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That's right, Mahou Sensei Negima is so overstuffed that it broke the folder system. Again. And it's still growing. So we decided to split the page. Again. This page is for the politicians, Ariadne girls and other residents of the Magic World. Time to pick up some dessert. We're almost done.

This page is full of spoilers, naturally. You have been warned.

Kurt Godel[]

Kurt Godel[]

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Governor-general of Ostia. He introduced himself to Negi by taunting him about his mother Arika, and starting a fight in the streets. He apparently knows a lot about Negi's parents, as well as info concerning what happened during the war, including some things that even Jack Rakan admits to not knowing. He is an expert at Shinmeiryu swordplay, being Eishun's apprentice, as well as being something of a genius.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Has been in love with Arika ever since he was a kid, according to Nodoka's artifact.
  • Badass: He really doesn't look it, but holy crap.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit
  • Becoming the Mask: He was unambiguously heroic 20 years ago. In the meantime, he infiltrated the corrupt senate, to find out more about and stop their villainy... but took on many more villainous characteristics, such as being a Smug Snake and exhibiting Fantastic Racism to an incredible degree.
  • Bishounen
  • Crack Pairing: In-Universe in a manner of speaking: The finale suggest that he eventually gets married to Satomi Hakase, of all people. They never even met in the manga, though a note written on the class roster in chapter 351 suggests that Negi was planning to contact Kurt about Satomi after scouting her for his plan. He seems to have inadvertently played matchmaker.
  • Evil Chancellor: Subverted. He certainly acts villainous at first, but he's actually just a dickish Well-Intentioned Extremist. His claims that he was responsible for the destruction of Negi's village are actually just a ruse to get Negi to view the Senate as an enemy and make him more pliable.
  • Fantastic Racism: Subverted. At first it appears that he only cares about the 67 million humans in Megalomesembria, but it actually turns out he was just being ruthlessly practical: He knew of no way to save anyone besides them.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul
  • Heel Face Turn: After being beaten by Negi and then being beaten up again by Takamichi, he appears to accept his loss and starts backing Negi and Ala Alba.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: He was clearly a good guy twenty years ago. Haruna identifies him as this trope immediately after seeing a flashback to that time.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Unless his implied future wife Satomi Hakase grew much during the time skip, she's much shorter than him.
  • Humiliation Conga: After he fails to turn Negi to his side, just about every member of Negi's team that's present either attacks Kurt, or does something to further ruin his plans.
  • I Shall Taunt You: How he greeted Negi, and more or less every other line he ever uttered. It always works.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: He manages to cut Negi, even though Negi is made of lightning. He's a Shinmeiryuu swordsman.
  • Jerkass: To be fair, his heart is in the right place. But does he have to be such a dick about it?
  • Ki Attacks
  • Mad Eye
  • Martyr Without a Cause: Possibly. According to Nodoka's artifact, he himself was not involved in the attack on Negi's village. However, Godel says that he has no intention of running from his sins and promises, once everything is over, to let Negi beat him to death if that's what it takes to satisfy Negi's desire for revenge.
  • May-December Romance See Crack Pairing above. Though they didn't meet then, Godel is likely to have been at least twice Hakase's age when she was in Junior High. After the time skip ending it's implied they got married.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: Played with.
  • Smug Snake: He appears as this, but it turns out that it's an act, and he can kick Negi's ass.
  • Teen Genius: Apparently one of these during his time with Ala Rubra... he was described as 'good at everything', and he taught himself Shinmeiryuu swordsmanship through mere observation before finally convincing Eishun to take him as an apprentice.
  • Thanatos Gambit: He implies that whatever his plans were, it will come to fruition when Negi kills him. Unfortunately for him, Negi Out-Gambitted him by selecting his Genre Savvy confidant (Chisame) and a mind reader (Nodoka), both of which don't like to fight, and another noncombatant (Kazumi) as the three partners Godel let him bring.
  • Understatement: 'If you're reading this, I suppose our little meeting didn't go very well' accompanied by a cheerful grin. This is after slicing up 'Asuna's' shoulder and inflicting wounds on Negi including a blow that removed his limbs, which was only temporary due to Negi being in lightning form.
  • We Can Rule Together: He apparently wants Negi to restore his beloved Arika's name and honor in the Magic World. Then again, it's Godel we're talking about.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist
  • Wild Card



Third Imperial Princess of the Hellas Empire[]

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Theodora was meeting with Arika in covert diplomacy during the war when the bad guys captured them both. So when Ala Rubra rescued Arika, they freed Theodora as well. Theodora was in command of the Hellas Imperial Fleet at the climax of the war. Oh, yeah, she was ten years old at the time. Her race doesn't age at the same rate as humans.



General Secretary of the Order of Magical Knights, Headmistress of Ariadne Girls Academy[]

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Seras had field command of the Ariadne Magical Knights (at least) during the climactic final battle of the war, 20 years ago.

Jean Luc Ricardo[]

Jean-Luc Ricardo[]

formerly Captain of the Svanhvit, Authorized Legislative Councilor of Megalomesembria[]

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The Svanhvit was the Megalomesembria flag ship in the climactic battle of the war.


Jonny Raidein[]

Blazing Rumbling Trucker[]

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A truck driver who gives Yuna and Makie a ride to Ostia from the oasis town they were stranded in by Cosmo Entelecheia. Since developing a fondness for the girls on the way there, he's decided to stick with Ala Alba and help them save the world.


 Jonny: Just...gotta protect the girls.


Aisha, Kristian, Lynn and Craig[]

Aisha, Kristian, Lynn, and Craig[]

Treasure hunters 6151

Four adventurers who take Nodoka under their wing upon her arrival to the Magical World.



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A leader and manager of the local fighting arena, and the one who owns Ako, Akira and Natsumi after they sell themselves into slavery in order to get medicine. A complete Jerkass... okay, maybe not complete.

Mama Bear[]

Mama Bear[]

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A huge, stern, good-hearted beast woman who is in charge of the aforementioned slave girls. Tought but kind, she budgers the girls into working real hard, but also protects them devotedly when her old friend Tohsaka bullies them.

Emily Sevensheep[]

Emily Sevensheep[]

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A beast girl who is among the top students of a magic school in Ariadne. Quite arrogant at first; when Yue Ayase arrives she treats her rather badly, but they become friends after they have to work together to defeat a griffin dragon...

= Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu =[]

Colette Farandole[]

Colette Farandole[]

Ariadne Battle Maiden Knight Squad Cadet[]

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Another student from the Magic Academy, she's the first one that Yue interacts with.

= Voiced by: Satomi Satou =[]

Beatrix Monroe[]

Beatrix Monroe[]

Ariadne Battle Maiden Knight Squad Cadet[]

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Emily's bodyguard and childhood friend. Their relationship is similar to Konoka and Setsuna if you don't add the Yuri overtones. Might also come from the Old World, if the fact that she was the only one aside from Yue whose magic worked on the demons of Cosmo Entelecheia.

= Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa =[]

Luna's elder sister[]

Luna's elder sister[]

Exactly What It Says on the Tin, the elder sister of Luna aka Shiori. A young woman living with her sister in a small village of mind-readers in a mountainous region of the Magical World. Her erasing by Secundum sparks the beginning of many of Fate's Pet the Dog moments.

Unnamed Catgirl[]

Unnamed Catgirl[]

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A one panel character working as a waitress in Ostia that managed to portray so many tropes in one panel that she needed her own character entry. Totally not included as a joke, honest.

Canis Niger[]

A mercenary association of which we get to see in action the seventeenth unit of the bounty-hunting division. This unit seems to consist of four people: Alexander "Twilight" Zaytsev- the captain of the unit nice nickname Chiko Tan, Razo, Paio II and Morborgran.