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  • Adaptation Displacement: The anime is vastly more remembered than the manga, which is a shame as the manga is the better work. There were also two live action films with a rather surprisingly famous cast.
  • Seinfeld Is Unfunny: While it has no doubt been eclipsed by other, more modern series, this is one of the Ur Examples of Ecchi anime. In fact, Your Mileage May Vary as to whether or not it even counts as ecchi. Despite its nudity, it was rarely sexual in nature. It's essentially a typical children's cartoon that somehow revolves around a woman having her breats exposed, as odd as that may sound.
  • Values Dissonance: Kids' show! In reality it is somewhat tame, although the Parental Bonus is blatant. 1980s Japan simply didn't care about nipples as much. (See also: Dragon Ball, Doraemon, Esper Mami...)
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: It's a children's cartoon about a bunch of little boys trying to see their teacher naked. How?