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Mangaminx 9053

Queen of Let's Plays; all hail to the Mangaminx!

"Oh god, there's gonna be things, isn't there?"
Mangaminx on just about every horror game.

Mangaminx is a female Lets Player. She is known for playing games in the Survival Horror genre, though she does take a step into other genres as well. Her quick wit commentaries and frantic reactions to the games she plays have garnered quite a large Youtube fanbase. Recently moved to TheRPGMinx, but all her previous videos are still accessible from her old account.

Games Mangaminx has Let's Played[]

Her Let's Plays and other videos provide examples of[]

  • A Mother To Her Characters: She always is this way with the main characters in the games she Lps.
  • Badass Normal: She sometimes plays as a character whos one of these Otherwise...
  • Cloudcuckoolander: "Hello, visible wind, how are you?"
  • Cluster F-Bomb: The swearing in her videos is literally non-stop, to hilarious effect.
  • Cowardly Lion: Always scared but she never backs down.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She delivers insanely quotable lines during her LP's.
  • The Determinator: She doesn't give up no matter how difficult the game / puzzles are. Ie The steam puzzle in Penumbra... The frustration parts in Ju-on... Bloodlines...
  • Fan Nickname: She named the Servant Grunt and Brute in Amnesia "Mr. Face" and "Mr. Tall" respectively. The names caught on quite well, and are now used by people who haven't even seen her videos to name the Amnesia monsters.
  • Gamer Chick: One of the most popular female LP'ers on Youtube.
  • Genre Savvy: She is well aware of tricks many horror games try to pull, and is ofter a step ahead. Usually.