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That's right, Mahou Sensei Negima is so overstuffed that it broke the folder system, and it's just going to get worse from here. So we decided to split the page. This page is for the staff of Mahora, its associated characters and other miscellaneous characters. You're on the home stretch. Better grab a toothpick.

This page is full of spoilers, naturally. You have been warned.

Takahata Takamichi[]

Takahata Takamichi[]

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Class 2A's original homeroom teacher, Asuna was quite upset when she learned that Negi was taking over that job. Takamichi is an old friend of Negi's, as evidenced when Negi greeted him in casual mode, when Negi first arrived at Mahora University.

= Voiced by: Norihiro Inoue (Japanese), Mark Stoddard (English) =[]

(see also the entry in the Ala Rubra list)

Konoe Konoemon[]

Konoe Konoemon[]

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University Headmaster, head of the Kanto Magical Association, and Konoka's grandfather.

= Voiced by: Mahito Tsujimura (Japanese), Randy Tallman (Negima!), R/Bruce Elliott (Onwards) (English) =[]

  • Alliterative Name
  • Amusing Injuries: Like when Konoka smacks him with a mallet for trying to persuade Negi to go out with her.
  • Badass Grandpa: Chapter 332 Kicked the asses of Quartum and Quintum without breaking a sweat.
  • Brick Joke: Early on there are a few jokes about how he wants to set up Konoka with Negi. This makes more sense when you realize A. She's got enormous magical potential, B. Negi is the son of the strongest mage alive (barring maybe Evangeline) C. Said mage is a world famous hero D. Negi is royalty and E. Negi has absolutely ridiculous potential. He was being serious and it actually makes perfect sense.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Heavily implied to be one of the more powerful characters in the series, but he has only been shown performing magic twice. First, at Library Island, he harassed Negi and the Baka Rangers by operating two golems. Second, during the Martian robot invasion, he levitated a few hundred feet above the ground during the Martian robot invasion (which, admittedly, is impressive, even with the extra ambient magic at the time).
    • Confirmed as of chapter 331 and 332, he can easily battle two of the Averruncus series
  • Deal with the Devil: A humorous variant, in that he managed to persuade Eva to aid Negi and Co. at Kyoto at the terrible price of letting her enjoy a few days of vacation while he stamps a permission for her absence... every 5 seconds. Hey, anything for the granddaughter.

 I think I'm going to die!


Takane D. Goodman[]

Takane D. Goodman[]

Impregnable Shadow Master[]

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A zealous, by-the-book Mahora High school student who's also a secret dark mage. Also noted for her inability to keep her clothes on, or at least intact.

  • Big Damn Heroes: What she, Mei, Cocone and Misora pulled in the party.
  • Casting a Shadow
  • Clothing Damage: And holy shit how. In a series where everyone gets this, she's so infamous that others call her "streaker". When asked "Is Takane easily stripped because she's not good at defense?", Akamatsu replied: "Takane's defensive capabilities is top-class amongst the magic students. She just meets a poor match every time."
    • Except for her Big Damn Heroes moment, where she gets to keep her dress. And still hasn't lost it.
    • Later, she challenges Negi and loses. She then gets pissed that her clothes were still intact.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She's one of the good guys, if a bit too serious in her purposes.
  • Genre Blind: "We're getting close to the final confrontation, so everyone needs to be clad only in my magic shadow armor that inevitably gets dispelled. What?"
  • Green Lantern Ring: She uses her shadows to create golems. And clothes.
  • Hair of Gold
  • In-Series Nickname: Streaker/Stripper.
  • Large Ham:


  • Naked People Are Funny: And. Holy. Shit. HOW!
  • Plucky Girl: She was a sort-of comedic Inspector Javert in the Tournament arc, but now that she's joined Ala Alba's cause she's been quite awesome. First she pulled her Big Damn Heroes, then she did what she could to keep Chachamaru alive - which included pulling a flame spear from her body, and it worked, since Chachamaru soon was in the hands of Hakase, who saved her.
  • Onee-Sama: From Mei. Lesbian undertones apparently subverted with Mei's crush on Kotarou.
  • Secret Keeper: About Yuna's parents's background.
  • Sempai-Kohai: With the girls of Class 2/3-A.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Uses a nice Grade A during her Big Damn Heroes moment.

Sakura Mei[]

Sakura Mei[]

"I Love Cleaning" or "Cleaning Enthusiast" (for her Pactio)[]

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Studies in Mahora Middle School as an exchange student from an American Magic School. Takane's usual partner-in-crime as they are often seen together (also her pactio partner).

= Voiced by: Tomoko Nakamura =[]

Natsume Megumi[]

Natsume Megumi[]


Takane's second ministra

Cocone Fatima Rosa[]

Cocone Fatima Rosa[]

Empire Immigration Program Test Subject No. 18[]

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A mysterious young girl connected with the Church, very little is known about Cocone. She speaks rarely, and almost never to anyone but Misora, her Ministra. Because she is capable of performing a Pactio as a Magistrix, she possesses some level of magic power, but her strength and skill level are a mystery.

  • Ambiguously Brown: Perhaps not so ambiguous anymore; recent events suggest that she's a refugee, or at least an expatriate, of the Hellas Empire.
  • Cross-Popping Veins: She gets annoyed at Misora a lot.
  • Cute Mute
  • Emotionless Girl: The extent of the emotions she shows are just mild annoyance to Misora.
  • Morality Pet: Not so much Morality as Responsibility; without Cocone around, Misora would run away from a lot more than she already does.
  • Taking the Bullet: Did this for Misora in the School Festival arc, but it only resulted in her getting sent three hours into the future. It was a particularly jarring instance since she was one of the first we saw this happening to, and Misora felt very real despair, thinking she was dead.

Minamoto Shizuna[]

Minamoto Shizuna[]

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The head nurse and guidance counselor at Mahora.

= Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Colleen Clinkenbeard (English) =[]

Nekane Springfield[]

Nekane Springfield[]

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Negi's cousin from his father's side, she was a teenager when their hometown got destroyed. As such and as Negi's relative, she became his caretaker until he went to Japan and she stayed in Wales. Nekane was last seen talking to Ayaka when she visited Negi's Magic Academy.

= Voiced by: Masami Suzuki (Negima!), Miyuki Sawashiro (Onwards) (Japanese), Gwendolyn Lau (English) =[]

Amagasaki Chigusa[]

Amagasaki Chigusa[]

The main villain of the Kyoto arc, Chigusa is a young glasses wearing woman that is supposed to work for Eishun and their magic branch, but has issues with Western mages and magic. A fairly Harmless Villain on her own; even Negi was clearly superior to her at this point. Amusingly enough, all three of her 'minions' are far more important and powerful than she. Her plan to unseal the local sealed demon god failed spectacularly when Evangeline showed up.

= Voiced by: Nanaho Katsuragi (Japanese), Christine Auten (English) =[]

Kaoru Gōtokuji[]

Kaoru Gōtokuji[]

Kaoru Gōtokuji is a minor reoccurring character that made his first appearance during the preliminary round of the festival fighting tournament. From there he has made appearances as a commentator during the tournament proper. He participated in the Mahora War with several other tournament participants getting seventh place out of the entire school. He has recently made a very minor appearance along with the other three fighters from the festival.

  • Big Damn Heroes: When normal people got themselves invaded by demons leaking out from the Magic World, he just smacks one like it was nothing.
  • Chew Bubblegum: Although Kaoru never says the line himself, he is shown to be carrying bubblegum on him at the time of the fighting tournament. It seems that by having bubblegum he was unable to bring the ass-kicking since he was knocked out of the preliminaries by Negi.
  • Combat Commentator: Gōtokuji acts as a commentator alongside Chachamaru during the fighting tournament. He provides insightful information on the different competitors more obscure techniques, such as Mana’s Rakansen.
  • Delinquent: Averted in that he looks like a delinquent, including pompadour, but his personality is nothing like a delinquents being very friendly.
  • Ki Attacks: Gōtokuji has some skill in ki attacks, being shown to be able to use the long hit technique in his fight against Negi.
  • Loin Cloth: After getting inflicted with Clothing Damage.



Chachazero is Evangeline's other servant. Unlike Chachamaru, Chachazero is basically as crazy and vicious as Tsukuyomi... only she's about a foot tall and completely immobile without someone to supply her with mana, so she basically just gets to say funny things.

Kuzunoha Touko[]


One of the magic teachers at Mahora, she's best known for being Setsuna's teacher of the Shinmeiryu arts. She is apparently quite skilled, capable of easily cutting a bullet in half. Not that it helped, but it's the thought that counts.

  • Blank White Eyes: Upon seeing Shakti and Seruhiko not killed, but instead stripped by invading demons.
  • Christmas Cake: Technically, she does have a boyfriend, but she seems to be kind of antsy about approaching 30 without being married. In the bad future, separation from him sent her into an unreasoning rage, forcing a confrontation with Kaede and Setsuna.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword: Again, Setsuna's teacher.
  • Hot Teacher: The students certainly appreciate it.
  • Stern Teacher: The students were surprised that she would participate in something as 'silly' as the Mahorafest finale.
  • The Stoic: Normally.

Mage Teachers[]

Seruhiko, Akashi, Gandolfini, Mitsuru Nijūin, Kataragi, Sister Shakti[]

Characters in the future timeline[]

Kagehisa Sasaki[]

Maki Sasaki's younger brother, who appears seven years after the main story timeline, studying in high school.


A close friend of Kagehisa. A Class Rep of one of the classes in St. Ursula Girls' Highschool.

Alright we're done here. Go brush your teeth.