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  • Awesome, Dear Boy: Pierce Brosnan summed up his reason for doing the film as this: "Meryl Streep is starring."
  • Casting Gag: An unintentional one: Pierce Brosnan also played James Bond in GoldenEye, during which he remarked that Minnie Driver's character was singing very badly ('who's strangling the cat?'). The most diplomatic thing that can be said about him choosing to take a major singing part in this musical film is that Minnie Driver had to intentionally sing badly.
  • Dawson Casting: Donna is supposed to be in her early forties, but Streep was nearly sixty when she did the role. In fact, nearly all of the middle-aged adults are played by actors close to retirement age. The only one who one could argue that averts this trope by actually being of the right age is Colin Firth, who was 48 at the time of filming.
  • Non-Singing Voice: Averted. No voice doubles were cast. Whether this was a good idea (in particular concerning Pierce Brosnan) is something people have argued about.
  • Playing Against Type: Streep. Yes, the same Streep who starred in Sophie's Choice. Then again, one could argue that she doesn't really have a type at this point.
  • Star-Making Role:
    • Between this and Mean Girls, Amanda Seyfried almost immediately became one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses, as she made an excellent showing in two very different movies, playing two very different roles.
    • This was also one of the first notable roles given to Dominic Cooper.
  • Throw It In: Donna's famous straddle split jump during "Dancing Queen" came about because Meryl Streep decided she wanted to see if she could do it, and it was caught on tape. When she was asked to try it again, she said there was no way she'd ever be able to replicate it.