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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • During Mall Fight 6, it was implied that the Writers are on the same side as the Godheads in stopping the Fighters. This implies multiple things:
    • Eric claiming himself to be a hero would seem laughable in a Crapsack Omniverse, until you realize that it could be that the Writers created the other Mall Fighters to prevent Eric (who is the true hero of the story) from protecting the Mall.
      • Reinforced by Eric saying that he is his own Writer and Fighter.
    • It works both ways around, since Eric could have been created by the Godheads without the Writers' knowledge to separate the Mall Fighters due to Eric being a pedophile and a self-proclaimed hero although he owned a casino and slaves in the now deleted Mall Fight 5.
  • A minor example: Waffles' Running Gag of hating every cup of coffee he has makes sense for two reasons.
    • One, he never puts any sort of sweetener in coffee, so its very bitter.
    • Two, drinking bitter coffee is an acquired taste, and he still young.
  • The severe Chuck Cunningham Syndrome makes sense when you remember the Mall is completely infinite. Anyone can get lost for days upon end.

Fridge Horror[]

  • It's noticable that most of Tox' counterparts act the same way (which is being an asshole). However, the implication of them being in the Hypercube System for (probably) centuries could have made an incredibly disturbing impact on their mind, due to there being only very few Tox counterparts who ever leave the System.