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James Earl Cash[]

Lionel Starkweather[]

  • Ax Crazy: He wouldn't be making snuff films if he weren't.
  • Bad Boss: To put it mildly. He kills his own minions for the thrill of it...and some profit on the side.
  • Eviler Than Thou: James Earl Cash is by no means a saint...but Lionel Starkweather is far worse.
  • Fallen Creator: He used to be a highly successful movie director, but eventually his career came to an end. Unfortunately, he didn't take it well, and he started making snuff films.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Like it or not, that Smooth, conversational tone and Director-like Encouragement are just so pleasing to Kill To.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He manipulates everyone in starring in his snuff films.

The Hoods[]

  • Gangsta Rap: It seems, from their slang, that they're into this music genre.
  • The Goomba: They don't work together...which makes them easy picking for Cash.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Compared to the Other Gangs in the Game, these guys are more funny and humorous than near anybody else.

The Skinz[]

The Wardogs[]

The Innocentz[]

  • Knight Templar: Unlike the other gangs, the Innocentz seem to be under the impression that they're doing good. This makes them creepier.

The Smileys[]

  • Ax Crazy: They base their operations at a prison...but they should be at an asylum.
  • Laughably Evil: Their lunatic dialogue can be funny.

The Cops[]

  • Dirty Cop: They can be considered more despicable than some of the gangs for this reason. They're more willing to look out for each other though in their case, making them a bigger threat to Cash. Their leader in particular is a big reason why Carcer City is what it is.
  • Elite Mook: The SWAT Team members.

The Cerberus[]

Lionel Starkweather's guard. Generally they escort Cash to different gang hideouts to continue filming James Cameron's latest snuff film. However, they eventually start hunting Cash himself when Lionel Starkweather becomes desperate to have Cash killed.

  • Elite Mook: The most dangerous of the hunters that Cash encounters.
  • Only Sane Man: They're much saner than the gang members, that's for certain. Except for perhaps the Hoods.
  • Sanity Has Advantages: This is part of the reason why they're so dangerous to Cash.

Manhunt 2[]

Daniel Lamb[]

Leo Kasper[]