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Mahou yume

With all my heart!

Yume Kikuchi is a 15-year old girl who travels from her hometown in the north of Japan to Tokyo for an internship in the use of magic. Even though she has possessed magical abilities since birth, she is prohibited from using them until the obtains a license from the Bureau of Magic. For that purpose she becomes an apprentice, supervised and trained by Masami Oyamada, a young mage who lives in a house above the salsa cafe he runs.

Mahou tsukai Ni Taisetsu Na Koto (literally: "Things That Are Precious To a Mage"), also known as Someday's Dreamers, started out as a Manga series by Norie Yamada and Kumichi Yoshizuki. It takes place in a world where magic is a very common phenomenon, and where becoming mage is an official occupation. To obtain her license, Yume must perform requests by clients, which can range from trying to get into the news to recovering memories from decades ago. Most of the series deals with the serious decisions Yume faces regarding the use of her magic abilities and how it affects the relationship with her clients and the people surrounding her.

The series was animated in 2003 by J.C. Staff, with a somewhat altered plot and added characters. There is also a sequel called Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto ~Natsu no Sora~, with a storyline and set of characters so totally different that it warrants having its own page. The show very much has a Slice of Life feel, with the emphasis more on the main characters' emotional development than the magical feats themselves--even though some of those are still pretty impressive.


  1. I actually rented the series because the music in the preview (from the trailers on Ai Yori Aoshi's DVD) was so nice.