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Beware of unmarked spoilers!

Characters from Manaworld include:

Main Characters[]

Syx covered up


A Shadow Elf who used to be an evil queen millennia in the past. After being defeated in a magic duel, she spent thousands of years tortured in the demon planes, until she was accidentally summoned back into the material plane by Rickard. Thankfully, the time spend suffering in the demon planes has changed Syx and made her a positive, humble, kind and caring person. Sadly for her, Rickard has seen fit to clap her into special shackles she cannot take off and that force her to satisfy every sexual demand that is asked of her.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affectionate Nickname: In their most intimate moment, Veronika calls her "Me Shadow".
  • Badass Bookworm: One of Syx's greatest assets is her vast knowledge of history and magic, born both from millennia of experience and a constant thirst for knowledge.
  • Bag of Holding: In Thief of Hearts she reveals that her cleavage actually doubles as "tits of holding".
  • Bi The Way: Is equally attracted both to male characters like Billy Boy and Captain Sporto and to female characters like Veronika Red and Roxy.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She is a Shadow Elf and she used to be evil. The latter part has changed however.
  • Ethical Slut: Syx is very open to sex; she generally likes it and she enjoys it when people can make her climax. Due to her predicament, she is also very aware of consent. Characters that treat her well and try not to take advantage of the sex curse on her easily find their way into her heart.
  • Hoist By Her Own Petard: Manages to make Roxy incredibly horny by feeding her Nekoweed. But once a horny Roxy says "fuck me", Syx's magic manacles kick in and make her fulfill that request. Syx ends up enjoying it, though.
  • Lady of Black Magic: After getting her hands on a Clash deck she become this, using the magical cards, and her vast experience of the arcane art, to perform useful and powerful spellcasting.
  • Meaningful Rename: In a twisted take on this trope, her current name has been given to her by one owner who delighted in seeing her being defiled by six demons at the same time: hence the name of Syx, as a reminder of her status as a slave.
  • Most Common Superpower: Is regularly portrayed as having one of the largest racks in the comic. This is saying something.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Syx is not her real name, but a cruel nickname given by one of her former masters (see Meaningful Rename).
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: She may not look it, but she's been around for millennia. Most of that time has been spent being torture in the demonic planes, though.
  • Sorcerous Overlord: No longer in the story time frame, but in the far past she used to be a powerful magic user and an equally cruel queen.
  • That Woman Is Dead: How she consider her past identity as the Dark Queen.


An old wizard who accidentally summons Syx back into the real world and then proceeds to turn her into his personal property/sex slave.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Achievements in Ignorance: He was trying to summon and bound a sex demon. He instead got himself Syx, an elf trapped in the demon realm, to his delight and to her mixed feelings.
  • Bad Boss: He made Syx not only his sex slave, but also a collateral in deals he's making, and has her do all the chores in his wizard's tower, and in general has her constantly do all the work and heavy lifting while he lounge around, all the while constantly haranguing Syx.
  • Back From the Dead: Even though Syx finally manages to blow him up, the last panel of Revelations show him having "survived" as a skeleton.
  • Commuting on a Bus: He seemingly dies at the end of chapter 6, only to show up in the epilogue of chapter 14 as a Lich, swearing revenge on Syx. Has not been see since, except for appearances in prequel side comics and a small blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo in Interlude - Reflections.
  • Dirty Old Man: He is a pretty disgusting old creep, shows no respect for Syx at all and is constantly taking any chance to harass her, even though he is clearly aware that this is only made possible by the cursed shackles she wears.
  • Inept Mage: By all accounts, Rickard is a middling mage who got very lucky (both in messing up his summoning in the best way possible, and in getting his hands on the powerful Whore Manacles). Even tough he likes to boast about being a powerful wizard, he's really just a old rich merchant who dabbles in the arcane.
  • Our Liches Are Different: He ends up as mediocre mage clinging to "life" as a skeletal figure.
Veronika Red

Veronika Red[]

Pirate Queen of the Crimson Seas. A fiercely independent woman who runs a feared pirate crew on her elven submersible, the Queen's Desire. Despite this, she and Syx actually fall madly in love with each other during their adventures on the high seas.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Action Girl: Easily defeats Major Kyra Kaines, who claims to have been trained by the Empire's best swordsmen, runs an all-male pirate crew as a woman and really gets into the fighting in "In the Red".
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Furiously masturbates while reading a letter that describes in detail the terrible circumstances of Major Kyra's life after Red has sold her to N'Gundo.
  • Anti-Hero: On the side of the good guys, but she is still a pirate queen who plunders ships and is absolutely willing to sell people into sexual slavery on N'Gundo.
  • Anything That Moves: Even for Manaworld, her libido is extreme. Has had sex with men, women and even robots and seemed to enjoy it all equally. She even takes her ship to certain native islands in order to trick the natives there into having sex with her.
  • Beserk Button: Do anything to hurt Syx or publicly humiliate her and you'll rue the day you were born. Just ask Major Kyra.
  • Cool Ship: Her ship, the Queen's Desire, was built by Elven geomancers and it can heal damage on its own if given enough time. It's also a submersible, capable of diving in the oceanic depths.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Wears one over her right eye.
  • Fiery Redhead: Has extremely crimson hair.
  • Nemesis: She is this to Major Kyra Kaines.
  • Stripperiffic: Nearly every female character in Manaworld is, but Red's outfit probably takes the cake.
Felix Slayton

Felix Slayton[]

An adventurer whom Syx first encounters when she meets Captain Red. A powerful, if irritating, warrior on a quest.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Anything That Moves: As long as it's an attractive woman, Felix is all in. Doesn't have to be human.
  • Blade of Fearsome Size: His weapon of choice.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The jerkiness is very real and very thick, but deep, deep down Felix has the heart of an hero, if more of the barbarian type than the classic knight in shining armor.
  • Noble Bigot: His interaction with Kandi and Billy reveal an antipathy for demons and satchmos respectively: while the former is understandable (demons are generally Always Chaotic Evil, with Kandi being a notable exception), the latter less so, as Syx notes.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: One of the strongest fighter around, even thought both his enemies and allies tend to tower over him.
  • Really Gets Around: Always eager, and often successfully so.
  • Sex God: Noted by all his partners as a surprisingly virile and tireless lover.
  • The Paladin: He is the chosen avatar of Lythrandra, Goddess of Righteous Vengeance, and on some sort of quest to reclaim statues and artifacts of said Goddess.
  • The Napoleon: One sure way to get him riled up is making jokes about his small stature.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: He cares about and even likes Syx, but you would not notice it from the way he constantly mocks her and calls her out for being a 'slut'.
Roxy (Manaworld)


A catgirl working for the thieves guild. Her attempt to steal from Syx doesn't go according to plan, but she strike a friendship with the dark elf and join in her adventures.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • A-Cup Angst: In Belling the Cat(Girl) it is revealed that she is very selfconscious about having comparably small breasts (for the setting) and that she actually would love to have bigger boobs.
  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Catchphrase: "Whiskers!"
  • Classy Cat Burglar: A literal example. Well, maybe not classy.
  • Catgirl: Can transform into an actual cat and a giant sabretooth tiger similar to He-Man's Battle Cat. In her humanoid form she still has fur, cat ears and a tail.
  • The Ditz: She is not the brightest character around, but she makes up for it by being very eager.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: She can switch between her standard humanoid form, a normal-looking cat or a giant blue tiger.
    • As Belling the Cat(Girl) reveals, her shapeshifting ability is not innate, but rather comes from the magic bell she bought from Mikey and now wears on her collar.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Being a catgirl, she is highly susceptible to Nekoweed which makes her incredibly horny.
  • Who Wears Short Shorts?: In her human form, she wears shorts that are barely more than blue-colored panties.

Castle Greenskull[]

Goblin King

Nimnox Wiregut, the Goblin King[]

The ugly, fat goblin lord of Castle Greenskull and the target of Felix latest scheme.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Beware the Silly Ones: While seemingly an easy mark for Felix and another old perv interested only in sex with Syx, it turns out he already planned to have Felix killed, and his interest in Syx was mainly as source of power for a magical ritual which would make him invincible. In the end, it takes Syx, Felix and Roxy working in tandem to take him down.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He accepts Felix's gift, treats him as an honored guest and even rewards him with his own wives... all while planning to have him quietly killed that very night.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: Once he start draining Syx's mana, he sports a pair of demonic looking wings.
  • Phlebotinum Overload: Without his magical gem, his body can't contain the power he absorbed from Syx and starts consuming itself.
  • Resurrective Immortality: After his apparent death during the magic ritual where he was absorbing Syx's mana, a dark elf sharing his green eyes rises from his body without memory of who or what he is. Only time will tell if the elf is the resurrected (amnesiac) King or something else entirely.
  • Transformation Trinket: Played with. The gem he wears is not strictly necessary for his demonic transformation, but it's fundamental to contain its raw power: without it, he's starts burning from within.
Goblin King Wives

Left to right: Ava, Robin, Nel and Wicks.

The Goblin King's Wives[]

Four young, female members of goblin royalty who are really charmed by Felix...

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:
  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: They are very much impressed with Felix and his sexual prowess: even though he beds them near constantly, they still can't get enough of him.
  • Cute Monster Girl: All four of them fit the trope, although Ava and Robin probably competes for being the cutest.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Ava has blue hair, Wicks has burning-orange hair, Nel has black hair and Robin has purple hair.
  • Easily Forgiven: Sure, Syx and Felix murder their husband, but he had it coming and they just enjoy their constant trysts with Felix too much to have any lingering resentment.
  • Green-Skinned Space Babe: Not space obviously, the setting being a fantasy one, but other than that they fit the trope to a T.
  • Master of One Magic: Each one mastered a different type of magic: Robin is a clay mage, specialized in nature and body alteration, Wicks controls fire, Ava water and Nel deals in iron.
  • The Dividual: While possessing different personalities, appearance and powers, they have been so far acting as a group, with just little singular bit roles for Robin and Nel.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Ava and Robin are traditionally feminine while Nel, with her short black hair and piercings, is aggressively tomboyish. She even try to wear Felix down sexually as a challenge. She fails.
    • After the death of her husband and king, Nel is promoted to Captain of the Guard, with an armor to match.
Billy Satchmo


A young satchmo servant working in the kitchens of Castle Greenskull under Busta G.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Amazon Chaser: He has a thing for "rough and tumble warrior queens".
  • Our Ogres Are Hungrier: Satchmo are big horned humanoid. Billy is one of the smallest seen so far, and like his boss Busta G seems to lack the stereotypical brutish behavior associated with them.
  • Sex as Rite-Of-Passage: He thanks Syx for making a man out of him. Syx is flattered, and takes this a challenge to make his first time absolutely unforgettable.
  • The Peeping Tom: Syx catches him spying her through the keyhole.
  • Virginity Flag: Averted. Syx discover only during the act that the boy is... was a virgin.
Busta G

Busta G[]

The cool old satchmo chef of Castle Greenskull.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Benevolent Boss: He is one to kitchen boy Billy.
  • Funetik Aksent: His way of speaking (notably unique to him, as fellow satchmo Billy speak without it).
  • Our Ogres Are Hungrier: Satchmo are horned humanoid, generally bigger and stronger than other races. Busta G is very chilled out representative of the race, so much so that even Felix, usually prejudiced against them, admits to liking him.
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race: Felix, who dislikes most satchmos, including kitchen boy Billy, considers Busta G "one of the good ones".

Shashanna's Party[]


Shashanna, in her less revealing outfit yet


An Amazonian warrior who start an adventurers' party, whose first member is Kandi.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Amazonian Beauty
  • An Axe to Grind: Her weapon of choice.
  • Boobs of Steel: In a comic where many female characters posses huge bosom and cover little of it, Shashanna still is notable for often leaving her twins completly uncovered, or covering just the nipples with what basically amounts to jewelry.
  • Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): Shashanna doesn't seem big on consent, especially when bird boy Raziel is involved: in a classic for this trope, since Shashanna is huge but beatiful woman, Raziel doesn't mind too much.
  • Dreadlock Warrior
  • Gone Horribly Right: In Black Tar, Shashanna catches a bartender trying to sneak in an aphrodisiac into her drink on behalf of a patron who's advances she rebuffed. Thinking it's a type of hard alcohol, Shashanna downs half the bottle of the potent substance, and with her barbarian strength and stamina proceeds to screw all the men in the establishment into unconsciousness, even those trying to flee.
    • The same aphrodisiac makes a reappearance in Unexpected Guests, with similar results.
  • Hulk Speak: She usually speaks in third person, often skipping conjugating the verb or the verb itself.
  • Rescue Sex: After saving Raziel's life (and helping him deal with a genderbending incident courtesy of Kandi), she demand a reward in the form of sex.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She towers over most of the cast.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: She is often basically naked from head to hips.


A ditzy demon girl with great magical potential who accidentally ends up in a convent and becomes a priestess of the Goddess Ada.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Kandi is sweet, kind and always willing to let even the bad guys have their way with her. She's also fully capable of taking down an Eldritch Abomination with Shock and Awe.
  • Cute Monster Girl: Has little bat wings, horns and a black tail, but other than that she's a very attractive, pink-haired young woman.
  • Comically Missing the Point: A given with her. In Sweet as Kandi she is asked: "Who's your daddy?" She totally misses the sexual connotation and begins to talk about her life story.
    • In Stealing Kandi, it has to be explained to her by Honey why the release in the wider world of a tentacular eldritch horror currently penetrating both of them is a bad thing.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: A demon girl who is one of the most innocent and sweet people you could meet.
  • Hero of Another Story: Had not met Syx or shown up in the main comics, until Unexpected Guest (the 21st chapter!).
  • Horny Devils: She is probably a succubus, but she is absolutely unaware of this and she has no understanding of sex or libido as concepts.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: She honestly does not understand why all the priests want to spend so much time with her or that she makes the majority of men around her incredibly horny.
  • Pollyanna: Has an incredibly optimistic outlook on life and often misunderstands what is going on around her.
  • The Ditz: Was supposed to go to Mage School but held the map the wrong way around and thus ended up becoming a priestess.
  • The Medic: Serves as a cleric in the adventurers' parties she joins.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: When kidnapped and raped by cultist in Stealing Kandi, she start enjoying herlself, only getting disappointed when the cultists come too soon.
  • Valley Girl: Her personality contains more than just a few trace elements of this. She even speaks like one.


An angel who is rescued by the clutches of a demon cult by Shashanna and Kandi, after which he reluctantly joins them.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Abduction Is Love: He was basically kidnapped by Shashanna for his sexual prowess, a situation he has seemingly accepted.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Always called "bird boy" by Shashanna.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: Has a pair of angelic wings.
  • Our Angels Are Different: He's never actually called an angel in-universe, although a demon notes his flesh has a "touch of the divine".
  • Rescue Sex: After being saved by Shashanna (both from cultist and a genderbending mistake caused by Kandi), she demand payment in the form of sex. Weeks later, she's still unwilling to let him go (not that he's too bothered with it).
  • Straight Man: The most normal member of Shashanna's crew (at least before the arrival of Honey).
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Always seen barechested.


A literal bunny girl kidnapped together with Kandi by cultists in Stealing Kandi.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:




Owner of Mikey's Magik Shoppe, he was the one who sold Rickard the magic shackles Syx's cursed with.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:
  • Catgirl: Mickey has a thing for them. Gets his wish granted in Belling the Cat(Girl) with Roxy.
  • Sex for Services: He is often willing to cut a deal in exchange of sex, at least when the customer is a good-looking woman.
  • Shop Keeper: His store specializes in magical artifacts.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He was the one who sold Rickard the Whore Manacles, a very powerful magic item who allowed the old man to enslave Syx, kickstarting the entire plot.
Captain Sporto

Darius Sporto[]

An handsome and charming air pirate captain who Syx is sent to recruit on Rickard's behalf in Permission to Cum Aboard. His airship is called Doomgiver.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Everyone Has Standards: He's an air pirate with no love of the Empire and no issue with smuggling, but he despises the slave trade, refusing to condoning it and even helping "liberate" vessels engaging in it.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: Due to his nice treatment of her, Sporto becomes the first person Syx voluntarily has sex with, and remain one of, if not the, best sexual experience she ever had.
  • Nice Guy: The first person Syx meets who actually treats her as a person, notably refusing to bed her without her full consent.
  • Out with a Bang: Comes pretty close to it during the hours-long sex marathon that it's his first time with Syx.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: It's thanks to him gifting Syx a Clash deck that she manage to escape Rickard's servitude, and it's while searching for him to get help escaping that Syx ends up on the Queen's Desire, Veronika Red's ship.
Major Kyra

Major Kyra Kaines[]

A Field Major for the Empire who chooses to have Veronika Red arrested and ravished for an entire night on trumped up charges in the comic Hard Time. Some time later, in the aptly named Red’s Revenge, Captain Red manages to return the favor and pay her back with dividends, to say the least...

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Babies Ever After: Her fate after being sold to a gorilla shaman in N'Gundo.
  • The Baroness: Has a Nazi inspired uniform with lots of cleavage and wields a whip.
  • Base Breaker: As of 2024, she hasn't appeared in nearly a decade but is still a flashpoint of discussion on the Discord every few months. The fanbase is split on whether she is a one-off character that people weirdly fixated on, a character that needs to be back for more suffering or a character that needs to be brought back to soften the blow of her quite horrific fate.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: She is on the receiving end of this. For a night of abusing Veronika Red, she is sold into a lifetime of sexual slavery.
  • Does Not Like Men: She is absolutely disgusted by having to touch them. This makes it all the worse when Red has her turned into a sex slave to men by a N'Gundo witch doctor. Red makes certain that Kyra is aware of what's happening to her all the time.
  • Double Standard Rape (Female on Female): Brutally averted. She participates in the rape that Red endures during her night in prison. Red does not take this as a minor thing (even though the setting would suggest so) and makes this the central reason for destroying Kyra's life forever.
  • Drunk with Power: She has Red arrested and abused even though she clearly had no reason for doing so except that she could. Ruins the rest of her life when Red comes for revenge...
  • Evil Is Sexy
  • Faux Action Girl: Unfortunately for her, she turns out to be this. Even though she claims that the best swordsmen in the Empire have trained her, she is clearly outmatched when she swordfighting Red.
  • Foe Yay: She is definitely turned on by Veronika Red. Red does not reciprocate, as she does not participate in Kyra's molestation in "Red's Revenge" and instead gets her rocks off to how much misery she can cause Kyra.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: Red dresses her up in white stripper's gear before selling her to Doc Cemetri.
  • Mind Manipulation: She is made unable to resist any command given to her by a man, which usually means men ordering her to have sex with them. She is also remain fully aware of everything.
  • Putting on the Reich: Her uniform looks like a modified SS uniform and she might be an expy of Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: A very attractive blonde who likes women.
  • Retirony: Of a sort. According to the story A Pleasure Doing Business, she was on her way to an inland posting when Red captured her galleon. So she was only a few nautical miles away from not ending up as a sex slave for the rest of her life.
  • Tempting Fate: She mocks Red after abusing her and even says that she looks forward to seeing her again. She does see Red again and things go downhill from there...
  • Villains Want Mercy: After having been caught by Red and been ravished by her crew for days, she begs Red to end the torture. She later also promises to not come after Red if she is set free. Red shoots both of these offers down, finding a lot of pleasure in mocking Kyra for even suggesting that Red might be merciful to her.


A female minotaur and resident slut of the pig-men tavern The Pig Pen. She makes a reappearance in the short side comic Ship Steak.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:
  • Happiness in Slavery: She loves to serve her "pig daddies". When she is lent to the Sea Squid's crew in Ship Steak, she is pleading to remain.
  • Sex Slave: She appears to be Bront the innkeeper's property, who pimps her off to customer.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Moo enjoys being the center of the attention, and likes to play the crowd during her mudwrestling match against Syx.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: One of the main entertainment at The Pig Pen is having Moo mudwrestle newcomer whores, as Syx learns the hard way.
    • In Ship Steak, Moo demonstrates her moves work just as well on muscular sailors.
Breaker Brothers 2

From left to right: Ash, Klunt and Nick.

The Breaker Brothers[]

A trio of monster-slaying satchmo brothers, first appearing in Getting Hammered, and the main characters of Pay Or We Play.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:
  • Antiquated Linguistics: How Nick, the smart brother, often sound like, especially in his first appearance.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Klunt is the biggest but less smart brother, Ash is lean and better looking (and suave when he wants), while Nick is fat but eloquent.
  • Our Ogres Are Hungrier: Called in-universe satchmos, they are big, strong, horned humanoid. In keeping with ogre folklore, the Breaker Brothers show an appetite for food, alchool and sex entwined with an apparent propensity for violence. But it's implied in their later appearance that they are playing up the part of the violent brutes.
  • The Con: In Pay Or We Play, they are actually working with Valla to rob the town of all its money, while being treated as heroes.
  • The Hunter: They are warriors-for-hire specialized in monster slaying.


A female rogue who finds herself in a the stockade of Mayor Klunt's town when the Breaker Brothers return from a successful monster hunt in Pay Or We Play.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Dark Elf: Unclear, she is not purple like Syx (who calls herself a Shadow Elf, considered ancestors to modern dark elves), but she has pointy ears and noticeably darker complexion than most other characters. The Trolls call her out on that.
  • Deadpan Snarker: For a character who finds herself in the stockade, she has a pretty salty disposition to everyone around her. At least until Nick fills her mouth.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: A comment by Nick about the possibility of elfish blood in her lineage suggest she may be an half-elf.
  • Miscarriage of Justice: She claims to be innocent of the crime she has been accused, namely stealing the town's treasure. She's actually guilty.
  • Prison Rape: Debatable. But she is in the town's stockade when the Mayor offers her as a 'harlot' to the Breaker Brothers.
  • Stock Punishment: She finds herself in these at the beginning of the story. Things get worse from there.
  • The Con: She is actually working with Breaker Brothers to rob the town of all its money. The sex, though, wasn't part of the plan.


The only young woman in Mayor Klunt's town from Pay Or We Play when the Breaker Brothers requires a reward for their monster-slaying.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bit Character: The less developed of the female characters in Pay Or We Play: she is simply the only young lady in the village.
  • Expy: Seems to be one of classical Disney princess, in particular of Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
  • It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It:: After some initial hesitation, she ends up clearly enjoying the experience of being defiled by huge strong ogres.
  • Stock Punishment: She ends up bound next to Valla in the same way.
  • The Ingenue: Clearly the less worldly of the three lady entertaining the Breaker Brothers, as she seems genuinely confused as she is stripped down, and fail to mutter more than a couple of words before the sex starts in earnest.

Megan, being volunteered.


Mayor John Klunt's wife from Pay Or We Play who becomes one of the three women whom the Breaker Brothers demand as payment for monster hunting services rendered.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Break the Haughty: She has no problem with other girls being given to the Breaker Brothers against their will, but she clearly does not expect that this could happen to her. She also calls the villagers "imbeciles" and gives off airs that make the Breaker Brothers decide that she needs extra working over.
  • It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It: Starts out as an unwilling participant in the Breaker Brothers' defiling of the towns "rewards" but really gets into it by the end, even asking for more.
  • Most Common Super Power: She has huge tracts of land.
  • Take One For The Team: Mayor Klunt does not want her to be defiled by the Breaker Brothers, but having to choose between this and them killing him, he decides that Megan has to make some sacrifices.
  • Trophy Wife
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Mayor Klunt is a short, older, balding man. Megan is young blonde stunner.
  • Zero-Percent Approval Rating: The rest of the village is more than ready to throw her under the bus. When she asks for them to stop the Breaker Brothers from "defiling" her, you can see the villagers crossing their arms and doing nothing. Her calling them "imbeciles" does not help her position.

Back to Manaworld