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- A true scientist and engineer of any kind always looks for the more complicated ways to solve a problem!
- Xotnitram
Xot is a counterpart of Tox originating from the Llam, the opposite of the Mall. He's an outrageously smart guy and is the Mission Control for the team. He was found by Tox during the Llam Arc.
Tropes associated with Xot:[]
- That sounds like something I'd hear in a flashback.
- Futox
Futox is Tox from an undefined future and actually the real Xot, while the other Xot is his Nega. He was first found by Tox inside the plot in the Llam Arc.
Tropes associated with Futox:[]
- Would a higher power forget?
- Xenophobic Omega Transmitter For Unfathomable ass-kicking
The first X.O.T.F.U was first heard talking to Martin when he went back in time to Canada. He's an Artificial Intelligence that thinks he's a higher power, and also the main Mission Control for the Mall Fighters in the future.
Tropes associated with X.O.T.F.U:[]
- Killed Off for Real: In the confusing finale of Mall Fight 3's T.U.R.O.K arc.
FD Tox[]
- Don't act like you're surprised.
- Tox' Final Descendant
FD Tox (short for Final Descendant of Tox) is Tox' final descendant from an unknown future. He's most likely the smartest guy in the entire Mall Fight continuity, but that's not saying a lot. He also looks exactly like the original Tox, but that's for a good reason because Tox used ectobiology to create a son. He was first seen in Mall Fight 3 in the Arnold Layne Arc, in his spiritual form.
Tropes associated with FD Tox:[]
- This better get on TV Tropes!
- Martin
Martin is a higher power and Tox from a sort-of distant future. He's mostly regarded as a complete badass, and that's for a good reason. He is (was) Level 1,000,000, but in his first appearance, he was restrained by a gauntlet that made him Level 1,000. He was first seen in Mall Fight 2, soon after half of the Mall was teleported in Canada.
Tropes associated with Martin:[]
Enternal Guardian of the Tox Lineage (Glorified Babysitter)
- Wacon
A temporal clone from one of the numerous timelines and tries to stop past/future events occurring(again). Much more stoic than his past counterpart, but can be very hammy whenever he must stop past/future events from happening.
Tropes associated with Wacon:[]
Alt-Fu Waffles[]
- Cyborg Overlord
- Alt-Fu Waffles
Alt-Fu Waffles is an alternate version of Waffles, introduced back in Mall Fight 2 by Waffles, when Tox accidentally ended up in an alternate Mall. He is a scientific genius just like everyone in his universe as proven by him building a Waffleborg.
Tropes associated with Alt-Fu Waffles:[]
Backroom/Blackjack Six[]
Nega Connor[]
Alexander The Ultimate/Great[]
Female Sam G[]
- Irony at its Finest
- Female Sam G
Female Sam G is just that, a female version of Sam G, found by Tox in the sub-basements. There hasn't been a lot of explanation on how she got there or why she exists, but is a personification of irony at its pure form, since Tox originally thought at the time that FSG was introduced that the real Sam G was a girl, but it turned out he wasn't.
Tropes associated with Female Sam G:[]
- Grandson of Blob
- Jim
Jim is one of the main characters from the Arnold Layne arc. He has however been introduced much before that in Mall Fight 2, where he was found by Tox in the Mallam. He's Richard's son and Arnold Layne's grandson.
Tropes associated with Jim:[]
Code Monkey[]
- Some Dude Found in the Sewers
- Code Monkey
Code Monkey is allegedly Mall Fight 1's last fighter. He's known for knowing all the secrets of the Old Mall and being fucking hardcore. He was first seen as a corpse in the sewers by Tox, who then later got haunted by Code's ghost for a while.
Tropes associated with Code Monkey:[]
- Reluctent Loli
- Madilyne Draven
A Ninja Brat who Eric kept around due to his attraction to her, Madilyne(AKA "Maddie") acted as his secretary during Mall Fight 3. After aging into a teenager, she's grudgingly back to her original age.
Tropes associated with Madilyne:[]
- The Bus Came Back: Came back in Mall Fight 6.
- Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome: Twice. Once when Negaa Knife died, and again when she came back in Mall Fight Six.
- Inverted near the end of Six, when she was regressed back to nine.
- Race Lift: She was asian in 3, when she came back in 6 she is white.
- Flat Character: At first. After her absence, she is far more mature and well rounded.
- Not From Naruto
- Sakura Draven
Sakura is Eric's loli, first appearing in Mall Fight 4.
Tropes associated with Sakura:[]
- Ninja Brat: Emphasis on brat. She doesn't make use of her combat abilities near as much as Maddie, but they are there.
- Expy: Of Madilyne. To the point that Maddie actually changed into Sakura in the first Mall Fight on the MF forum.
- Unrelated to Mega Man X
- X
Eric from an alternate timeline who helped fight Psycho Eric. He briefly went crazy until Alt Fu calmed him down. He and Alt Fu hang around the Mall together now as a Rosencrantz and Guildenstern-esque duo.
Tropes associated with X:[]
- Angst? What Angst?: Doesn't seem to mind being horrifically scarred.
- Big Damn Heroes: With Xot and Futox, he saved the Fighters during House of M(all).
- Future Badass: By less then an hour.
- Go Mad From the Revelation: When Xot and Futox tell him he isn't their friend.
- Heroic BSOD
- Weapon of Choice: The Masamune, an Empathetic Weapon.
- Frankenstein Girlfriend
- Diamond Bacon
Waffles' imaginary girlfriend obsessed with Waffles so much to a point that she made him kill his parents. Through scientific means, she was given a physical body, much to Waffles' extreme annoyance. At the end of one of the arcs, Waffles dismissed her, seemingly killing her, just to have her come back, asking her to marry him. Once Waffles finally told her how he really felt about her, she hated in him, cursing his name any time she can, while in truth, she really loves him, no matter what.
Tropes associated with Diamond:[]
- Ax Crazy: With a literal axe, or hatchet.
- Jerkass: Increasingly so, it started from hating Waffles and spread to everyone else.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She did try help Diablo join the side of good.
- The Ladette: Comparatively, a lot more manly then the rest of the Mall Fighters.
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: Inverted, when Waffles broke up with her, she became sane...Well more sane than what she was.
- Sticky Fingers: She has stolen several bottles of Vodka from Diablo.
- Yandere: Very much so in the beginning, not so much currently.
- Not his queen
- Stephanie Draven
- Not his queen
Stephanie is a former classmate of Eric's whom he brought into the Mall against her will. She donated her genetic material to Waffles so he could create Kasey.
Tropes associated with Stephanie:[]
- Abduction Is Love: Subverted.
- Only Sane Man: She was a normal girl brought to the Mall. Because of this, she tends to be freaked out by pretty much everything.
- Not So Above It All: Stephanie has her own moments of insanity, though.
- Tsundere: With Eric. She used to just hate him, but she's grown to like him. "I didn't make these for YOU" routine included.
- Yandere: She's willing to kill if it means she can be with Diamond.
- Valley Girl: Not as much as Sizarro, but it's there.
- Like, ya know?
- Bizarro Sister
Another form of Sister who acts like a Valley Girl.
Tropes associated with Sizarro:[]
- Valley Girl: Up to Eleven
- Verbal Tic: She like, has like, the annoying tendency to like, insert "like" like, everywhere she like, can, and like, ending like, sentences with like, "ya know", like, ya know?
- Dear me, are you fellas a'right?
- Liam
- Dear me, are you fellas a'right?
Liam is the Llam version of the mysterious white-haired girl that keeps attacking the Mall Fighters. He met Waffles and Stephanie when the two went into the Llam in a rescue mission to recover FPV. Aside from the fact that he is looking for his Sister, not much is known about him.
Tropes associated with Liam:[]
- Combat Tentacles
- Seven Heavenly Virtues: Patience
- No, I don't have a problem with the fact that you are a pope from the 12th century.
- Clas
- No, I don't have a problem with the fact that you are a pope from the 12th century.
Clas (Presumed Full Name: Classified) is a woman introduced on page 86 of Mall Fight 6, sent from the future of 3092 to warn the Mall Fighters of the then incoming war between Toxter and Xot, undercover as a prostitute.
Tropes associated with Clas:[]
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold
- Fate Worse Than Death: She was raped and killed during her "services" as a relief woman in the Sixth Wall's Elite Undercover Squad and turned immortal because of that.
Raven Razor[]
- This sword here at my side don't act the way it should
- Raven Razor
- This sword here at my side don't act the way it should
Black Blade! The Raven Razor, also known as the Black Blade, is a Chinese jian that happens to talk. Oh, and eat souls. And whole bodies.
Tropes associated with Raven Razor:[]
- Cool Sword
- Evil Weapon
- Nominal Hero: It enjoys killing, but happens to be aimed at evil by way of it's wielder, Eric.
- Talking Weapon
- An Absolute F**
- Demonjazz
- An Absolute F**
Demonjazz is not the most liked Mall Fighter. He had a Sonic avatar, had horrible grammar and was all around an idiot. He mostly just annoyed the hell out of the Mall Fighters during the Mall Fight 2 finale and then posted a few times on Mall Fight 3 before dissapearing.
Tropes associated with Demonjazz:[]
- The Chew Toy
- Zero-Percent Approval Rating: In this case, Negative approval rating.