- Big Lipped Alligator Moment: The first musical number. Before you catch on that there are a few of these...
- But "What's the point of a revolution--without general...general copulation, copulation copulation!" deserves a spot all of its own.
- Ear Worm: The songs are quite catchy.
- Fetish Fuel: The hair-whipping scene.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Charlotte's nightmare, when she is describing what a body does after the guillotine comes down...
- True Art Is Offensive: Part of Sade's justification.
- True Art Sticks It to The Man
- Values Dissonance: The whole play is about setting these up, and letting the opposites tear each other apart.
- Vindicated by History: One of the many issues raised during the play is the nature of Marat (and de Sade's) life-work, and wondering how History will judge them for what they did. Again, de Sade is using Marat as a way of explaining himself.
- de Sade says, at one point, that "When I vanish, I want all trace of my existence to be wiped out"