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The Sixth Wall / The Six Remnants Army[]

The Sixth Wall is a corporation in the future of 3092 which goal is to protect the universe from universal terrorism and cracks in the Fifth Wall, which keeps a universe from collapsing unto itself. It also has a monopoly on the technological market in the future.

Then, there is its rival corporation, the Six Remnants Army (Or Six Remnant Armies), an army of magicusers divided in six groups: One that can cast offensive spells, one that can cast defensive spells, one that can retrieve information from people, one that can manipulate matter (Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, etc), one that can enchant objects and people and one that can summon entities.

Tropes associated with the Sixth Wall / Six Remnants Army:[]

White Knight Association[]

Tropes associated with the White Knight Association:[]

The Mall Fight Alliance[]

The Mall Fight Alliance is an association made between Tox, Waffles, Ren, Ran, Knife and Connor (and all of their counterparts) presumably in the future after Mall Fight 2 to prevent the next Mall Fights from having a plot. They failed at that goal.

Tropes associated with the Mall Fight Alliance:[]

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