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Tear Jerkers in Manaworld include:

  • In "Thief of Hearts" Syx decides to leave Captain Red's crew after a year of travelling with them. In that time she and Red have fallen utterly in love with each other, but Syx still feels that she has to find her own way. While Red is supportive and knows that she has to let the love of her life go, this is still not easy for her. She says that Syx will always be her "shadow" and the last we see of Red is her crying in the rain. If you consider that Red is one of the most tough-as-nails characters in the series, it tells you how deep her feelings for Syx really are.
  • In the "Reflection" interlude, Syx learns from Robin that her magical shackles not only compel her to fulfill any sexual desires uttered at her but that they also prevent her from ever getting pregnant. Syx first plays this off as if she's glad to hear that she needn't worry about this, but once Robin leaves it becomes clear that this revelation utterly shatters Syx.

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