Tox in his early years in Mall Fight doing a Shoop-Da-Whoop so powerful that it destroyed a Zerg Rush, Saber's Landsub, went straight into space and blew up the planet Molxa.
Connor shooting Female Sam G's crotch, rocketing her miles away.
Tox and Waffles doing a bro-fist so epic that it blew up the planet Molxa again.
And again thanks to Eric and Waffles.
Waffles downing a Dalek Armada ship with one finger blast.
Martin taking out DAAAAARRRRRRRRK ERIC via Chuck Norris. Invasion Canada indeed.
The whole arc could be one for DAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRK ERIC, as he finally took over the Mall, and is implied to have kept it for a long time while the Fighters were stuck in Oblivion due to a Year Inside, Hour Outside situation.
Nega Knife's epic final battle with Sister in Knife's Mall Fight, as well as Tox's final battle with Nega Tox in Mall Fight 3. Really, these guys know how to write villain send offs.
Eric and Sister assaulting DAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRK ERIC's Mall (AKA Terok Nor) on the most badass motorcycle ever(it has a Gatling gun on it and has an incredibly cool paint job). Eric goes off on his own while Sister jumps off and attacks Mooks with a sword, and then a chainsaw.
Hell, Sister saving all the Mall Fighters from Sheogorath in a Big Damn Heroes moment...while leading the Legions of Hell on the aforementioned motorcycle.
Eric fighting Nega Tox to a stand still, then destroying his One-Winged Angel form in the Mega Dino Dragon Zord.
Diablo ambushing Psycho Eric.
Tox and Nega Tox fighting eachother in a vortex for 2 weeks.
However, the fight ended up in the stalest stalemate in history.
Futox making a herd of salamanders fly and even go into "Stealth" mode.
Xot shooting Toxter in the head, causing him to fall into a massive pit of fire.
Nega Knife blocking a Rocket Punch with his dick.
Nega Tox's insane planning that makes Light Yagami look like a rookie.
Waffles and Tox fighting on steroids and hallucinogenics, respectively.
Daeron and Eric barely escaping the furniture store before it is blow up by Missing Number.
The fight against the Hunter Killers, and Daeron's escape from the Purger.
Everyone vs. Tom. Hell yes.
Daeron and Waffles "accidentally" obliterating all of Eric's porn.
The battle at the Tower of Babel, which including: getting drunk, fighting for a lifetime supply of porn, and countless explosions.
The Fighters, dead Fighters, every single good NPC, Cobra, the Nega Army, and Nega Tox's own Psycho Rangers (including a newly reprogrammed Psycho Eric piloting the Mega Dino Dragon Zord) versus Toxter (wearing the Infinity Gauntlet), the Dark Forceuser, every single dead villain, and all of the dead villains' minions...versus Sister.
Highlights that should be given special mention are Dinobot fighting Missingno, Nega Tox's crazy ass planning (as usual) and the Nega Fleet obliterating the Romulans and Genki.