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Basic Trope: Recorded footage is edited to change to depict a different scenario, instead of what actually happened.
- Straight: The reality show cherry picks from the confession cam, stitches together soundbites to create a storyline and otherwise presents something that's sort of like reality, but not quite.
- Exaggerated: The show doesn't even try to pretend that what you're seeing is reality. You can see the cameras, the soundbites are sloppily edited and elements of the footage are obviously faked. Even the girls have noticeably different looks at practically every Confession Cam scenes.
- Justified: The show only has a limited budget and very little time, so it's not their fault that there are some rough edges.
- Inverted: Everything is presented pretty much as is and whenever something is edited, there's a full disclaimer explaining just that what they have to do and the reason why.
- Subverted: It is found out that the 'confession cam' scene was made up of bites stitched together, but later the full footage is revealed and is exactly what the stitched-up version suggests it is.
- Double Subverted: ...but the whole 'confession' was actually fake, because the person doing it was told to tape 'something they would never say' and did exactly that.
- Parodied: Intentionally using frankenbites or doing a very poor job of Manipulative Editing.
- Deconstructed: The show winds up canceled due to the Manipulative editing or the creators wind up sued when the truth of what happens comes out.
- Reconstructed: But then it winds up getting ratings because they do it.
- Zig Zagged: ????
- Averted: Nothing is edited, all of the footage is just dumped on-screen as it was shot.
- Enforced: ????
- Lampshaded: ????
- Invoked: Someone intentionally does stuff that even the editors wouldn't notice such as wearing identical shirts with a stain or creases in different places, not shaving a part of their face, and then points out the splices.
- Defied: ????
- Discussed: ????
- Conversed: ????
This page has been so heavily edited that you might have a more real experience if you return to the main page for Manipulative Editing.