Angst? What Angst?: Waffles. Given his common disposition, you wouldn't even know Diamond, his mental creation, made him kill his parents.
Crazy Awesome: Mr. FPV constructed a gun that fires ice cubes at people. Yep, he sure did.
Creator Backlash: Eric had the great idea to do a reboot, and created House of (M)all with Tox. Just a few pages in he started to regret it, and some time later he finally just asked Tox to delete it.
Character Alignment: Some characters' alignments shift from time to time, but they are mostly the following:
When Connor started fighting Tox after he ruined his date with Eric, resulting in a bro hug and a few cried rivers.
Squick: Waffles' feelings over Eric's lolis, which led to them being Put on a Bus. He eventually softened up to Madilyne though.
The Scrappy: Any newcomer who doesn't work out tends to get this
Designated Hero: It varies from Fighter to Fighter and from arc to arc. Eric held slave girls for a short while, but soon nearly got killed freeing them. In Mall Fight 4, Tox killed aliens when they were justified in attacking(which Eric acknowledged), but they were retconned to have survived. The Fighters can be heroes at times and Villain Protagonists at others. Diablo especially in Mall Fight 4, before his Face Heel Turn and subsequent Heel Face Turn in House of M[all].
Knife and Waffles are both more or less good, you don't want to catch Tox or Connor on a bad day, Eric tries to be a hero but does whatever he wants, and Diablo is just crazy.