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That's right. Even this scary shock rock band that had Moral Guardians up in arms during The Nineties can do tearjerkers. In fact, about one-fourth of them can qualify.

  • "The Speed Of Pain".
  • "Coma White" ("A pill to make you numb\ A pill to make you dumb\ A pill to make you anybody else\ All the drugs in this world\ Won't save her from herself."). Or 'Putting Holes In Happiness'. YMMV at the latter.
  • "Last Day on Earth"

 "I know it's the Last Day on Earth

We'll be together while the planet dies

I know it's the last day on Earth

We'll never say goodbye."

  • "Count to Six and Die" is even more of a tearjerker when you realize the "counting to six" and the five clicking sounds at the end really mean... a revolver with five empty rounds

 "She's got her eyes open wide

she's got the dirt and spit of the world

her mouth on the metal

the lips of a scared little girl...

"She's got her Christian prescriptures

and death has crawled in her ear

like elevator music of songs

that she shouldn't hear...

"and it spins around 1...2...3

and we all lay down 4...5...6

some do it fast

some do it better in smaller amounts..."

  • "Man That You Fear" was written after Manson went to a family wedding and nobody wanted to speak to him.
  • "In the Shadow of the Valley of Death" (the song, not the album) is extremely bleak and tear-inducing.
  • The video for "No Reflection." Manson plays a father who is forced to kill his family after they're possessed by demons.