- Living Lie Detector: Diarium Ejus can read minds. Quite useful when dealing with a Consummate Liar. Dynamis knows better than to even try and just tells the truth to avoid the mind probing.
- Loving a Shadow
- Marilyn Maneuver
- Marry Them All: A joke was made halfway through the manga about Nodoka considering a three way relationship with Yue and Negi to be an ideal solution.
- Mind Over Manners
- Mind Probe
- Munchkin: After being separated from the group in Mundus Magicus she joined a group of treasure hunters. She eschews any valuable treasure, instead aiming for Comptina Daemonia and Auris Recitans.
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Nerves of Steel
- Nice Girl
- Not Right in the Bed
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Plucky Girl: Negi getting his ass kicked by Fate? She gets Kotaro to teleport her in right next to Fate to figure out his plan. Friends get erased from existence right in front of her? She understandably freaks out at first, but then regains her cool and starts interrogating the guy who did it, as he's trying to kill her. Then she reads his mind for the instructions for his artifact, grabs it out of his hands and teleports away with it. Don't let her fragile exterior fool no one — she's no Extreme Doormat.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner/Catch Phrase
- Purple Eyes: Curtains Match the Window.
- Rescue Romance: Starts crushing on Negi after he saves her from falling down the stairs in the library.
- Shrinking Violet: Thoroughly subverted. Although she is a shy person by nature, when it comes to Negi she's probably more assertive than the other girls. She out-and-out confessed her love as early as the Kyoto Arc, and in the Festival Arc she gives Negi his first romantic kiss. There's a reason her Pactio card lists "courage" as her virtue.
- Taking the Bullet: Does it literally during the Mahora Festival arc, as she gets hit by a "time bullet" that was targeted at Negi.
- Throw the Book At Them
- Took a Level In Badass: Took a few over the course of the series. The first happened when she got Diarium Ejus during the Kyoto arc; astute readers may notice that her first reaction to a threat after this point is to immediately go for the artifact. She takes a second during the Mundus Magicus arc when she gets separated from Ala Alba; besides claiming several magic items that power up Diarium Ejus, she also gains some basic training in reinforcement magic, giving her athleticism a very significant boost. The results speak for themselves when she manages to completely blindside an opponent vastly out of her league and steal an immensely powerful artifact from him.
- Upgrade Artifact
- Weak but Skilled: She has no combat abilities, very little magic, and effectively no experience. She does, however, have an artifact, and her ability to properly utilize it makes her extremely effective under the right conditions. Just ask Dynamis.
- What Would X Do?: Asks herself what Yue, Haruna or Negi would do when she's under attack by the bounty hunters.
- Literally asks an opponent what he'd do to get out of the situation. While he's attacking her. And it's awesome.
Albert Chamomile[]
Voiced by: Masashi Yabe (Japanese) and Chris Cason (English) |
A crafty, lecherous, talking ermine and something between a familiar and a mentor to Negi.
He's there to provide comic relief, devise battle plans and produce Love Charts out of nowhere.
Since being turned into an ermine is the Cool and Unusual Punishment of choice for mages that were sloppy on their Masquerade, there's some implications as to his true nature...
- Amusing Injuries
- Butt Monkey
- Cowardly Sidekick: To a small degree.
- Date Peepers
- Dirty Old Man: Err... Ermine.
- Familiar
- Funny Animal
- Greed
- Head Pet: Even to other headpets.
- Hey, You: A lot of characters don't refer to him by name. Evangeline more or less calls him "a thing" and Chisame called him "small animal".
- Japanese Sibling Terminology and Honorifics: Chamo has a nickname for everyone. Since there's Loads and Loads of Characters, some of these can get pretty baroque, though they all boil down to some variant of 'nee-chan.'
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Love Chart: And he whips them out of nowhere.
- Mars Needs Women: He seems disturbingly attracted to human girls.
- Never the Selves Shall Meet: When they did, they exchanged high fives and switched places.
- The Matchmaker: Loves to tell Negi to make more and more Pactios with the girls (because he scores a bunch of money every time he does).
- Meaningful Name: かもがねぎをしょってくる (kamo ga negi o shotte kuru), which literally translates into "a duck comes bearing green onions".
- Also, chamomile tea.
- Mentor Mascot
- My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels: He hasn't fully mastered Japanese.
- The Nicknamer
- Non-Human Sidekick
- No Smoking: Chamo's cigarettes were winkingly labelled "chocolate" in Mahou Sensei Negima!.
- Odd Friendship: Seems very friendly with Chachazero, Eva's bloodthirsty puppet. She tends to have a bottle of wine ready whenever he shows up.
- Older Sidekick
- Panty Thief: So much that his share of the Rainyday twins's Lotus Eater Machine has him pretty much swimming in underwear.
- Punny Name: Chamo's name combined with Negi's refers to a Japanese legend about a duck carrying a leek that offers itself as a meal to lost and starving travelers, which has come to mean something too good to be true (you've got dinner with it's own seasoning), or to con-men, a sucker.
- This is actually a good example of his meeting with Negi. Though their meeting was by chance, Negi's managed to score Chamo a small fortune through brokering Pactios between Negi and over a dozen girls.
- Though Western gamers may find this idea a little Farfetch'd...
- Spell My Name with an "S": Some scanlations have his name as "Kamo", but "Chamo" is the more widely used version.
- The Nose Knows: Involving a pair of panties.
- Weasel Mascot
Saotome Haruna[]
Godspeed Summon Scribe[]
Voiced by: Sawa Ishige (Japanese) and Jamie Marchi (English) |
The final member of the Library Exploration Club to become aware of Negi's secret, and quite upset about being left out. Unlike the others who were dragged into Negi's issues with a bit of apprehension (especially at needing to kiss him to get a Pactio card), Haruna had no such issues. She's a master at the art of drawing (as opposed to being a master of any weapon type like the majority of her class) which becomes the focus of her Pactio card, the Imperium Graphices, a sketchbook which allows her to bring life to her creations. She's also one of the few characters to make a Pactio with Negi without it being needed in the chapter. In the current arc she was found by Kazumi and Chachamaru... with an airship that she bought.
- Air Whale: Haruna owns one — it's her personal airship, named after herself.
- Art Initiates Life: Courtesy of Imperium Graphices.
- Attack Hello
- Captain Obvious: When attacked by Shirabe, she helpfully points out the obvious fact that her violin blows stuff up and that she works for Fate. Lampshaded both times.
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- Date Peepers
- Dynamic Entry
- Genre Savvy
- Giant Flyer
- Green Lantern Ring: Imperium Graphices allows her to give life to any drawing — just about anything.
- Hair Antennae
- I Always Wanted to Say That
"I'm gonna say it!!! Number 8 on the list of "Lines I Want To Shout At Least Once In My Life"! Fire Main Cannon!!!" |
- In-Series Nickname: "Paru"
- It Amused Me
- Jumped At the Call: Haruna, unlike the others, had no reservations in kissing Negi for magic powers. In fact, literally the first time she saw Negi after learning about pactios she jumped him to get her own artifact...unfortunately there wasn't a magic circle drawn on the ground at the time so it only resulted in a confused Negi.
- The Matchmaker: Started out pushing Nodoka heavily towards Negi, and then when she realized Yue also had a crush on Negi she backed off slightly and said she'd support both. Following this, she's begun pushing as many girls at Negi as possible as well as egging Natsumi on regarding Kotaro.
- Meganekko
- Me's a Crowd
- Mundane Utility: Using her clones to finish her drawings.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Haruna is also a bit scary, which may or may not add to this for you.
- Playing Cyrano: Tries pushing Nodoka towards Negi for the first half of the manga, then after that pushes both Yue and Nodoka towards him while apparently refusing to favor either.
- Power Perversion Potential: Vast. Think about the kissing golem she created, or the "ero" version of Nodoka she was going to make, and realize she would do that for anyone.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Secret-Chaser: She is rather fixated on finding out who, if anyone, Negi likes. Creepily, actually.
- Sequential Artist: Mahou Shojo Biblion doujins.
- Shipper on Deck: Begins with Negi/Nodoka, though she stops pushing the two together when she becomes aware of Yue's crush and opts to support both. Later, she becomes a Konoka/Setsuna and Kotaro/Natsumi fan.
- Shout-Out: Imperium Graphices is suspiciously close to a Latin translation of Rakugaki Oukoku, a video game about — you guessed it — bringing drawings to life.
- Tears of Joy: When The Paru-Sama briefly crashes in the Real World in Chapter 323 and she gets to see some of her classmates after a very long time.
- Token Evil Teammate: A mild example. She's really mostly good but... really, has she ever wiped off that evil smirk? Like when she learned Nodoka and Yue hadn't told her about magic. When Negi and his group are invited to Godel's ball, she remarks that such a place is perfect for forming the connections she needs to take over Mundus Magicus. The characters observing her exclamation remark that "this might not be beyond her ability".
- When she wakes up from "Poyo's" Cosmo Entelecheia, the first words she utters are "World dominatio... huh?"
- Apparently in the future, she succeeds to some degree.
- To the Pain: Not only does Haruna tell Nodoka, Yue, and Konoka how she's going to torture them for not sharing about Negi, she has sketches!
- Yaoi Fangirl: She dragged Negi to the Comiket, people!
Izumi Ako[]
Izumi Ako[]
Worrying Released Slave[]
Voiced by: Kotomi Yamakawa (Japanese), Avery Rice-Williams (English, Mahou Sensei Negima! and Negima!?) |
A sweet girl with a talent for music and caretaking, she suffers constant insecurity due to a huge and ugly scar on her back (which came from a childhood accident) and because she doesn't consider herself special. During the MahoraFest, she develops a crush on Negi in his teenage alter-ego "Nagi", who up keeps The Masquerade in order to avoid hurting her feelings. She is among the few students who become stowaways in Mundus Magicus, and when everyone is scattered, she contracts a nasty disease, forcing her, Akira, and Natsumi to sell themselves into slavery, in order to get her a very rare and expensive medicine. "Nagi" and Kotaro have to fight in the Mundus Magicus Martial Arts Tournaments to buy them their freedom.
Eventually, Negi is able to win their freedom, but in the process Ako learns the truth about "Nagi". While she initially (and understandably) takes the revelation hard, she gets better in order to support Negi, and following the events of the Governor's Ball, she forms a Pactio with him, where Negi tried to do so while appearing as "Nagi" in order to appeal to her, but Ako declines, signifying her getting over "Nagi" and wishes to have a clean slate in her relationship with her teacher. As a Ministra she wields an oversized hypodermic needle that offers an ability boost to anyone willing to let her stick the 1.8cm-wide tip in their butt, specifically the left cheek. She claims that doesn't hurt as much as it sounds. Chapter 348 reveals that her artifact has another ability — to screw up someone's sense of direction in order to incapacitate that person.
- Afraid of Blood
- Catgirl: Her Pactio card has cat ears.
- Chain of Command
- Cute Sports Club Manager
- Genre Savvy: Frequently refers to herself as a "side character".
- Go-Go Enslavement
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: She later had it healed.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation
- Hospital Hottie
- How Do I Shot Web?: She wasn't sure what her artifact's power was at first. Fortunately, she figured it out before the big battle.
- Idol Singer: Bass player of "Dekopin Rocket". Note that bassists are usually never the leads in bands which goes with her "secondary character" complex.
- Ill Girl: Temporarily.
- The Ingenue
- Interface Screw: Her artifact can inject a drug that inverts the victim's senses, making it quite difficult for them to move.
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Love Hurts: She gets better though.
- Loving a Shadow
- Made a Slave
- The Medic: The class nurse's aide, in charge of taking care of bumps and scrapes and the like.
- Her Pactio card shows her as the cat-eared nurse with the giant hypodermic needle. She managed to figure out its use just when the next big battle heated up.
- Meido: Standard slave uniform in Mundus Magicus, apparently.
- Pettanko: Not as much as other girls, but still there.
- Shower of Angst
- Shrinking Violet
- Status Buff: Her artifact's power, through a Super Serum.
- Take Me Instead!: In regards to Nagi/Negi being revealed as a criminal. Also counts as her Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Ice-blue, to be exact. In her Day in The Limelight she notes this as one of her unusual traits.
- You Won't Feel a Thing: Claims her needle isn't as painful as it sounds, but some of the members have a different opinion on that.
Murakami Natsumi[]
Murakami Natsumi[]
The Ordinary, Released Slave[]
Voiced by: Mai Aizawa (Japanese) and Majken Kunishima (English) |
Natsumi is the saner roommate of Chizuru. She was the one who first found Kotaro (in dog form) and brought him home — she was very surprised when she looked away for a moment and he turned into a violent boy. After landing in Mundus Magicus and being separated from the others, she quickly found Ako and Akira, though the former was very sick. She ended up selling herself into slavery with the others to pay for Ako's medicine. She shows a lot of interest in Kotaro, though it is unclear whether this is a sisterly feeling or something else. Following her release from slavery, it is confirmed that she has romantic feelings for him, which he reciprocates. Well, they have conducted a Pactio, so that's a good starting point.
Natsumi is also instrumental in the final plan to retrieve the Great Grand Master Key and Asuna due to her artifact, Adjutor Solitarius, a half-mask which suppresses her presence, as well as those holding her hands (it even works against Fate), though she doesn't feel up to it at first — but it's finally her chance to become a main character of her own story.
- A-Cup Angst: Having Chizuru as roommate would be enough to give a "normal" girl a complex. Having both Chizuru and Ayaka as roomies... well, poor girl.
- Belligerent Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Kotaro, despite not having much of one to speak of.
- Chain of Command
- Furry Fangirl: She gets some conflicting feelings when Kotaro goes full wolf form...
- Generic Cuteness: She's been distressed by her looks not having anything remarkable besides being a freckled redhead, even often when comparing to any other girl.
- Go-Go Enslavement
- Invisibility Cloak: Adjutor Solitarius works like this in application, though it's somewhat different in principle. It makes everyone not touching her fail a spot check.
- Ancestral Weapon/Chekhov's Gun: Fate is shocked when he finally catches her using Adjutor Solitarius, since it is an extremely rare artifact that hasn't been summoned in 280 years. And she used it to bring the whole rescue group to the place where Asuna was held.
- Ordinary High School Student: Took her longer to break out of this than most of the other girls, at least.
- Made a Slave
- Meido: The slave outfit.
- Nice Hat: Gets a very nice one (alongside a Pimped-Out Dress and a pretty cape) after forging a Pactio with Kotaro.
- The Generic Guy: Natsumi, charming as she may be, does have a tendency to be overshadowed by her more... robust classmates.
- The Nondescript: Again, Natsumi tends to have a hard time standing out among her more remarkable classmates. Adjutor Solitarius takes this and absolutely runs with it.
- Not Blood Siblings: Played with, as Natsumi and Kotaro are only pretending to be related. Still, the attraction is there.
- Personality Powers: Just in case we forgot, Natsumi has a hard time standing out. Adjutor Solitarius just loves toying with this.
- The Reveal: She's the final stowaway to Mundus Magicus, but it isn't revealed until a fair amount later than the rest.
- They Do: The epilogue revealed that she returned to the Magical World to chase down Kotarou, and yes, they finally ended up getting together.
- Shotacon: Gets accused of this in volume zero due to her obviously crushing on Kotaro. By members of Negi's harem, mostly.
- Shrinking Violet
- Took a Level In Badass: Her section of the epilogue indicated that she went back to the Magical World to hunt down Kotarou and ended up going on an adventure larger than her summer one. When she finally met Kotarou again, she managed to punch him seven times in a surprise attack. On Kotarou! And this is Natsumi we're talking about here!
- Tsundere: Type B, towards Kotaro.
Asakura Kazumi[]
Seeker Of Truth[]
Voiced by: Ayana Sasagawa (Japanese) and Monica Rial (English) |
A local School Newspaper Newshound and aspiring Intrepid Reporter. Started out as a Wild Card when she nearly exposed Negi's secret, though she has since become a dependable ally. Frequently goes to obsessive lengths for The Big Scoop. Good at information gathering and spying, especially after forging a Pactio with Negi. Out of this pact was produced Oculus Corvinus, a golem-camera which can produce six other clones which can be dispersed as independent units.
- Anime Hair
- Camera Fiend
- Combat Commentator: She played this part and partially subverted it.
- Date Peepers
- Expy: Of Konno "Kitsune" Mitsune.
- First Kiss: A pactio with Negi. She gets a commemorative photo of it too so she can mess with the other girls.
- Going for the Big Scoop
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sayo, though bordering on Romantic Two-Girl Friendship — she shows no interest in boys beyond occasional teasing of Negi (and other girls about her supposed interest in him) and hints it's perfectly natural for girls to experiment with each other, with the implication that she herself knows about that stuff.
- Hot Scoop
- Last-Name Basis: For some reason, she seems to be pretty much the only member for the class still referred to by her last name more often than her first.
- Master of Disguise
- Not Distracting With The Sexy: To her chagrin.
- School Newspaper Newshound
- Shipper on Deck: Yep, another Konoka/Setsuna fangirl. She and Hakase also ship Negi/Chachamaru and she is the first Negi/Nodoka shipper.
- Spooky Photographs
- Unfazed Everyman
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: She's kept both Chamo and Sayo in her cleavage.
- Wild Card: Though she's definitely a good gal, she's still a bit of this since even after her initial attempt to expose mages, she temporarily joined Chao in her attempt to expose mages.
Aisaka Sayo[]
Ala Alba Ghost Member[]
Voiced by: Yuri Shiratori (Japanese) and Kate Bristol (English) |
Mahora's resident ghost, seen as more cute than scary and more often frightened than frightening. Went unnoticed at first, but has since been fully seen by Negi and Asakura (who was her seat partner for years), and Setsuna and Mana to a lesser extent (Evangeline as well, but she doesn't note it herself). Has since started hanging around/haunting Asakura, who made/gained a special doll from Evangeline which has allowed her to move around outside the school, and thus join the Ala Alba in the Mundus Magicus. Appears to have a bit of a crush on Negi, but this has yet to be developed considering they have spoken all of once since her introduction.
- Badass Adorable: Upon getting her Mobile Suit Human body from Haruna.
- Couldn't Find a Pen
- Cute Ghost Girl: The Page Image.
- Dojikko: Tripping on flat pavement when you don't even have feet? That's pretty bad. Justified after she starts possessing a doll; walking is hard when you haven't had legs for 60 years.
- Exact Eavesdropping
- Fog Feet: And yes, she still manages to trip over them.
- Fun Size
- Gatling Good: Haruna took the liberty of tricking out the Mobile Suit Human she created for Sayo with, among other things, chest-mounted gatling guns. Later on, Sayo gets the privilege of manning a minigun mounted on Haruna's airship.
- The Ghost: Literally, of course, but as far as the trope goes, it's an inversion: for 19 episodes of Mahou Sensei Negima!, she's invisible to everyone but the audience, and doesn't appear at all in the manga outside the class roster until Volume 9.
- Ghost Amnesia
- Ghost in the Machine: Her robot body.
- Ghost Lights
- Ghostly Chill
- Head Pet
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Asakura, since she was the first to see her, and normally is the one to cart her doll body around. This close bond had something to do with the fact that Asakura had been Sayo's seat partner, and this had the closest connection to her.
- In the first anime, the bond between the two is established after Asakura begins to investigate the mystery of the "unknown girl in the class roster". As the anime was done way before Sayo was even introduced in the manga, it's much different than the manga introduction yet is considered one of the few things said adaptation did right.
- Hime Cut
- Jacob Marley Apparel: Wears a Sailor Fuku, probably the school uniform when she died back in 1940.
- Joshikousei: She wears an obsolete uniform.
- Mobile Suit Human: Haruna creates a robot body for her with her artifact. Her doll body drives it from inside.
- More Dakka: After having her Mobile Suit Human made, she suppresses a trained Megalomesembrian battalion with a Gatling gun.
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Rapunzel Hair
- Reluctant Monster
- Spooky Photographs
- Shout-Out: Her Mobile Suit Human's cockpit design is this to Mobile Suit Gundam — it's exactly the same as the orignal Gundam, Guncannon, and Guntank, complete with the bulky fold-out targeting computer.
- Stealth Pun: Her 'title' of Ala Alba Ghost Member, noted above, is a pun on her being a ghost and the ghost member of a club being someone who doesn't attend club activities and is only a member on paper.
- Stringy Haired Ghost Girl
- Super-Deformed: She spends some time with Chachamaru and Negi in a chibi doll of herself.
- Taking the Bullet: Takes one of Fate's petrification darts for Nodoka and Asakura, and despite being a ghost ends up being turned to stone.
- Transfer Student Uniforms
- Unfinished Business
- Verbal Tic: Says desuuu in a spooky ghost voice. Because she's a spooky ghost.
Sasaki Makie[]
Sasaki Makie[]
Foolish Waitress of the Oasis[]
Voiced by: Yui Horie (Japanese) and Kate Oxley (English) |
A sweet, bubbly girl, Makie was one of the first members of the class to develop something of a crush on Negi, although initially this was more out of her obsession for all things cute (like Negi himself) than actual romance. After training together with Negi during his attempt to convince Evangeline to take him as apprentice, she develops true feelings and a strong admiration for him. Established early on as a talented gymnast, Makie has an inhuman level of skill with the ribbon she uses in her performances. Makie was one of the five stowaways that tagged along on the trip to Mundus Magicus, and after being seperated from the group, met up with Yuna. They found work as bar maids, and eventually saved up enough money to make their way to the tournament finals, where they met up with the Ala Alba.
After the Governor's Ball, she forms a Pactio with Negi, who is in the middle of a rough spot in his training. She tells him that she likes him the way he is, and encourages him to not be bound by others' expectations — advice he takes to heart. Later, she and Chisame prove to be immune to the Rainyday sisters's Lotus Eater Machine. Even later, she proves herself a competent ally and fighter against Fate's girls and is even the one to retrieve the Great Grand Master Key with her artifact, the Liberum Lemiscus, a gymnastics ribbon with a malleable range. She also owns two other artifacts — Bombus Globus (a ball) and Frango Stipes (a pair of clubs) — whose true power remains unknown.
- A-Cup Angst: Not all the time, but having Yuna as a friend can make one feel... intimidated.
- Badass Adorable
- Baka Ranger: Baka Pink.
- Building Swing
- Charles Atlas Superpower: With regards to her skill with that gymnastics ribbon.
- The Ditz: How she is first presented.
- Genius Ditz: She knows exactly who her rivals are. After she explains to Yue that her feelings are rather obvious.
Yue: "W-Wh-Why can you give such a complete analysis of someone's history like that?!" |
- Further, she's starting to seem smarter than first impressions tell otherwise: she has cultivated a deep understanding of the history and geography of Mundus Magicus, enough to startle the heck out of Yuna. She's also slowly ditching the "ditz" part. Following the Mundus Magicus arc, she shows off a test score of 75.
- Genki Girl: Describes herself as a 'overflowing with energy type teenage girl'.
- Girlish Pigtails
- I Know Madden Kombat: You'll be amazed at the number of things she can do with that gymnastics ribbon.
- Hot Teacher: In the epilogue, after she graduated from university she ended up becoming Mahora's PE teacher...and whom all the male students seem to have a crush on.
- Leotard of Power: And specially after forging a Pactio with Negi.
- Ms. Fanservice: That Sensual Spandex isn't just for easy movement.
- No Sell: Immune to the Lotus Eater Machine because she is so cheerful that she is completely satisfied with her life.
- The Power of Love: Four of the stowaways, minus Natsumi, learn that their positive feelings for Negi can alleviate his Dark Negi mode.
- Please Wake Up: To Negi during their confrontation with Poyo, when he's stuck in Cosmo Entelecheia.
- Rose-Haired Girl: In the first half of Mahou Sensei Negima! and Negima!?.
- Sensual Spandex: Well, she is a gymnast.
- Whip It Good: Makie has an unholy level of skill with her gymnastics ribbon — one greatly enhanced with Liberum Lemiscus, which is capable of extending to great lengths; she could snatch and retrieve a coconut from a tree on an island across a very large body of water.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She absolutely hates slimy things.
Okochi Akira[]
Okochi Akira[]
The Kind Released Slave[]
Voiced by: Azumi Yamamoto (Japanese), Jenny Phagan (English, Mahou Sensei Negima!), Cherami Leigh (English, Negima!?) |
Kind and gentle Akira isn't one to jump on the spotlight, preferring to support others from the sidelines. While most of 2-A/3-A is energetic and rambunctious, Akira is quite the opposite — calm, cool and controlled. Just don't anger her. Given the abilities showcased in her Day in The Limelight after the MahoraFest and the fact that she's supposedly the fastest swimmer throughout Mahora, it's somewhat likely there's more to her than meets the eye, even if she's not aware of it. Akira was one of the five stowaways on the trip to Mundus Magicus, and sold herself into slavery along with Natsumi and Ako in order to pay for Ako's medicine.
Eventually, Negi is able to buy back her freedom along with the others. Following the Governor's Ball, she asks a huge favor of Negi — to form Pactios with Ako, Makie, and Yuna, a request he complies with shortly afterward. At the same time, though, she seems to be trying to dodge the issue of having one for herself... During the brief miniarc revolving around class 3A attempting to 'punish' Negi for ignoring them, she finally acquires her pactio, which puts her in a mermaid suit and allows for limited teleportation through water.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Something is up with this girl. Nobody's quite sure what it is, but one thing's for sure: you don't catch Misora without some serious skills. Her character information indicates that one of her favorite things to do is come to people's aid when they need her.
- Blank White Eyes: When she goes berserk on the girls teasing Negi in her Day in The Limelight.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Non romantic example: She can't bring herself to tell Ako that Nagi the gladiator is actually Negi in magical disguise until she's already found out for herself and becomes heartbroken.
- Cool Big Sis
- A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 166; also a No Dialogue Episode, as a nod to her role as The Quiet One. She has another one in the brief calm between the Ball and storming the Gravekeeper's Palace, where she speaks to Negi about Makie, Ako and Yuuna.
- Expy: Of Motoko Aoyama, though more on looks and seriousness, except replacing the latter's Tsundere attitude with all-around kindness.
- Godiva Hair
- Go-Go Enslavement
- Hime Cut
- I Know Madden Kombat: Uses her skills as a swimmer in a dodgeball game.
- Made a Slave
- Matchmaker Crush: She's heavily implied to be attracted to Negi herself but is more interested in her friends getting a shot. Kamo insinuates this in Chapter 348, which she tries to deny.
- Meido: Again, the slave outfit.
- Nice Girl
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Her pactio outfit.
- The Quiet One: Early on. She's become less quiet recently, in fact she can get rather loud and panicky if anyone brings up any... "special ideas" about Negi. Heck, there was one chapter told from her perspective, and it didn't have a line of dialog.
- Rapunzel Hair: Sure, not a terribly unusual trait, as far as class 2-A/3-A goes, but it's rather odd that a swimmer would keep her hair that long.
- Selective Obliviousness: Minor example. She figures out that "Nagi" is Negi almost instantly because of Kotaro's magical disguise and Negi referring to Ako as his student, but can be seen stopping herself from thinking or asking about it because the implications are pretty bad. She's not very good at lying to herself, however.
- Shipper on Deck: Pushes Negi into having a pactio with Ako, Makie and Yuuna so the first two get a chance to kiss him and that he'll take the third more seriously.
- Slave Collar
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Though more quiet than aloof.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Her pactio allows her to teleport through water for distances of up to three hundred meters at once. This does not have any kind of mana cost, allowing her to use it rapidly and without tiring.
- Team Mom: Especially towards her friends.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: She looks the part with her Hime Cut, acts the part with her cool and controlled personality, and comes from the culture that created the trope.
- Younger Than They Look: She could pass as the mother of a few of her classmates.