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That's right, Mahou Sensei Negima is so overstuffed that it broke the folder system, and it's just going to get worse from here. So we decided to split the page. Again. This page is for the rest of Class 3-A. Time to go grab a soda to wash down those two sandwiches.
This page is full of spoilers, naturally. You have been warned.
Chao Lingshen[]
Chao Lingshen[]
Voiced by: Chiaki Osawa (Japanese, Negima!) Megumi Takamoto (Japanese, Negima!? onwards) and Trina Nishimura (English) |
Class 2/3-A's top-scoring student, Chao is a seemingly ordinary 14-year-old with an unholy level of skill in various talents, being the owner of a highly-successful restaurant, a talented martial artist, and is a member of the university quantum physics research society.
All that, however, is a facade to what she is behind the scenes.
As it turns out, Chao is the first serious Big Bad of the manga and the main driving force of the MahoraFest arc, as well as Negi's great-granddaughter from a Martian colony in a dystopian 22nd century. Persuaded that revealing the existence of magic and Mundus Magicus to Earth will avert the Bad Future from which she came, she planned an elaborate stratagem to remove the Weirdness Censor of every Muggle on the "Old World".
Despite all her planning and the help of other students she converted to her cause, she was foiled by Negi (who actually considered joining her before refusing at the last second) and returned to her own time after saying goodbye to rest of Class 3-A, though promising to come back someday as one of them.
- The Ace: A key member of several local university clubs (including the quantum physics one), a successful entrepreneur, proficient martial artist and deadly mage, all at the ripe old age of fourteen.
- Affably Evil: Her real identity is an ALIEN FROM MARS!!
- Anti-Villain
- Attack Drone
- Bad Future: Her original timeline. She came to the present to try and avert it by exposing magic to the world.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Beam Spam
- Blush Sticker: She has two permanently rosy spots on her cheeks. While it'd seem that it is meant to make her cuter and different from other characters, it turns out to be the only normally visible part of the Facial Markings from her Deadly Upgrade.
- Big Bad: For the MahoraFest arc, though of the Anti-Villain kind.
- Boke: Even Setsuna gets to make Tsukkomi on her.
- The Bus Came Back: We see her again after Asuna woke up after 130 years asleep.
- Can't Take Anything with You
- Chekhov's Gunman: She was one of the students Negi noted that he'd yet to meet better.
- In the fourth-to-last chapter, she and Evangeline show up to cut off what appeared to be a Bittersweet Ending.
- Chinese Girl: She has the name, the clothes and the hair, but may not be the genuine article.
- Clothes Make the Superman
- Conqueror From the Future
- Curb Stomp Battle: Setsuna and Kaede, later Asuna and Setsuna again.
- Dark And Troubled Future
- Dark Magical Girl
- Deadly Upgrade: Her magic power is normally sealed or nonexistent, but she can unlock glowing Magitek spell patterns covering her body to become a deadly spellslinger. They cause excruciating pain and damage her. Chao wasn't the one that sealed her powers so.... Also, Word of God notes that there is a connection between Chao's "Magic Circuits" and Negi's Magia Erebea in that "Both are techniques which lead to one’s own destruction if overused."
- Green Lantern Ring
- Hartman Hips: Only motherly Chizuru has hips larger than Chao, while every other one of Chao's measurements are on the petite side.
- Hero Antagonist
- Kid From the Future: Well, she's a few more generations down.
- Negi, I am Your Descendant
- Mad Scientist: She even described herself as such during one of her frequent bouts of genre savviness.
- More Dakka: One of her attacks doesn't even need a gun to do it!
- Not So Different
- Powered Armor: And the accompanying...
- Power Fist: ...Electric hand.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: The recent revelation of Negi's royal heritage has the implication that his grand-granddaughter could also be one.
- Sarcastic Confession
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: And as of the Mundus Magicus arc, she actually appears to have succeeded despite disappearing well over a hundred chapters ago!
- Slipknot Ponytail: During a battle with Negi, one of her hairbuns come undone.
- Teen Genius: Word of God has her IQ to be around 300.
- Terminator Twosome
- Timeline-Altering MacGuffin: Was that really a copy of the family tree?
- Time Master
- Time Stands Still
- Ubermensch: Implied to be the only blemish on her otherwise noble intentions.
- The Unmasqued World: Her apparent goal.
- Verbal Tic: True to type, she overuses the emphatic particles yo and ne.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: She's so well-meaning and subdued in her methods — refusing to kill or lie — even other characters aren't too sure whether they were right in trying to stop her. In fact, their final decision was made on the basis that though they may be wrong all along their lives are of a greater concern than a future they know nothing about.
- Will Not Tell a Lie
- You Are Too Late: She still indulged in Evil Gloating while explaining her plan as to How We Got Here.
Evangeline Athanasia Katherine Mc Dowell[]
Voiced by: Yuki Matsuoka (Japanese) and Laura Bailey (English) |
An ancient, extremely powerful and classically aristocratic vampire, tricked by Nagi into being de-powered and bound within the limits of Mahora.
When, implausibly, Negi arrived in Japan to teach the very class she's been attending to soothe her boredom, Evangeline attacked him half-heartedly, then took a shine to him and accepted his request to teach him all she knows.
She looks ten but acts eighty, having been vampirized as a child. Turns out she was a young noblewoman who was vampirized right after her tenth birthday courtesy of the Lifemaker, waking up covered in blood after her birthday, and thus her story began....
- And I Must Scream: Her ultimate spell put essentially every Cosmo Entelechia member in a state where they are all frozen and immobile, but can still think. She says she has no plans to release them.
- Anti-Hero: Claims she's an evil, evil mage while the most morally objectionable thing we ever see her do is pick on her students, making her more or less a Disney antihero.
- The Archmage: Due to her great age and experience, when she has access to her magic, none of the other characters can compete with her. Except for the Lifemaker, who is even older.
- Bandage Babe
- Badass: Probably the greatest of them all in a World of Badass. After the Mundus Magicus arc where Negi supposedly ascends to her ability level, all he can do is to hold out for a minute or two against her in a duel, and even with Asuna's intervention on his behalf their match ended on a stalemate with the latter two on the defensive.
(To Chigusa) "Keh heh heh! You chose your opponent poorly, woman! What you're seeing is a spell that creates near-absolute-zero temps in a 150-square-foot area! Even that big nasty won't be able to avoid it. For lo, I am the vampire Evangeline... the "Dark Evangel"!! Look upon my magics, ye mighty, and despair...!! MWAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! |
- Brought Down to Badass: She's powerful even when depowered, as her opponents in the tournament painfully realize.
- Big Damn Heroes: During the climax of the assault on the Gravekeeper's Palace, she makes her appearance just in time to save Negi and Fate. Not that Eva would call it "heroic" or anything, so long as she won't get forced to admit that she is not as evil as she claims to be.
- Big Fancy House: Owns three such houses — her cabin, her house in a bottle, and the even bigger Lebens Schuld Castle.
- Black Eyes of Crazy: When she taps into her actual vampire power(s) rather than the usual Magic; she invokes the look for the terror factor when she decides to "rough up" the newly-arrived Anya, who had just been told that Negi and Ala Alba are being trained by the infamous Maga Nosferatu.
- Blondes Are Evil: Or at least how she wanted to appear to everybody else.
- Bloodbath Villain Origin: Her immediate family died at her hands, and teeth, when she was ten. It does not appear to have been intentional, but has clearly shaped how she interacts with others.
- Blue Eyes: Although she was shown to have Green Eyes in the anime.
- Broken Bird
- Brought Down to Normal
- Burn the Witch: Her backstory had people trying to kill her for being a vampire, many times.
- Cape Wings: Her Flight.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Without powers, courtesy of centuries of training.
- Chekhov's Gunman: She said very few lines before her debut.
- Compulsory School Age
- Corrupt the Cutie: Apparently tries to turn Negi into a monster as bad, if not worse, than herself by teaching him Magia Erebea. Or at least that's how she'd say it.
- Corruption of a Minor: Ordering Negi to lick her feet. Then again, to a centuries-old girl like her almost everyone would be minors.
- Cry Cute: At the end of the Mahora Budokai, after Nagi's hologram gives her one last pat to the head, proving that deep down she's still pining for him even after his "betrayal".
- Curb Stomp Battle
- Took down a high-level demon with one hit at the end of the Kyoto Arc, and shortly thereafter kicked Fate's ass. He promptly got the hell out of there.
- After thrashing Cosmo Entelechia with normal combat methods, she gets bored and one-shots the lot of them with a massive ice-and-lightning vortex spell shaped like creeping vines.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Vampire Girl
- Cute Witch
- Cynical Mentor
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dark Action Girl
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deus Ex Machina
- Disc One Final Boss: She'll never say...
- Dissonant Serenity
- The Dreaded: "Maga Nosferatu", "Queen of the Night", "Visitation of Woe"... the very name of Evangeline alone can strike fear in a mage's heart. Does not apply to middle school or ten year old magi, even if they're supposedly her enemy.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: She can be convinced, with effort, to instruct someone in magecraft and/or combat. She cannot be convinced to be gentle about it.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Unless she's actually at school or outside walking, she ditches her shoes whenever possible. If she could still fly regularly she'd probably never wear them.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Eva herself and everyone she can blackmail or coerce into it. They even deified her for it.
- Elemental Eye Colours: Blue eyes to match her ice powers.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Kitty", as Albiero calls her. He derived it from her second middle name — "Katherine" — specifically to mess with her.
- Energy Absorption: Magia Erebea
- Evil Is Dumb: When she held the Villain Ball.
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Mentor: Evilish, anyway.
- Expecting Someone Taller
- Face Framed in Shadow: At various points.
- The Final Temptation
- Foot Focus: In addition to Does Not Like Shoes above, when Negi first asked her to train him, she initially told him to lick her feet, complete with a close-up of the sole of her bare foot.
- Kung Fu Wizard: As her illusion copy duel with Negi shows, she's as deadly in close combat as in casting bombardment spells.
- Gamer Chick: Yes, really. (Note: NSFW) It explains all the video game analogies she makes. Also the fact that she is playing a game from The Eighties, hinting at when the scroll was made — specifically, Solomon's Key, which is recognized as one of the hardest games in Nintendo history on a console where every is just plain hard.
- Genius Book Club
- Giggling Villain
- A Glass of Chianti
- Good Old Fisticuffs: She literally learned everything from scratch (from Magic to Vampirism to plain out fighting) by killing anything that dared to face her, in dozens upon dozens of wars and tracking and taking down the greatest warriors in the world.
- Hair of Gold
- Hartman Hips
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: At her best.
- Hidden Depths
- Hidden Heart of Gold
- Hime Cut: Her frontal fringe are styled like this.
- An Ice Person: Just as Negi is a specialist in light, wind and lightning, Evangeline has a natural affinity for the more complicated and difficult ice magic.
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad: While appearing to be perfectly okay with being immortal apart from irritation that it has to be as an immortal child, Evangeline despises the person who turned her and killed him in cold blood after tracking him down. Unfortunately, the person she killed was the Lifemaker, an immortal himself of a type that transcends bodily destruction.
- I Have Many Names: Most of them are used to frighten children in Mundus Magicus.
- I Have the High Ground
- I Just Want to Be Normal: In the rare-as-a-blue-moon occasions when she lets her guard down or has no time to prepare her adult-act, Eva lives in a beautifully-decorated child's room, glowing bright with innocence and filled with adorable stuffed toys, hinting that this is the life she really wants rather than the cold cynicism of immortal adulthood. Her heartbreaking Cry Cute moment at the end of the Mahora Budokai, when all she asked of Nagi's fading hologram was to be patted on the head like a little girl once more, further affirms that her eccentric, cynical sociopath facade is only a defense mechanism against the viciously treacherous dog-eat-dog world of the undead.
- I Kiss Your Foot: Eva demands this when she feels like bullying someone asking for her teachings.
- Immortal Immaturity
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Fate attempted this early in the manga. That didn't even slow her down due to her Healing Factor.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes
- It Amused Me
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kid with the Leash: Played straight with Chachazero, a Puppet with a Psycho Weapon, who's comically bloodthirsty, but reined in by Eva. Inverted rather amusingly with her other puppet/familiar — Chachamaru would not hurt a fly, let alone a cat, if she did not have to.
- Knight of Cerebus: Her appeareance started the story's shift into an action show.
- Kill It with Ice
- Lady of Black Magic
- Large Ham: When facing a massive demon, before unleashing her power, she paused and looked back to ask if Negi and the others were watching. Talk about playing to the audience.
Asuna: "Eva-chan is really getting into this." |
- Laser Blade
- Laughing Mad: One of the most notable things she does, and this combined with Evil Laugh
- Legal Jailbait: And boy oh boy is she bitter about it.
- Little Miss Badass
- Little Miss Snarker
- Love Makes You Dumb: Enough to make her fall victim to a pathetic trap set up by Nagi.
- Loving a Shadow: Her need to date an aged-up Negi.
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Meaningful Name: Eva's middle name "Athanasia" means "immortality".
- Meta Gal
- New Transfer Student: Amusingly, Evangeline (the only Caucasian girl in Class 2-A/3-A) is sometime referred to as "that transfer student", despite having been locked into the school since roughly the year that the rest of the class was born.
- Noble Demon: Insists on being Always Chaotic Evil because of her vampirism and past crimes, but deep down she's a cynic in an idealistic world. Seeing Mundus Magicus as it is may have did a number on the girl's outlook on life. When Asuna tries insisting on it by claiming that she only killed people who were trying to kill her, she quickly replies that she definitely killed at least the man who vampirized her in cold blood and with hatred. She's also used this perception of her by the cast to make points.
- Not Growing Up Sucks: Evangeline has frequently shown irritation about being stuck in a child's body.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Despite being British, she "grew out" of the standard vulnerabilities. She also has blue eyes in the manga, but the anime makes them flash red at times.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: In spite of her oft-heated denials.
- Kiss of the Vampire
- Undead Child: A partial example. See trope page for details.
- Vampires Are Sex Gods: Her adult form, and even her kid form she's still flirted with Negi a couple times, though he appears to not realize it.
- The Ojou: Lives in a Big Fancy House not too far from Mahora and is served by Chachamaru. Turns out this extends from way before she was vamprized: as a normal girl, she was a member of a very rich clan until the Lifemaker came in.
- Old Master: The oldest grand Mage in the series and by far the most Badass. One of the first flashbacks of her past show her one of her first fights... which was covered with corpses of mages, warriors and beasts.
- Older Alter Ego: She frequently becomes a Femme Fatale, though she'd have everyone else believe she was The Vamp.
- One-Woman Army: She is this to other one man army warriors. Go ask Cosmo Entelechia. Oh, that's right. They're in no position to answer.
- Overly Long Name: The "A.K." stands for "Athanasia Katherine".
- Person of Mass Destruction: There's a good reason behind her many frightening titles.
- People Puppets: Are just one of her many tricks along with possible Razor Floss.
- Phantom Zone
- Psychotic Smirk: Almost always sports this on.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Perhaps literally (if not older) as she was born — and turned — during the late middle ages.
- The Reveal: The Lifemaker is to be blamed for Evangeline's vampire heritage.
- Red Armband of Leadership
- Red Baron: Eva has dozens of nicknames and titles, most of them being sinister and dangerous — "Doll/Puppet Master", "Dark Evangel/Gospel", "Gospel of Darkness", "Maga Nosferatu (Undying Mage)", "Apostle/Disciple of Calamity/Destruction", "Demon King in the Form of a Child", "The Advent of Evil", "Demon Lord of Darkness", "The Girl Queen of Darkness", "Visitation of Woe", "Disciple of Dark Tomes", "Tidings of Evil", "Queen of the Night", "High Daylight Walker (she only gets a little irritated by sunlight)"... and the list just keeps adding new entries by the minute.
- Sarcastic Clapping
- Sarcastic Devotee
- Sealed Evil in a Can: She's the "evil", Mahora is the "can". Although, in a twist, it's actually because Nagi has had enough with her stalking around.
- Seen It All
- Self-Made Woman: She was literally vampirized and left to fend for herself since age ten, without family, land or money, in a world where being a vampire was considered good enough reason to be slaughtered indiscriminately. Centuries later her name (and many others) alone is a byword for absolute terror throughout Mundus Magicus.
- Sexy Mentor
- Shapeshifter Weapon
- Sink or Swim Mentor
- Sins of Our Fathers
- Sleep Mode Size: Inverted — she really is that small and the whole busty demon queen look is an illusion.
- Stalker with a Crush: Toward Nagi, after he rescued her from a Witch Hunt... then he had her sealed in Mahora to keep her from bugging him.
- The Stoic: For some of the time, though not frequently.
- Story-Breaker Power: As early as the end of the Kyoto arc it's shown that she's so monstrously powerful and knowledgeable that should she step into a conflict, it will be resolved immediately. That said, she's much more interested in seeing Negi develop, so she very rarely does.
- Teleportation
- Tsundere: Likes to think of Negi as her minion, and it's not like she cares about him or anything. Albireo also calls her a tsundere for all of Class 3-A. Pretty much confirmed in chapter 349. Later, give her some 130 years and she admits it herself.
- Vain Sorceress: Unlike most, she tries to look physically older.
- Villains Out Shopping: Likes playing retro video games... completely naked.
- Waif Fu: Prefers to fight by exploiting Pressure Points.
- Warrior Poet: Before the fight against Setsuna, she quotes Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina":
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." |
- There is another example during the ball, as quoted by Negi:
"Where there is distress, therein lies a story. |
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Stated this when she revealed her true nature to Negi, though it was less 'living forever' and more 'living forever trapped in a school waiting for Nagi to come back like he promised'.
- Living Forever Is Awesome: Otherwise she'd pretty happy with her eternal life and made good use of it. In the main narrative her only major complaint is she's stuck as a preteen.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Post-Mundus Magicus arc, while berating Setsuna, she locks her in an octopus stretch, then a sharpshooter.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Tatsumiya Mana[]
Tatsumiya Mana[]
Voiced by: Miho Sakuma (Japanese) and Stephanie Young (English) |
Ex-mercenary (arguably) with an expertise for firearms, and has fought around the world since childhood. A bit cheap, and will work for any side if the price is right (or so she says). Half-demon, though not in the same way as Setsuna apparently.
While not an official member of Ala Alba, she provides them some backup in storming the Gravekeeper's palace, defeating Poyo in the process.
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Badass Normal: Her combat ability seems to largely rely on her equipment and magical gear, whose price she always tells to her comrades. Before the demon reveal, anyway.
- Badass Spaniard
- Badass Long Robe
- Broken Bird: The loss of someone she did care for (her former Pactio Partner) is hinted to be the reason she acts the way she does.
- But Not Too Foreign: She's half-Puerto Rican. And half-demon.
- Can't Bathe Without a Weapon: While in hot springs in Kyoto, she had a gun hidden under a bucket. And was seconds away from shooting Asakura.
- Child Soldiers
- Click Hello: See Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner below for her awesome line.
- Cold Sniper: She never, ever lets her emotions get in the way of her doing her job.
- Cool Guns: A pair of Desert Eagles as sidearms, an FN P-90 submachinegun, and a Barrett M82 sniper rifle.
- Crazy Prepared: She's definitely on the more reasonable side of the scale. The main way of showing she's an experienced mercenary is to give her a lot of magical equipment to work with to counter her opponents since she seems to use neither magic nor ki. At least, not if her opponent isn't sufficiently awesome, anyway.
- Dark and Troubled Past: She used to have a Pactio with someone. It's implied that his death drove her into the Cold Sniper she is today.
- Demon Slayer
- Dodge This
- Evil Eye: According to Volume 29's Q&A her left eye is a "demon eye", with which she can "see the true forms of demonic beings, and is used for extreme-range shots. Normally, it isn't active."
- Foreshadowing: Guess why she has a Demon Eye...
- The Gunslinger: Type A and C, probably with some Type D as well.
- Abnormal Ammo: The Magitek bullets Chao supplied, and during the Mahora Tournament Arc she "tossed" coins at Ku Fei that might as well have been rapid-fired.
- Bottomless Magazines: A variation — the details are a bit hard to describe, but suffice to say she realoads her guns with a magical armoury.
- Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics: At one point, she bounces her shots almost full-180 to hit someone behind cover. Then again, they were bullets from the future.
- Depleted Phlebotinum Shells: Her standard ammo are bullets with spells on them.
- Guns Akimbo: With her signature dual Desert Eagles. Justified in that they're actually airsoft versions which usually shoot tranquilizer rounds or magic bullets. What's scary is her now-inactive Pactio card showing her with a pair of similar guns, so her currently-inaccessible artifact is also a pair of guns. Which she started using as a child.
- Guns Are Worthless: Averted — she's definitely one of the stronger characters in the series, even without her weapons.
- Gun Fu
- Gun Kata
- Hand Cannons: Desert Eagles.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: In addition to the Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics mentioned above, she can hold a 14 kg rifle with one hand.
- Multi Ranged Master: Her skill at changing from rifle to dual handguns has surprised many enemies.
- Pinball Projectile: During the MahoraFest Arc, she manages to conceal her hiding spot this way.
- Sniper Rifle
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Hime Cut
- Huge Schoolgirl: Like Kaede.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Where she keeps extra ammo, a Barrett M82 anti-material sniper rifle, and an RPG.
- Unorthodox Reload: During the assault on the Governor's Ball.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: From the same battle, she pulls out all those weapons from her cleavage. Cue Lampshade Hanging from Misora.]]
- Impossibly Low Neckline/ Sexy Backless Outfit
- Improbable Weapon User: The first fight we see her in has her using weaponized coins.
- In-Series Nickname: Negi starts calling her "Captain" starting at the MahoraFest confession-stopping scene.
- I See Dead People
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: It's really closer to Even Evil Has Standards, but she's not exactly villainous enough to qualify for that. For example, refusing to accept money for throwing a fight because she never intended to lose, and deciding to fight "Poyo" on her own so Negi can move on and stating she's doing so because she believes in Negi.
- Miko
- Miser Advisor
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Negi's a badass child teacher. Mana's a gunslinging mercenary sniper miko/half-demon schoolgirl. With their other NPZR friends, They Fight Crime!
- Paper Talisman: She uses a Teleportation Sutra against Kaede during the MahoraFest Arc; apparently they cost 800,000 yen per (single use).
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner
"Don't ever think of touching my classmate with that filthy hand of yours. You wooden doll." |
- Private Military Contractors
- Punch Clock Hero/Punch Clock Villain: Pretends to be only in it for money, but joins Chao because she believes her ideals (either way, she still takes the money). And when she fought "Poyo", she says she's now willing to bet the future on Negi.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Schoolgirl Rival: Kaede; doesn't matter where they are or how they look, she's always ready to finally settle their unresolved duel from the Mahora War.
- Senseless Violins
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Trigger Happy: Subverted — she makes sure every shot counts.
- Younger Than They Look: Arguably.
Yukihiro Ayaka[]
Yukihiro Ayaka[]
Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (Japanese) and Laura Bailey (English) |
Class Representative of 2/3-A, a filthy-rich lady, and Asuna's friend/enemy of sorts. She also displays an unnaturally-close relationship to Negi, though hints abound that she may be seeing him as a Replacement Goldfish for a stillborn little brother who would've been around Negi's age.
She was revealed to have formed a pactio with Negi behind everyone's back during the post Magic World breather arc, in a rather enthusiastic display that nearly resulted in her becoming magistra by accident.
- Big Sister Instinct: The Love Chart seems to lean more towards that: she's tied with Nodoka for the "selflessness" factor, but has it way lower than most in the "sexual lust" department.
- Big Fancy House
- Break the Haughty
- But Not Too Foreign: Fuka states that Ayaka is, in fact, half-Japanese, which explains the blonde hair. She angrily denies it.
- Can't Catch Up: Ayaka started as Asuna's rival — both being athletic teens with a skill for martial arts able to match each other blow-for-blow. But she's also kept in the dark about Asuna's secret life of fighting vampires, demons and other supernatural powerhouses. Thus Ayaka was crushed when she realized that, despite her own mundane progress, Asuna was already way ahead, even beating her with a flick of her hand.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: With everyone in Ala Alba having actual superpowers, she's the closest the Class has to one.
- Chekhov's Gunman: When Negi reveals that he has a plan to prevent the collapse of Mundus Magicus, he briefly mentions that he needs Ayaka's help.
- Class Representative
- The Collector of the Strange
- Crazy Prepared: In Negima!? Neo, during a kiss Negi competition, she and most of the other girls get caught on a bridge that collapses. Four pages later, she re-enters the story with the other girls caught up in a net, wearing a bridal tress and doing her trademark Noblewoman's Laugh.
"I thought this might happen. So I had them prepare the Yukihiro Conglomerate's private helicopter!" |
- Cry Cute: At the end of Chapter 350, after burying a box full of pictures of her and Asuna as a memento before she goes on a Long Bus Trip, realizing they will never see each other again.
- Dead Little Brother: Five-year-old Ayaka wanted a little brother, but when the baby turned up stillborn, she was driven into a Heroic BSOD that Asuna had to literally kick her out from. Implied to be largely responsible for attitude towards Negi.
- Determinator: As of chapter 352, she lived to be 115 just so she could see Asuna again.
- Dynamic Entry: Lately, this seems to be one of her trademarks, with her running into a room and shouting at the top of her lungs.
- Fiction 500: Pretty much singlehandedly sponsored the whole "Battle of Mahora", and flew half the class to Wales on her private jet. Her family also owns a bunch of resort islands.
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Large Ham
- Lightning Glare
- Locked Out of the Loop: She knows something's up, but Asuna refuses to spill out her secret life. She still tries to help them any way she can. Subverted after the Mundus Magicus arc: she becomes a prime sponsor of Negi's Mars terraforming plan and even gets a Pactio... but on a sadder note, learns of Asuna's impending Long Bus Trip.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Her trademark.
- Odd Friendship, Schoolgirl Rival, Vitriolic Best Buds, With Friends Like These...: With Asuna.
- The Ojou: Acts much more the part than Konoka, who actually is an Ojou.
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Rapunzel Hair
- Replacement Goldfish: Implied to see in Negi the little brother she almost has had; everyone, with a probable exception of Asuna (who knows of her past).
- Rich Bitch: Subverted. Turns out this is but a face for a mild case of being Spoiled Sweet, evidenced by comforting a heartbroken Asuna after Takamichi declines her love confession, and when she visits Nekane. She also helped Negi whenever he and Asuna had a falling-out. with no ulterior motive in mind.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Team Mom: To her classmates, mostly. More so now that she has learnt parts of the truth and has been working behind the scenes.
- Tempting Fate: Way back in Chapter 3, Ayaka was bragging about her breast size, saying Negi needed someone with a "motherly figure" to take care of him, daring anyone with a better figure to come closer. Cue Asakura, Mana, Kaede, and Chizuru — all of whom have breasts even bigger than hers in increasing sizes — all walking into the bath.
- Through His Stomach
- Uncle Pennybags: She seems unusually generous for a supposed Rich Bitch...
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Where she keeps her Pactio card.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Asuna. Both shared their childhood as rivals, but hints abound that this is their way of showing their friendship, such as when Asuna literally kicked her out of her Heroic BSOD upon realizing that her little brother was stillborn, and Ayaka in turn acted as mediator between Negi and Asuna after they had a falling-out. This is further cemented at the end of Chapter 350 in a heartrending Cry Cute moment, when she realizes she will never see Asuna again.
- Then in 352 it's shown that she lived to be 115 just to have the chance of seeing Asuna again.
- Walk in Chime In
Zazie Rainyday[]
Zazie Rainyday[]
Voiced by: Yuka Inokuchi (Japanese) and Carrie Savage (English) |
Zazie is the one member of Class 2/3-A that's gotten almost no Character Development at all. From what little information is given on her, she almost never speaks, appears to be some sort of circus performer, and has a number of weird black ghost blobs that accompany her pretty much everywhere. She can also apparently see Sayo.
Her older sister Poyo was recently revealed to be working for one of Fate's allies and has attacked/impeded Ala Alba, making it clear she intends to stop them from saving the denizens of Mundus Magicus. Zazie herself seems to be following Poyo's orders, being inside the Lotus Eater Machine artifact, but then lets Negi and the others go after defeating her, and decides to come back to Mahora, waiting for them to be done with their mission. And as of the post-Mundus Magicus arc, she has shown more of her abilities as she officially joins Class 3-A's pursuit of Negi.
- Brick Joke: Look closely at the center of this splash page from the first chapter, and you'll see that Zazie appears to have claws.
- Circus of Fear: She performs in what is called the "Nightmare Circus". Given what we've seen of the company she keeps, one can't help but wonder how much of that name is an act.
- The Comically Serious: Her reaction to Setsuna's part in the Lotus Eater Machine, which features Konoka in a Hadaka Apron?
- Cute Mute
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Dark Magical Girl
- Facial Markings: A teardrop over one eye, and what looks like a scar (may actually be one) over the other.
- Genre Savvy: Not her, but everyone else are aware that she's probably neither human or normal just because she was weird and in a class full of robots, ghosts etc. What they didn't know was what she was up to... Although it's not even her.
- The Quiet One: At least, up until she enters the main storyline...
- Sexy Jester
- Silent Bob: Ayaka, at least, can understand her perfectly over the phone despite her not saying a word. When asked how, Akamatsu said "It seems to be an obvious power of class representatives to understand the intentions of their classmates".
- Stealth Mentor: Implied, towards Negi.
- Tareme Eyes: Unlike "Poyo", who has Tsurime Eyes.
- Visible Silence
- The Voiceless: Though she suddenly begins speaking in complete sentences with Evangeline while watching Negi's fight with Fate.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Hakase Satomi[]
Hakase Satomi[]
Voiced by: Mai Kadowaki (Japanese), Jayme Westman (English, Negima!) and Carrie Savage (English, Negima!? onwards) |
Class 2/3-A's other resident supergenius after Chao, Hakase is basically a Mad Scientist. Apparently aware of the existence of magic long before the series started, Hakase is primarily interested in its scientific applications and the development of Magitek, resulting in Chachamaru, who, with Evangeline's help, was developed as a joint product of magic and science. Personality-wise, Hakase is somewhat obsessive about her work, often working so late she simply falls asleep in the lab. She also approaches things from a very logical perspective, meaning that she often fails to consider how her experiments might affect others personally.
- Brainy Brunette
- Cloudcuckoolander: Comes with being a Mad Scientist, but best demonstrated at the martial arts tournament, where one of her robots was competing.
Hakase: "Unfortunately, his weapons systems aren't lethal..." |
- Crack Pairing: In-Universe and canon example: Hakase is implied to have married Godel ("a Megalomesembrian senator") in the end.
- Education Through Pyrotechnics: Of course, she is working in a university lab; they might actually have volatile chemicals there.
- Forehead of Doom
- For Science!
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Hot Scientist: Better said, Cute Scientist. Some still say hot. Especially in the [{{[http|//mangafox.me/manga/mahou_sensei_negima/v38/c355/15.html future}} (Major spoilers in link!).
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Being one of the shorter girls in the class, unless she grew considerably during the time skip, she's bound to be much shorter than her future husband Kurt Godel.
- Last-Name Basis: justified; see Punny Name below.
- Mad Scientist
- May-December Romance See Crack Pairing. During the course of the story, Hakase is easily half the age of her implied post time skip husband Kurt Godel
- Meganekko
- Motherly Scientist: With Chachamaru as her "child", which is first hinted during her highlight chapter. This is practically laid out in the open for the readers when she starts mothering a broken and battered Chachamaru after being torn apart by Quartum, (starting here). She tends to get weird whenever she tries to show her affection, though, (as can be seen here).
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Punny Name: Using Alternate Character Reading, hakase can mean "professor".
- The Spock
- Unkempt Beauty: And how!
- Wall of Text: Her rant about robot love:
"I tell you, that's impossible! It just can't happen! Eva-san's automatons are robots with their anima magically ensouled! Did you hear me just then?! "Ensouled!" How unscientific is that?! Of all things - love!! Love, the one emotion that defies all rational thought and explanation!! Am I to become a philosopher, then? Am I to unravel one of the greatest mysteries of the human condition?! For an artificial intelligence to even experience such a thing - to fall into the realm of the subjective rather than the objective - that can lead only to one, inevitable conclusion - that Chachamaru has become self-aware! When one can monitor one's internal thought patterns with an 'inner eye' - that is self-awareness! We're talking meta-consciousness here! There's no scientific rationale for that!! Chachamaru was never intended to develop such a thing.. then again - then again - when it comes to emotions, who can say what is or isn't rational?! To be human is to have emotions, and to have emotions is to have love. And, once there's love, he, why not throw reproductive endocrinology into the mix! I mean, why not, right?! And reproduction means death - which is all well and good if we're talking about replicants, but we're not - we're talking about robots! Robots don't have emotion - they just can't. Or could it be that - maybe, just maybe! - it's only the ghost of an emotion, generated by her auto-learning program...? Still - even so - from a strictly methodological standpoint - it's all too bloody subjective for a scientist to wrap her mind around, don't you think? Science is absolute!! It's... ohmigawd, what am I saying, it sounds like I've given up! This isn't good - it's not good, I tell you! - Since when has the lack of an easy answer been an excuse to... For what did I sell my soul to science if not to answer those very same hard questions?! Was it the magic based power system that Eva-san gave me which caused an unforeseen side-effect on her systems?! No. No! I can't accept that. That's just another easy answer - that's what that is!! Then again, there is that brother-sister team at M.I.T. that supposedly engineered an artificial intelligence capable of independent emotion, so maybe..." |
Yotsuba Satsuki[]
Yotsuba Satsuki[]
Voiced by: Naomi Inoue (Japanese) and Monica Rial (English) |
One of the more down-to-earth members of Class 2/3-A, Satsuki is notable for her excellent cooking skills and easygoing, caring personality. Always there to offer a word of practical advice or a bit of comfort food when someone needs it, Satsuki is well-loved by students and teachers alike. She is also the head cook (and, after Chao left, owner) of the popular student restaurant Chao Bao Zi.
- Animal Motifs: Is commonly drawn with a Koala behind her.
- Art Shift: In the anime, she was initially drawn as a rather chubby girl (compared to the rest of the class.) This didn't last long.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Don't even try starting a fight in her restaurant.
- Big Beautiful Woman: She's still on the chubby side in the manga.
- Catch a Falling Star: Catches Negi and Chao in her flying tramcar restaurant. Of course, it was Chao who built that ability in, but still.
- Cute Mute: Sort of. She almost never uses Speech Bubbles, implying that much of her communication is nonverbal.
- Outside of 1 page in the manga, only actions like *smile* are the only things that get speech bubbles.
- Until chapter 349, when she gave a minor "The Reason You Suck" Speech ending with an Armor-Piercing Question to Evangeline. And even then, no speech bubbles were used.
- Down to Earth: Perhaps the biggest example of this in the entire class. Her pactio card even has "Earth" as her astral sign.
- The Heart: Very good at calming tense situations and can even talk Evangeline out of doing mean things.
- Supreme Chef: So much that a single sip of her soup can make you go from a tired wreck to Hot-Blooded.
- Tastes Like Friendship: Loved by everyone on campus [1] for her cooking ability.
- Team Chef
- What the Hell, Hero?: She can do this without angering the person she's telling off.
Kasuga Misora[]
Kasuga Misora[]
Mysterious Sister[]
Voiced by: Ai Bandou (Japanese) and Wendy Powell (English) |
Another student aware of the existence of magic long before Negi came, Misora belongs to an order of resident magic-combat nuns. Apparently an apprentice under Sister Shakti, Misora also has a Pactio card which gives her a pair of Sprint Shoes. Rather than find less obvious and more effective uses for it, Misora usually uses it to simply run away whenever danger rears its ugly head. She's also got something of a mischievous streak, at one point using her magic to impersonate a priest in order to get her classmates to spill their secrets in a confessional.
Misora also ventured in Mundus Magicus, albeit independently of Ala Alba, becoming frustrated with her inability to get back home; eventually, she did return after the completion of the arc.
- Blatant Lies: "Kasuga Misora? I have no idea who that is. I'm just a mysterious sister!"
- Bokukko
- Church Militant: Part time job!
- Clark Kenting: An utterly failed attempt — all her classmates can see through her guise. While she initially tries to deny her identity, she eventually gives up and simply accepts that they can see through her habit.
- Fragile Speedster: Arguably, with regards to the "fragile" part. At the very least, she's something of a Lovable Coward.
- Heterosexual Life Partners/Two Girl Romantic Friendship: Implied, with Kokonoe. In a Q&A, Akamatsu discussed their relationship as follows:
Q: "Did Misora and Cocone make a pactio by kissing?" |
- I Got You Covered: With Asuna, Setsuna, and Kotaro to help Negi clear a path to Chao.
- Lovable Coward
- Mysterious Past: Nothing yet is revealed as to how she got to become a teenage nun.
- Naughty Nuns: Forced into a mini-skirted habit as part of an Instant Cosplay Surprise. Not that her actual habit is much better.
- Nuns Are Funny
- Nuns Are Mikos: The short skirt might be somewhat justified by the fact that she's a battle nun and would need the freedom of movement.
- Nun-Too-Holy: Yep, deep down she's still a mischievous teen.
- Running Gag: Whenever she shows up as a magic nun, she denies her identity, despite other characters instantly identifying her.
- Sprint Shoes: Her artifact.
- Super-Deformed: The most frequent user of this.
- Super Speed: Her artifact grants her this ability.
- Walk On Water: The running variant.
- Wisdom from the Gutter: In the confessional chapters immediately after the MahoraFest, she is mistaken for a local priest and decides to go along with that via illusion magic because she's a gossip hound. In the process of finding out her classmates' secrets, she gives some surprisingly good advice, though it isn't always taken.
Naba Chizuru[]
Naba Chizuru[]
Voiced by: Misa Kobayashi (Japanese) and Amy Rosenthal (English) |
Chizuru is gentle, motherly, and caring. And she's absolutely terrifying because of it. Her most continually touted feature is her fame as the bustiest girl in Class 2/3-A (no mean feat), but like many of her classmates, there's apparently more to her than meets the eye. After more or less adopting Kotaro, she slaps a high-level demon hard enough to make him consider her a legitimate threat, and in general seems extremely protective of her close friends and capable of handling herself.
She's revealed to have formed a Pactio with Negi at the same time as Ayaka, much to Kotaro's surprise. Her artifact is a leek that clears any "ailments or status effects", but at the same time puts the subject under her control.
- Age Is Relative: Actually one of the younger students despite being the most well-endowed and one of the more mature ones.
- Apron Matron: About thirty years too early, but otherwise qualifies.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: To Graf Herrmann.
- Ass Shove: One Running Gag has her trying to cure ailments by shoving spring onions up the rears of those afflicted — usually Kotaro, to his neverending terror. In fact, her Pactio card is one such leek. She actually uses it on Negi in chapter 348!
- Badass Normal: Take another look at the above two entries. She gave an Armor-Piercing Slap to Graf and even Kotaro is terrified of her. And is still out of the loop, though she seems to realize that Kotaro is anything but normal.
- Beauty Mark
- Berserk Button: Don't call her old or mature, much less insinuate so. Just don't.
- Beware the Nice Ones: There's a few scoops of psychosis layered in with all that maternal benevolence.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 3 (Indifferent).
- Cool Big Sis
- Expy: Of Love Hina's Mutsumi.
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Fiction 500: After the Mundus Magicus arc, it's revealed that her family is just as rich as Ayaka's.
- Gag Boobs: See Marshmallow Hell below for more info.
- Mama Bear: Gives Graf Herrmann one hell of an Armor-Piercing Slap for threatening Kotaro.
- Marshmallow Hell: One of the more notable examples in the series that named the trope, at one point Negi somehow got caught in her bikini top. She, of course, made no real attempt to extricate him, opting rather to giggle at the situation while Negi struggled to breathe. Also, when Kotaro showed up again and started threatening her and Natsumi, she simply marshmallow hell-brainwashed him.
- Memetic Badass: An In-Universe example.
Kotaro: "Four hundred points!" |
- Mind Control Device: The leek in her Pactio. In exchange for her... shoving it up somone's ass, it heals the target completely in exchange for complete obedience to her until it wears off. Wow, Akamatsu.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: See Ass Shove above.
- Noodle Incident/Noodle Implements: The Running Gag involving large numbers of spring onions.
- Ojou: Apparently as rich as Ayaka, and is perhaps the main reason they are close friends and share a dorm room. According to Koutaro, the Naba family seems to be into heavy industries, so they're are likely to be a part of a keiretsu (the sucessors of the old-time zaibatsu), meaning that they're freaking LOADED.
- Onee-Sama: Towards more or less everyone, especially her roomate Natsumi.
- Princess Curls
- Refuge in Audacity:Her pactio's special technique is activated by Ass Shove.
- Running Gag: Um, Chizuru, what are you about to do with that leek?
- Shipper on Deck: Despite claiming him first, she starts shipping Kotaro/Natsumi pretty quickly, and even starts setting it up.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tastes Like Friendship/Through His Stomach: Helps to facilitate Kotaro's Heel Face Turn.
- The Tease: Became like this towards Kotaro after the main Magic World arc.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: A kind and reserved Japanese girl that lets no one endanger her charge.
Narutaki Fuka and Fumika[]
Narutaki Fuka and Fumika[]
Fuka (right) is voiced by: Kimiko Koyama (Japanese) and Alison Viktorin (English) |
Fumika (Right) | Fuka (Left): |
The cheerful childlike twins of Class 2/3-A, the Narutaki twins are known for their rambunctiousness, with an apparent hobby of catching people off-guard with their appearances fit for a nine-year-old. They're also good friends of Kaede, who has taught them some basic techniques of her craft.
- Babies Ever After: First to have children among the heroes and they both had twins.
- Bokukko: Fuka
- Cheerful Children: They look the part, at least. See below.
- Genki Girls
- Girlish Pigtails: Fuka
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: The more mischievous Fuuka has much narrower eyes than her more hesitant sister.
- Interspecies Romance: They both marry Hellas princes. twin princes, which probably makes this a Theme Pairing.
- Ninja: Apprenticed under Kaede. Still beginners, but can at least make illusionary clones.
- Odango: Fumika.
- Older Than They Look: They're fifteen, yet still manage to get grade-school student discounts at movie theaters.
- Rose Haired Girls: In the first half of the Negima! anime.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Fuka is a troublemaking prankster, while Fumika constantly worries about the trouble the former may bring.
- Single-Minded Twins: Subverted — they do act like this, but only when they agree.
- Theme Twin Naming: Fuuka and Fumika Narutaki.
- They Are All Grown Up: Just look. And they were the first to have kids, too! And marry into royalty!
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Fuka's the tomboy, Fumika the girly girl.
- Trickster Twins
Kakizaki Misa[]
Kakizaki Misa[]
Voiced by: Shizuka Itou (Japanese) and Gwendolyn Lau (English) |
Misa is more or less a stereotypical cheerleader. She and her fellow cheerleaders Sakurako and Madoka love to hang out, shop, wear stylish clothes, and talk about boys. She's also the vocalist/guitarist of their band "Dekopin Rocket". Misa is the only student said to have an actual long-term boyfriend, though it's implied to be not that serious (and said boyfriend seems to have vanished altogether post-Mundus Magicus). She's best remembered for proposing a "Reverse Hikaru Genji Project" for Negi, after seeing just how cool he was in the Mahora Budokai. Although she followed Negi to the gate to Mundus Magicus with Yuna and the others, she was not transported there.
- The Cheerleader: Played with — while she is one she's not as much of a snob as other examples of the trope.
- Date Peepers
- Hive Mind: With Sakurako and Madoka in Negima!?.
- Idol Singer
- Instant Cosplay Surprise: Sans the "surprise" element — she, Sakurako and Madoka did it to themselves to peep on Konoka and Negi without being noticed.
- My Breasts Are Down Here: Does this during the triple date with "Nagi", with an Impossibly Low Neckline, cross pedant and leaning over the table triple-combo.
- Ordinary High School Student: She and Madoka appear to be the only ones left... for now.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Wife Husbandry: Inverted — she's savvy enough to realize that in a few years, Negi will be a Bishonen, and as both parties get older the age gap wouldn't matter so much. Perhaps she's already gotten a taste of it, after discovering exactly who "Nagi" (i.e. the aged-up Negi) really is.
Shiina Sakurako[]
Shiina Sakurako[]
Voiced by: Akane Omae (Japanese) and Colleen Clinkenbeard (English) |
Sakurako's biggest claim to fame is her otherworldly luck. Otherwise, she's just another cheerleader, doing what cheerleaders usually do. She's also the guitarist and main vocalist of "Dekopin Rocket", a band consisting of her and her fellow cheerleaders Misa and Madoka.
- Alliterative Name
- Born Lucky: Never bet against Sakurako. You will lose. This ability came in handy when Yuna, Makie, and the rest of the group following Ala Alba got lost on a fog on the way to the gate to Mundus Magicus. The odds of a normal human making it though the fog were, according to Donet McGuinness, about equal to a standard lottery odds, but Sakurako led them through. Word of God even states that were she to get a Pactio, she could increase her partner's luck.
- The Cheerleader: Much nicer than the standard stereotype.
- Date Peepers
- Genki Girl: Almost as cheerful as the Narutaki twins.
- Girlish Pigtails: Has two sets of them.
- Hive Mind: With Misa and Madoka in Negima!?.
- Idol Singer: Not as much as Misa, but she also happens to be the main vocalist of Dekopin Rocket.
- Instant Cosplay Surprise: Sans the "surprise" element — she, Misa and Madoka did it to themselves to peep on Konoka and Negi without being noticed.
Kugimiya Madoka[]
Kugimiya Madoka[]
Voiced by: Mami Deguchi (Japanese), Lucy Small (English, Negima!) and Mary Morgan (English, Negima!?) |
The third cheerleader, Madoka appears to be one of the only two Ordinary High School Students left in Class 2/3-A besides Misa. She is also the drummer for "Dekopin Rocket". She appears to have a crush on an aged-up Kotaro, though is also a bit boyish, and is apparently an Avril Lavigne fan.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: To the aged-up Negi and Kotaro, when they accidentally walk in on Ako while she's changing and they accidentally see her scar. Played for Laughs when Kotaro casually blocks it at first, then she punches him.
- The Cheerleader: Again, much nicer than the archetypical portrayal.
- Date Peepers
- Expy: Appearance to short haired Motoko and act somewhat like her to Naru to Ako.
- First Love: Technically, first crush; but her attraction towards Kotaro's aged up form causes her to be attracted mainly to black-haired dog eared people.
- Hive Mind: With the other cheerleaders, in the Negima!? anime.
- Instant Cosplay Surprise: Sans the "surprise" element — she, Misa and Sakurako did it to themselves to peep on Konoka and Negi without being noticed.
- My Name Is Not Kugimin
- Ordinary High School Student: She and Misa appear to be the only ones left... for now.
- Rescue Romance: She started having a crush for the aged-up Kotaro after he saves her from some thugs. Unfortunately the age deceiving pills wear out and he de-ages right in front of her...
- Tomboy: Madoka has a lot features which makes her one (notably short hair and a husky voice), but an important part of her character is that she actually hates them. Making her play a male role is pretty much a Berserk Button for her (though more often than not she'd end up reluctantly accepting the role).
- ↑ Even Eva